32 research outputs found

    Depression and Its Correlations with Daily Life Activity and Quality of Life among Post Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients

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    Background: Stroke affects brain function and causes personality, mood and emotional changes. There is a strong link between stroke, depression, and anxiety. One in three people experience depression at some point during the five years after their stroke. This study aimed to analyze the correlations of depression with daily life activity and quality of life among post-hemorrhagic stroke patients. Subjects and Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted at Sultan Agung Hospital. A sample of 33 post-hemorrhagic stroke patients was selected for this study. The dependent variable was activity of daily living (ADL) and quality of life. The independent variable was depression. Depression was measured by Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Quality of life was measured by SSQol. Activity of daily living was measured by Barthel Index. The data were analyzed by Pear¬son correlation. Results: Of 33 post-hemorrhagic stroke patients, 19 (57.6%) patients were 45 to 54 years of age. As many as 2 (6.1%) patients had depression, either mild or severe. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score was mean= 24.4 and SD= 9.8. Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) score was mean= 14.0 and SD 15.3. Depression was correlated with ADL (r= -0.86; p<0.001) and quality of life (r= -0.75; p<0.001). Conclusion: Depression is correlated with activity of daily living and quality of life among post-hemorrhagic stroke patients. Keywords: depression, activity of daily living, quality of life, post-hemorrhagic strok

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Orang Tua yang Memiliki Anak Gangguan Tumbuh Kembang

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    Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik merupakan salah satu dari Instalasi di RSI Sultan Agung yang memberikan pelayanan berupa stimulasi untuk anak anak dengan gangguan tumbuh kembang. Kurang lebih sebanyak 50 anak yang rutin menjalani stimulasi tumbuh kembang di Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik. Anak anak gangguan tumbuh kembang yang datang dengan bermacam macam gangguan seperti terlambat tumbuh kembang sampai gangguan neurologi motoric berat, gangguan focus attensi dan gangguan komunikasi bicara dan Bahasa. Kegiatan dari PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan gangguan tumbuh kembang dalam memberikan stimulasi yang benar dengan demikian akan meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup orang tua. Data kualitas hidup orang tua diperoleh dari pengisisan kuesioner WHO QOL BREF pada orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan gangguan tumbuh kembang. Hasil dari analisis kualitas hidup pada 40 responden orang tua anak gangguan tumbuh kembang yang diperoleh adalah Domain Kesehatan Fisik kriteria “Sedang” Domain Psikologis kriteria “Baik” Domain Hubungan Sosial kriteria “Sedang” Domain Lingkungan kriteria “Baik”. Gangguan tumbuh kembang pada anak anak perlu mendapatkan stimulasi yang benar sehingga anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang mendekati grafik tumbuh kembang mendekati milestone normal, dengan demikian orang tua akan lebih tenang menghadapi tumbuh kembang anak kedepannya. Setelah mngetahui hasil Kalitas hidiup orangtua kemudian dilakukan edukasi kepada orang tua tentang bagaimana memberikan stimulasi motorik dan sensorik serta oromotor. Pada PKM berikutnya akan difokuskan bagaimana memberikan stimulasi oromotor khususnya serta mengatur tekstur makan untuk anak anak dengan gangguan agar tumbuh kembang optimal kedepan.The Medical Rehabilitation Installation is one of the installations at the Sultan Agung Hospital that provides services in the form of stimulation for children with growth and development disorders. Approximately 50 children routinely undergo growth and development stimulation at the Medical Rehabilitation Installation. Children with growth and development disorders who come with various kinds of disorders such as delayed growth and development to severe motor neurologic disorders, attention focus disorders and speech and language communication disorders. This PKM activity aims to increase the knowledge of parents who have children with growth and development disorders in providing the right stimulation, thereby improving the quality of life of parents. Quality of life data for parents was obtained from filling out the WHO QOL BREF questionnaire. The results of the analysis of the quality of life in 40 respondents of parents of children with growth and development disorders obtained are Physical Health Domain criteria "Medium" Psychological Domain criteria "Good" Social Relations domain criteria "Medium" Environmental Domain criteria "Good". Disorders of growth and development in children need to get the right stimulation so that children can grow and develop closer to the growth chart approaching normal milestones, so parents will be calmer in facing their child's growth and development in the future. The next PKM will focus on how to regulate eating patterns for children with oromotor disorders in particular

