2,663 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Modifier Chemical for Metal and Metaloids Analysis by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

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    Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS) is not a new method in chemical analysis, especially for metals and metalloids, unfortunately there are a lot of laboratories in Indonesia that still not used it correctly, whereas if used it correctly, the method will be an excellent and can be a reference method. This review focus on the kinds of interferences in the GF-AAS such as spectral, physic and chemical interferences and alsoon the use of a lot of kinds of chemical modifier that very important part in analysis by GF-AAS, however it is often unused because of the difficulty. It is noted that highest absorption level from each analyte is different even though used the same modifier and ashing temperature, therefore the selection of chemical modifier is important to find the appropriate modifier for each analyte and their matrixes

    Pelaksanaan Service Excellence Badan USAha Bpjs Kesehatan Kcu Bandung

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    Tujuan – Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan service excellence BPJS Kesehatan KCU BandungDesain/Metodelogi/Pendekatan – Objek penelitian makalah ini adalah peserta Badan Usaha BPJS Kesehatan KCU Bandung dengan sampel 100 Perusahaan. Menggunakan analisis deskriptif.Temuan – Perolehan skor pada variabel service excellence yaitu sebesar 81,6% sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa service excellence BPJS Kesehatan KCU Bandung badan USAha telah sesuaiKeterbatasan – Penelitian kali ini memiliki pembatasan masalah seputar pelayanan pembuatan kartu peserta JKN yang dilakukan oleh BPJS Kesehatan. Pelayanan rumah sakit tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini.Originalitas/Nilai – Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan service excellence pembuatan kartu badan USAha jaminan kesehatan sosial yang dilakukan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia khususnya di Bandung. Kata Kunci Service Excellence, Jaminan Kesehatan Sosial, Badan Usaha, Layanan Pembuatan KartuTipe Penelitian Research pape

    Teaching and Learning Analytical Exposition Paragraph Writing (Dictogloss Technique)

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    Writing is one of skills in English. It is often considered a difficult subject by the students. Some techniques are needed by the teacher to overcome writing difficulties. One of technique is Dictogloss. Furthermore, students often make mistake in writing while targeted to reconstruct the paragraph. The objective of the research was to describe the process of teaching and learning analytical exposition paragraph writing by using dictogloss technique and to construe the teacher\u27s problems and students\u27 problems in teaching and learning. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research was the eleventh grade. The researcher applied the purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The researcher adopted and determined one class as a sample. As well, the researcher chose class XI IPA 4 for the reason that the students of this class had difficulties in mastering writing skill. The total number of the sample was 39 students. The researcher used triangulation to collect the data, they were observation, interview, and questionnaire. From the data analysis, the researcher found the teacher who got some difficulties to handle the crowded class. Besides that, the teacher had low voice in teaching so the students did not hear clearly until behind of the class. Second, the students\u27 --in learning analytical exposition paragraph writing by using dictogloss-- had adversities in reconstructing the version of analytical exposition paragraph. That was because they had limited vocabulary, poor organization, spelling, and capitalization letters. A step form that, the students had lack motivation in learning writing

    Pengembangan Material Serbuk Silika Untuk Identifikasi Sidik Jar!

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    Development of powder material for fingerprint identification has become Indonesian Department of Safety and Defense priority, especially it was written in the National Research Agenda 2006 -2009. Until now Indonesia still imported thepowder from United States and Japan. Powder fineness is one of the important factors, because finer the powder, more easily it stick to the latent fingerprint and better visualization result will be obtained. In this research, nanosilica was fabricated by used TEOS (tetraethoxysilane) as precursor. Nanosilica is an adhesive material in fingerprint powder while carbon is a coloring agent. In this research nanosilica and carbon black composition was optimized, and the powders were characterized and tried in order to get afingerprint powder which have a better quality to be used by National Police and therefore it can support Indonesian autonomy in safety and defense

