14 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKedurai Imbang Semato Alam merupakan sebuah wujud karya tari yang mengusung sebuah peristiwa budaya di Kabupaten Lebong. Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam merupakan inovasi baru yang berpijak dari upacara kedurai apem kemudian dilahirkan ke dalam bentuk koreografi tari. Kedurai apem berfungsi sebagai ritual tolak bala. Bebarapa hal yang terdapat dalam peristiwa budaya tersebut diantaranya nilai-nilai yang menjadi pokok mengenai upacara ini yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan masyarakat. Berkaitan dengan upacara ini bahwa ada hubung kait antara penjamuan kue (pesta kue) dengan bersih desa.Kata kunci: Karya Tari Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam, tolak bala, sistem budaya. ABSTRACTKedurai Imbang Semato Alam is represent a existing dance masterpiece carrying a cultural event in Regency Lebong. Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam is represent the new innovation which tread on from ceremony of kedurai apem then borne into dance choreography form. Kedurai Apem function as ritual refuse the army. Several things which is there are in the cultural event among other things values that becoming fundamental of concerning this ceremony is very hand in glove of its relation with the society. Correlate of this ceremony that there is linking barb between cake feast (cake party) with the countryside cleanness.Keys Word: Dance Masterpiece of Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam, refuse the army, cultural system

    Manggopoh dalam Bingkai: Weaving the History of Siti Manggopoh Into the Choreography of a Dance Work

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    The figure of Siti Manggopoh is an inspirational Minangkabau woman who fought for human rights. The dance work "Manggopoh Dalam Bingkai" showcases and symbolizes her unwavering spirit as she led a war against the Dutch. It reflects the traditional martial art of "silek" as the dancers' fundamental movement. This dance work carefully incorporates local idioms with distinct Minangkabau nuances, including the setting, music, costumes, dialogue, and etiquette. Its main objective is to nurture creativity in the creation of dance art, an aspect that has been studied throughout the course of education."Manggopoh Dalam Bingkai" sets a benchmark for choreographers aspiring to transform historical events into dance works with compelling storylines. Drawing inspiration from the phenomenal figure of Siti Manggopoh, this production aims to preserve and carry forward the precious local wisdom from the land of Minang.Through this dance work, we revitalize the spirit of resilient and courageous Minangkabau women. It serves as a powerful reminder of the values of bravery, tenacity, and an unyielding spirit in defending their homeland from oppression. With its captivating movements and expressions, "Manggopoh Dalam Bingkai" aims to inspire present and future generations to cherish and continue the struggle and cultural heritage of great significance


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    FLS2N is one of the most prestigious competency events in the West Sumatra region. The event provided a platform to continue to hone creativity and develop West Sumatra typical dances. Traditional Minangkabau values are one of the creative sources in packaging the dances that are presented in the competition stems at FLS2N. This study aims to analyze the extent to which the development of dance offerings in dance competition participants in West Sumatra Province. The focus of this research is the winners of the junior high school dance branch in 2019 in West Sumatra Province. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach, with data collected through direct observation and interview techniques. The results of the study show that seen from critical fist, the dance performances of the winners of the competition at the West Sumatra Province level in 2019 still use motion patterns that tend to repeat old styles and forms. That is, choreologically, it tends not to be well developed. Meanwhile, there is still a tendency for many dance numbers to give less space to female dancers. It is an unfortunate fact that considering history shows that in fact female choreographers were the developers of contemporary Minangkabau dance.ABSTRAKFLS2N Cabang Tari adalah salah satu ajang kompetensi yang bergensi diwilayah Sumatera Barat. Acara tersebut memberikan sebuah wadah untuk terus mengasah kreativitas dan mengembangkan tarian-tarian khas Sumatera Barat. Nilai-nilai tradisional Minangkabau merupakan salah satu sumber kreatif dalam mengemas tari-tari yang disajikan pada tangkai lomba di FLS2N. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sejauh mana perkembangan sajian tari pada peserta lomba cabang tari di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Fokus penelitian ini adalah para pemenang dari cabang tari tingkat SMP pada Tahun 2019 di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus,dengan data yang dikumpulkan melalui Teknik pengamatan langsung dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari tinjuan kritis, maka sajian tari para pemenang lomba di tingkat Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2019 masih mengunakan pola gerak yang cenderung mengulang-ulang gaya dan bentuk yang lama. Artinya, secara koreologi cenderung tidak berkembang baik. Sementara itu, masih terdapat kecenderungan banyak nomor tarian yang kurang memberi tempat pada para penari perempuan.Kata Kunci: FLS2N, Tari Minangkabau, Kajian Kritis, Koreologi, Minangkaba


