7 research outputs found

    Potential of Robusta Coffee Bean Extract (Coffea canephora) Peaberry Roasted and Green Bean Pagar Alam City against the Growth of Candida albicans Fungus

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    A type of coffee plant that is widely cultivated in the city of Pagar Alam, South Sumatra is Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora). The robusta coffee plant is one of the traditional plants that can be used as a medicine. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential of Robusta peaberry Sangrai coffee bean extract and green bean from Pagar Alam city against the growth of Candida albicans fungus. The test method is carried out by extraction, phytochemical screening test and anti-fungal activity test of Robusta coffee bean extract. The results of testing antifungal activity showed that ethanol extracts of roasted peaberry robusta coffee beans and green bean can inhibit the growth of C. albicans fungi by forming clear zones. Secondary metabolite compounds contained in roasted peaberry robusta coffee bean extract and green bean are alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins and terpenoids. The minimum inhibitory content (MIC) of ethanol extract of roasted peaberry robusta coffee beans and green bean against the growth of C. albicans fungus in vitro is at a concentration of 10%. Based on the results of research on ethanol extract, roasted peaberry robusta coffee beans and green bean have the potential to be anti-fungal because they can inhibit the growth of C. albicans fungus

    Relationship of Smoking and Anxiety Levels on Student Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra Semester II Academic Year 2012/2013

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    Depression and anxiety in adolescents has been known to be a powerful predictor of smoking experimentation and change to become smokers every day. The objective of the present study is to investigated the relationship between smoking behavior with the level of anxiety among students of the Faculty of Medicine. Participants were 75 male medical students who study in medical college University of North Sumatra and smoke within the last 30 days. Anxiety was assessed using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). The association were assessed using Spearman test. There are no relationship between smoking behavior with the level of anxiety in the second semester students of Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra Academic Year 2012/2013. Keywords : addiction, anxiety, smokin


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    The research with the title of the relationship between environmental factors and knowledge with the use of fast food as a contribution to the Medical Biology lecture material at STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang in 2017 has been carried out. This study aims to analyze the relationship between environmental factors and knowledge with fast food use among students of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang in 2017. This research is a descriptive research with correlation. The approach used is cross sectional. The population of this study was students of the STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang Study Program. To obtain respondent information, use a data collection tool, namely a questionnaire. Primary data is obtained through direct observation, while secondary data is obtained through data taken in the academic section of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang. Data is processed and analyzed with technical quantitative analysis. Univariate analysis serves to describe the characteristics of each research variable. Bivariate analysis functions to see the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The results showed that: 1. The frequency distribution of fast food  users has a better value, which is 49 people (58.3%) than students who are not good at using fast food  users, namely 35 people (41.7%), knowledge frequency distribution good has more value, which is 70 people (83.3%) than students who have poor knowledge, as many as 14 people (16.7%), the frequency distribution of environmental factors does not move more, which is 48 people (57.1 %) than 36 students who use move (42.9%). 2. There is a relationship between knowledge with fast food users among STIK students in Health Siti Khadijah Palembang 2017 with a value of ? = 0.013. 3. There is no relationship between environmental factors and fast food  use among STIK (Ners Study Program) students in Siti Khadijah Palembang 2017 with a value of ? = 1,000.Keywords: environmental factors, knowledge, fast food and STIK Siti Khadijah Palemban

    Fisiologi Lentinus Spp. dengan Reaksi Oksidasi pada Medium Agar Asamgalat, Agar Asamtanat, dan Agar Tirosin

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    Hutan tropis Indonesia kaya akan jenis jamur (Mushroom). Keragaman ini merupakan faktor pendo-rong perlunya dilakukan USAha mengidentifikasi dari jamur-jamur yang ada, salah satunya Lentinus spp. Ada enam Lentinus yang telah diteliti dan dipublikasikan tetapi hanya satu yang berasal dari daerah tropis (Kame-run), yaitu Lentinus squarrosulus. Lentinus berpotensi sebagai makanan atau pencampur makanan. Selain itu juga berpotensi sebagai obat-obatan, diantaranya berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri dan antifungi disamping kha-siat lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat fisiologi jamur Lentinus spp. berdasarkan reaksi oksidasi pada medium Agar Asamgalat, Agar Asamtanat dan Agar Tirosin. Data fisiologi ini dipakai se-bagai acuan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam produksi senyawa antimikroba. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi pembuatan stok kultur dan peremajaan biakan murni, melihat reaksi oksidasi pada medium asamgalat agar (AAG), agar asamtanat (AAT), dan agar Tirosin (AT). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan semua isolat Lentinus spp. menunjukkan reaksi yang positif pada medium AAG, AAT, sebaliknya menunjukkan reaksi negatif pada medium AT. Hal ini ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona coklat terang sampai coklat gelap pada medium AAG dan AAT di sekitar hamparan koloni. Sedangkan pada medium AT tidak ditemui adanya zona hitam di sekitar hamparan koloni


