2,729 research outputs found

    Fracasso em Produzir Falsas Memórias por Meio do Paradigma da Equivalência de Estímulos

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    Equivalência de estímulos tem sido adotada como uma explicação comportamental das falsas memórias. Este estudo teve por objetivo testar falsas memórias usando listas compostas por estímulos de classes de equivalência. No presente estudo, 10 estudantes universitários aprenderam três classes de equivalência com quatro estímulos (Classes 1, 2, 3) e três com 12 estímulos (Classes 4, 5 e 6). Uma semana depois esses participantes realizaram um teste de reconhecimento. Primeiro viram uma lista de estudo composta de 10 dos 12 estímulos das Classes 4, 5 e 6. Depois viram uma lista com todos os estímulos da lista de estudos (alvos), os demais estímulos das Classes 4, 5 e 6 (distratores críticos), e nove estímulos das Classes 1, 2 e 3 (distratores não-relacionados). Devido à relação de equivalência entre os alvos e os distratores críticos, era esperado que os participantes reconhecessem os segundos na mesma proporção dos primeiros, porém os resultados indicaram que os críticos e não relacionados foram reconhecidos na mesma proporção e em níveis baixos.Equivalencia de estímulos ha sido adoptada como explicación conductual de las falsas memorias. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo probar falsas memorias usando listas compuestas por estímulos de clases de equivalencia. 10 estudiantes universitarios aprendieron tres clases de equivalencia con cuatro estímulos (Clases 1, 2, 3) y tres con 12 estímulos (Clases 4, 5, 6). Una semana después, realizaron un test de reconocimiento. Primero, vieron una lista de estudio con 10 de los 12 estímulos de las Clases 4, 5 y 6. Después, vieron una lista con todos los estímulos de la lista de estudios (targets), los demás estímulos de las Clases 4, 5 y 6 (distractores críticos), y nueve estímulos de las Clases 1, 2 y 3 (distractores no-relacionados). Debido a la relación de equivalencia entre targets y distractores críticos, era esperado que fuesen reconocidos los segundos en la misma proporción de los primeros, pero los resultados indicaron que fueron reconocidos en cantidades semejantes y en niveles bajos los críticos y no-relacionados.Stimulus equivalence has been adopted as a behavioral explanation for false memories. The present study aimed to test false memories using lists compound of equivalent stimuli. 10 undergraduate students learned three 4-member (Classes 1, 2, 3) and three 12-member equivalence classes (Classes 4, 5, 6). A week later these participants performed a recognition test. Participants first saw a study list comprising 10 of the 12 stimuli from Classes 4, 5 and 6. Later, they saw a list comprising all stimuli from study list (targets), the remaining stimuli from the Classes 4, 5 and 6 (critical lures) and nine stimuli from Classes 1, 2 and 3 (non-related lures). Due to the equivalence relation between targets and critical lure, it was expected that the second would be recognize as much as the first, but results indicated critical and non-related lures where equally recognized and at low levels

    High resolution mapping of sediment organic matter from acoustic reflectance data

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    Spatial mapping of the marine environment is challenging when the properties concerned are difficult to measure except by shore-based analysis of discrete samples of material, usually from sparsely distributed sites. This is the case for many seabed sediment properties. We developed an indirect approach to mapping the organic content of coastal sediments from hydro-acoustic reflectance data. The basis was that both organic matter and acoustic reflectance are related to sediment type and grain size composition. Hence there is a collateral relationship between organic matter content and reflectance properties which can be exploited to enable high resolution mapping. We surveyed an area of seabed off the east coast of Scotland using a vessel mounted single beam echosounder with RoxAnn signal processing. Organic carbon, nitrogen and phytoplankton pigment contents were then measured in material from grab and core samples collected at intervals over a year. Relationships between the organic components and hydroacoustic characteristics were derived by general additive models, and used to construct high resolution maps from the acoustic survey data. Our method is an advance on traditional interpolation techniques sparse spatial data, and represents a generic approach that could be applied to other properties

    Retratos de un juego de sombras : composiciones basadas en retratos pertenecientes a Barranco de Loba, Bolívar, con estudios de la música programática del romanticismo

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    A lo largo de mi carrera universitaria, tuve la oportunidad de conocer varios estilos musicales, dentro de estos pude descubrir la música programática del Romanticismo. Desde ese instante, mi interés por juntar distintas disciplinas empezó a ser cada vez más grande. Quise conectar algún tipo de imagen, sea pintura o fotografía, con la composición, buscando plasmar algo más que mi propia expresividad de vivencias e intenciones. Decidí inspirarme en estas fotografías para realizar una interpretación propia de algo tangible, tomando elementos de diversas técnicas musicales pertenecientes a la música programática del Romanticismo. Investigué la obra de varios fotógrafos colombianos en búsqueda de imágenes que me cautivaran y me motivaran a explorar la conexión, afinidad y correspondencia entre la música y la fotografía. Finalmente, conocí el trabajo de Camila Malaver Garzón, estudiante de Artes Visuales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Sus fotografías retrataban la realidad de diferentes zonas rurales de Colombia, una realidad ajena y contrastante a la cotidianidad que vivimos tanto en Bogotá como en las grandes ciudades del país, una realidad que llevó a dar un comienzo a este proyecto.Maestro (a) en MúsicaPregrad

