4,878 research outputs found

    Women in Community Colleges: Access to Success

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    This report explores an underappreciated part of our higher education system. The report looks at the role of community colleges in women's education, including challenges women face in completing a certificate or degree, or in transferring to a four-year institution. The particular concerns and needs of student mothers and barriers women face in pursuing STEM and nontraditional fields are examined in detail. The report includes recommendations that will strengthen community colleges for all students

    Predictors of Fraudulent Monday Effect Workers Compensation Claims Filing

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    Monday Effect Claims refer to workers compensation claims filed on Mondays for easy to conceal injuries such as strains, sprains, and back injuries. Researchers and industry experts have long believed that there is an element of fraud in these claims, resulting from individuals who were injured during the weekend, while not at work, looking to take advantage of the medical benefits available through workers compensation insurance. Fraudulent Monday Effect Claims (FMEC), as presented in this study, specifically refer to workers compensation claims filed for injuries that occurred while an individual was not at work, presumably during the weekend. A study of 507 adult survey participants examines how injury type, level of financial exposure, as determined by medical and accident insurance coverage status, along with an individual’s job satisfaction level and acceptance of fraud, can predict the extent to which an individual would be likely to file a Fraudulent Monday Effect Claim (FMEC). The findings of this research indicate that while injury type and level of fraud acceptance may predict the likelihood of a Fraudulent Monday Effect Claim filing, financial exposure and job satisfaction may not

    Alien Registration- St Pierre, Rose (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Comparative study of age-dependent susceptibility to the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

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    The age distribution of the naturally occurring transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases, including scrapie in sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans (vCJD) may be explained by age-dependent susceptibility to infection. Epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to BSE-contaminated meat and meat products alone cannot fully account for the young age distribution of vCJD cases, and that changes in susceptibility may also play a role. Oral exposure has been implicated as the most likely route of natural transmission of TSEs. Peyer's patches (PPs), part of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), may represent a portal of entry for orally transmitted prions and appear to be the most likely sites of prion accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract. The main aim of this project was to determine whether the observed age-susceptibility relationship of scrapie, BSE and vCJD could be explained by the development of PPs in the gut. Statistical analyses were performed on an experimental scrapie dataset to determine whether there was an effect of age at exposure on scrapie outcome and incubation period of the disease, taking into consideration other potentially important factors related to susceptibility. PP tissue was quantified in the distal ileum of NPU Cheviot sheep, and data on measures of PP development in cattle and humans were extracted from previous studies. Anatomical PP data and estimates of age-related risks of infection, derived from mathematical models, were used to determine a potential link between age-related risk of natural TSE infection and the development of PP tissue in the three species. Because follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) have been implicated as the likely sites of prion replication in lymphoid tissues, immunocytochemistry was carried out to investigate the ontogeny of PrP-associated FDCs in ileal PP tissue in both mice and sheep. Results showed that age at exposure to the TSE agent is a potentially important factor in determining disease outcome as well as the incubation period of disease. Younger sheep were found to have shorter incubation periods than older animals following subcutaneous inoculation of the infectious agent, a finding which may be attributed to the development of peripheral nerves and which warrants further investigation. For sheep, cattle and humans, measures of PP development peaked in adolescent years followed by a decline, thereafter. There was a significant correlation between measures of PP development and estimated risks of natural TSE infection, with the two age-related distributions peaking in the same age group for all three species. Immunocytochemistry studies showed that PrP-associated FDCs can first be detected in 7 day-old mice, and provided further evidence for the presence of mature FDC networks in GALT of postnatal sheep. These findings imply that, in the absence of FDCs, mice younger than 7 days old may be less susceptible to oral scrapie challenge. The presence of FDCs in newborn sheep suggests that these animals may be susceptible to TSE infection in early postnatal life particularly at lambing when an infected placenta could act as a source of scrapie infection to the young lamb. Age-dependent susceptibility to oral TSE infection in mice and sheep may offer a convenient experimental framework with which to explore the reasons for age-dependent susceptibility to TSE infection in humans

    The development of a ‘normative battleground’ between the EU and Russia from 2004 to 2014

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    This thesis will chart the development of a “normative battleground” between the European Union and Russia within Ukraine. This “normative battleground” stems from the clashing securitising projects both the EU and Russia are implementing within Ukraine in order to shape the development of the country according to their own interests. The EU and Russia are widely believed to carry out securitising projects from within different international relations spheres. For this thesis, these are the EU’s “postmodern”/“Kantian” security project, which is incompatible with the Russian “modern”/“Hobbesian” security project. These security projects are manifesting themselves in the norms each side is promoting, and this is where the clash is particularly visible, this is the “normative battleground”. This thesis seeks to provide a holistic conceptualisation of the term “normative battleground” within the framework of Buzan’s English School Triad and to tie its development with the contrasting securitising projects being implemented within Ukraine.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4701254*es

    St. Rose High School Yearbook 1955-1956

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    Yearbook of St. Rose High School (Amherstburg, Ontario)https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/1069/thumbnail.jp

    St. Rose High School Yearbook 1964-1965

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    Yearbook of St. Rose High School (Amherstburg, Ontario).https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/1116/thumbnail.jp

    St. Rose High School Yearbook 1963-1964

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    Yearbook of St. Rose High School (Amherstburg, Ontario).https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/1115/thumbnail.jp