47 research outputs found

    Rotavirus Genotype Distribution after Vaccine Introduction, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Brazil introduced rotavirus vaccination in March 2006. We studied 133 rotavirus-positive fecal samples collected from February 2005 through December 2007. Genotype G2P[4] was found in 1.4% of samples in 2005, in 44% in 2006, and in 96% in 2007. Rotavirus detection rate decreased from 38% in 2005 to 24% in 2007 (p = 0.012)

    Difficulties in access and estimates of public beds in intensive care units in the state of Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate the required number of public beds for adults in intensive care units in the state of Rio de Janeiro to meet the existing demand and compare results with recommendations by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. METHODS The study uses a hybrid model combining time series and queuing theory to predict the demand and estimate the number of required beds. Four patient flow scenarios were considered according to bed requests, percentage of abandonments and average length of stay in intensive care unit beds. The results were plotted against Ministry of Health parameters. Data were obtained from the State Regulation Center from 2010 to 2011. RESULTS There were 33,101 medical requests for 268 regulated intensive care unit beds in Rio de Janeiro. With an average length of stay in regulated ICUs of 11.3 days, there would be a need for 595 active beds to ensure system stability and 628 beds to ensure a maximum waiting time of six hours. Deducting current abandonment rates due to clinical improvement (25.8%), these figures fall to 441 and 417. With an average length of stay of 6.5 days, the number of required beds would be 342 and 366, respectively; deducting abandonment rates, 254 and 275. The Brazilian Ministry of Health establishes a parameter of 118 to 353 beds. Although the number of regulated beds is within the recommended range, an increase in beds of 122.0% is required to guarantee system stability and of 134.0% for a maximum waiting time of six hours. CONCLUSIONS Adequate bed estimation must consider reasons for limited timely access and patient flow management in a scenario that associates prioritization of requests with the lowest average length of stay.OBJETIVO Determinar o número necessário de leitos públicos de unidades de terapia intensiva para adultos no estado do Rio de Janeiro para atender à demanda existente, e comparar os resultados com a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde. MÉTODOS Seguiu-se modelo híbrido que agrega séries temporais e teoria de filas para prever a demanda e estimar o número de leitos necessários. Foram considerados quatro cenários de fluxo de pacientes, de acordo com as solicitações de vagas, proporção de desistências e tempo médio de permanência no leito de unidade de terapia intensiva. Os resultados foram confrontados com os parâmetros do Ministério da Saúde. Os dados foram obtidos da Central Estadual de Regulação, de 2010 a 2011. RESULTADOS Houve 33.101 solicitações médicas para 268 leitos de unidade de terapia intensiva regulados no Rio de Janeiro. Com tempo médio de permanência das unidades de terapia intensiva reguladas de 11,3 dias, haveria necessidade de 595 leitos ativos para garantir a estabilidade do sistema e 628 leitos para o tempo máximo na fila de seis horas. Deduzidas as atuais taxas de desistência por melhora clínica (25,8%), estes números caem para 441 e 471. Com tempo médio de permanência de 6,5 dias, o número necessário seria de 342 e 366 leitos, respectivamente; deduzidas as taxas de desistência, de 254 e 275. O Ministério da Saúde estabelece parâmetro de 118 a 353 leitos. Embora o número de leitos regulados esteja na faixa recomendada, necessita-se incremento de 122,0% de leitos para garantir a estabilidade do sistema e de 134,0% para um tempo máximo de espera de seis horas. CONCLUSÕES O dimensionamento adequado de leitos deve considerar os motivos de limitações de acesso oportuno e a gestão do fluxo de pacientes em um cenário que associa priorização das solicitações com menor tempo médio de permanência

    Educomunicação e suas áreas de intervenção: Novos paradigmas para o diálogo intercultural

