25 research outputs found

    Predictive performance: The residential sector.

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    <p>Predictive performance: The residential sector.</p

    Plot of fitted versus observed values of total end-use consumption (trillion Btu) in the residential sector.

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    <p>Plot of fitted versus observed values of total end-use consumption (trillion Btu) in the residential sector.</p

    Projected end-use demand under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in the commercial sector (arranged in descending order of demands).

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    <p>Projected end-use demand under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in the commercial sector (arranged in descending order of demands).</p

    Descriptive statistics of end-use energy consumption (in trillion Btu) in the commercial sector.

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    <p>Descriptive statistics of end-use energy consumption (in trillion Btu) in the commercial sector.</p

    Plot of fitted versus observed values of total end-use consumption (trillion Btu) in the residential sector.

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    <p>Plot of fitted versus observed values of total end-use consumption (trillion Btu) in the residential sector.</p

    Predictive performance: The commercial sector.

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    <p>Predictive performance: The commercial sector.</p

    A multi-paradigm framework to assess the impacts of climate change on end-use energy demand - Fig 8

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    <p><b>Residual plots for (a) the residential sector and (b) commercial sector.</b> The red dashed lines represent the 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Descriptive statistics of end-use energy consumption (in trillion Btu) in the residential sector.

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    <p>Descriptive statistics of end-use energy consumption (in trillion Btu) in the residential sector.</p

    Projected end-use demand (in Btu) for scape heating, space cooling and water heating under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in the residential sector (arranged in descending order of demands).

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    <p>Projected end-use demand (in Btu) for scape heating, space cooling and water heating under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in the residential sector (arranged in descending order of demands).</p