    The Correlation between Gross Motor Function Classification System and Spasticity in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) was used as a criterion to classify motor function in children with cerebral palsy. Spasticity is an increase in muscle resistance to passive stretching, which is an involuntary muscle activity associated with upper motor neuron paralysis that occurs in CP children so that it interferes with their activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between GMFCS and the level of spasticity assessed by the Ashworth scale in children with cerebral palsy. The analytical research method was observational with a cross sectional approach, the independent variable was assessed on the functional scale using the GMFCS and the dependent variable was assessed for spasticity using the Ashworth scale. The research sample was CP children at YPAC Semarang city. The results of this study are that the highest GMFCS level in children with cerebral palsy at SLB YPAC Semarang City is level III and IV as much as 25.0% while the assessment of spasticity using the ashworth scale obtained ashworth level 3 as much as 58.3% while the results of the calculation of the non-parametric Spearman correlation test were obtained. p value = 0.000 (p < 0.05) with a value of r = 0.837. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between GMFCS and the level of spasticity assessed using the Ashworth scale in children with cerebral palsy

    Edukasi Proper Body Mechanics Untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Pinggang

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    Back pain is a medical condition that has the potential to cause disability. The 2020 Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factors study, the number of people affected by low back pain reached 619 million globally, with a projection of reaching 843 million cases in 2050. The YLD Years Lived with Disability rate based on global age standards in 2020 reached 832 per 100,000, thus there has been an increase in the number of low back pain sufferers in each time period. Improper use of body mechanics when carrying out various activities can cause mechanical lower back pain. Proper Body Mechanics is a preventive way to maintain alignment, balance and back posture when carrying out activities. The Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) is one of the most widely used instruments to measure self-reported disability in patients with low back pain. RMDQ is an instrument to assess what percentage of clinical improvement over time is assessed based on serial analysis of scores. The aim of this PKW is to provide education about the importance of proper body mechanics for patients with low back pain in reducing pain and reducing recurrence. The method for implementing this PKW is to provide education about the importance of proper body mechanics to participants who experience back pain. Participants carry out proper body mechanics for 3 months. Before and after carrying out proper body mechanics, interviews were conducted using RMDQ. The results of this education showed that data from 22 participants showed that there had been an increase in function of 85.44% and a decrease in the level of disability from the RMDQ score. This provides evidence of the effectiveness of proper body mechanics in reducing low back pai

    Pengaruh Edukasi Latihan Pasien Paska Stroke dan Kemandirian Aktivitas Kehidupan Sehari-hari

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    Stroke akan mengubah hidup secara fisik dan emosional. Kondisi tersebut diakibatkan karena kelemahan anggota badan, mati rasa atau kelumpuhan, gangguan komunikasi, gangguan penglihatan, dan gangguan pengabaian satu sisi yang terdampak. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) adalah skala peringkat hasil global untuk pasien pasca stroke. Digunakan untuk mengkategorikan tingkat disabilitas seseorang dengan mengacu pada kegiatan sebelum mengalami stroke dalam melakukan aktivitas tertentu. Indeks Barthel adalah skala yang menunjukkan kemampuan untuk melakukan aktivitas kehidupan sehari hari. Latihan fisik setelah stroke dapat meningkatkan kemandirian dan memperbaiki kapasitas fungsional umum setelah stroke. Latihan fisik juga berpotensi memberikan manfaat psikososial, terutama melalui aktivitas kelompok. karena latihan fisik dan kebugaran kardiorespirasi merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya stroke. Latihan fisik dan olahraga memiliki peran mengurangi kemungkinan stroke berulang dan memperbaiki kondisi komorbiditas lainnya. Tujuan dari Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) ini adalah memberikan edukasi dan latihan fisik pada penderita paska stroke. Hasilnya, didapatkan bahwa edukasi dan latihan rutin penderita post stroke meningkatkan tingkat kemandirian fungsional dan kemandirian dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari hari. Terjadi perubahan mRS di awal rawat jalan 47.37% mengalami disabilitas sedang – berat dan 2.11% mengalami disabilitas berat, setelah menjalani latihan fisik terjadi peningkatan 36.84% menjadi disabilitas ringan dan tidak ada lagi yang mengalami disabilitas berat. Dari penilaian Indeks Barthel didapatkan pada awal rawat jalan 47.37% ketergantungan berat, 47.37% ketergantungan total, setelah melakukan Latihan fisik terjadi peningkatan kemandirian 36.84% menjadi mandiri dan 57.89% menjadi kemandirian sedang, tidak ada lagi yang mengalami ketergantungan total.A stroke will change your life physically and emotionally. This condition is caused by weakness of the limbs, numbness or paralysis, communication disorders, vision problems, and neglect of one affected side. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) is a global outcome rating scale for post-stroke patients. Used to categorize a person's level of disability by referring to activities before experiencing a stroke in carrying out certain activities. The Barthel Index is a scale that shows the ability to carry out daily life activities. Physical exercise after stroke can increase independence and improve general functional capacity after stroke. Physical exercise also has the potential to provide psychosocial benefits, especially through group activities because physical exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness are risk factors for stroke. Physical exercise and exercise have a role in reducing the possibility of recurrent stroke and improving other comorbid conditions. The aim of this Regional Partnership Program is to provide education and physical exercise to post-stroke sufferers. As a result, it was found that education and routine exercise for post-stroke sufferers increased the level of functional independence and independence in carrying out daily activities. There was a change in mRS at the beginning of the outpatient treatment, 47.37% experienced moderate - severe disability and 2.11% experienced severe disability, after undergoing physical exercise there was an increase of 36.84% to mild disability and no one else experienced severe disability. From the Barthel Index assessment, it was found that at the start of outpatient care, 47.37% were severely dependent, 47.37% were totally dependent, after doing physical exercise there was an increase in independence, 36.84% became independent and 57.89% became moderately independent, no one experienced total dependence anymore