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    oai:omp.abpeducom.org.br:publicationFormat/1O material aqui divulgado representa, em essência, a contribuição do VII Encontro Brasileiro de Educomunicação ao V Global MIL Week, da UNESCO, ocorrido na ECA/USP, entre 3 e 5 de novembro de 2016. Estamos diante de um conjunto de 104 papers executivos, com uma média de entre 7 e 10 páginas, cada um. Com este rico e abundante material, chegamos ao sétimo e-book publicado pela ABPEducom, em seus seis primeiros anos de existência. A especificidade desta obra é a de trazer as “Áreas de Intervenção” do campo da Educomunicação, colocando-as a serviço de uma meta essencial ao agir educomunicativo: o diálogo intercultural, trabalhado na linha do tema geral do evento internacional: Media and Information Literacy: New Paradigms for Intercultural Dialogue

    Rotavirus A during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil, 2020–2022: Emergence of G6P[8] Genotype

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    Rotavirus A (RVA) remains a leading cause of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) hospitalizations in children worldwide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a reduction in vaccination coverage in Brazil and elsewhere was observed, and some reports have demonstrated a reduction in AGE notifications during the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the diversity and prevalence of RVA genotypes in children and adults presenting with AGE symptoms in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2022. RVA was screened using RT-qPCR; then, G and P genotypes were characterized using one-step multiplex RT-PCR. A total of 2173 samples were investigated over the three-year period, and we detected RVA in 7.7% of samples (n = 167), being 15.5% in 2020, 0.5% in 2021, and 13.8% in 2022. Higher RVA prevalence was observed in the Northeastern region (19.3%) compared to the Southeastern (6.1%) and Southern regions (5.5%). The most affected age group was children aged between 0 and 6 months old; however, this was not statistically significant. Genotyping and phylogenetic analysis identified the emergence of G6P[8] during the period; moreover, it was detected in 10.6% of samples in 2020 and in 83.5% in 2022. In contrast, the prevalence of G3P[8], the previous dominant genotype, decreased from 72.3% in 2020 to 11.3% in 2022. We also identified unusual strains, such as G3P[9] and G9P[4], being sporadically detected during the period. This is the first report on the molecular epidemiology and surveillance of RVA during the COVID-19 pandemic period in Brazil. Our study provides evidence for the importance of maintaining high and sustainable levels of vaccine coverage to protect against RVA disease. Furthermore, it highlights the need to maintain nationwide surveillance in order to monitor future trends and changes in the epidemiology of RVA in Brazil

    Epidemiologia das rotaviroses antes e após a introdução da vacina

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência e a circulação dos genótipos de rotavírus, antes e após a introdução da vacina oral contra rotavírus humano, bem como verificar uma possível mudança na faixa etária de ocorrência da infecção pelo RV-A. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado no período de 2002 a 2011, em Juiz de Fora, MG. Foram avaliados 1.144 espécimes fecais diarreicos, obtidos de crianças de 0 a cinco anos não hospitalizadas, que foram analisadas por PAGE e RT-PCR. Os dados relativos à prevalência e distribuição etária dos casos de rotavirose foram analisados pelo teste &#967;2 (p < 0,05), utilizando-se o programa SPSS, versão 13.0. RESULTADOS: Infecções por rotavírus foram detectadas em 9,35% (107/1.144) das amostras, com prevalências variando de 11,12% (90/809) no período pré-vacinal a 5,07% (17/335) no pós-vacinal (p = 0,001). Dentre as amostras caracterizadas, os genótipos mais frequentemente detectados foram G1P[6] (6/33 = 18,2%) no período 2002-2005 e G2P[4] no ano de 2006 (11/33 = 33,3%) e no período 2007-2011 (5/33 = 15,2%). Observou-se, ainda, uma redução significativa no número de casos de rotavirose em crianças de 0 a 36 meses, após a introdução da vacina. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo revelou queda significativa na prevalência de rotavírus, principalmente na faixa etária de 0 a 36 meses, no período 2007-2011, bem como redução na circulação do genótipo G1

