1,294 research outputs found

    Degradation of Ice-Formed Beach Deposits

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    Ice-push ridges and kaimoos are depositional features formed by ice on Tabusintac Beach, New Brunswick. These features are transformed into ridge-and-runnel systems when subjected to wave processes. Kaimoo and ice-push ridges 1) protect the beach from storms for a few-week period, 2) induce deposition of sand at the upper beachface and 3) leave a lag deposit of cobble which may be a significant source of cobble transported across the beachface during summer storms

    Diffusion of published cost-utility analyses in the field of health policy and practice

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    OBJECTIVES: The diffusion of cost-utility analyses (CUAs) through the medical literature was examined, documenting visible patterns and determining how they correspond with expectations about the diffusion of process innovations. METHODS: This study used 539 CUAs from a registry. It includes data elements comprising year of publication, the research center in which the study was performed, the clinical area covered by the CUA, and the specific journal. Finally, each paper was assigned to a journal type that could be one of the three categories: health services research, general medicine, or clinical specialty. RESULTS: When the average number of publications is plotted against time, the plot reveals an S-shaped curve. It appears that, whereas CUAs initially were published more frequently in general medical or health services research journals, there was a clear increase in the diffusion of CUA into subspecialty journals over time. The concentration ratio for research centers as measured by the Herfindhal-Hirschman Index decreased over time. CONCLUSIONS: The spread of CUA through the medical literature follows patterns identified for the diffusion of other new technologies and processes. Future research should focus on what impact this spread has had on the practice of medicine and formulation of health policy

    A first-in-human study of AMG 208, an oral MET inhibitor, in adult patients with advanced solid tumors.

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    BackgroundThis first-in-human study evaluated AMG 208, a small-molecule MET inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors.MethodsThree to nine patients were enrolled into one of seven AMG 208 dose cohorts (25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 mg). Patients received AMG 208 orally on days 1 and days 4-28 once daily. The primary objectives were to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of AMG 208.ResultsFifty-four patients were enrolled. Six dose-limiting toxicities were observed: grade 3 increased aspartate aminotransferase (200 mg), grade 3 thrombocytopenia (200 mg), grade 4 acute myocardial infarction (300 mg), grade 3 prolonged QT (300 mg), and two cases of grade 3 hypertension (400 mg). The MTD was not reached. The most frequent grade ≥3 treatment-related adverse event was anemia (n = 3) followed by hypertension, prolonged QT, and thrombocytopenia (two patients each). AMG 208 exposure increased linearly with dose; mean plasma half-life estimates were 21.4-68.7 hours. One complete response (prostate cancer) and three partial responses (two in prostate cancer, one in kidney cancer) were observed.ConclusionsIn this study, AMG 208 had manageable toxicities and showed evidence of antitumor activity, particularly in prostate cancer

    Transnational Legal Practice 2006-07

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    This article reviews developments in transnational legal practice during 2006 and 2007, including international developments, U.S. developments and regional developments in Australia and Europe. The primary focus of the international developments section is the WTO\u27s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). This article discusses GATS Track 1 Activities related to legal services, including the Legal Services Collective Requests and issues related to GATS Track 2 and the potential development of GATS disciplines. This section also surveys GATS-related initiatives of the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association and U.S. implementation of foreign lawyer multi-jurisdictional practice rules. In other areas, the international developments section addresses the development of a code of conduct for defense counsel practicing before the International Criminal Court and developments in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). With respect to U.S. transnational legal practice developments, the article reviews U.S. bilateral free trade initiatives, lawyer discipline cooperation initiatives and significant litigation. The regional developments section documents the emergence in Australia of the first publicly-traded law firm and Australia\u27s efforts to promote greater multijurisdictional practice for Australian lawyers in the U.S. This section also reviews various European developments, including European competition law initiatives, the Akzo Nobel case currently pending before the European Court of Justice, and developments related to the free movement of lawyers, codes of conduct, money laundering and lawyer education

