17 research outputs found

    Efikasi kendiri guru sekolah dalam hospital di Malaysia

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    Efikasi kendiri ialah sistem kepercayaan yang berfungsi untuk mengawal diri seseorang individu dari aspek pemikiran, perasaan, motivasi dan tingkah laku. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap efikasi kendiri guru Sekolah Dalam Hospital di Malaysia yang melibatkan seramai 82 orang guru Sekolah Dalam Hospital (SDH) dari 15 buah SDH di Malaysia. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif berbentuk kajian tinjauan. Instrumen kajian adalah menggunakan borang soal selidik yang melibatkan dua bahagian iaitu Bahagian A (Demografi Guru) dan Bahagian B (Efikasi Kendiri Guru) yang telah diadaptasi daripada Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) oleh Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk (2001). Dapatan data yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science versi 22.0 (SPSS 22.0) yang melibatkan statistik deskriptif (min dan frekuensi). Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa tahap efikasi kendiri guru SDH adalah berada pada tahap tinggi. Hasil daripada kajian ini memberi gambaran bahawa guru SDH mempunyai efikasi kendiri yang tinggi untuk mendidik murid bermasalah kesihatan. Analisis mendapati bahawa dimensi Pengurusan Bilik Darjah mempunyai nilai min yang paling tinggi (min= 4.45) dengan pernyataan item bahawa guru SDH bersedia untuk menyediakan aktiviti pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk murid yang terdiri daripada pelbagai masalah kesihatan berdasarkan keupayaan murid

    Teachers’ Perception on Social Skills of Students with Visual Impairments and its Relation with Academic Achievements

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    Social skills is one of the problems experienced by students with visual impairment due to the absence of visual perception. The aim of this study is to explore the level of social skills among students with visual impairment of teacher perception. This study also reviewed the level of academic achievement based on the result of Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and it’s correlation with the social skills. This survey was conducted on 32 year six students with visual impairment from special education integration program and Special Education School for The Blind from seven states. The instrument was a set of questionnaires that were administered to the sample teachers. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics which involved mean and standard deviation as well as inferential analysis Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The findings showed that teacher’s perception towards social skills of students with visual impairment was high. However, this survey also found that their level of academic achievement was low. Spearman’s correlation coefficient inference analysis revealed, there are positive but very weak and insignificant correlation between social skills and academic achievement. In conclusion, this study show efforts must be made in order to improve the academic achievement of these groups.Kemahiran sosial adalah salah satu permasalahan yang dialami oleh Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (MBK) ketidakupayaan penglihatan akibat ketiadaan persepsi visual. Objektif kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk meninjau tahap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan dari persepsi guru. Selain itu, kajian ini juga meninjau tahap pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan melalui keputusan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan melihat hubungannya dengan kemahiran sosial murid. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 32 orang MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam program pendidikan khas integrasi dan Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Cacat Penglihatan dari tujuh buah negeri. Instrumen kajian ialah satu set borang soal selidik yang ditadbir ke atas guru yang mengajar sampel. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang melibatkan skor min dan sisihan piawai serta analisis inferensi Korelasi Spearman. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan persepsi guru terhadap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam adalah tinggi. Selain itu, didapati pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan adalah rendah. Analisis inferensi pekali Korelasi Spearman mendapati hubungan positif yang sangat lemah dan tidak signifikan antara kemahiran sosial dan pencapaian akademik. Dapatan kajian ini menjadi indikator kepada komuniti pendidikan khas ketidakupayaan penglihatan bahawa pelbagai usaha perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pencapaian akademik golongan ini.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um029v4i12017p04

    Satisfaction Level of Special Education Teachers Training Program toward Southeast Asia Organized by SEAMEO SEN

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    The aims of the research is to study the level of satisfaction among the Special Education Teachers of Southeast Asia countries who attended the 4 weeks training on Co-curricular Activities for SEN Children that was conducted by SEAMEO Regional Center for Special Education (SEAMEO SEN). The aspects studied included the teachers’ satisfaction on the facilities and services provided by SEAMEO SEN, training content, training methods and the evaluation on the facilitators. The study involved 25 participants who are Special Education Teachers whom attended the 4 weeks training course. This is a survey to gain quantitative data using survey as the method of research. The data was analysed descriptively. Silver (1981) Model of Training and Maslow (1954) were used as the foundation to see the relations in the studied constructs. The findings of the research showed that the level of satisfaction of the participants towards services and facilities provided is at min = 4.48, satisfaction towards training content is min= 4.44, training method is min=4.31, quality of facilitator is min= 4.34. Overall, the findings indicated the level of satisfactory is high with overall min is = 4.40 and thus can be summarized that the Special Education Teachers are very satisfied with the training organized by SEAMEO SEN.Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji tahap kepuasan Guru Pendidikan Khas Asia Tenggara (GPKAT) terhadap program latihan Regular Course: Co-Curricular Activities for SEN Children yang dianjurkan oleh SEAMEO Regional Center for Special Education (SEAMEO SEN). Aspek yang diberi perhatian dalam kajian ini merangkumi tahap kepuasan GPKAT terhadap kemudahan dan perkhidmatan yang disediakan oleh SEAMEO SEN, isi kandungan latihan, kaedah latihan dan penilaian GPKAT terhadap kualiti fasilitator. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 25 orang GPKAT yang menghadiri kursus 4 minggu di SEAMEO SEN. Ini adalah kajian tinjauan untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Data telah dianalisis secara diskriptif. Model Latihan yang dipelopori oleh Silver (1981) telah dijadikan asas bagi mendasari kajian ini di samping Teori Hierarki Keperluan Maslow (1954) untuk melihat perkaitan dalam konstruk yang dikaji. Dapatan yang diperolehi daripada keempat-empat aspek yang dikaji adalah seperti berikut. Tahap kepuasan GPKAT terhadap aspek kemudahan dan perkhidmatan yang disediakan memperolehi nilai min=4.48 diikuti tahap kepuasan bagi isi kandungan latihan min=4.44, manakala 4.31 pula adalah min purata bagi kaedah latihan dan min bagi kualiti fasilitator adalah sebanyak 4.34. Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan ini menunjukkan tahap kepuasan GPKAT adalah tinggi dengan min purata adalah 4.40, maka dapat disimpulkan bahawa GPKAT sangat berpuas hati dengan program latihan yang telah dianjurkan oleh SEAMEO SEN.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um029v4i12017p00

