4 research outputs found

    Common models and approaches for the clinical educator to plan effective feedback encounters

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    Giving constructive feedback is crucial for learners to bridge the gap between their current performance and the desired standards of competence. Giving effective feedback is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved. Therefore, our aim was to explore models in clinical settings and assess their transferability to different clinical feedback encounters. We identified the 6 most common and accepted feedback models, including the Feedback Sandwich, the Pendleton Rules, the One-Minute Preceptor, the SET-GO model, the R2C2 (Rapport/Reaction/Content/Coach), and the ALOBA (Agenda Led Outcome-based Analysis) model. We present a handy resource describing their structure, strengths, and weaknesses, requirements for educators and learners, and suitable feedback encounters for use for each model. These feedback models represent practical frameworks for educators to adopt but also to adapt to their preferred style, combining and modifying them if necessary to suit their needs and context

    Tendencias de estudios de postgrados conducentes a especialización en odontólogos titulados en los últimos cinco años

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Especialización en Clínica Integral del Adulto)Este estudio pretende describir las necesidades y tendencias de estudios de postgrado conducentes a especialización en odontólogos ejerciendo la profesión en la Región Metropolitana, titulados en los últimos cinco años, planteando un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, de corte transversal. La recolección de datos se realizará a través de un cuestionario, previamente evaluada su validez y confiabilidad autoadministrado, el cual incluye un consentimiento informado. La muestra es de tipo no probabilística de sujetos voluntarios, en base a 150 odontólogos titulados de diversas universidades, dentro de los últimos cinco años, los cuales ejerzan la profesión en la Región Metropolitana. De un total de 150 Cirujanos-Dentistas, la mediana de edad para el grupo completo fue de 28 años, y el año de titulación de pre-grado con mayor representatividad fueron los egresados el año 2008 con un 24,7% de la muestra. La mayoría proviene de colegios particulares (68,7%). Gran parte de los odontólogos ha egresado de universidades privadas con un 61,3% de la muestra, con una media de 57,22 de promedio de notas de pre-grado. La mayoría de los odontólogos, ya ha realizado estudios de postgrado conducente a especialidad (72%). En cuanto a las tendencias en los estudios de postgrado, rehabilitación oral fue la especialidad que mayor demanda obtuvo (27%), seguido de implantología (18,7), ortodoncia (15,3). Esto puede deberse a que hoy en día se le otorga gran importancia a la estética, por lo que para un paciente es fundamental contar con una sonrisa perfecta. Se logró determinar que las necesidades que presentan mayor influencia en los odontólogos, al momento de realizar un estudio de postgrado conducente a especialidad odontológica son, motivos laborales, seguido de motivos personales y motivos socioeconómicos. Se logró validar la hipótesis del estudio, ya que el área más demandada es el área de odontología restauradora.This non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional study, aims to describe the needs and trends of graduate studies leading to specialization in dentists practicing in the Metropolitan Region, graduated in the past five years. Data collection was obtained throughout a questionnaire, previously tested valid and reliable self-administered, which includes a consent form. The sample encounters non-probabilistic volunteer subjects, based on 150 dental graduates from universities within the last five years, which engaged in the Metropolitan Region occupation. The median age of the entire group, from a total of 150 dentists was 28 years, and year undergraduate degree with greater representation were graduates in 2008 with 24.7% of the sample. Most of them belong to private schools (68 .7%). By the other hand, many of the dentists evaluated, have graduated from private universities with 61.3% of the sample, with an average of 57.22 in average undergraduate grades. Most dentists, have done graduate work leading to specialty (72%). In graduate studies as trends, oral rehabilitation was the specialty that earned higher demand (27%), followed by implant (18.7), and orthodontics (15.3). This may due to the great importance of aesthetics now a day, being essential for a patient to have a perfect smile. lt was determined that the needs that have greater influence on the dentists, at the time of study leading to graduate dental specialty are, of work, followed by personal reasons and socio-economic reasons. lt was possible to validate the hypothesis of the study, as the area most in demand is the area of restorative dentistry