    Transnational Legal Practice 2006-07

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    This article reviews developments in transnational legal practice during 2006 and 2007, including international developments, U.S. developments and regional developments in Australia and Europe. The primary focus of the international developments section is the WTO\u27s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). This article discusses GATS Track 1 Activities related to legal services, including the Legal Services Collective Requests and issues related to GATS Track 2 and the potential development of GATS disciplines. This section also surveys GATS-related initiatives of the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association and U.S. implementation of foreign lawyer multi-jurisdictional practice rules. In other areas, the international developments section addresses the development of a code of conduct for defense counsel practicing before the International Criminal Court and developments in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). With respect to U.S. transnational legal practice developments, the article reviews U.S. bilateral free trade initiatives, lawyer discipline cooperation initiatives and significant litigation. The regional developments section documents the emergence in Australia of the first publicly-traded law firm and Australia\u27s efforts to promote greater multijurisdictional practice for Australian lawyers in the U.S. This section also reviews various European developments, including European competition law initiatives, the Akzo Nobel case currently pending before the European Court of Justice, and developments related to the free movement of lawyers, codes of conduct, money laundering and lawyer education

    Transnational Legal Practice 2006-2007

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    Law practice continues to expand across borders, and lawyers and law firms from the United States and other countries are substantially invested in representations that take them outside of their home jurisdictions.[1] Unfortunately, reliable information relating to the extent of internationalization of the legal market is scarce. Neither the number of lawyers and law firms working in the international legal services market nor the receipts generated from internationally-related work are readily and reliably available. Nevertheless, statistics from both the United States and United Kingdom provide a sense of the numbers from the largest present sources of international legal practice. In the category of outbound services, for example, we can consider how U.S. lawyers and law firms serve foreign clients and U.S.-based clients in their offshore activities. One measure of these services could include the offshore activity of U.S. law firms. The American Lawyer Global 100 includes nine U.S.-based law firms with more than a quarter of their lawyers stationed outside of the United States, three of which support more than 50 percent of their lawyers working from overseas offices.[2] Another study of approximately sixty large U.S. law firms reported that those firms support approximately 375 offices overseas, where approximately 8,000 lawyers are working;[3] three-quarters of these lawyers are working in offices located in Europe. The U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that the export of legal services from the United States generated 4.3billioninreceiptsin2005,whileimportsoflegalserviceswerevaluedat4.3 billion in receipts in 2005, while imports of legal services were valued at 914 million, yielding a 4:1 surplus for balance-of-payment accounts.[4] According to the U.K. Department of Constitutional Affairs, British law firms generated ÂŁ1.9 billion in exports in 2003, compared to ÂŁ1.5 billion in imports.[5

    Transnational Legal Practice 2008

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    This article reviews developments in transnational legal practice during 2006 and 2007, including international developments, U.S. developments and regional developments in Australia and Europe. The primary focus of the international developments section is the WTO\u27s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). This article discusses GATS Track 1 Activities related to legal services, including the Legal Services Collective Requests and issues related to GATS Track 2 and the potential development of GATS disciplines. This section also surveys GATS-related initiatives of the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association and U.S. implementation of foreign lawyer multi-jurisdictional practice rules. In other areas, the international developments section addresses the development of a code of conduct for defense counsel practicing before the International Criminal Court and developments in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). With respect to U.S. transnational legal practice developments, the article reviews U.S. bilateral free trade initiatives, lawyer discipline cooperation initiatives and significant litigation. The regional developments section documents the emergence in Australia of the first publicly-traded law firm and Australia\u27s efforts to promote greater multijurisdictional practice for Australian lawyers in the U.S. This section also reviews various European developments, including European competition law initiatives, the Akzo Nobel case currently pending before the European Court of Justice, and developments related to the free movement of lawyers, codes of conduct, money laundering and lawyer education