    An outbreak of gastroenteritis associated with astrovirus serotype 1 in a day care center, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Between June 4th and June 20th 1996 rotavirus, adenovirus, and astrovirus (HAstrV) were investigated in fecal samples from 27 children under three years old with acute diarrhea, attending the Bertha Lutz day care center, in Rio de Janeiro. All fecal samples were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), enzyme immunoassays (EIA), and electron microscopy (EM). Nine of them (33%) showed positive results for HAstrV by at least one of the employed methodologies. Eight were positive by RT-PCR and EIA, and six by EM. All positive samples were inoculated onto HT-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma) cultured cells for HAstrV isolation and seven were positive after three passages. The sequencing analysis of eight RT-PCR products (449 bp) from gene that codifies VP2 protein, showed a total nucleotide identity among them and 98% with HAstrV-1 (strain Oxford type 1). This is the first report of a gastroenteritis outbreak associated with HAstrv-1 in a day care center in Rio de Janeiro and it reinforces the importance of this virus in association with infantile acute gastroenteritis

    Time spent by Brazilian students in different modes of transport going to school: changes over a decade (2001-2011)

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    To examine changes in the time spent in each mode of transportation used for going to school by gender and age among adolescents from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Two school-based surveys were performed in 2001 (N = 5,028) and 2011 (N = 6,529) in high school students (15-19 years old). The mode of transportation (on foot; by bicycle; by bus; car/motorcycle) and the time spent for commuting to school were assessed. Active commuting increased for short trips in both genders (male: 25.1% to 36.7%; female: 18.8% to 29.2%) and in all ages (15-16 years: 21% to 32.7%; 17-19 years: 21.9% to 32.4%), and declined for longer trips in males (30.5% to 21.9%) and in 15-16 years old students (25.7% to 34.7%). Car/motorcycle use has doubled for short trips in males (38.1% to 65.9%) and in 17-19 years old students (37.7% to 62.7%), while the use of buses remained stable in both genders. Our findings contribute to discussions on public policy focusing on the design of safe environments to promote active commuting to schools, particularly to decrease the use of motorized transport for short trips

    Genotyping of gastroenteric viruses in hospitalised children: first report of norovirus GII.21 in Brazil

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    This retrospective study (April-September 2003) was designed to investigate the roles of the main viruses responsible for cases of acute infantile gastroenteritis in hospitalised children up to two years of age. The viruses were identified in 64.7% (88/136) of the cases and the detection rates of rotavirus A (RVA), norovirus (NoV) and astrovirus were 41.9% (57/136), 30.3% (24/79) and 12.7% (7/55), respectively. RVA and NoV were detected in 20 of the 24 reported nosocomial infection cases. This study identified the first circulation of the genotype NoV GII.21 in Brazil and highlights the need to establish differential diagnoses through active laboratorial surveillance

    A non-enteric adenovirus A12 gastroenteritis outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    A gastroenteritis outbreak that occurred in 2013 in a low-income community in Rio de Janeiro was investigated for the presence of enteric viruses, including species A rotavirus (RVA), norovirus (NoV), astrovirus (HAstV), bocavirus (HBoV), aichivirus (AiV), and adenovirus (HAdV). Five of nine stool samples (83%) from patients were positive for HAdV, and no other enteric viruses were detected. Polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis, which revealed four strains and one strain of non-enteric HAdV-A12 and HAdV-F41, respectively. The HAdV-A12 nucleotide sequences shared 100% nucleotide similarity. Viral load was assessed using a TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Stool samples that were positive for HAdV-A12 had high viral loads (mean 1.9 X 107 DNA copies/g stool). All four patients with HAdV-A12 were < 25 months of age and had symptoms of fever and diarrhoea. Evaluation of enteric virus outbreaks allows the characterisation of novel or unique diarrhoea-associated viruses in regions where RVA vaccination is routinely performed