76 research outputs found

    Aportaciones al estudio del mioceno del extremo Oriental de Menorca

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    Se describe la serie estratigráfica del Mioceno del extremo oriental de Menorca. Esta se divide en tres niveles separados por superficies de discordancia:-Uno inferior compuesto por fan deltas y playas asociadas desarrolladas en el frente de los mismos del Mioceno medio.-Uno intermedio, compuesto por islas barrera limitadas por canalesmareales de edad Mioceno superior.-Uno superior, arrecifal, de edad Mioceno superior

    Aportaciones al estudio del mioceno del extremo Oriental de Menorca

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    Se describe la serie estratigráfica del Mioceno del extremo oriental de Menorca. Esta se divide en tres niveles separados por superficies de discordancia:-Uno inferior compuesto por fan deltas y playas asociadas desarrolladas en el frente de los mismos del Mioceno medio.-Uno intermedio, compuesto por islas barrera limitadas por canalesmareales de edad Mioceno superior.-Uno superior, arrecifal, de edad Mioceno superior

    Continuous droplets' charge method for the Lagrangian simulation of electrostatic sprays

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    10.1016/j.elstat.2014.06.011A main drawback of classical simulation of electrostatic sprays based on the Lagrangian description of droplet trajectories is the large number of droplet-to-droplet electrical interactions that must be computed. We present and assess a new methodology in which some of these interactions are computed using a mean electrical field due to the droplets space charge considered as a continuum. This method has been applied to two systems, comprising 26000 droplets and 3500 droplets, resulting in 112 and 9 times faster computation, without loosing accuracy, as demonstrated in the predictions of impinging flux, droplet number density, and local droplet diameter

    Efficient Lagrangian simulation of electrospray droplets dynamics

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    10.1016/j.jaerosci.2012.01.001Tracking the trajectories of individual droplets in Lagrangian numerical simulations of electrosprays involves a large number of computations, due to the calculation of the electrostatic repulsion force between droplets (space charge force). Two strategies are proposed in this study to reduce such number while preserving accuracy. In one strategy, the force contribution from distant droplets is simplified by replacing the droplet charges belonging to small volumes or cells within the spray with a single charge per cell located at the cell's center-of-charge. In the other strategy, the integration of the droplets' motion in different axial regions of the spray is carried out using two very different time steps, using higher time resolution where the electrical force variation sensed by the droplets is larger. With these methods the CPU time was shortened by a factor of 39 (from 1658 to 42. h), in a simulation of an electrospray characterized by a count mean diameter (CMD) of 8.84µm and around 26,000 droplets in the steady state. In another spray, comprising about 3400 droplets (CMD=32µm), the CPU time was reduced by a factor of 4.4. In this case, the CPU reduction is smaller because the proposed methodologies become less efficient with a smaller number of droplets. This study is also concerned with the selection of a proper integration time step. We show that an acceptable upper bound to the time step is based on the proper description of numerical collisions between electrospray droplets. Interestingly, in both systems simulated, a similar maximum acceptable time step is found (2µs)

    El Muschelkalk de la isla de Menorca.

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    [ES] Los afloramientos del Muschelkalk de Menorca presentan una notable uniformidad litológica y faunística, diferenciándose tres tramos que pueden ser identificados en toda la isla. El tramo inferior está formado por calizas micríticas grises que no sobrepasan 32 m. de espesor. El tramo intermedio está formado por una alternancia de calizas micríticas y margas amarillentas con espesores que varían entre 76 m. El tramo superior está formado por dolomías con estratificación de mediana a fina> que presentan espesores variables (19 m. en Punta d'es Vernis y 10 m. en El Toro). El contacto interior es neto, localmente erosivo y el superior puede ser transicional.[EN] The Muschelkalk outcrops of Menorca present a remarkable lithological and faunistical uniformity, and is differentiated in three units that can be recognized throughout the whole island. The lower unit is constituted by grey micritic limestones which never exceed 32 metres thickness. The intermediate unit consists of an alternance of micritic limestones and yellowish marís varying in thickness from 76 m. The upper unit consists of dolomies of intermediate to thin stratification and variable thickness (19 m. in Sa Punta d’es Vernis and 10 m. in El Toro). The lower contact is sharp, locally erosive, and the upper may be transitional.Peer reviewe

    2nd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology: Proceedings Book RICTA 2014

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    This Proceedings Book collects the conference articles and abstracts presented at RICTA 2014, the 2nd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (also named Reunión Ibérica de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Aerosoles), held during July 7-9, 2014, in Tarragona, Spain. RICTA 2014 is the second Portuguese-Spanish meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology. Like the previous RICTA congress held in 2013 in Évora, Portugal, RICTA 2014 is the continuation of the successful RECTA, Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles, conferences, which have been held in Spain since 2007. RICTA 2014 has been organized by the Droplets, intErfaces, and floWs (DEW) Research Laboratory of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, with the collaboration of the Asociación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Aerosoles (AECyTA). The congress was held at the Campus Catalunya of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. As in previous editions of RICTA and RECTA, the participation of young researchers has been encouraged, with the organization of the 5th Summer School on Aerosol Science and Technology, as well as awards for the best poster and PhD thesis. This book comprises three parts: the Conference Program, the Conference Articles, and the Conference Abstracts
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