706 research outputs found

    Elementary Teacher Candidates’ Understanding of Rational Numbers:An International Perspective

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    This paper combines data from two different international research studies that used problem posing in analyzing elementary teacher candidates’ understanding of rational numbers. In 2007, a mathematics educator from the United States and a mathematician from Northern Ireland collaborated to investigate their respective elementary teacher candidates’ understanding of addition and division of fractions. A year later, the same US mathematics educator collaborated with a mathematics educator from South Africa on a similar research project that focused solely on the addition of fractions. The results of both studies show that elementary teacher candidates from the three different continents share similar misconceptions regarding the addition of fractions. The misconceptions that emerged were analyzed and used in designing teaching strategies intended to improve elementary teacher candidates’ understanding of rational numbers. The research also suggests that problem posing may improve their understanding of addition of fractions

    Motivational and affective responses to exercise: issues for adherence and the role of causality orientations

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN041532 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Description of Background for the Children’s Book, Ice Cream Next Summer

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    Ice Cream Next Summer is not meant to be a trip in nostalgia, although it may well serve that purpose for a reader with first hand experience of ice houses, country stores and their period in American history. It is meant to be, as it was for the author, an investigation into a different time and mood of a slower rural Iowa, a discovery of an out-dated occupational task

    O poder público municipal e o setor imobiliário: a produção e apropriação do espaço periurbano em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil

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    O trabalho estuda a atuação do Poder Público Municipal e dos diferentes “agentes”, em especial do setor imobiliário - “O Circuito Secundário de Capital” - no processo de produção e apropriação da “periferia geográfica” na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, no período de 1980 a 2010. O trabalho foi elaborado a partir da análise do processo de planejamento urbano e da gestão pública, e se propôs a verificar a relação entre a evolução dos instrumentos urbanísticos de controle do uso e ocupação do solo, as ações dos agentes produtivos de mercado - Grupo de Desenvolvimento Urbano (associação de construtores, incorporadores e proprietários de terras) – e o resultado dessa interação: a consolidação da “periferia geográfica”. Para isso, foram analisados programas, projetos urbanos e planos diretores, por meio de conceitos e diretrizes utilizados na produção e organização do espaço urbano (padrão de ocupação, diretrizes de crescimento e estrutura urbana), assim como o processo de implantação de loteamentos e condomínios.This research paper focus on both municipal public authorities and different agents performances, especially housing sector – The Secondary Circuit of Capital -, on the production and appropriation process of geographic peripheries of Ribeirão Preto, from 1980 to 2010. The research has been undertaken based on both urban planning and public sector management analysis. It verifies the relation among the evolution of urban instruments of land´s use and occupation control, market productive agents’ actions (Grupo de Desenvolvimento Urbano – an association of Real State ventures, acquirer companies, and land owners), and, eventually the result of this interaction: the geographic periphery consolidation. To reach this goal, the paper was analyze programs, urban projects and Master Plans - by means of concepts and directives for production and urban space organization (occupation pattern, growing and urban structure guidelines), condominium and developments construction.Peer Reviewe

    School-age Jamican Child's Developing Concept of the Family

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    Family Relations and Child Developmen

    The Life Management Project: A comprehensive treatment and training approach to rehabilitation for adult offenders

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    In the past fifteen to twenty years, penal reform has undergone a structural and service model trend toward vocational training and counseling. In many state penal facilities inmates can now take advantage of vocational/technical training and even obtain external degrees through correspondence programs with local colleges and universities. There is a need to supplement these training efforts by preparing inmates emotionally and socially for the kinds of pressures they will face upon release. The high rates of recidivism, substance abuse and unemployment represented by the ex-offender population are highly indicative of the special needs of this group

    SGA Diversity Ad hoc Committee: Diversity Awareness at JMU

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    The Diversity Ad hoc Committee, a branch of SGA that deals directly with issues of diversity on James Madison University\u27s campus, was founded in 2014. The committee seeks to spread the concept of diversity by collaborating with various other student clubs and organizations on campus. The Diversity Ad hoc Committee is striving to build upon the organization\u27s reputation and presence on James Madison University\u27s campus. Presently, the organization lacks visibility and recognition from JMU students and faculty. Expressing dissatisfaction with the committee\u27s current situation, the Diversity Ad hoc Committee hopes to expand outreach and support from the JMU community through a diversity awareness campaign. As part of their senior public relations capstone, Christie Deane, Kimia Favagehi, Jaclyn Finn, Sara Hardiman, Mary Ross, and Jake Ruefer are designing a campaign pitch for this organization. The pre-campaign research examines diversity issues, campus involvement, and cultural intelligence at James Madison University

    A educação a distância como acesso ao ensino superior

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    O surgimento da educação a distância como instrumento de educação formal tem sido uma experiência muito discutida nos nossos dias, gerando polêmica entre os educadores mais formais que ainda atuam com a educação tradicional. Por intermédio da experiência de ação em tutoria, atuado num pólo de educação à distância, esse artigo busca analisar as vantagens e as dificuldades nessa modalidade de ensino, bem como apresentar a opiniões de tutores, frente as dificuldades encontradas. Para o levantamento de dados, serão entrevistados alguns tutores do Pead. Dos apontamentos apresentados, a educação à distância surge como uma alternativa moderna para as questões de acessibilidade e qualidade de ensino. E a Tutoria surge como elemento crucial para quem busca a formação em nível de graduação

    Modelling results of student evaluations to improve the quality of teaching in accounting departments

