4 research outputs found

    Effect on calcium intake on pain intensity during menstruation

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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Dismenore atau nyeri haid adalah nyeri yang dirasakan pada saat menstruasi yang ditandai oleh rasa kram dan tertusuk pada perut bagian bawah. Kalsium merupakan salah satu mineral yang mempengaruhi kinerja otot. Kalsium dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk proses kontraksi otot pada organ reproduksi saat menstruasi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi kalsium dalam mengurangi nyeri pada remaja.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional terhadap mahasiswa Pendidikan Dokter dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 127 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling. Statu asupan konsumsi kalsium diukur dengan membandingkan konsumsi kalsium bersadarkan Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuisoner Food Recall 24 Hours.Status asupan konsumsi kalsium dikategorikan kurang jika < 960 mg/hari dan cukup jika > 960 mg/hari. Intensitas nyeri haid diukur dengan menggunakan Universal Pain Assessment Tool. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Chi-square dan Independent-sample t-test.Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata asupan kalsium 731.46±211.24 mg/hari. Sebanyak 73,2% responden mengonsumsi kurang dari 960 mg kalsium per hari. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara asupan kalsium harian dengan nyeri haid p-value < 0,05). Asupan kalsium lebih rendah pada responden dengan nyeri haid intensitas ringan (679,82±179,79) dibandingkan dengan nyeri intensitas sedang (835,98±232,78).Kesimpulan: Asupan konsumsi kalsium yang lebih rendah berhubungan dengan tingkat intensitas nyeri haid.KATA KUNCI: kalsium; dismenore; nyeri haid  ABSTRACT Background: Dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain generally occurs in adolescents that characterized by such as spasmodic or stabbing pain of lower abdominal. Calcium is one of the essential minerals that can affect the performance of muscles in the body. It needed for the body to contract muscles, including muscles in the reproductive organs during menstruation.Objectives: To determine the role of calcium intake in reducing menstrual pain among adolescents.Methods: This study was an observational study of first-semester undergraduate medical students with 127 respondents. . Sampling used the simple random sampling method. Calcium intake status was calculated by comparing calcium consumption with the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Calcium that collected using Food Recall 24 Hours questionnaire. Calcium intake status then categorized into insufficient if calcium intake is < 960 mg/day and adequate if calcium intake is > 960 mg/day. Menstrual pain intensity was measured using Universal Pain Assessment Tool. Chi-square and independent-sample t-test were used in analyzing data.Results: Our results showed that the average calcium intake was 731.46±211.24 mg/day. About 73.2% of respondents consumed less than 960 mg per day. There was a statistically association between level of calcium intake daily and menstrual pain (p-value < 0.05). Calcium intake was lower in respondents with mild menstrual pain (679.82±179.79) than moderate pain (835.98±232.78). Conclusions: It can be concluded that lower calcium intake had association with severity of menstrual pain.KEYWORDS:  calcium; dysmenorrhea; menstrual pai


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    Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH) Level as Ovarian Reserve Marker before and after Cystectomy Laparotomy

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    Objective: To investigate the comparison of the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) as the ovarian reserve marker before and after cystectomy. Methods: This study used prospective cohort design which included all women with the ovarian cyst who underwent cystectomy laparotomy. The subjects were examined AMH level before and after the procedure. Data were analyzed using one- way Anova, T- paired test, and T-independent test with p valu

    Anti Müllerian Hormone (AMH) Level as Ovarian Reserve Marker before and after Cystectomy Laparotomy

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    Objective: To investigate the comparison of the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) as the ovarian reserve marker before and after cystectomy. Methods: This study used prospective cohort design which included all women with the ovarian cyst who underwent cystectomy laparotomy. The subjects were examined AMH level before and after the procedure. Data were analyzed using one- way Anova, T- paired test, and T-independent test with p valu