628 research outputs found

    Multivariate Modelling of Pedestrian Fatality Risk Through on the Spot Accident Investigation

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    Pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of public roads and represent one of the largest groups of road casualties; their death rate around the world due to vehicle-pedestrian collisions is high and tending to rise. In Spain, as in other countries of the European Union, steps have been taken to reduce the number and consequences of such accidents, with encouraging results in recent years. A key to countering this concern is the accident research activity that has obtained remarkable achievements in different fields, especially when multidisciplinary approaches are taken. This paper describes the development of a multivariate model that is able to detect the most influential parameters on the consequences of vehicle-pedestrian collision and to quantify their impact on pedestrian fatality risk. First, an accident database containing detailed information and parameters of vehicle-pedestrian collisions in Madrid has been developed. The accidents were investigated on the spot by INSIA accident investigation teams and analyzed using advanced reconstruction techniques. The model was then developed with two components: (1) a classification tree that characterizes and selects the explanatory variables, identifying their interactions, and (2) a binary logistic regression to quantify the influence of each variable and interaction resulting from the classification tree. The whole model represents an important tool for identifying, quantifying and predicting the potential impact of measures aimed at reducing injuries in vehicle-pedestrian collisions

    Frequency domain EEG source localization of ictal epileptiform activity in patients with partial complex epilepsy of temporal lobe origin

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether EEG source localization in the frequency domain, using the FFT dipole approximation (Lehmann, D. and Michel, C.M. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1990, 76: 271-276), would be useful for quantifying the frequency content of epileptic seizure activity. Between one and 7 extracranially recorded seizures were analyzed in each of 7 patients with mesolimbic epilepsy, who were seizure-free after temporal lobe resection. The full scalp frequency spectrum for the first 4 s after seizure onset, as well as for subsequent periods, was determined. Power peaks in the spectra were identified, and an instant dipole fit was performed for the frequencies corresponding to these peaks. Ictal frequencies, ranging between 3.5 and 8.5 Hz, showed a variable degree of stability over time in the different patients. For a particular frequency, dipole results were similar during the different phases of seizure development. In patients with more than one prominent frequency, dipole results for the different frequencies were similar. Dipole results were also similar between patients. We conclude that dipole localization of dominant frequencies, as obtained from full scalp FFT analysis, gives quite reproducible results for seizures originating in the mesial temporal area. The method may become a useful tool for the pre-surgical identification of patients with mesolimbic epilepsy

    The energy budget of stellar magnetic fields

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    Spectropolarimetric observations have been used to map stellar magnetic fields, many of which display strong bands of azimuthal fields that are toroidal. A number of explanations have been proposed to explain how such fields might be generated though none are definitive. In this paper, we examine the toroidal fields of a sample of 55 stars with magnetic maps, with masses in the range 0.1-1.5 M⊙. We find that the energy contained in toroidal fields has a power-law dependence on the energy contained in poloidal fields. However the power index is not constant across our sample, with stars less and more massive than 0.5 M⊙ having power indices of 0.72±0.08 and 1.25±0.06, respectively. There is some evidence that these two power laws correspond to stars in the saturated and unsaturated regimes of the rotation-activity relation. Additionally, our sample shows that strong toroidal fields must be generated axisymmetrically. The latitudes at which these bands appear depend on the stellar rotation period with fast rotators displaying higher latitude bands than slow rotators. The results in this paper present new constraints for future dynamo studie

    Reasoning with the HERMIT: tool support for equational reasoning on GHC core programs

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    A benefit of pure functional programming is that it encourages equational reasoning. However, the Haskell language has lacked direct tool support for such reasoning. Consequently, reasoning about Haskell programs is either performed manually, or in another language that does provide tool support (e.g. Agda or Coq). HERMIT is a Haskell-specific toolkit designed to support equational reasoning and user-guided program transformation, and to do so as part of the GHC compilation pipeline. This paper describes HERMIT’s recently developed support for equational reasoning, and presents two case studies of HERMIT usage: checking that type-class laws hold for specific instance declarations, and mechanising textbook equational reasoning
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