938 research outputs found

    Akademisierung der Hausarztmedizin an der Universität Zürich – eine Bilanz nach drei Jahren

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    Nach mehrjährigem politischem Vorspiel wurde im März 2008 das Institut fßr Hausarztmedizin (IHAM) am UniversitätsSpital Zßrich gegrßndet, zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Lehrstuhl an der Universität Zßrich. Nach nunmehr drei Jahren soll nachfolgend eine erste Bilanz gezogen werden

    Tag des akademischen Nachwuchses in der Hausarztmedizin

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    Using the Delphi Technique to Identify BPM Capability Areas

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    Organizations increasingly recognize the need to adopt a process orientation as a means of approaching challenges such as globalization, Enterprise Systems implementations or alternative improvement perspectives. A comprehensive understanding of the operational capacity to support and extend BPM strategies is critical to this endeavour. To this end, organizations require appropriate frameworks, which assist in identifying and evaluating their BPM capabilities. The development of maturity models has long been recognized as a means of assessing capabilities within a given domain. However, due to the idiosyncratic structure of many of the more than 150 available maturity models they can not be translated into tools that are embraced and applied by practitioners. To address this issue, the Delphi technique has been adopted during the development of a maturity model for Business Process Management. This paper presents the design and conduct of the Delphi Study series including the major outcomes being definitions of the six factors critical to BPM (i.e. Strategic Alignment, Governance, Methods, Information Technology, People and Culture) and the identification of capability areas whose measurement is seen to be necessary for assessing the maturity of these factors

    A paradigm for identifying ability in competition: The association between anthropometry, training and equipment with race times in male long-distance inline skaters - the ‘Inline One Eleven’

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    Purpose. The association between anthropometric and training characteristics on an athlete’s performance has been investigated in swimmers, cyclists and runners, but not in inline skaters. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between anthropometry, pre race preparation and equipment in the finishers of the longest inline race in Europe, the ‘Inline One eleven’ over 111 km in Switzerland. Basic procedures. We investigated the association of anthropometry, training, and equipment variables with race times in 84 male ultraendurance inline skaters using bi- and multivariate analysis. Main findings. In the multivariate analysis, percent body fat, duration per training unit, and personal best time in the ‘Inline One eleven’ was related to the race time for all finishers. Out of the 84 finishers, 58 had already finished an ‘Inline One eleven’ while 26 participated for the first time. Speed in training and the kind of skates worn were related to race times of the 26 inexperienced finishers. The inexperienced finishers skating with custom made skates were significantly faster with 229.1 (12.7) min compared to inexperienced finishers using ordinary skates finishing within 290.8 (35.4) min ( p < 0.001). For experienced inliners, body mass, the sum of skin-folds and percent body fat correlated to race time. Conclusions. We assume that inexperienced athletes in ultra-endurance skating need time to gain the experience necessary in choosing the correct equipment and doing the training in order to successfully finish a long-distance inline race. Experienced inliners can only improve race performance in an ultra-endurance inline race such as the ‘Inline One eleven’ through a reduction of their body fat

    Nationales Forschungsprogramm "Gesundheitsversorgung"

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    What influences race performance in male open-water ultra-endurance swimmers: anthropometry or training?

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    We investigated the relationship between selected variables of anthropometry and training with race performance during a 26.4 km open-water ultra-endurance swim at 23 °C in male master ultra-swimmers. Basic procedures. Fifteen non-professional male open-water ultra-endurance swimmers who were (mean ± SD) 40.0 (8.2) years of age with 83.7 (10.3) kg body mass, 1.80 (0.08) m body height and a BMI of 25.5 (2.5) kg/m2 finished the race within the time limit. Body mass, percent body fat, thickness of 7 skin folds, body height, length of arm, and length of leg were measured prior to race. The number of years as active swimmer, average weekly training volume in hours and kilometres and average speed in training were recorded. The variables were then correlated to total race time. Main findings. Study participants had mean finish times of 551 (100) min and an average speed of 3.0 (0.5) km/h. Speed in swimming during training was the only variable related to total race time (r = –0.66, p = 0.0037) whereas none of the other investigated variables showed an association. Conclusions. We conclude that anthropometry was not related to race performance in these male ultra-endurance swimmers whereas speed in training showed a moderate association with total race time

    Grundversorgung: Der Weg aus der Krise fĂźhrt auch Ăźber die MPA

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    Die meisten Hausärzte und Hausärztinnen in der Schweiz sind dauerhaft ßberlastet. Um zusätzliche Kapazitäten zu schaffen, sind ihre Leistungen auf mehr Schultern zu verteilen und die Betreuung im (Praxis-)Team zu verstärken. Besonders dafßr geeignet ist die Begleitung von chronisch kranken Patienten durch die Medizinische Praxisassistentin. Das Problem: Der Arzt kann diese Leistungen nicht abrechnen. Dies ist so rasch wie mÜglich zu ändern, damit die MPA endlich den Wert erhält, den sie längst verdient

    Konzeption und prototypische Realisierung eines Informationssystems für das Prozeßmonitoring und -controlling

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    Durch die Überwachung der aktuellen Prozeßstatus (Prozeßmonitoring) sowie die Verdichtung und Gegenüberstellung dieser Istdaten mit Solldaten (Prozeßcontrolling) wird die Bewertung der Prozeßqualität möglich. Zur informationstechnischen Unterstützung dieser Aufgaben dienen Prozeßinformationssysteme. In diesem Arbeitsbericht werden nach einer Einordnung dieser Aufgaben in einem Vorgehensmodell des Prozeßmanagements Intention und Aufbau von Prozeßinformationssystemen beschrieben. Konkretisiert werden die Ausführungen durch die Vorstellung des Prototypen PISA, dessen Architektur und Funktionalität erläutert werden.<br/

    Seniorenläufer werden schneller und gewinnen Ultramarathons

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    Quintessenz • Seniorensportler (Läufer über 35 Jahre) dominieren Ultramarathons, also Läufe, die länger sind als die klassische Marathondistanz von 42,195 km. • Aus physiologischer Sicht wird mit ca. 35 Jahren der Leistungszenit im Langstrecken-Laufsport überschritten. • Das Alter der Spitzenleistung im Ultralaufen steigt mit zunehmender Distanz und/oder der Dauer eines Ultramarathons. • Lebenslanger Ausdauersport vermindert die altersbedingte Abnahme der maximalen Sauerstoffaufnahme um ca. 50%. • Eine Abnahme der Muskelmasse ist kein unabwendbares Schicksal, denn regelmässiges Training lässt den altersbedingten jährlichen Abbau auf bis zu 0,5% schrumpfen

    Swimming in ice cold water

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    Introduction: We investigated two athletes swimming in 4°C for 23min (1.3km, swimmer 1) and 42min (2.2km, swimmer 2), respectively. Materials and methods: Pre swim, percent body fat was determined; post swim, core temperature was measured. Results: The core temperature of swimmer 2 was: 37.0°C immediately before the start, 32°C 20min after getting out of the water, and 35.5°C 80min after finishing the swim. Conclusion: We assume that the higher skin-fold thickness and body fat of swimmer 2 enabled him to perform longer. In addition to this, mental power and experience in cold water swimming must be considered. In any athlete aiming at swimming in water of less than 5°C, body core temperature and heart rate should be continuously monitored in order to detect a body core temperature below 32°C and arrhythmia to pull the athlete out of the water before life-threatening circumstances occu
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