23,803 research outputs found

    The Tail of the HI Mass Function

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    The contribution of extragalactic objects with HI masses below 108M⊙10^8 M_\odot to the HI mass function remains uncertain. Several aspects of the detection of low-mass sources in HI surveys are not always considered, and as a result different analysis techniques yield widely different estimates for their number density. It is suggested at one extreme that the number density of galaxies follows a shallow Schechter power-law slope, and at the other extreme that it follows a steep faint-end rise like that found for field optical sources. Here we examine a variety of selection effects, issues of completeness, and consequences of LSS. We derive results for the large Arecibo Dual Beam Survey which indicate that the field mass function does rise steeply, while within the Virgo Cluster environs, the slope appears to be much shallower. Dependence on the local density of galaxies may partially explain differences between surveys.Comment: 8 pages, presented at Mapping the Hidden Universe: The Universe in HI. eds Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernac

    Gas and Stars in an HI-Selected Galaxy Sample

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    We present the results of a J-band study of the HI-selected Arecibo Dual-Beam Survey and Arecibo Slice Survey galaxy samples using the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey data. We find that these galaxies span a wide range of stellar and gas properties. However, despite the diversity within the samples, we find a very tight correlation between luminosity and size in the J-band, similar to that we previously found (Rosenberg & Schneider 2003) between the HI mass and size. We also find that the correlation between the baryonic mass and the J-band diameter is even tighter than between the baryonic mass and the rotational velocity.Comment: AJ in press, 17 pages (including tables and figures) + 6 additional jpg figure

    Comparing Infrared Star-Formation Rate Indicators with Optically-Derived Quantities

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    We examine the UV reprocessing efficiencies of warm dust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through an analysis of the mid- and far-infrared surface luminosity densities of 85 nearby Hα\alpha-selected star-forming galaxies detected by the volume-limited KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS). Because Hα\alpha selection is not biased toward continuum-bright objects, the KISS sample spans a wide range in stellar masses (10810^8-1012M⊙10^{12}\rm{M}_\odot), as well as Hα\alpha luminosity (103910^{39}-1043ergs/s10^{43}\rm{ergs/s}), mid-infrared 8.0ÎŒ\mum luminosity (104110^{41}-1044ergs/s10^{44}\rm{ergs/s}), and [Bw-R] color (-.1-2.2). We find that mid-infrared polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission in the Spitzer IRAC 8.0ÎŒ\mum band correlates with star formation, and that the efficiency with which galaxies reprocess UV energy into PAH emission depends on metallicity. We also find that the relationship between far-infrared luminosity in the Spitzer MIPS 24ÎŒ\mum band pass and Hα\alpha-measured star-formation rate varies from galaxy to galaxy within our sample; we do not observe a metallicity dependence in this relationship. We use optical colors and established mass-to-light relationships to determine stellar masses for the KISS galaxies; we compare these masses to those of nearby galaxies as a confirmation that the volume-limited nature of KISS avoids strong biases. We also examine the relationship between IRAC 3.6ÎŒ\mum luminosity and galaxy stellar mass, and find a color-dependent correlation between the two.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Resolution-enhanced Mapping Spectrometer

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    A familiar mapping spectrometer implementation utilizes two dimensional detector arrays with spectral dispersion along one direction and spatial along the other. Spectral images are formed by spatially scanning across the scene (i.e., push-broom scanning). For imaging grating and prism spectrometers, the slit is perpendicular to the spatial scan direction. For spectrometers utilizing linearly variable focal-plane-mounted filters the spatial scan direction is perpendicular to the direction of spectral variation. These spectrometers share the common limitation that the number of spectral resolution elements is given by the number of pixels along the spectral (or dispersive) direction. Resolution enhancement by first passing the light input to the spectrometer through a scanned etalon or Michelson is discussed. Thus, while a detector element is scanned through a spatial resolution element of the scene, it is also temporally sampled. The analysis for all the pixels in the dispersive direction is addressed. Several specific examples are discussed. The alternate use of a Michelson for the same enhancement purpose is also discussed. Suitable for weight constrained deep space missions, hardware systems were developed including actuators, sensor, and electronics such that low-resolution etalons with performance required for implementation would weigh less than one pound

    Finite energy shifts in SU(n) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on T^3xR at weak coupling

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    We consider a semi-classical treatment, in the regime of weak gauge coupling, of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in a space-time of the form T^3xR with SU(n)/Z_n gauge group and a non-trivial gauge bundle. More specifically, we consider the theories obtained as power series expansions around a certain class of normalizable vacua of the classical theory, corresponding to isolated points in the moduli space of flat connections, and the perturbative corrections to the free energy eigenstates and eigenvalues in the weakly interacting theory. The perturbation theory construction of the interacting Hilbert space is complicated by the divergence of the norm of the interacting states. Consequently, the free and interacting Hilbert furnish unitarily inequivalent representation of the algebra of creation and annihilation operators of the quantum theory. We discuss a consistent redefinition of the Hilbert space norm to obtain the interacting Hilbert space and the properties of the interacting representation. In particular, we consider the lowest non-vanishing corrections to the free energy spectrum and discuss the crucial importance of supersymmetry for these corrections to be finite.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, v4 Minor changes, references correcte

    Multispectral Quantum Dots-in-a-Well Infrared Detectors Using Plasmon Assisted Cavities

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    We present the design, fabrication, and characterization, of multi-spectral quantum dots-in-a-well (DWELL) infrared detectors, by the integration of a surface plasmon assisted resonant cavity with the infrared detector. A square lattice and rectangular lattice cavity, formed by modifying the square lattice have been used in this design. By confining the resonant mode of the cavity to detector active region, the detector responsivity and detectivity have been improved by a factor of 5. A spectral tuning of 5.5 to 7.2 ÎŒm has been observed in the peak response of the detectors, by tuning the lattice constant of the cavity. Simulations indicate the presence of two modes of absorption, which have been experimentally verified. The use of a rectangular lattice predicts highly polarization sensitive modes in x- and y-direction, which are observed in fabricated detectors. A peak detectivity of 3.1 x 10^9 cm √(Hz)/W was measured at 77 K. This design offers a cost-effective and simple method of encoding spectral and polarization information, in infrared focal plane arrays

    Unravelling the Mysteries of the Leo Ring: An Absorption Line Study of an Unusual Gas Cloud

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    Since the 1980's discovery of the large (2x10^9 Msun) intergalactic cloud known as the Leo Ring, this object has been the center of a lively debate about its origin. Determining the origin of this object is still important as we develop a deeper understanding of the accretion and feedback processes that shape galaxy evolution. We present HST/COS observations of three sightlines near the Ring, two of which penetrate the high column density neutral hydrogen gas visible in 21 cm observations of the object. These observations provide the first direct measurement of the metallicity of the gas in the Ring, an important clue to its origins. Our best estimate of the metallicity of the ring is ~10% Zsun, higher than expected for primordial gas but lower than expected from an interaction. We discuss possible modifications to the interaction and primordial gas scenarios that would be consistent with this metallicity measurement.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted Ap