    The Relationship between Total Blood Cholesterol Level and VO2 max in 6-Minute Walk Test An Analitical Observational Study in Students of Medical Faculty UNISSULA aged 19 to 21 years

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    The increase in total cholesterol level is a risk factor for coronary heart diseases leading to decrease in fitness. VO2 max is the biggest advocate for heart and lung fitness. There have been few studies conducted on relationship between total cholesterol level and VO2 max. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between total colesterol level and VO2 max through the 6-minute walk test. In this Analytical observational study with the population of medical faculty students of 2009, 2010, 2011 included 51 persons aged 19-21 years. Total cholesterol level was measured by specthrophotometer from blood. VO2 max analyzed by the 6-minute walk test. The study resulted in mean VO2 max of 24.48 ml/kg/min, mean of total blood cholesterol of 164.16 mg/dl. Pearson correlation test showed there was a significant correlation between total blood cholesterol level and VO2 max (p < 0.05), with negative correlation r = -0.281. An increase in the blood levels of total cholesterol will decrease physical fitness (VO2 max)

    The Effect of Exercise on Elderly Body Balance which Measured By Romberg Test Study in Plamongansari Pedurungan Semarang

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    Background: Balance disorders is a major cause which often lead elders to fall easily. Body balance reduction of elders can be helped by many variety of balance exercises, one of them is elders exercise. There have been many researches on the assessment of body balance. But a research carrying a Romberg Test to assesses static balance by closing and opening eyes as a visual organ has not been done. This study aims to determine the effect of exercise on elderly body balance which measured by Romberg Test.Design and Method: Analytic observational research with cross-sectional approach was conducted to elderly who routinely do exercises and to them who don’t. There were 82 samples, consisted of 41 elderly do exercises and 42 elderly who don’t. Body balances of both groups were measured using the Romberg test. The data were analyzed by chi-square.Result: Among the 41 elderly who do exercise, consisted of 12 men and 29 women, showed 97.56% balanced and 2.44% unbalanced. While 41 elderly aged over 60 years who don’t do exercise, consisted of 15 men and 26 women, showed 46.34% balanced and 53.66% unbalanced. The results of chi-square test showed p = 0.000; r = 0.495.Conclusion: The elderly exercises influence the body balance as measured using the Romberg Test to healthy elderly, with a moderate degree of correlation (Sains Medika, 4(2):142-146)

    Pendampingan Kader Kesehatan dengan Intervensi Penyuluhan Peduli Cegah Kenali dan Atasi Stroke (Cekatan Stroke) Kelurahan Banjardowo Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang

