291 research outputs found

    Fall prevention in community-dwelling older adults. Effects of two programs: single psychomotor intervention versus combined with whole-body vibration. A randomized controlled trial

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    ABSTRACT The main goal of this investigation was to determine the effect of two intervention programs – psychomotor intervention vs. combined intervention (psychomotor intervention + whole-body vibration) – on risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older people who had fallen or were at high risk of falling. The investigation involved a literature review, an instrument development and validation study, and a randomized control trial study (RCT). The literature review suggests that, for fall prevention, the interventions performing simultaneously cognitive and motor stimulation induced additional benefits compared to cognitive or motor single interventions. The developed stepping-forward affordance perception test showed strong internal consistency and was demonstrated to be accurate, reliable, and valid for fall risk assessment (model AUC for fallers: 0.665, 95% CI: 0.608–0.723; model AUC for recurrent fallers: 0.728, 95% CI: 0.655–0.797). The RCT results (51 participants: 75.4 ± 5.6 years) suggest that the participants well tolerated the intervention programs. After the 24-week intervention (3x/week), both programs significantly improved processing speed, selective and sustained attention, dual-task performance, mobility, lower-body strength, balance, and bone mineral density, p < 0.05. In addition, the combined intervention induced significant improvements in reaction time and bone mineral content, p < 0.05. Both programs decreased the incidence of falls, especially the combined intervention. Overall, after 12 weeks of follow-up, the improvements in cognitive function were maintained, while physical function and bone mass results were reversed. No significant differences between programs were found. The control group maintained their results. In conclusion, although the combined program induced additional improvements, both programs were effective and are recommended for fall prevention; - Esta investigação teve como principal objetivo determinar o efeito de dois programas de intervenção – intervenção psicomotora vs. intervenção combinada (intervenção psicomotora + exercício vibratório) – nos fatores de risco de queda em pessoas idosas a residir em comunidade, caidoras ou em risco elevado de queda. A investigação incluiu uma revisão de literatura, o desenvolvimento e validação de um instrumento, e um estudo randomizado controlado (RCT). A revisão de literatura realizada sugere que em programas para a prevenção de queda, intervenções que realizaram simultaneamente uma estimulação cognitiva e motora induziram a benefícios adicionais, comparando com intervenções cognitivas ou motoras singulares. O stepping-forward affordance perception test desenvolvido apresentou uma consistência interna forte e demonstrou ser preciso, fiável e válido para avaliar o risco de queda (área por baixo da curva de 0.665 (95% IC: 0.608–0.723) para caidores e de 0.728 (95% IC: 0.655–0.797) para caidores recorrentes. Os resultados do RCT (51 participantes: 75.4 ± 5.6 anos) sugerem que os programas de intervenção foram bem tolerados. Após 24 semanas de intervenção (3x/semana), ambos os programas induziram a melhorias significativas no processamento de informação, atenção seletiva e sustentada, capacidade de dupla tarefa, mobilidade, força dos membros inferiores, equilíbrio e densidade mineral óssea, p < 0.05. Adicionalmente, a intervenção combinada induziu a melhorias significativas no tempo de reação e conteúdo mineral ósseo, p < 0.05. A ocorrência de queda diminuiu em ambos os programas, especialmente na intervenção combinada. Globalmente, após 12 semanas de follow-up, as melhorias no funcionamento cognitivo foram mantidas, enquanto na aptidão física e massa óssea pioraram. Não existiram diferenças entre os programas de intervenção. O grupo de controlo manteve os seus resultados. Como conclusões, embora a intervenção combinada induza benefícios adicionais, tanto o programa de intervenção psicomotora, como o programa combinado mostraram ser eficazes e recomendados para a prevenção das queda

    Pilot Evaluation of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET in the State of Mexico