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      Abstract: The use of food additive such as borax to preservative in food production process could be have a negative effects on health. The abuse of borax as food additive in the pempek and bakso can be dangerous for human health at Palembang city. The borax or boric acid have toxic effect on all body cells.  The purpose of the research is to assess the effect of borax on the sperm motility and integrity of sperm membrane. Including to assess, how many are the borax doses can cause decrease the sperm motility and integrity of sperm membrane of mice. The research was carried out at laboratory Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine Sriwijaya University Palembang using a Completely Randomized Design with six replications. Three treatment doses of the borax were prepared, i.e. 2 mg/10 gr bw, 4 mg/10 gr bw and 6 mg/10 gr bw for P2, P3 and P4 treatment groups of mice, respectively. Each group was consisted of six reproductive male mice and controlwith aquabidest were given each day, for 35 days. The control (P1) group was administrated by similar volume of aquabidest only. The result showed that borax could decreased very significantly (P<0,01) quality of mice sperm, especially sperm motility and integrity of sperm membran compared to control (P1) group. As  a conclusion,  the administration of borax at  doses 2 mg/10 gr bw,  4 mg/10 gr bw and 6 mg/10 gr bw on male mice by gavage in 35 days can  very significantly decrease the quality of mice sperm especialy decrease of the sperm motility and increase integrity of the sperm membrane (P<0.01) compared to the control group. It is suggested to conduct further studies such as the borax can used as one choice for the man contraception. Key words: Borax, Sperm Motility, Integrity of Sperm Membran and Mus musculus


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    Gambir dikenal sebagai jenis tanaman obat,  mengandung zat aktif yaitu katekin senyawa polifenol, berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri dan antijamur. Candida albicans adalah jamuryang hidup dalam rongga mulut, kulit dan alat kelamin, dapat menganggu kesehatan mulut, kulit dan kelamin. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuktikan kemampuan ekstrak daun gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental laboratories. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia Bahan Alam STIK Siti Khadijah dan Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan (BBLK)  Palembang.  Bahan penelitian adalah Candida albicans dalam bentuk sediaan esktrak daun gambir dengan kosentrasi 0.781%, 1%, 2.5%,  kontrol positif (Choramfenicol) dan kontrol negatif (DMSO). Pembuatan ekstrak daun  gambir dengan metode maserasi dan rotaevaporator. Zona hambat didapatkan melalui pengukuran zona bening yang terbentuk menggunakan jangka sorong. Uji statistik  menggunakan program SPSS Versi 20.0,  dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA dan uji Least Significant Difference (LSD) atau uji lanjut BNT (P<0,05). Kesimpulan adalah 1. Ekstrak etanol daun gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) pada semua konsentrasi dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Candida albicans2. Choramfenicol sebagai kontrol positiflebih efektifmenghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans dari  ekstrak daun  gambir


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    The use of food additive such as borax has a negative effects on health, example the abuse of borax as food additive in the pempek and bakso can be dangerous for human health at Palembang city. The borax or boric acid have toxic effect on all body cells.  The purpose of the  research is to assess the effect of borax on the quantity of mice sperm, how many are the borax doses can cause decrease the quantity of sperm mice. The research  was carried out at laboratory Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine Sriwijaya University Palembang using a Completely Randomized Design. The treatment group give the borax, the control group was administrated by similar volume of aquabidest only. The result showed that borax could significantly  decreased (P&lt;0,05) the number of mice  sperm concentration compared to control  group. As  a conclusion the administration of borax at doses 4 mg/10 gr bw and 6 mg/10 gr bw on male mice by gavage in 35 days can significantly decrease the quantity of mice sperm compared to the control  group. It is suggested  to conduct further studies such as the fertility test  of mice sperm given  borax longer than 35 days by  gavage. Key words:   Borax, The quantity of sperm and Mus musculu