2,277 research outputs found

    Investigating Trajectories of Social Recovery in Individuals with First Episode Psychosis:A Latent Class Growth Analysis

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    Background Social disability is a hallmark of severe mental illness yet individual differences and factors predicting outcome are largely unknown. Aim To explore trajectories and predictors of social recovery following a first episode of psychosis (FEP). Method A sample of 764 individuals with FEP were assessed on entry into early intervention in psychosis (EIP) services and followed up over 12 months. Social recovery profiles were examined using latent class growth analysis. Results Three types of social recovery profile were identified: Low Stable (66%), Moderate-Increasing (27%), and High-Decreasing (7%). Poor social recovery was predicted by male gender, ethnic minority status, younger age at onset of psychosis, increased negative symptoms, and poor premorbid adjustment. Conclusions Social disability is prevalent in FEP, although distinct recovery profiles are evident. Where social disability is present on entry into EIP services it can remain stable, highlighting a need for targeted intervention. Declaration of interest Non

    Variation in acceptability of neologistic English pronouns

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    This acceptability-judgment survey of English neopronouns, including xe, fae, ey, and ze, shows that while neopronouns are not fully ungrammatical for most English speakers, they are rated as less grammatical than canonical third-person singular pronouns like she, he, and they. We found that several social variables correlated with ratings of neopronouns in sentences, including age, gender, and sexual orientation. The neopronouns that bear orthographic resemblance to canonical pronouns were rated highest, and metalinguistic comments from participants identified that analogy was an important factor in whether they found neopronouns grammatical

    Water Window Ptychographic Imaging with Characterized Coherent X-rays

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    We report on a ptychographical coherent diffractive imaging experiment in the water window with focused soft X-rays at 500 eV500~\mathrm{eV}. An X-ray beam with high degree of coherence was selected for ptychography at the P04 beamline of the PETRA III synchrotron radiation source. We measured the beam coherence with the newly developed non-redundant array method. A pinhole 2.6 μm2.6~\mathrm{\mu m} in size selected the coherent part of the beam and was used for ptychographic measurements of a lithographically manufactured test sample and fossil diatom. The achieved resolution was 53 nm53~\mathrm{nm} for the test sample and only limited by the size of the detector. The diatom was imaged at a resolution better than 90 nm90~\mathrm{nm}.Comment: 22 pages. 7 figure

    babble: Learning Better Abstractions with E-Graphs and Anti-Unification

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    Library learning compresses a given corpus of programs by extracting common structure from the corpus into reusable library functions. Prior work on library learning suffers from two limitations that prevent it from scaling to larger, more complex inputs. First, it explores too many candidate library functions that are not useful for compression. Second, it is not robust to syntactic variation in the input. We propose library learning modulo theory (LLMT), a new library learning algorithm that additionally takes as input an equational theory for a given problem domain. LLMT uses e-graphs and equality saturation to compactly represent the space of programs equivalent modulo the theory, and uses a novel e-graph anti-unification technique to find common patterns in the corpus more directly and efficiently. We implemented LLMT in a tool named BABBLE. Our evaluation shows that BABBLE achieves better compression orders of magnitude faster than the state of the art. We also provide a qualitative evaluation showing that BABBLE learns reusable functions on inputs previously out of reach for library learning.Comment: POPL 202

    Balancing the Picture: Debiasing Vision-Language Datasets with Synthetic Contrast Sets

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    Vision-language models are growing in popularity and public visibility to generate, edit, and caption images at scale; but their outputs can perpetuate and amplify societal biases learned during pre-training on uncurated image-text pairs from the internet. Although debiasing methods have been proposed, we argue that these measurements of model bias lack validity due to dataset bias. We demonstrate there are spurious correlations in COCO Captions, the most commonly used dataset for evaluating bias, between background context and the gender of people in-situ. This is problematic because commonly-used bias metrics (such as Bias@K) rely on per-gender base rates. To address this issue, we propose a novel dataset debiasing pipeline to augment the COCO dataset with synthetic, gender-balanced contrast sets, where only the gender of the subject is edited and the background is fixed. However, existing image editing methods have limitations and sometimes produce low-quality images; so, we introduce a method to automatically filter the generated images based on their similarity to real images. Using our balanced synthetic contrast sets, we benchmark bias in multiple CLIP-based models, demonstrating how metrics are skewed by imbalance in the original COCO images. Our results indicate that the proposed approach improves the validity of the evaluation, ultimately contributing to more realistic understanding of bias in vision-language models.Comment: Github: https://github.com/oxai/debias-gensynt

    A pilot study of hair and cytokine balance alteration in healthy young women under major exam stress