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    Since the first public announcement of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET (MMFD) in June 2013, more than 5,000 apprentices have enrolled in the programme and around 2,000 already graduated. The Ministry of Education (SEP and CONALEP), the Chambers of Commerce (i.e. COPARMEX) and the German Cooperation Agencies (i.e. CAMEXA) have been collaborating with state authorities, families, schools and companies to turn this initial idea into a significant and sustainable initiative. Although the numbers are still small, it seemed necessary to undertake a pilot evaluation study of the implementation and impact of this program on its participants to inform those responsible for this policy. We decided to focus our study on the State of Mexico because of the higher number of apprentices in this state and because of the access that the CONALEP authorities gave us to the informants. The report that you are about to read is structured in four main sections. In the first one we reviewed the international evidence on the experiences of policy transfer of Dual TVET. Transferring international good practice sin TVET is always a complex process that requires careful attention to the experiences and lessons from those that tried to do it before. In the second section, we present the main characteristics of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET and the specificities of its implementation in the State of Mexico. In a federal country like Mexico, it is important to understand that national policies may largely vary across states in terms of design and implementation. The third section outlines the methodology of the study, which is inspired by the realist evaluation principles. Realist evaluation, not only tries to measure the impact of interventions on beneficiaries, but also to understand the causal mechanisms that explain why this policy is more effective in certain contexts and with certain beneficiary populations than in others. In the final section, the results of the interviews and the survey with 25 apprentices that completed their studies under the MMFD in the State of Mexico are presented. Obviously, the reduced sample of the study limits the representativeness of our findings but it will offer some expected and unexpected results that should not be ignored by those involved in this policy in the State of Mexico and nationally

    A gerontopsychomotor rehabilitation program can revert losses of motor and cognitive functioning on nursing home residentes.

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    NTRODUCTION European Union older adults number and old-age-dependency has increased (Eurostat, 2015). A frequent answer for their care needs is nursing home admission, although this solution tends to exacerbate older adults losses of cognitive and motor functioning (Frandin et al., 2016). OBJECTIVE To analyze the effect of a psychomotor intervention, accomplished by a multimodal exercise program alternating exercises mainly motor with exercises mainly cognitive, on executive and physical function of nursing homes residents. METHODS This study included 34 nursing home residents (82.4±6.3 yrs): 17 were allocated to the experimental group (EG: engaged on a 10- weeks multimodal exercise program), and 17 to a control group (maintained usual activities). Planning ability and selective attention were assessed by the Tower of London task and the attention Test d2, respectively. Physical function was assessed by the Senior Fitness Test and the Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment. RESULTS Comparison between groups evidenced that the EG improved planning ability variables from5% to 32%, attention variables from 19% to 67%, and physical function variables (aerobic endurance, lower body strength, agility, balance, gait, and mobility) from 11% to 41% (p<0.05), corresponding to an effect size ranging from 0.29 to 1.11. CONCLUSIONS The program induced improvements in the participants ́ executive functions (planning ability and attention) and physical functions, with a treatment effect from small to high. This shows that the psychomotor intervention was able to revert the usual loss of cognitive and motor functioning in old and very old institutionalized persons

    Effects of a 10-week multimodal exercise program on physical and cognitive function of nursing home residents: a psychomotor intervention pilot study

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    Background Nursing home institutionalization tends to exacerbate loss of functioning. Aims Examine the feasibility and the effect of a psycho- motor intervention—a multimodal exercise program pro- moting simultaneous cognitive and motor stimulation—on the executive (planning ability and selective attention) and physical function of nursing home residents. Methods Seventeen participants engaged in a 10-week multimodal exercise program and 17 maintained usual activities. Results Exercise group improved planning ability (25– 32%), selective attention (19–67%), and physical function [aerobic endurance, lower body strength, agility, balance, gait, and mobility (19–41%)], corresponding to an effect size ranging from 0.29 (small) to 1.11 (high), p < 0.05. Discussion The multimodal exercise program was fea- sible and well tolerated. The program improved execu- tive and physical functions of the nursing home residents, reverting the usual loss of both cognitive and motor func- tioning in older adult institutionalized. Conclusions Multimodal exercise programs may help to maintain or improve nursing home residents’ functioning.FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/DTP/04045/2013) - and the European Fund for regional development through Horizon 2020 - Portugal 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Alentejo (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000007 - project: ESACA - Ageing Safely in Alentejo. Understanding for Action)

    Imaginarios sociales sobre la sexualidad en estudiantes de la carrera de Psicología UPS Quito durante el periodo 54 (2019)