    Pendugaan Biomassa Karbon Serasah Dan Tanah Pada Hutan Tanaman (Shorea Leprosula Miq) Sistem Tptii PT. Suka Jaya Makmur

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    Global warming is one of the important environmental issues that currently concern to various parties. Related to the phenomenon, environmentalists begin to worry what conditions of earth will be if global warming continues. Forests has important roles through three ways;the first is as a carbon pool, the second is as a source of CO2 and the third is as carbon sink. If the forest is properly managed, it will be able to overcome the excessive amount of carbon in the atmosphere by storing carbon in the form of biomass which is either above or below the ground surface. One forest stands whose carbon can be assessed is the forest plantation of red meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq). This study aimed to estimate the amount of biomass carbon of litter and soil organic carbon in the forest plantation of red meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq). This study used proposive system with composite of litter and soil sampling in the field by making a diagonal plot size is 100 Γ— 100 meters, then make a plot of 1 Γ— 1 meter as a plot for litter and soil sampling which is the depth of 20 cm below the stands of red Meranti plantation. Based on the results of the research, total biomass ranged between 31.72 and 61.14 ton / ha. The better an ecosystem of an in area is, the more fertilezed that area will be and, indirectly the higher the litter carbon will be produced.. Based on the results of litter carbon conten which ranged from 11 to 23.5%. a year growing plant gained 11%, while a 7 year growing plant gained 23.5%. The longer the age of the is, the greater carbon will be produced. Based on the study\u27s finding, the level of soil organic is low ranged from 1.08 to 1.96%. The level of soil organic carbon shows that the longer the age of the plant is, the greater the level of content of soil organic carbon. Keywords: Biomass ,Carbon, litter, soil organic carbon, Shorea leprosula Miq

    Pemanfaatan Jerami Jagung yang Diinokulasi Fungi Trichoderma SP. sebagai Pakan Kambing Kacang dengan Tambahan Daun Gamal

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    Produktivitas sebagian besar ditentukan oleh ketersediaan pakan. Populasi ternak terus bertambah karena itu juga dibutuhkan pakan lebih. Pemberian pakan yang berkelanjutan dan kualitas yang memadai adalah salah satu faktor penentu kesuksesan pertanian. Pemanfaatan pakan lokal secara optimal yaitu sebuah teknologi, menggunakan jerami jagung yang diolah dengan bantuan Trichoderma sp. Kambing kontrol diberi pakan jerami jagung 60% dan daun gamal 40% serta penambahan saka dan mineral sebanyak 2%. Kambing perlakuan pakan yang diberikan adalah jerami jagung yang diinokulasi Trichoderma sp. 60 %, daun gamal 40 %. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, dengan pemberian jerami jagung fermentasi Gliricidia daun 60% + 40% menghasilkan rata-rata PBB 95,2 g / ekor / hari sedangkan kambing kontrol menghasilkan rata-rata 35,7 gram PBB / ekor / hari. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan penelitian ini, kambing dengan fermentasi R / C ratio 1,34 dan perlakuan kambing dan kontrol 0,9. Ini berarti bahwa perlakuan ini cukup baik untuk dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar 34%

    Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa Kelas XI SMA Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga Menggunakan Instrumen Tes Three Tier Multiple Choice

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    The research is aimed to analyze misconceptions of high school students of class XI on the buffer solution material using instruments Three Tier Multiple Choice Tests. Another purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of student misconceptions and location misconceptions on chemical material especially on the subject of buffer solution. The research method is descriptive, data collection by giving a 13 item multiple choice questions with closed reason and CRI index and then the results of each items students answer were analyzed. The results of this study are misconceptions in chemistry learning especially in a buffer solution dispersed in of all concepts. The most common misconceptions on the working principle of the buffer solution by 51% and the lowest on the properties of the buffer solution by 31%. Suggestions put forward is the need to hold further research to uncover misconceptions where they come from and how to overcome these misconceptions
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