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    Stroke merupakan kegawatan neurologi yang merupakan penyebab kematian ke dua di Indonesia, di samping penyebab disabilitas pertama. Meskipun telah dapat menekan morbilitas namun insiden stroke masih tinggi bahkan semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu dipandang penting upaya preventif terutama di tingkat masyarakat sendiri. Kegiatan ini adalah upaya nyata dalam upaya preventif stroke yang dilakukan oleh mayarakat dan untuk mayarakat, berupa intervensi penyuluhan peduli untuk cegah kenali dan atasi stroke (CEKATAN STROKE kepada kader kesehatan di kelurahan Banjawdowo kecamatan Genuk kota Semarang. Diharapkan dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan sikap para kader kesehatan akan diteruskan dengan diseminasi apa yang sudah didapat kepada masyarakat sekitar tempat tinggalnya sehingga insiden dan kejadian berulang stroke dapat diturunkan. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode berbasis kelompok secara komprehensif oleh pemateri multidisiplin meliputi spesialis saraf, spesialis gizi klinik, spesialis rehabilitasi medis, dan juga mengikutsertakan mahasiswa kedokteran FK UNISSULA. Kegiatan dilakukan secara terukur dan perubahan pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap stroke. Kegiatan telah dilakukan bulan Maret 2022 dengan peserta 25 orang kader kesehatan. Hasil kegiatan: 25 orang kader kesehatan kelurahan Banjardowo mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Selain mendapat penyuluhan, dilatih melakukan skrining risiko stroke menggunakan Kartu Skrining Risiko Stroke. Pada kesempatan ini juga dibagikan buku saku untuk awam mengenai stroke. Hasil post test: nilai terendah 6 dan tertinggi 10, nilai rata-rata 9,56. Kesimpulan: kegiatan penyuluhan CEKATAN STROKE memberikan hasil yang baik, dengan nilai rata-rata 9,56.Stroke is a neurological emergency which is the second cause of death in Indonesia, in addition to the first cause of disability. Although it has been able to suppress morbidity, the incidence of stroke is still high and even increasing. Therefore, it is considered important preventive efforts, especially at the community level itself. This activity is a real effort in stroke prevention efforts carried out by the community and for the community, in the form of a caring counseling intervention to prevent recognizing and dealing with stroke (CEKATAN STROKE to health cadres in Banjawdowo sub-district, Genuk sub-district, Semarang city. It is hoped that by increasing the knowledge, understanding and attitudes of the health cadres will continue to disseminate what has been obtained to the community around where they live so that the incidence and recurrence of stroke can be reduced. Counseling is carried out using a comprehensive group-based method by multidisciplinary speakers including neurologists, clinical nutrition specialists, medical rehabilitation specialists, and includes medical students from FK. UNISSULA. Activities are carried out in a measurable manner and change knowledge and attitudes towards stroke. The activity was carried out in March 2022 with 25 health cadres as participants. The results of the activity: 25 Banjardowo village health cadres participated in this community service activity. In addition to receiving counseling, they are trained to screen stroke risk using the Stroke Risk Screening Card. On this occasion, pocket books were also distributed for lay people about stroke. Post test results: the lowest score is 6 and the highest is 10, the average value is 9.56. Conclusion: the CEKATAN STROKE extension activity gave good results, with an average value of 9.56


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    Pendahuluan: kelainan kongenital memberikan distribusi sebagai salah satu penyebab yang cukup tinggi kematian pada bayi. Tiga janin dengan persentase 12,67% mengalami perdarahan setelah pemberian ekstrak buah nanas muda yaitu pada kerangka metakarpus dan metatarsus, hasil preparat menunjukkan keterlambatan proses pengerasan tulang karena konsentrasi enzim bromelain dalam kulit nanas 0,050-0,075%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak buah nanas muda terhadap panjang ekor, kelainan palatum durum, dan jumlah ruas jari kaki fetus mencit. Metode: post test only control group design dilakukan pada 24 ekor mencit hamil, kelompok kontrol (K1) dengan pakan standar, K2 dengan dosis nanas muda 0,02 mg/0,1 ml aquadest/10 gBB, K3 dengan 0,04 mg/0,1 ml aquadest/10 gBB, K4 dengan dosis 0,08 mg/0,1 ml aquadest/10 gBB. Analisis dengan IBM Statistic SPSS 25 untuk melakukan uji hipotesis dengan Kruskall-walis dengan nilai p-valu

    KORELASI KUALITAS TIDUR DENGAN FUNGSI KOGNITIF PADA LANJUT USIA Studi Observasional Analitik di Panti Wredha Pucang Gading Semarang

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    Latar Belakang : Lansia sering mengalami perubahan pola tidur yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Hal nantinya akan mempengaruhi kualitas tidur pada lansia yang berdampak pada penurunan fungsi kognitif. Hal ini dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup lansia yang berdampak pada kemandirian dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Masalah-masalah ini bisa menjadi penyebab masalah kesehatan pada lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi kualitas tidur dengan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di Panti Jompo Pucang Gading Semarang. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berjumlah 33 lansia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 angket, yaitu PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) dan MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination). Dianalisis atau tidaknya korelasi antara kedua variabel tersebut dengan menggunakan uji Somers. Hasil : Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai p = 0,000 (