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    This paper discusses the process of creating Geometry, a dance works by using a psychological approach to express the idea of the Minangkabau body in contemporary dance practice. Geometry dance works as a real picture of the behavior, thoughts, appreciation of human characters through the description of body dialogue and unique experiences as character expressions in dance works. This study resulted in a description of the creative process of contemporary dance creation based on the application of a psychological approach by describing creative values, appreciation values and behavioral values in a geometric creation. The audience's reflection becomes the impetus to feel the sensations of contemporary dancers' bodies. Basik Minang Kabau uses geometry as a critical reflection on the development of contemporary dance in West Sumatra as a form of the body of the Minangkabau tradition towards a contemporary body. Keywords: Geometry; psychology; Audience Reflection; choreography; creative processPROSES KREATIF TARI KONTEMPORER GEOMETRI: SEBUAH KARYA KOREOGRAFI DENGAN PENDEKATAN PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL  AbstrakTulisan ini membahas tentang sebuah proses kreatif dalam penciptaan tari kontemporer berjudul Geometri dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sosial. Koreografi tersebut disusun untuk mengungkapkan gagasan tentang ketubuhan Minangkabau dalam  praktik tari kontemporer. Karya tari Geometri erupakan gambaran nyata dari perilaku, pemikiran, penghayatan karakter manusia melalui penjabaran dialog tubuh dan pengalaman unik sebagai ekspresi karakter dalam karya tari. Penelitian ini mengahasilkan sebuah uraian proses kreatif penciptaan tari kontemporer yang berbasis pada penerapan pendekatan psikologi dengan menjabarkan nilai-nilai kreatif, nilai penghayatan dan nilai bersikap dalam sebuah penciptaan geometri. Refleksi penonton menjadi dorongan untuk merasakan sensasi ketubuhan penari kontemporer. Basik minang kabau menjadikan karya geometri sebagai refleksi kritis terhadap perkembangan tari kontemporer di Sumatera Barat sebagai wujud tubuh tradisi minangkabau menuju tubuh kontemporer. Kata Kunci: Geometri; psikologi sosial, refleksi penonton; koreografi; proses kreati

    Tari Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam: Representasi Budaya Bengkulu

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    Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam is represent a existing dance masterpiece carrying a cultural event in Regency Lebong. Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam is represent the new innovation which tread on from ceremony of kedurai apem then borne into dance choreography form. Kedurai Apem function as ritual refuse the army. Several things which is there are in the cultural event among other things values that becoming fundamental of concerning this ceremony is very hand in glove of its relation with the society. Correlate of this ceremony that there is linking barb between cake feast (cake party) with the countryside cleanness.Keys Word: Dance Masterpiece of Kedurai Imbang Semato Alam, refuse the army, cultural system

    Development of Body Movement Skills Using Illustrative Music as a Stimulus in Dance Learning

