1,435 research outputs found

    Techniques for combined procurement of hearts and kidneys with satisfactory early function of renal allografts.

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    Methods for combination of donor nephrectomy with donor cardiectomy are outlined. The satisfactory early function of 29 of 34 transplanted kidneys harvested with these techniques supports their wider application and should encourage their wider acceptance

    Epstein-Barr virus infections and DNA hybridization studies in posttransplantation lymphoma and lymphoproliferative lesions: The role of primary infection

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    Fourteen patients who developed B cell lymphomas or lymphoproliferative lesions after kidney, liver, heart, or heart-lung transplantation in Pittsburgh during 1981-1983 had active infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)of the primary (six patients), reactivated (seven patients), or chronic (one patient) type. In transplant patients without tumors, the incidence of EBV infection was 30% (39 of 128). Only three of these patients had primary infections. Thus the frequency of active infection was significantly higher in patients with tumors, and patients with primary infections were at greater risk of developing tumors. Five of 13 tumors tested contained EBV nuclear antigen (EBNA) and nine of 11 contained EBV genomes detected by DNA-DNA hybridization with BamHI K, BamHI W, or EcoRI B cloned probes. All EBNA-positive tumors, except one, were also positive by hybridization. Only one tumor was negative for both EBNA and EBV DNA. These data suggest that EBV plays an etiologic role in the development of these lesions. © 1985 by The University of Chicago

    Reversibility of lymphomas and lymphoproliferative lesions developing under cyclosporin-steroid therapy

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    Post-transplant lymphomas or other lymphoproliferative lesions, which were usually associated with Epstein-Barr virus infections, developed in 8, 4, 3, and 2 recipients, respectively, of cadaveric kidney, liver, heart, and heart-lung homografts. Reduction or discontinuance of immunosuppression caused regression of the lesions, often without subsequent rejection of the grafts. Chemotherapy and irradiation were not valuable. The findings may influence policies about treating other kinds of post-transplantation neoplasms

    A flexible procedure for multiple cadaveric organ procurement

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    Techniques have been developed which permit removal of the kidneys, liver, heart and other organs from the same donor without jeopardy to any of the individual grafts. The guiding principle is avoidance with all organs of warm ischemia. This is achieved by carefully timed and controlled infusion of cold solutions into anatomic regions, the limits of which are defined by preliminary dissection

    Genetic Deletion of a Single Immunodominant T-cell Response Confers Susceptibility to Virus-induced Demyelination

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    An important question in neuropathology involves determining the antigens that are targeted during demyelinating disease. Viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS) leads to T-cell responses that can be protective as well as pathogenic. In the Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) model of demyelination it is known that the immune response to the viral capsid protein 2 (VP2) is critical for disease pathogenesis. This study shows that expressing the whole viral capsid VP2 or the minimal CD8-specific peptide VP2(121-130) as “self” leads to a loss of VP2-specific immune responses. Loss of responsiveness is caused by T cell-specific tolerance, as VP2-specific antibodies are generated in response to infection. More importantly, these mice lose the CD8 T-cell response to the immunodominant peptide VP2(121-130), which is critical for the development of demyelinating disease. The transgenic mice fail to clear the infection and develop chronic demyelinating disease in the spinal cord white matter. These findings demonstrate that T-cell responses can be removed by transgenic expression and that lack of responsiveness alters viral clearance and CNS pathology. This model will be important for understanding the mechanisms involved in antigen-specific T-cell deletion and the contribution of this response to CNS pathology

    Defining emergency department episodes by severity and intensity: A 15-year study of Medicare beneficiaries

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    Background. Episodes of Emergency Department (ED) service use among older adults previously have not been constructed, or evaluated as multi-dimensional phenomena. In this study, we constructed episodes of ED service use among a cohort of older adults over a 15-year observation period, measured the episodes by severity and intensity, and compared these measures in predicting subsequent hospitalization. Methods. We conducted a secondary analysis of the prospective cohort study entitled the Survey on Assets and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old (AHEAD). Baseline (1993) data on 5,511 self-respondents 70 years old were linked to their Medicare claims for 1991-2005. Claims then were organized into episodes of ED care according to Medicare guidelines. The severity of ED episodes was measured with a modified-NYU algorithm using ICD9-CM diagnoses, and the intensity of the episodes was measured using CPT codes. Measures were evaluated against subsequent hospitalization to estimate comparative predictive validity. Results. Over 15 years, three-fourths (4,171) of the 5,511 AHEAD participants had at least 1 ED episode, with a mean of 4.5 episodes. Cross-classification indicated the modified-NYU severity measure and the CPT-based intensity measure captured different aspects of ED episodes (kappa = 0.18). While both measures were significant independent predictors of hospital admission from ED episodes, the CPT measure had substantially higher predictive validity than the modified-NYU measure (AORs 5.70 vs. 3.31; p < .001). Conclusions. We demonstrated an innovative approach for how claims data can be used to construct episodes of ED care among a sample of older adults. We also determined that the modified-NYU measure of severity and the CPT measure of intensity tap different aspects of ED episodes, and that both measures were predictive of subsequent hospitalization. © 2010 Kaskie et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Strategically Equivalent Contests

