2,322 research outputs found

    Weak spin-orbit interactions induce exponentially flat mini-bands in magnetic metals without inversion symmetry

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    In metallic magnets like MnSi the interplay of two very weak spin-orbit coupling effects can strongly modify the Fermi surface. In the absence of inversion symmetry even a very small Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction of strength delta<<1 distorts a ferromagnetic state into a chiral helix with a long pitch of order 1/delta. We show that additional small spin-orbit coupling terms of order delta in the band structure lead to the formation of exponentially flat minibands with a bandwidth of order exp(-1/sqrt(delta)) parallel to the direction of the helix. These flat minibands cover a rather broad belt of width sqrt(delta) on the Fermi surface where electron motion parallel to the helix practically stops. We argue that these peculiar band-structure effects lead to pronounced features in the anomalous skin effect.Comment: 7 pages, minor corrections, references adde

    Transport in Almost Integrable Models: Perturbed Heisenberg Chains

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    The heat conductivity kappa(T) of integrable models, like the one-dimensional spin-1/2 nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model, is infinite even at finite temperatures as a consequence of the conservation laws associated with integrability. Small perturbations lead to finite but large transport coefficients which we calculate perturbatively using exact diagonalization and moment expansions. We show that there are two different classes of perturbations. While an interchain coupling of strength J_perp leads to kappa(T) propto 1/J_perp^2 as expected from simple golden-rule arguments, we obtain a much larger kappa(T) propto 1/J'^4 for a weak next-nearest neighbor interaction J'. This can be explained by a new approximate conservation law of the J-J' Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages, several minor modifications, title change

    String order and adiabatic continuity of Haldane chains and band insulators

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    The ground state of spin-1 Haldane chains is characterized by the so-called string order. We show that the same hidden order is also present in ordinary one-dimensional band insulators. We construct a family of Hamiltonians which connects adiabatically band insulators to two topologically non-equivalent spin models, the Haldane chain and the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder. We observe that the localized spin-1/2 edge-state characteristic of spin-1 chains is smoothly connected to a surface-bound state of band insulators and its emergence is not related to any bulk phase transition. Furthermore, we show that the string order is absent in any dimensions higher than one.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Appendix about charge string orders added. Version as publishe

    Fragility of String Orders

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    One-dimensional gapped systems are often characterized by a 'hidden' non-local order parameter, the so-called string order. Due to the gap, thermodynamic properties are robust against a weak higher-dimensional coupling between such chains or ladders. To the contrary, we find that the string order is not stable and decays for arbitrary weak inter-chain or inter-ladder coupling. We investigate the vanishing of the order for three different systems: spin-one Haldane chains, band insulators, and the transverse-field Ising model. Using perturbation theory and bosonization, we show that the fragility of the string order arises from non-local commutation relations between the non-local order parameter and the perturbation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    Magnetic skyrmions and skyrmion clusters in the helical phase of Cu2_2OSeO3_3

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    Skyrmions are nanometric spin whirls that can be stabilized in magnets lacking inversion symmetry. The properties of isolated skyrmions embedded in a ferromagnetic background have been intensively studied. We show that single skyrmions and clusters of skyrmions can also form in the helical phase and investigate theoretically their energetics and dynamics. The helical background provides natural one-dimensional channels along which a skyrmion can move rapidly. In contrast to skyrmions in ferromagnets, the skymion-skyrmion interaction has a strong attractive component and thus skyrmions tend to form clusters with characteristic shapes. These clusters are directly observed in transmission electron microscopy measurements in thin films of Cu2_2OSeO3_3. Topological quantization, high mobility and the confinement of skyrmions in channels provided by the helical background may be useful for future spintronics devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 pages supplemen

    Zero temperature optical conductivity of ultra-clean Fermi liquids and superconductors

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    We calculate the low-frequency optical conductivity sigma(w) of clean metals and superconductors at zero temperature neglecting the effects of impurities and phonons. In general, the frequency and temperature dependences of sigma have very little in common. For small Fermi surfaces in three dimensions (but not in 2D) we find for example that Re sigma(w>0)=const. for low w which corresponds to a scattering rate Gamma proportional to w^2 even in the absence of Umklapp scattering when there is no T^2 contribution to Gamma. In the main part of the paper we discuss in detail the optical conductivity of d-wave superconductors in 2D where Re sigma(w>0) \propto w^4 for the smallest frequencies and the Umklapp processes typically set in smoothly above a finite threshold w_0 smaller than twice the maximal gap Delta. In cases where the nodes are located at (pi/2, pi/2), such that direct Umklapp scattering among them is possible, one obtains Re sigma(w) \propto w^2.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Anomalous bond stretching phonons as a probe of charge fluctuations in perovskites

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    Important information on momentum resolved low energy charge response can be extracted from anomalous properties of bond stretching in plane phonons observed in inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering in cuprates and some other perovskites. We discuss a semiphenomenological model based on coupling of phonons to a single charge mode. The phonon dispersion and linewidth allow to locate the energy of the charge excitation in the mid infrared part of the spectrum and to determine some of its characteristics. New experiments on oxygen isotope substitution could allow to achieve a more detailed description. Corresponding relations following from the model can be used for the interpretation of experiments and as test of the model.Comment: presented at the M2S-HTSC-VIII conference in Dresde

    Emergent Lorentz symmetry with vanishing velocity in a critical two-subband quantum wire

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    We consider a quantum wire with two subbands of spin-polarized electrons in the presence of strong interactions. We focus on the quantum phase transition when the second subband starts to get filled as a function of gate voltage. Performing a one-loop renormalization group (RG) analysis of the effective Hamiltonian, we identify the critical fixed-point theory as a conformal field theory having an enhanced SU(2) symmetry and central charge 3/2. While the fixed point is Lorentz invariant, the effective 'speed of light' nevertheless vanishes at low energies due to marginally irrelevant operators leading to a diverging critical specific heat coefficient.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, published versio