88 research outputs found

    No Parameter Left Behind: How Distillation and Model Size Affect Zero-Shot Retrieval

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    Recent work has shown that small distilled language models are strong competitors to models that are orders of magnitude larger and slower in a wide range of information retrieval tasks. This has made distilled and dense models, due to latency constraints, the go-to choice for deployment in real-world retrieval applications. In this work, we question this practice by showing that the number of parameters and early query-document interaction play a significant role in the generalization ability of retrieval models. Our experiments show that increasing model size results in marginal gains on in-domain test sets, but much larger gains in new domains never seen during fine-tuning. Furthermore, we show that rerankers largely outperform dense ones of similar size in several tasks. Our largest reranker reaches the state of the art in 12 of the 18 datasets of the Benchmark-IR (BEIR) and surpasses the previous state of the art by 3 average points. Finally, we confirm that in-domain effectiveness is not a good indicator of zero-shot effectiveness. Code is available at https://github.com/guilhermemr04/scaling-zero-shot-retrieval.gi

    Placental sampling for understanding viral infections - A simplified protocol for the COVID-19 pandemic

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    OBJECTIVE:  The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic viral disease, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The impact of the disease among the obstetric population remains unclear, and the study of the placenta can provide valuable information. Adequate sampling of the placental tissue can help characterize the pathways of viral infections. METHODS:  A protocol of placental sampling is proposed, aiming at guaranteeing representativity of the placenta and describing the adequate conservation of samples and their integrity for future analysis. The protocol is presented in its complete and simplified versions, allowing its implementation in different complexity settings. RESULTS:  Sampling with the minimum possible interval from childbirth is the key for adequate sampling and storage. This protocol has already been implemented during the Zika virus outbreak. CONCLUSION:  A protocol for adequate sampling and storage of placental tissue is fundamental for adequate evaluation of viral infections on the placenta. During the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of this protocol may help to elucidate critical aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 infection


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    The complexity of water resources management is evident for the recurrent conflicts by the diverse uses, which requires specific knowledge for orientation in order to take decisions, that involves permissions for the use of the water. The management and planning issues for the water resources, in this work, has the focus in the knowledge and the evaluation of the water availabilities of small basins, having in account the water demands in the basin of the Rio Preto, Distrito Federal, in specific in the sub-basin of the stream Lamarão, one of the contributors of the river Jardim, main tributary of the Rio Preto, observing the maximum of economic and social benefits using the earth and the water with the minimum environmental degradation. It was developed an interface named H2Ótima, using a Excel® platform, an easy instrument of hydrology modeling. The results are compared with the results of the Ribasim program (River Basin Simulation Model) witch evaluates the water availability of a basin and provides elements to assist decisions. Beyond to be an easy instrument, H2Ótima, allows the visualization of singularities demands adopting a specific rules to the management.A complexidade do gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos fica evidente pelos conflitos decorrentes dos diversos usos e que muitas vezes são concorrentes exigindo conhecimento apurado para orientação das decisões que envolvem a questão da outorga pelo uso da água. A questão da gestão e planejamento dos recursos hídricos, neste trabalho, tem o foco no conhecimento e na avaliação das disponibilidades hídricas de pequenas bacias, tendo em conta as demandas de água na bacia do Rio Preto, Distrito Federal, em específico na sub-bacia do córrego Lamarão, um dos contribuintes do rio Jardim, principal afluente do rio Preto, de forma a obter o máximo de benefícios econômicos e sociais, decorrentes do uso do solo e da água com a mínima degradação ambiental. O trabalho contempla a utilização de um instrumento de modelagem de dados hidrológicos de fácil manuseio, que se utiliza de uma interface intitulada H2Ótima, desenvolvida em plataforma Excelâ. Seus resultados são comparados aos resultados de modelagem obtida por meio da utilização do programa Ribasim (River Basin Simulation Model) que avalia a disponibilidade hídrica de uma bacia e proporciona elementos para tomada de decisões. Além de ser um instrumento de fácil manuseio permite a visualização de singularidades que exigem adoção de medidas específicas de gestão