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    Este trabajo se titula “IMAGINARIOS SOCIALES SOBRE LA SEXUALIDAD EN ESTUDIANTES DE LA CARRERA DE PSICOLOGÍA UPS QUITO DURANTE EL PERIODO 54 (2019)”, su objetivo es comprender cuáles son los imaginarios sociales sobre la sexualidad en de los estudiantes de psicología que participaron de los grupos focales. Los datos se obtuvieron con la conformación de tres grupos focales, donde se trataron temas sobre la sexualidad. La metodología fue cualitativa, de tipo descriptiva y diseño no-experimental, y se usó el análisis cualitativo por categorías. La población elegida para el estudio estuvo constituida por jóvenes de entre 18 y 24 años. Participaron 31 personas, 24 eran mujeres y 7 hombres. Es una muestra no-probabilística e intencional. Finalmente, de la interpretación se comprende que existen cambios y posicionamientos contrarios en los imaginarios sociales de la sexualidad.This work has been entitled “IMAGINARIOS SOCIALES SOBRE LA SEXUALIDAD EN ESTUDIANTES DE LA CARRERA DE PSICOLOGÍA UPS QUITO DURANTE EL PERIODO 54 (2019)”, its objective is to understand what the social imaginaries about sexuality are among bachelor students in Psychology, who participated in focus groups discussions. Data was obtained of discussion sessions with three focus groups, where topics about sexuality were discussed. The used methodology was qualitative, of descriptive type and non-experimental design, with the use of an analysis by categories. The chosen population for this study were young people between 18 and 24 year old. It had the participation of 31 persons, 24 women and 7 men. It was a non-probabilistic sample. Finally, from the interpretation it could be comprehended the existence of opposite changes and stances regarding the social imaginaries on sexuality

    Efeito de uma intervenção de reabilitação psicomotora em funções executivas e capacidades psicomotoras complexas em idosos institucionalizados

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    Objetivo: Investigar os benefícios de um programa de reabilitação psicomotora em idosos institucionalizados, nas funções executivas e capacidades psicomotoras complexas (FECPC). Metodologia: A amostra integrou 48 participantes (836.7 anos), dos quais 23 pertenciam ao grupo experimental (programa de reabilitação), e 25 ao grupo controlo. As FECPC foram avaliadas pelo Trail Making Test (TMT) e Tower of London (TOL); os processos atencionais pelo Teste de Atenção-D2. Resultados: Os testes de comparação evidenciaram melhorias significativas no grupo experimental, nas variáveis: número de problemas resolvidos à primeira tentativa e totais, e no score total na TOL; total de acertos e de erros, e índices de concentração e de variabilidade no D2; e, principalmente, nas variáveis tempo e número de erros no TMT, p<0.05. Conclusão: A intervenção psicomotora promoveu melhorias nas FECPC dos idosos institucionalizados, com maior impacto, ao nível da capacidade visuoespacial e da velocidade de processamento de informação; ### Abstract: Objective: To investigate the benefits of a rehabilitation program on psychomotor institutionalized elderly in executive functions and complex psychomotor skills (EFCPS). Methodology: The sample incorporated 48 participants (836.7 years), of which 23 belonged to the experimental group (rehabilitation program), and 25 to the control group. Executive functions were assessed by the Trail Making Test (TMT) and the Tower of London (TOL); attentional processes were assessed by Attention Test-D2. Results: Comparison tests have shown significant improvements in the experimental group, in the following variables: number of problems solved on the first attempt, total number of problems solved and total score on TOL; total of hits and errors, concentration and variability rates on D2; mainly on time and number of errors on TMT, p<0.05. Conclusion: The psychomotor intervention promoted improvements in EFCPS institutionalized elderly, with the greatest impact at the level of visuospatial ability and speed of information processing

    A (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the minimum sum of radii problem with outliers and extensions for generalized lower bounds