    Learning Support for Students with Special Needs at a Public University from the Perspective of Non Academic Staffs

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    Learning support can be defined as support, assistance or services delivered to students with special needs to ensure that they gain full benefit from the teaching and learning process. This research was conducted to look at the learning support received by students with special needs while pursueing their study at a university. This is a case study at a public university in Malaysia. Samples were 6 non academic staffs serving various departments and units at the university. The instrument used to gather the data, was an interview protocol to survey learning support delivered by the non academic staff to students with special needs. The qualitative data was analyzed to describe forms of learning supports delivered to students with special needs. This study found that learning supports provided by the non academic staffs for students with special needs was at average level. The learning support provided include aspects on financial, motivation, career programs, special workshops and demonstrations methods, offering information package, and informing faculties as well as lecturers about the enrolment of students with special needs at the university. This study has implications on the staff professional development programme

    The Dynamic Holistic Development of Human Potentials and Wellbeing: Implication on Educational Policies

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    Education plays an important role in its mission to develop every individual student to become the best person whose potential has been developed to optimal level. This paper discusses a framework of individual’s holistic potential development. Holistic education includes processes and efforts to realize the progress of individual potentials from all dimensions which include; physical, social, intellect, emotion, aesthetic, creativity, and spirituality or as referred by Malaysian Educational Philosophy as physical, emotion, spiritual, and intellect. Holistic developmental process is regarded as the aim and effort to develop individuals to be mindful and skillful to benefit self and the society at large. Development of social responsibility is the outermost circle of the conceptual framework. It signifies the individual’s awareness of his purpose in life, for continuous wellbeing and happiness when he benefits other people from his potential development. Individual potential development starts from the innermost circle describing his self-development, developing wellbeing, to feel peace and calm, and worthiness. Innermost circle refers to the individual state of happiness or wellbeing when his spiritual dimension is fulfilled and developed. The middle or second circle of the framework refers to the developmental process of character and excellence for individual’s optimal potential development through adults caring and teachers’ application of ‘love pedagogy’. Among the catalysts for the developmental process are: conducive environment, emotional strength and self-actualization, chance factor, time investment, effort, and financial resource. Individual development at the micro level during childhood age will become elements for the developmental process during adolescents and adulthood. Implications of the framework of individual’s holistic potential development on educational policies will be discussed in this paper

    Relationship between students’ attitudes in space science with their achievements in the field

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between students’ attitude in space science with their achievement in the field. This study also examines students’ performance in space science. A total of 458 of secondary school students participated in this study. The questionnaire for this study was divided into two parts. The first part contains 9 items about students’ attitudes towards space science while the second part consists of 20 questions of general knowledge about space science. The findings show that students’ general knowledge about space science is at moderate level. The result also shows a significant relationship between students attitude with their achievement towards space science

    Using Picture Exchange Communication System To Improve Speech Utterance Among Children With Autism

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    Picture Exchange Communication System is a common augmentative communication system used on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which is one of the categories of developmental problems in social interaction, communication and behavior patterns. The aim of this study is to see an increase in the utterance of the word by students with autism using PECS. This study is an action research using quantitative descriptive on data collection. Observations were implemented over a period of four weeks to see the effectiveness of PECS using cartoon picture cards and cards real pictures to enhance the utterance of two primary school autism students. From the result shown, the application of PECS successfully stimulates utterance among the students. This study is expected to enhance the communication and social interaction development of children with autism and other children who have difficulty mastering the language

    Teachers’ Perception on Social Skills of Students with Visual Impairments and its Relation with Academic Achievements