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    Mouse models show that experimental stress mimicking prolonged life-stress exposure enhances neurogenic inflammation, induces adaptive immunity cytokine- imbalance characterized by a shift to Type 1 T-helper cell cytokines and increases apoptosis of epithelial cells. This affects hair growth in otherwise healthy animals. In this study, we investigate whether a prolonged naturalistic life-stress exposure affects cytokine balance and hair parameters in healthy humans. 33 (18 exam, 15 comparison) female medical students with comparable sociobiological status were analyzed during a stressful final examination period, at three points in time (T) 12 weeks apart. T1 was before start of the learning period, T2 between the three-day written exam and an oral examination, and T3 after a 12 week rest and recovery from the stress of the examination period. Assessments included: self-reported distress and coping strategies (Perceived Stress Questionnaire [PSQ], Trier Inventory for the Assessment of Chronic Stress [TICS]), COPE), cytokines in supernatants of stimulated peripheral blood mononucleocytes (PBMCs), and trichogram (hair cycle and pigmentation analysis). Comparison between students participating in the final medical exam at T2 and non-exam students, revealed significantly higher stress perception in exam students. Time-wise comparison revealed that stress level, TH1/TH2 cytokine balance and hair parameters changed significantly from T1 to T2 in the exam group, but not the control. However, no group differences were found for cytokine balance or hair parameters at T2. The study concludes that in humans, naturalistic stress, as perceived during participation in a major medical exam, has the potential to shift the immune response to TH1 and transiently hamper hair growth, but these changes stay within a physiological range. Findings are instructive for patients suffering from hair loss in times of high stress. Replication in larger and more diverse sample populations is required, to assess suitability of trichogram analysis as biological outcome for stress studies

    The Suitability Index of Mangrove Tourism in the Coastal Area around Budo Village, Wori Sub-District, North Minahasa Regency for Marine Ecotourism

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the tourism suitability index and the carrying capacity of the mangrove ecotourism area in Budo Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used was a cruising survey method using line transects and visual method which were carried out on three transects to obtain mangrove bio-ecological parameter values, namely thickness, species, density, biota objects associated with mangroves, and sea tides. The results showed that the mangrove thickness values ​​on transects 1-3 were 157 m, 138 m, and 135 m respectively, with an average value of 143.3 m; a number of mangrove species, namely 6 species (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Sonneratia alba, Avicennia marina, and Nypa fruticans); mangrove density values ​​on transects 1-3, respectively 10.2 ind/100 m2, 11.8 ind/100 m2 and 6.2 ind/100 m2, with an average value of 9.4 ind/100 m2; mangrove association biota objects in transects 1-3, including fishes, shrimps, crabs, mollusks, birds and reptiles; and the average tidal value is as high as 2 m. The average value of the tourism suitability index was 54.6% with the conditionally appropriate category on all transects; and the carrying capacity of the mangrove tourism area was 116 people/day, with an operational time of 14 hours/day. Further research requires a sustainability analysis to produce efficient and effective programs for the development of mangrove ecotourism in Budo Village. Keywords: Area carrying capacity, Budo Village, Ecotourism, Tourism suitability index, Mangrove Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis indeks kesesuaian wisata dan daya dukung kawasan ekowisata mangrove Desa Budo, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei jelajah dengan menggunakan line transect dan metode visual pada tiga transek untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai parameter bio-ekologi mangrove, yaitu ketebalan, jenis, kerapatan jenis, objek biota asosiasi mangrove, dan pasang surut air laut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai ketebalan mangrove pada transek 1-3, masing-masing adalah 157 m, 138 m, dan 135 m, dengan nilai rata-ratanya 143,3 m; jumlah jenis mangrove 6 spesies (Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Sonneratia alba, Avicennia marina dan Nypa fruticans); nilai kerapatan mangrove pada transek 1-3, masing-masing adalah 10,2 ind/100 m2, 11,8 ind/100 m2 dan 6,2 ind/100 m2, dengan nilai rata-ratanya 9,4 ind/100 m2; objek biota asosiasi mangrove pada  transek 1-3 meliputi ikan, udang, kepiting, moluska, burung, dan reptil; dan nilai rata-rata pasang surut air laut setinggi 2 m;  nilai rata-rata Indeks kesesuaian wisata sebesar 54,6 % dengan kategori “sesuai bersyarat” pada semua transek; dan daya dukung kawasan wisata mangrove Desa Budo adalah 116 orang/hari dengan waktu operasional 14 jam/hari. Penelitian selanjutnya diperlukan analisis keberlanjutan untuk menghasilkan program-program yang efisien dan efektif dalam rangka pengembangan ekowisata mangrove Desa Budo. Kata kunci: Daya dukung kawasan, Desa Budo, Ekowisata, Indeks kesesuaian wisata, Mangrov