    Transnational Legal Practice 2008

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    The current financial turmoil shaking the world illustrates the connectedness of national markets and economies. Legal practice is no exception: lawyers and their firms are experiencing the upheaval along with their clients.1 This has resulted in new opportunities for lawyers and firms–in bankruptcy and restructuring and, likely in the future, in regulatory advising as well–and, at the same time, in substantial challenges. The promise of benefits from a diversified practice–in terms of both substance and geography–is being tested as lawyers and law firms follow their clients through the uncertainties of the current economic conditions. As law firms cut the size of their legal and non-legal staffs and decrease compensation expectations, they also are capitalizing on the benefits of a geographically diverse footprint of practice by looking to overseas activities as opportunities for growth. The number of firms announcing new offices in the Middle East, for example, has not slowed during the economic crisis.2 Over the last twenty years or so, the growth of overseas activities of the largest U.S.-based law firms has far outpaced their growth within the United States, by a rate of ten-to-one.3 In 2007, more than 15,000 lawyers worked for the National Law Journal 250 firms in more than 550 offices located outside the United States.4 Indeed, two U.S.-based law firms with substantial investments in overseas offices joined the ranks of four of the London “Magic Circle” firms in a new category dubbed the “global elite.”5 But the description so far relates only to the most visible part of the story of the importance of overseas-related work for U.S. lawyers. Overseas-related work also supports lawyers working for firms that do not have formal international footprints. These may be firms with foreign clients or U.S.-based clients involved in offshore activities or partnerships. They may be firms that are members of international networks or associations of lawyers that serve as a source of referral relationships, among other things. Each of these arrangements points to the continuing importance of keeping watch over the regulatory and business environment for lawyers outside the United States. The U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that the export of U.S. legal services generated 6.4billioninreceiptsin2007,whileimportsoflegalserviceswerevaluedatnearly6.4 billion in receipts in 2007, while imports of legal services were valued at nearly 1.6 billion, yielding a four-to-one surplus for balance-of-payment accounts.6 If globalization continues, as appears likely, lawyers may be able to rely on overseas activities as a sort of hedge against instability at home. Access to overseas legal markets, then, remains an issue of high priority

    Transnational Legal Practice 2008

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    The current financial turmoil shaking the world illustrates the connectedness of national markets and economies. Legal practice is no exception: lawyers and their firms are experiencing the upheaval along with their clients.1 This has resulted in new opportunities for lawyers and firms–in bankruptcy and restructuring and, likely in the future, in regulatory advising as well–and, at the same time, in substantial challenges. The promise of benefits from a diversified practice–in terms of both substance and geography–is being tested as lawyers and law firms follow their clients through the uncertainties of the current economic conditions. As law firms cut the size of their legal and non-legal staffs and decrease compensation expectations, they also are capitalizing on the benefits of a geographically diverse footprint of practice by looking to overseas activities as opportunities for growth. The number of firms announcing new offices in the Middle East, for example, has not slowed during the economic crisis.2 Over the last twenty years or so, the growth of overseas activities of the largest U.S.-based law firms has far outpaced their growth within the United States, by a rate of ten-to-one.3 In 2007, more than 15,000 lawyers worked for the National Law Journal 250 firms in more than 550 offices located outside the United States.4 Indeed, two U.S.-based law firms with substantial investments in overseas offices joined the ranks of four of the London “Magic Circle” firms in a new category dubbed the “global elite.”5 But the description so far relates only to the most visible part of the story of the importance of overseas-related work for U.S. lawyers. Overseas-related work also supports lawyers working for firms that do not have formal international footprints. These may be firms with foreign clients or U.S.-based clients involved in offshore activities or partnerships. They may be firms that are members of international networks or associations of lawyers that serve as a source of referral relationships, among other things. Each of these arrangements points to the continuing importance of keeping watch over the regulatory and business environment for lawyers outside the United States. The U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that the export of U.S. legal services generated 6.4billioninreceiptsin2007,whileimportsoflegalserviceswerevaluedatnearly6.4 billion in receipts in 2007, while imports of legal services were valued at nearly 1.6 billion, yielding a four-to-one surplus for balance-of-payment accounts.6 If globalization continues, as appears likely, lawyers may be able to rely on overseas activities as a sort of hedge against instability at home. Access to overseas legal markets, then, remains an issue of high priority
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