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      Introdução: A fratura do fêmur (FM) acontece quando surge uma fratura no osso da coxa, que é o maior (comprimento) e mais resistente osso do corpo humano. Os sinais e sintomas de uma fratura de fêmur incluem, em geral, dor intensa na região da fratura e Incapacidade de mover a perna afetada. O diagnóstico de uma fratura de fêmur é feito por meio de um exame físico, histórico clínico do paciente e, geralmente, confirmação por meio de exames de imagem, como radiografias ou tomografia computadorizada O tratamento de uma fratura de fêmur depende do tipo e gravidade da fratura. METODOLOGIA: Estudo epidemiológico de natureza descritiva, realizado por meio da coleta de dados anuais das fraturas de fêmur disponibilizado pelo Sistema de Internação Hospitalar (SIH), referentes ao período entre 2008 a 2022, no Tocantins (TO). RESULTADOS: Foram notificadas 3.651 internações, sendo jovens de 20 a 29 anos o grupo etário mais acometido e homens o sexo com mais registros de internações. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas de fêmur são lesões graves que afetam o osso da coxa e podem causar grande impacto na mobilidade e qualidade de vida do paciente, sendo fundamental medidas como alimentação adequada, suplementação de cálcio e vitamina D, prática regular de exercícios físicos Palavras-chave: Fêmur; Fraturas; Epidemiologia

    Nursing care in combating and preventing the risks of hospital infection

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    The aim of this study was to understand the factors predisposing to the development of hospital infections, as well as to explain the risks of contracting hospital infections to which patients and professionals are exposed in hospitals. The study was conducted through a narrative review research, with the collection of data in books, official publications of the health area and, mainly, published articles. Through this study it was possible to conclude that there are numerous biological risks to which nurses, other health professionals and patients are exposed, which predisposes them to the development of hospital infections. Therefore, it is necessary that nurses receive instructions and training on the biological risks to which they are exposed, as well as on the need for the use of personal protective equipment and other precautionary measures. Here is the warning about the importance of adopting biosecurity measures to avoid exposure to these risks

    Comparison of two methods of equine bone marrow aspiration and two solutions for mononuclear cell isolation

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a concentração e viabilidade da fração de células mononucleares (FCM) a partir de diferentes técnicas de colheita e processamento de medula óssea (MO) em equinos. Foram avaliados cinco equinos adultos, hígidos e sem raça definida. Obtiveram-se frações de medula óssea (MO) do osso esterno, de acordo com dois protocolos: na colheita A, utilizou-se 10mL de solução de heparina dentro da seringa e em seguida, aspirou-se a MO; na colheita B, 10mL de solução de heparina foi injetada na MO e a aspiração foi realizada após 20 segundos. Todos os animais foram submetidos aos dois protocolos de colheitas, realizadas em sequência, sem intervalo entre os dois procedimentos. Após isolamento da fração de células mononucleares (FCM), das amostras de MO obtidas nas colheitas A e B, cada amostra foi dividida em dois tubos, um contendo solução de DMEM e outro contendo PBS. Assim, alternando-se o tipo de colheita e a solução diluidora, obteve-se quatro tubos de amostras por animal. Os tubos foram centrifugados e os sedimentos foram homogeneizados nos respectivos meios obtendo-se o volume final de 100μL. Realizou-se determinação da concentração e viabilidade celular, obtendo-se as concentrações médias de FCM. Para ambos os meios de diluição, a colheita B apresentou valor numérico maior em comparação à colheita A, porém não foi significativo (p>0,05). Atribui-se tal tendência à menor ocorrência de coagulação da MO no momento da colheita B, sugerindo-se melhor aproveitamento da FCM. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre os meios DMEM ou PBS, indicando que os mesmos não alteraram a viabilidade celular. Os protocolos utilizados para colheita de MO e separação da FCM se mostraram eficientes, para o uso em terapia celular em equinos.The aim of this study was to evaluate mononuclear cells fraction (MCF) concentration and viability from different techniques of bone marrow (BM) aspiration and processing in horses. Five adult horses, healthy and of unknown breed were evaluated. BM was obtained from sternum bone, according two protocols: in aspiration A, 10mL of heparin solution was used inside the syringe and BM was aspirated; in aspiration B, 10mL of heparin solution was injected into the BM, and aspiration was done after 20 seconds. All the animals were submitted by both protocols realized in sequence, without a gap between the procedures. After MCF isolation, of BM samples obtained from A and B aspiration, each sample was divided into two tubes; one contained DMEM solution and the other with PBS solution. Therefore, interchanging the aspiration protocol and the dilution solution, four sample tubes were obtained for each horse. The tubes were centrifuged and the pellet was homogenized with the respectively solution to obtain the final volume of 100μL. Cellular concentration and viability were determined to obtain the FCM medium concentration. For both solutions, the aspiration B had higher numeric values comparing with aspiration A; however, it was not significant (p>0.05). This tendency is attribute for the less BM coagulation observed in the aspiration B, suggesting greater improvement of MCF. No difference (p>0.05) was found between DMEM and PBS solution, indicating that both do not alter the cell viability. The protocols used for BM aspiration and MCF isolation were efficient for application in equine cellular therapy