71 research outputs found

    Modeling the red sequence: Hierarchical growth yet slow luminosity evolution

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    We explore the effects of mergers on the evolution of massive early-type galaxies by modeling the evolution of their stellar populations in a hierarchical context. We investigate how a realistic red sequence population set up by z~1 evolves under different assumptions for the merger and star formation histories, comparing changes in color, luminosity and mass. The purely passive fading of existing red sequence galaxies, with no further mergers or star formation, results in dramatic changes at the bright end of the luminosity function and color-magnitude relation. Without mergers there is too much evolution in luminosity at a fixed space density compared to observations. The change in color and magnitude at a fixed mass resemble that of a passively evolving population that formed relatively recently, at z~2. Mergers amongst the red sequence population ("dry mergers") occurring after z=1 build up mass, counteracting the fading of the existing stellar populations to give smaller changes in both color and luminosity for massive galaxies. By allowing some galaxies to migrate from the blue cloud onto the red sequence after z=1 through gas-rich mergers, younger stellar populations are added to the red sequence. This manifestation of the progenitor bias increases the scatter in age and results in even smaller changes in color and luminosity between z=1 and z=0 at a fixed mass. The resultant evolution appears much slower, resembling the passive evolution of a population that formed at high redshift (z~3-5) and is in closer agreement with observations. Measurements of the luminosity and color evolution alone are not sufficient to distinguish between the purely passive evolution of an old population and cosmologically motivated hierarchical growth, although these scenarios have very different implications for the mass growth of early-type galaxies over the last half of cosmic history.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Final version accepted for publication in ApJ (2012, ApJ 753, 44

    High Redshift Massive Quiescent Galaxies are as Flat as Star Forming Galaxies: The Flattening of Galaxies and the Correlation with Structural Properties in CANDELS/3D-HST

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    We investigate the median flattening of galaxies at 0.2<z<4.00.2<z<4.0 in all five CANDELS/3D-HST fields via the apparent axis ratio qq. We separate the sample into bins of redshift, stellar-mass, s\'ersic index, size, and UVJ determined star-forming state to discover the most important drivers of the median qq (qmedq_{med}). Quiescent galaxies at z1011Mz10^{11}M_{\odot} are rounder than those at lower masses, consistent with the hypothesis that they have grown significantly through dry merging. The massive quiescent galaxies at higher redshift become flatter, and are as flat as star forming massive galaxies at 2.5<z<3.52.5<z<3.5, consistent with formation through direct transformations or wet mergers. We find that in quiescent galaxies, correlations with qmedq_{med} and MM_{*}, zz and rer_{e} are driven by the evolution in the s\'ersic index (nn), consistent with the growing accumulation of minor mergers at lower redshift. Interestingly, nn does not drive these trends fully in star-forming galaxies. Instead, the strongest predictor of qq in star-forming galaxies is the effective radius, where larger galaxies are flatter. Our findings suggest that qmedq_{med} is tracing bulge-to-total (B/TB/T) galaxy ratio which would explain why smaller/more massive star-forming galaxies are rounder than their extended/less massive analogues, although it is unclear why s\'ersic index correlates more weakly with flattening for star forming galaxies than for quiescent galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted to Ap

    The Evolution of the Fractions of Quiescent and Star-forming Galaxies as a Function of Stellar Mass Since z=3: Increasing Importance of Massive, Dusty Star-forming Galaxies in the Early Universe

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    Using the UltraVISTA DR1 and 3D-HST catalogs, we construct a stellar-mass-complete sample, unique for its combination of surveyed volume and depth, to study the evolution of the fractions of quiescent galaxies, moderately unobscured star-forming galaxies, and dusty star-forming galaxies as a function of stellar mass over the redshift interval 0.2z3.00.2 \le z \le 3.0. We show that the role of dusty star-forming galaxies within the overall galaxy population becomes more important with increasing stellar mass, and grows rapidly with increasing redshift. Specifically, dusty star-forming galaxies dominate the galaxy population with log(Mstar/M)10.3\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})} \gtrsim 10.3 at z2z\gtrsim2. The ratio of dusty and non-dusty star-forming galaxies as a function of stellar mass changes little with redshift. Dusty star-forming galaxies dominate the star-forming population at log(Mstar/M)10.010.5\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})} \gtrsim 10.0-10.5, being a factor of \sim3-5 more common, while unobscured star-forming galaxies dominate at log(Mstar/M)10\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})} \lesssim 10. At log(Mstar/M)>10.5\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})} > 10.5, red galaxies dominate the galaxy population at all redshift z<3z<3, either because they are quiescent (at late times) or dusty star-forming (in the early universe).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letters after minor revisio