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    This research explores the use of illustrative music as a stimulus for skill development in the field of body movement within the Dance Education program at Padang State University (UNP). Illustrative music aids in motivation, rhythm regulation, concentration, emotional expression, memory, creativity, body mobility, and flexibility in the dance body movement courses. The research employs a qualitative methodology involving interviews, observations, and document analysis to investigate the impact of illustrative music. The findings of the study indicate that the use of illustrative music, such as Minangkabau ethnic music and classical music, during dance body movement exercises provides a positive boost to skill development, emotional expression, and movement comprehension within the art of dance. Through this approach, the Dance Education program at UNP creates a deep, holistic learning environment for body movement in the art of dance

    The Role of School Counselors in Educational Development Through Counseling Guidance Services in Schools

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    Abstract - Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the Indonesian National Education System Article 1 Point 6 emphasizes that counselors are educators, as are teachers, lecturers, tutors, widiyaiswara, tutors, instructors, and facilitators. Because counselors are educators, counseling is education. Counseling services are educational services. Education counselors are counselors who are tasked and responsible for providing guidance and counseling services to students in the education unit. Education counselors are one of the professions included in the education staff as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System as well as the Law on Teachers and Lecturers. Guidance and counseling is an assistance service for students, both individually and in groups so that they are independent and can develop optimally. Based on article 27 of government regulation number 29/90, guidance is assistance given to students in an effort to find themselves, get to know the environment, and plan for the future

    Innovating the Piriang Diateh Karambia Dance as a Cultural Tourism Asset in the Solok City

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    The potential of local culture, namely Piriang Diateh Karambia Dance in tourism development, is part of a product of human creativity that has economic value. This innovative goal is to analyze local culture as a cultural tourism attraction in Solok City which is packaged in the form of performances. Piriang Diateh Karambia dance is in the tourist bag in Solok City. This service method used is qualitative analysis through direct observation and indepth interviews with related parties. To analyze the potential and problems in the local culture of Piariang Diateh Karambia Dance as a cultural tourism attraction at the location where Piriang Diateh Krambia Dance grows including internal and external potential and problems. Local culture of Piriang Diateh Karambia Dance, especially in Solok City in general, has unique potential and art product centers need to be innovative as a means of performing arts that can increase cultural tourism. Innovative strategies as an increase in the local culture of Piariang Diateh Karambia Dance will attract tourists who come to the cultural bag in Solok City. Innovative local culture of Piriang Diateh Karambia Dance in Solok City, made into attractive packaging as a performing art to come to Solok City. Besides being presented as a performing art that will stimulate community economic growth through UMKM in natural tourism pockets in Solok City

    Principal's Leadership During the Pandemic (New Normal) In Improving the Quality of Education in State Junior High Schools (SMP) 6 Sawahlunto

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership of the principal in improving the quality of education, the quality of education that has been achieved at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City both in the academic and non-academic fields as well as the obstacles faced in improving the quality of education and the supporting and inhibiting factors in achieving the quality of education at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City during the covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research using data collection instruments in the form of interviews, observation methods and documentation methods. Based on data on the performance assessment of the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto during the covid-19 period, which was carried out by school supervisors, teachers and staff, students and parents/committee it can be seen that the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto already has a good performance with a score of 86.38. It's just that there is a need for improvement in the development and management of students who only got a score of 58.33 (low predicate) in the school management component. While the components of the learning process need to be improved on the components of literacy and writing culture which only get a score of 50.00 (low predicate)

    Bipolar as a Creative Idea for the Creation of Nodus Tollens Dance Works

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    Nodus Tollens’ is the title of a dance art work that uses the psychological approach of Bipolar Disorder. The choreography of the work is composed to express the idea of Bipolar that affects one's mindset and emotions. Nodus Tollens' work is a picture of the behavior, habits, and character of humans with bipolar who are transferred into gestures using contemporary dance techniques. This study describes the process of choreographing creation and exploration of the Bipolar body with three episodes of depression, manic and hypomanic. Nodus Tollens' work became a performance with a creative process that prioritized the science of dance choreography. Some of the things presented in Nodus Tollens' dance work include the social value of society in interpreting bipolar sufferers. This research uses a qualitative approach with an orientation of meaning and understanding