    Designing Collective Artist Residencies 

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    Starting with an argument for a humanistic approach to climate change, this paper discusses the concept of the ‘Collective Artist Residency’ as a practicable means for engaging with complex socio-ecological issues that require collective answers. Through our analysis of the research project ‘Imaginative Disruptions,’ we propose that there is a need for creative spaces that include artists and non-artists alike, and which engender aimless play, inquisitive making and dialogic contemplation in the face of issues which are too painful, overwhelming and complex to rationally comprehend. We further argue that such residencies can generate comfortable, and even light-hearted, spaces in which people can be uncomfortable together. In other words, environments that feel safe and caring but that also encourage us to challenge status quos and experiment with alternatives via emotional, aesthetic, cognitive, somatic and social processing. The paper closes with five (suggested) guiding principles for designing a Collective Art Residency that supports groups of people to co-reflect upon their fragility whilst re-imagining present and future possibilities for being in the world: deeply participatory, balanced between comfortable / uncomfortable emotions, highly experiential, cross-sectoral and intergenerational, place-based

    Hypoxia-induced transcriptional stress is mediated by ROS-induced R-loops

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    Hypoxia is a common feature of solid tumors and is associated with poor patient prognosis, therapy resistance and metastasis. Radiobiological hypoxia (<0.1% O2) is one of the few physiologically relevant stresses that activates both the replication stress/DNA damage response and the unfolded protein response. Recently, we found that hypoxia also leads to the robust accumulation of R-loops, which led us to question here both the mechanism and consequence of hypoxia-induced R-loops. Interestingly, we found that the mechanism of R-loop accumulation in hypoxia is dependent on non-DNA damaging levels of reactive oxygen species. We show that hypoxia-induced R-loops play a critical role in the transcriptional stress response, evidenced by the repression of ribosomal RNA synthesis and the translocation of nucleolin from the nucleolus into the nucleoplasm. Upon depletion of R-loops, we observed a rescue of both rRNA transcription and nucleolin translocation in hypoxia. Mechanistically, R-loops accumulate on the rDNA in hypoxia and promote the deposition of heterochromatic H3K9me2 which leads to the inhibition of Pol I-mediated transcription of rRNA. These data highlight a novel mechanistic insight into the hypoxia-induced transcriptional stress response through the ROS–R-loop–H3K9me2 axis. Overall, this study highlights the contribution of transcriptional stress to hypoxia-mediated tumorigenesis

    Hyper-Presidentialism: Separation of Powers Without Checks and Balances in Argentina and the Philippines

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    Politicians have an incentive to enhance their power by creating institutions that give them greater freedom to act and by undermining institutions designed to check their influence. Presidents are particularly likely to test the limits of their power. Legislators must compromise in order to pass statutes.I Judges are aware that the executive or the legislature may refuse to comply with their rulings. An independently elected President, in contrast, can sometimes act without seeking legislative approval or provoking judicial constraints. Although Presidents are generally subject to impeachment, this is almost always an extraordinary remedy invoked only in response to a crisis

    AKT1 and MYC induce distinctive metabolic fingerprints in human prostate cancer

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    Cancer cells may overcome growth factor dependence by deregulating oncogenic and/or tumor-suppressor pathways that affect their metabolism, or by activating metabolic pathways de novo with targeted mutations in critical metabolic enzymes. It is unknown whether human prostate tumors develop a similar metabolic response to different oncogenic drivers or a particular oncogenic event results in its own metabolic reprogramming. Akt and Myc are arguably the most prevalent driving oncogenes in prostate cancer. Mass spectrometry-based metabolite profiling was performed on immortalized human prostate epithelial cells transformed by AKT1 or MYC, transgenic mice driven by the same oncogenes under the control of a prostate-specific promoter, and human prostate specimens characterized for the expression and activation of these oncoproteins. Integrative analysis of these metabolomic datasets revealed that AKT1 activation was associated with accumulation of aerobic glycolysis metabolites, whereas MYC overexpression was associated with dysregulated lipid metabolism. Selected metabolites that differentially accumulated in the MYC-high versus AKT1-high tumors, or in normal versus tumor prostate tissue by untargeted metabolomics, were validated using absolute quantitation assays. Importantly, the AKT1/MYC status was independent of Gleason grade and pathologic staging. Our fi ndings show how prostate tumors undergo a metabolic reprogramming that refl ects their molecular phenotypes, with implications for the development of metabolic diagnostics and targeted therapeutics.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Médica

    Age-Related Effect of Viral-Induced Wheezing in Severe Prematurity

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    Abstract: Premature children are prone to severe viral respiratory infections in early life, but the age at which susceptibility peaks and disappears for each pathogen is unclear. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed of the age distribution and clinical features of acute viral respiratory infections in full-term and premature children, aged zero to seven years. Results: The study comprised of a total of 630 hospitalizations (n = 580 children). Sixty-seven percent of these hospitalizations occurred in children born full-term (\u3e 37 weeks), 12% in preterm (32–37 weeks) and 21% in severely premature children (\u3c 32 weeks). The most common viruses identified were rhinovirus (RV; 60%) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV; 17%). Age-distribution analysis of each virus identified that severely premature children had a higher relative frequency of RV and RSV in their first three years, relative to preterm or full-term children. Additionally, the probability of RV- or RSV-induced wheezing was higher overall in severely premature children less than three years old. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the vulnerability to viral infections in children born severely premature is more specific for RV and RSV and persists during the first three years of age. Further studies are needed to elucidate the age-dependent molecular mechanisms that underlie why premature infants develop RV- and RSV-induced wheezing in early life