    The Number Density Evolution of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies in 3D-HST: Results from a Novel Automated Line Search Technique for Slitless Spectroscopy

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    The multiplexing capability of slitless spectroscopy is a powerful asset in creating large spectroscopic datasets, but issues such as spectral confusion make the interpretation of the data challenging. Here we present a new method to search for emission lines in the slitless spectroscopic data from the 3D-HST survey utilizing the Wide-Field Camera 3 on board the Hubble Space Telescope. Using a novel statistical technique, we can detect compact (extended) emission lines at 90% completeness down to fluxes of 1.5 (3.0) times 10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2, close to the noise level of the grism exposures, for objects detected in the deep ancillary photometric data. Unlike previous methods, the Bayesian nature allows for probabilistic line identifications, namely redshift estimates, based on secondary emission line detections and/or photometric redshift priors. As a first application, we measure the comoving number density of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies (restframe [O III] 5007 equivalent widths in excess of 500 Angstroms). We find that these galaxies are nearly 10 times more common above z~1.5 than at z<0.5. With upcoming large grism surveys such as Euclid and WFIRST as well as grisms featuring prominently on the NIRISS and NIRCam instruments on James Webb Space Telescope, methods like the one presented here will be crucial for constructing emission line redshift catalogs in an automated and well-understood manner.Comment: 16 pages, 14 Figures; Accepted to Ap

    Ages of massive galaxies at 0.5<z<2.00.5 < z < 2.0 from 3D-HST rest-frame optical spectroscopy

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    We present low-resolution near-infrared stacked spectra from the 3D-HST survey up to z=2.0z=2.0 and fit them with commonly used stellar population synthesis models: BC03 (Bruzual & Charlot, 2003), FSPS10 (Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis, Conroy & Gunn 2010), and FSPS-C3K (Conroy, Kurucz, Cargile, Castelli, in prep). The accuracy of the grism redshifts allows the unambiguous detection of many emission and absorption features, and thus a first systematic exploration of the rest-frame optical spectra of galaxies up to z=2z=2. We select massive galaxies (log(M/M)>10.8\rm log(M_{*} / M_{\odot}) > 10.8), we divide them into quiescent and star-forming via a rest-frame color-color technique, and we median-stack the samples in 3 redshift bins between z=0.5z=0.5 and z=2.0z=2.0. We find that stellar population models fit the observations well at wavelengths below 6500A˚\rm 6500 \AA rest-frame, but show systematic residuals at redder wavelengths. The FSPS-C3K model generally provides the best fits (evaluated with a χred2\chi^2_{red} statistics) for quiescent galaxies, while BC03 performs the best for star-forming galaxies. The stellar ages of quiescent galaxies implied by the models, assuming solar metallicity, vary from 4 Gyr at z0.75z \sim 0.75 to 1.5 Gyr at z1.75z \sim 1.75, with an uncertainty of a factor of 2 caused by the unknown metallicity. On average the stellar ages are half the age of the Universe at these redshifts. We show that the inferred evolution of ages of quiescent galaxies is in agreement with fundamental plane measurements, assuming an 8 Gyr age for local galaxies. For star-forming galaxies the inferred ages depend strongly on the stellar population model and the shape of the assumed star-formation history.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The mass, colour, and structural evolution of today's massive galaxies since z~5

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    In this paper, we use stacking analysis to trace the mass-growth, colour evolution, and structural evolution of present-day massive galaxies (log(M/M)=11.5\log(M_{*}/M_{\odot})=11.5) out to z=5z=5. We utilize the exceptional depth and area of the latest UltraVISTA data release, combined with the depth and unparalleled seeing of CANDELS to gather a large, mass-selected sample of galaxies in the NIR (rest-frame optical to UV). Progenitors of present-day massive galaxies are identified via an evolving cumulative number density selection, which accounts for the effects of merging to correct for the systematic biases introduced using a fixed cumulative number density selection, and find progenitors grow in stellar mass by 1.5 dex\approx1.5~\mathrm{dex} since z=5z=5. Using stacking, we analyze the structural parameters of the progenitors and find that most of the stellar mass content in the central regions was in place by z2z\sim2, and while galaxies continue to assemble mass at all radii, the outskirts experience the largest fractional increase in stellar mass. However, we find evidence of significant stellar mass build up at r4r4 probing an era of significant mass assembly in the interiors of present day massive galaxies. We also compare mass assembly from progenitors in this study to the EAGLE simulation and find qualitatively similar assembly with zz at r<3 kpcr<3~\mathrm{kpc}. We identify z1.5z\sim1.5 as a distinct epoch in the evolution of massive galaxies where progenitors transitioned from growing in mass and size primarily through in-situ star formation in disks to a period of efficient growth in rer_{e} consistent with the minor merger scenario.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publicatio