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    For a given set of points in a metric space and an integer kk, we seek to partition the given points into kk clusters. For each computed cluster, one typically defines one point as the center of the cluster. A natural objective is to minimize the sum of the cluster center's radii, where we assign the smallest radius rr to each center such that each point in the cluster is at a distance of at most rr from the center. The best-known polynomial time approximation ratio for this problem is 3.3893.389. In the setting with outliers, i.e., we are given an integer mm and allow up to mm points that are not in any cluster, the best-known approximation factor is 12.36512.365. In this paper, we improve both approximation ratios to 3+ϵ3+\epsilon. Our algorithms are primal-dual algorithms that use fundamentally new ideas to compute solutions and to guarantee the claimed approximation ratios. For example, we replace the classical binary search to find the best value of a Lagrangian multiplier λ\lambda by a primal-dual routine in which λ\lambda is a variable that is raised. Also, we show that for each connected component due to almost tight dual constraints, we can find one single cluster that covers all its points and we bound its cost via a new primal-dual analysis. We remark that our approximation factor of 3+ϵ3+\epsilon is a natural limit for the known approaches in the literature. Then, we extend our results to the setting of lower bounds. There are algorithms known for the case that for each point ii there is a lower bound LiL_{i}, stating that we need to assign at least LiL_{i} clients to ii if ii is a cluster center. For this setting, there is a 3.83 3.83 approximation if outliers are not allowed and a 12.365{12.365}-approximation with outliers. We improve both ratios to 3.5+ϵ3.5 + \epsilon and, at the same time, generalize the type of allowed lower bounds

    Gestión presupuestal y conformidad del usuario en el Ositran en el año fiscal 2018

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación que existe entre la gestión presupuestal y la conformidad del usuario del Ositran en el Año Fiscal 2018. El método empleado fue el hipotético-deductivo, el tipo de investigación fue básica fundamental de enfoque cuantitativo; de nivel descriptivo correlacional y de diseño no experimental de corte transversal. La población estuvo formada por 20 trabajadores vinculados al manejo del presupuesto y planeamiento en cada gerencia de Ositran y el personal de la Gerencia de Planeamiento y Presupuesto (GPP) y por ser una cantidad mínima se utilizó a toda la población como muestra. La técnica empleada para recolectar información fue la encuesta y el instrumento de recolección de datos fue el cuestionario que fue debidamente validados a través de juicios de expertos y determinado su confiabilidad a través del estadístico de fiabilidad del alfa de Crombach del 0.803 para la gestión presupuestal y 0.781 para la conformidad del usuario. Se concluyó que relación directa entre la gestión presupuestal y la conformidad del usuario del Ositran en el Año Fiscal 2018, según la correlación de Spearman de 0.610 representado este resultado como moderado y positivo con una significancia estadística de p=0.001 siendo menor que el 0.01

    Instrumentos de Avaliação do Risco de Quedas em Pessoas Idosas Residentes na Comunidade

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    A probabilidade da ocorrência de quedas em pessoas idosas aumenta de forma proporcional ao número de fatores de risco de quedas presentes. As autoridades de saúde recomendam que as pessoas idosas com histórico de quedas, ou dificuldades na marcha/equilíbrio, devem ser alvo de uma avaliação multifatorial do risco de quedas. Esta deve incluir, entre outros, o histórico de quedas, revisão da medi- cação, testes de marcha, equilíbrio, função neurológica, força muscular dos membros inferiores, estado cardiovascular, acui- dade visual, atividades da vida diária, o medo de cair, além de uma avaliação podológica e do calçado. Neste capítulo iremos expor alguns dos instrumentos de avaliação do risco de quedas em pessoas idosas mais referenciados na literatura, agrupados em função do tipo de fator de risco: Informação Demográfica, Historial Clínico, Medicação, Avaliação da Aptidão Física, So- matossensorial, Psicológica, Cognitiva, Ameaças Ambientais e Multidimensionais

    Programas de Intervenção para a Prevenção de Quedas em Pessoas Idosas Residentes na Comunidade

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    De uma forma generalizada, as quedas estão associadas a situações de dependência, morbilidade, ou mortali- dade em pessoas idosas. Importa testar a suscetibili- dade individual ao risco de queda e implementar programas de intervenção. A identificação e a associação dos fatores de risco que contribuem para a queda são fundamentais, dado que as quedas apresentam uma etiologia multifatorial. A análise dos resultados da avaliação permite encaminhar o indivíduo para a intervenção adequada. Antes de delinear um programa de intervenção é relevante, o profissional de saúde, considerar as recomendações gerais referentes à prática de atividade física e exercício em pessoas idosas. Deve-se também ter atenção à especificidade do treino, bem como, às componentes a incluir no programa de intervenção, tendo em conta o nível de fragi- lidade do indivíduo. Entre os programas de intervenção para a prevenção de quedas destacam-se os programas singulares, combinados ou personalizados