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    Social skills is one of the problems experienced by students with visual impairment due to the absence of visual perception. The aim of this study is to explore the level of social skills among students with visual impairment of teacher perception. This study also reviewed the level of academic achievement based on the result of Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and it’s correlation with the social skills. This survey was conducted on 32 year six students with visual impairment from special education integration program and Special Education School for The Blind from seven states. The instrument was a set of questionnaires that were administered to the sample teachers. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics which involved mean and standard deviation as well as inferential analysis Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The findings showed that teacher’s perception towards social skills of students with visual impairment was high. However, this survey also found that their level of academic achievement was low. Spearman’s correlation coefficient inference analysis revealed, there are positive but very weak and insignificant correlation between social skills and academic achievement. In conclusion, this study show efforts must be made in order to improve the academic achievement of these groups. Kemahiran sosial adalah salah satu permasalahan yang dialami oleh Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (MBK) ketidakupayaan penglihatan akibat ketiadaan persepsi visual. Objektif kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk meninjau tahap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan dari persepsi guru. Selain itu, kajian ini juga meninjau tahap pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan melalui keputusan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan melihat hubungannya dengan kemahiran sosial murid. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 32 orang MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam program pendidikan khas integrasi dan Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Cacat Penglihatan dari tujuh buah negeri. Instrumen kajian ialah satu set borang soal selidik yang ditadbir ke atas guru yang mengajar sampel. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang melibatkan skor min dan sisihan piawai serta analisis inferensi Korelasi Spearman. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan persepsi guru terhadap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam adalah tinggi. Selain itu, didapati pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan adalah rendah. Analisis inferensi pekali Korelasi Spearman mendapati hubungan positif yang sangat lemah dan tidak signifikan antara kemahiran sosial dan pencapaian akademik. Dapatan kajian ini menjadi indikator kepada komuniti pendidikan khas ketidakupayaan penglihatan bahawa pelbagai usaha perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pencapaian akademik golongan ini

    Profil pemprosesan kognitif pelajar pintar cerdas akademik di sekolah menengah

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    Academically talented students were defined as students who exhibited talent in academic fields at a particular stage of development. Thirty-three academically talented students from a secondary school in the state of Selangor were involved in the study. These students had achieved grade A in all subjects sat for in a national standardized examination, the Lower Secondary Assessment (Penilaian Menengah Rendah-PMR). An adapted version of an instrument, the Cognitive Assessment System was used to measure the students’ cognitive processing namely; Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive. Multi dimensional scaling analysis was carried out on the data to reveal two prototypes of academically talented student in cognitive processing. Those who scored highly in Attention also scored highly in Successive. However, their scores in Planning and Simultaneous processes were low. Another prototype of academically talented students scored low in Attention and Successive processing. Nevertheless, their scores in Planning and Simultaneous were high. These findings propose to suggest two types of cognitive processing mechanisms among academically talented students. The first type of mechanism utilized Attention and Successive cognitive processing, when their Planning and Simultaneous cognitive processing were low. The second type of mechanism utilized Planning and Simultaneous processing when their Attention and Successive cognitive processing were low

    Teachers’ Perception on Social Skills of Students with Visual Impairments and its Relation with Academic Achievements

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    Social skills is one of the problems experienced by students with visual impairment due to the absence of visual perception. The aim of this study is to explore the level of social skills among students with visual impairment of teacher perception. This study also reviewed the level of academic achievement based on the result of Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and it’s correlation with the social skills. This survey was conducted on 32 year six students with visual impairment from special education integration program and Special Education School for The Blind from seven states. The instrument was a set of questionnaires that were administered to the sample teachers. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics which involved mean and standard deviation as well as inferential analysis Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The findings showed that teacher’s perception towards social skills of students with visual impairment was high. However, this survey also found that their level of academic achievement was low. Spearman’s correlation coefficient inference analysis revealed, there are positive but very weak and insignificant correlation between social skills and academic achievement. In conclusion, this study show efforts must be made in order to improve the academic achievement of these groups. Kemahiran sosial adalah salah satu permasalahan yang dialami oleh Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (MBK) ketidakupayaan penglihatan akibat ketiadaan persepsi visual. Objektif kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk meninjau tahap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan dari persepsi guru. Selain itu, kajian ini juga meninjau tahap pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan melalui keputusan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan melihat hubungannya dengan kemahiran sosial murid. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 32 orang MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam program pendidikan khas integrasi dan Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Cacat Penglihatan dari tujuh buah negeri. Instrumen kajian ialah satu set borang soal selidik yang ditadbir ke atas guru yang mengajar sampel. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang melibatkan skor min dan sisihan piawai serta analisis inferensi Korelasi Spearman. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan persepsi guru terhadap kemahiran sosial MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan tahun enam adalah tinggi. Selain itu, didapati pencapaian akademik MBK ketidakupayaan penglihatan adalah rendah. Analisis inferensi pekali Korelasi Spearman mendapati hubungan positif yang sangat lemah dan tidak signifikan antara kemahiran sosial dan pencapaian akademik. Dapatan kajian ini menjadi indikator kepada komuniti pendidikan khas ketidakupayaan penglihatan bahawa pelbagai usaha perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pencapaian akademik golongan ini. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um029v4i12017p04