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    Using a two-player Tullock-type contest, we show that intuitively and structurally different contests can be strategically equivalent. Strategically equivalent contests generate the same best response functions and, as a result, the same equilibrium efforts. However, strategically equivalent contests may yield different equilibrium payoffs. We propose a simple two-step procedure to identify strategically equivalent contests. Using this procedure, we identify contests that are strategically equivalent to the original Tullock contest, and provide new examples of strategically equivalent contests. Finally, we discuss possible contest design applications and avenues for future theoretical and empirical research

    Rationale and evidence for the incorporation of heparin to the diclofenac epolamine medicated plaster

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    The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac epolamine (DHEP) formulated as a topical patch has demonstrated efficacy and safety in the localized treatment of acute pain from minor strains, sprains, and contusions, and for epicondylitis and knee osteoarthritis. The glycosaminoglycan heparin enhances the activity of topical NSAIDs formulated as a medicated plaster, even in the absence of any significant release of heparin. Therefore, DHEP Plus, a new formulation of the DHEP medicated plaster containing a small amount of heparin sodium as excipient has been developed. Methods: We reviewed the pivotal and supportive studies of the clinical development program of the new patch and evaluated the role of heparin as an enhancer in the treatment of localized pain/inflammation of musculoskeletal structures, associated with post-traumatic and/or rheumatic conditions. Results: The data were consistent with the concept that heparin increased the clinical activity of the DHEP Plus medicated plaster versus the reference DHEP medicated plaster through improved bioavailability due to enhanced movement of diclofenac from the plaster. Both DHEP formulations have the same dissolution profile, indicating that heparin does not change the physical and chemical characteristics of the plaster. Permeation testing showed that heparin is not released from the DHEP Plus medicated plaster. Efficacy studies showed that the DHEP Plus medicated plaster was significantly more effective in reducing pain than the reference marketed DHEP medicated plaster. Conclusions: The benefit/risk assessment of DHEP Plus 180 mg medicated plaster is favorable, with a safety profile equal to placebo and improved efficacy over the reference marketed DHEP medicated plaster

    Design choices made by target users for a pay-for-performance program in primary care: an action research approach

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    Contains fulltext : 110832.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: International interest in pay-for-performance (P4P) initiatives to improve quality of health care is growing. Current programs vary in the methods of performance measurement, appraisal and reimbursement. One may assume that involvement of health care professionals in the goal setting and methods of quality measurement and subsequent payment schemes may enhance their commitment to and motivation for P4P programs and therefore the impact of these programs. We developed a P4P program in which the target users were involved in decisions about the P4P methods. METHODS: For the development of the P4P program a framework was used which distinguished three main components: performance measurement, appraisal and reimbursement. Based on this framework design choices were discussed in two panels of target users using an adapted Delphi procedure. The target users were 65 general practices and two health insurance companies in the South of the Netherlands. RESULTS: Performance measurement was linked to the Dutch accreditation program based on three domains (clinical care, practice management and patient experience). The general practice was chosen as unit of assessment. Relative standards were set at the 25th percentile of group performance. The incentive for clinical care was set twice as high as the one for practice management and patient experience. Quality scores were to be calculated separately for all three domains, and for both the quality level and the improvement of performance. The incentive for quality level was set thrice as high as the one for the improvement of performance. For reimbursement, quality scores were divided into seven levels. A practice with a quality score in the lowest group was not supposed to receive a bonus. The additional payment grew proportionally for each extra group. The bonus aimed at was on average 5% to 10% of the practice income. CONCLUSIONS: Designing a P4P program for primary care with involvement of the target users gave us an insight into their motives, which can help others who need to discuss similar programs. The resulting program is in line with target users' views and assessments of relevance and applicability. This may enhance their commitment to the program as was indicated by the growing number of voluntary participants after a successfully performed field test during the procedure. The elements of our framework can be very helpful for others who are developing or evaluating a P4P program