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    The Course Evaluation Questionnaire is a student evaluation instrument designed to measure the teaching performance of academic organisational units. The statistical qualities of its scales, as well as their sensitivity, reliability and validity have been confirmed in other studies. This study situates the development of the CEQ within the context of public sector reform in Australia, which emphasised accountability measured through performance indicators. It reviews previous research using the CEQ and attempts to apply the CEQ in a new way, by using responses from students who were enrolled in a first year accounting subject at three established universities, to construct a model which quantifies the relationship between students' overall satisfaction score and certain variables which were tested for their contribution to students' satisfaction. The variables which were found to make a statistically significant contribution to student satisfaction were: good teaching; clear goals and standards; appropriate workload; emphasis on student independence; gender; language background; and university. The major conclusions reached are 1) that of the five CEQ scales good teaching appears to be most strongly related to overall satisfaction and that positive effect is the same at all three universities, 2) that gender affects satisfaction at all three universities and 3) that language background has an effect at two universities. The implications of these findings for quality teaching in accounting courses and for accounting education research are discussed

    O coordenador pedagógico na educação infantil da Rede Municipal de Educação de Florianópolis: marcas de uma experiência democrática

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação.O presente estudo situa-se na área da Educação Infantil e tem como tema central a coordenação pedagógica. Analisa o surgimento do cargo de Coordenador Pedagógico da Rede Municipal de Educação de Florianópolis entre os anos de 1995 e 1996, período de maior participação dos profissionais da educação na discussão dos rumos educacionais a serem traçados pela administração que assumia. Tenta compreender os motivos do surgimento desse profissional, as atribuições que lhe foram conferidas e, sobretudo, a afirmação de seu caráter distinto do supervisor escolar. Tem como perguntas orientadoras, dentre outras as seguintes: que motivos levaram ao seu surgimento? Quais as causas de seu declínio? O que levou à afirmação do cargo e da função de supervisão escolar nas unidades de educação infantil? Que elementos tensionaram esse processo? Trata-se de uma concepção ou apenas de um cargo ainda em disputa? A pesquisa busca respostas na história da própria rede, onde certamente estão os elementos que tornaram possível o debate sobre a necessidade de um co-ordenador e o surgimento dos documentos que registraram a experiência de atuação desse profissional nas unidades de educação infantil da rede, ainda que por curto espaço de tempo. A pesquisa documental organiza os dados que mostraram a impossibilidade política da preservação desse cargo, e a explicação para a conseqüente afirmação desse lugar como sendo da "supervisão escolar". Tendo como referência aspectos teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético, o processo de investigação se apoiou em material documental e na pesquisa de campo, construindo os dados empíricos por meio da análise de documentos, principalmente na Secretaria Municipal de Educação, que se relacionavam direta ou indiretamente à coordenação pedagógica e/ou supervisão escolar da/na educação infantil da Rede Municipal de Educação de Florianópolis, a partir de 1976 até 2007, consubstanciados por entrevistas orais com sujeitos significativos para a compreensão do fenômeno em estudo. Como resultado do trabalho pode-se afirmar que o coordenador pedagógico concretizado na e pela educação infantil da rede municipal de educação de Florianópolis entre os anos de 1995 e 1996 foi resultado de várias determinações, entre as quais figurava como bastante importante a existência de uma gestão mais democrática frente à administração municipal, mas também refletia e traduzia uma tendência já desenhada, ainda que de maneira embrionária, desde os anos iniciais da rede. Reconhece também que o projeto de sua criação foi alimentado pelas pesquisas e debates nacionais que, à época, contribuíram para a afirmação da área como uma especificidade, isto é, reafirmando que na educação infantil tal função não se delimita nem se define pela lógica escolar. The central theme of this study in the field of Early Childhood Education is pedagogic coordination. It analyzes the rise of the position of Pedagogic Coordinator in the Municipal public school system of Florianópolis from 1995 - 1996, a period of greater participation of education professionals in administrative decisions. The study analyzes the reasons for the creation of this professional position, the attributions conferred to this position and above all its differences from the position of school supervisor. The guiding questions of the study include: What are the reasons that led to its creation? What led to its decline? What led to the establishment of the position and the function of school supervisor in the pre-schools? What elements influenced this process? Does it involve a concept or only a position that is still in dispute? The study sought responses in the history of the municipal school system, where the elements certainly exist that made possible the debate about the need for a coordinator and in documents that register the experience of the activities of this professional in the pre-schools, even if for a short period of time. The documentary research organizes the data that revealed the political impossibility of preserving this position and the explanation for the consequent affirmation that its role belongs to the "school supervisor". Using as a reference theoretical-methodological factors of historic dialectic materialism, the research process was supported by documentary material and field research. An analysis was conducted of the documents collected, principally those from the Municipal Secretariat of Education related directly or indirectly to pedagogic supervision and or coordination of pre-school education in the Florianópolis Municipal School System from 1976 until 2007. The research was supported by oral interviews with participants important to understanding the phenomenon in study. The study allows affirming that the position of pedagogic coordinator concretized in and for preschool education in the Florianópolis municipal school system from 1995-1996 was the result of various factors including the existence of a more democratic municipal administration, but also reflects an earlier trend begun in the first years of the school system. It also recognizes that the creation of the position was supported by national research and debate that contributed to the affirmation of pedagogic coordination as a specific role. That is, it reaffirmed that in preschool education this function is not limited to or defined by the educational logic