4 research outputs found

    The Effect of Scaffolding on Assignment Quality and Procedural Learning Achievement

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    Some problems experienced by millennial students when they learn by online include learning control, learning disorientation, and cognitive load. This study aims to examine the effect of scaffolding use on assignment quality and procedural cognitive learning achievement in the implementation of inverted or flipped (IF) classroom strategies. This study involved students of the pre-service study program of Indonesian Catholic University of Ruteng. The total research subjects were 78 students. They were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group is assisted by scaffolding, while the control group without scaffolding. The study design used a pretest-posttest experimental control group design and data collection using questionnaires and tests. Data analysis using multivariate analysis (MANOVA). The results showed that the use of scaffolding increased the effectiveness of implementing IF classroom strategies on student assignment quality and procedural learning achievement. The implications of the research for future study and learning practices can be explained

    Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, pelatihan yang pernah diikuti guru, suasana kerja, pemberian insentif dengan kinerja guru sekolah dasar di kabupaten minahasa selatan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru sekolah dasar di kabupaten minahasa selatan yang telah mempunyai surat keputusan (sk) dari pemerintah sebagai pns, sedangkan sampel penelitian sebanyak 116 guru sekolah dasar dari 20 sekolah dasar negeri yang ditentukan dengan teknik cluster sampling. Instrument penelitian adalah kuesioner yang telah diujicobakan serta memenuhi syarat validitas dan reliabilitas. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi dengan bantuan spss 15 for windows. Hasil analisis deskriptif mengungkapkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: (1) variabel kinerja guru sekolah dasar di kabupaten minahasa selatan terbagi dalam dua kategori yaitu sangat baik 3,5%, baik 81,0% dan 15,5% kurang baik. (2) variabel kepemimpinan kepala sekolah pada sekolah dasar di kabupaten minahasa selatan sekitar 92.2% sangat baikdan sisanya, 6.9% baik serta hanya 0.9% kurang baik. (3) variabel pelatihan yang diikuti guru sekolah dasar di kabupaten minahasa selatan sekitar 35.3% guru sangat sering, 62.1% guru sering, dan hanya 3 orang (2.6%) guru jarang mengikuti pelatihan. (4) variabel suasana kerja di sekolah dasar kabupaten minahasa selatan sekitar 78.4% suasana kerja sangat kondusif dan sisanya 21.6% suasana kerja yang kondusif. (5) dalam hal pemberian insentif sekitar 38.8% guru menyatakan sangat sering direalisasikan, 46.6% sering, dan sisanya 14.6% menyatakan jarang menerima insentif. Sedangkan hasil pengujian hipotesisnya menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengaruh keempat variabel (kepemimpinan, pelatihan yang diikuti, suasana kerja, dan pemberian insentif) terhadap kinerja guru (r = 0,315, p < 0,0001), (2) ada pengaruh signifikan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru (r = 0,1169, p < 0,0001). (3) pelatihan yang diikuti guru juga memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja guru (r = 0,1136, p < 0,0001). (4) suasana kerja terhadap kinerja guru, besarnya pengaruh sangat rendah (r = 0,0084, p < 0,330). (5) pemberian insentif terhadap kinerja guru, besarnya pengaruh sangat rendah (r = 0,0110, p < 0,268)

    Pengaruh Kreatıvıtas Mengajar Guru Dan Mınat Belajar Terhadap Hasıl Belajar Sıswa Sekolah Dasar

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    ABSTRACT The low learning outcomes of elementary school students are the basis for evaluation creativity teachers in the learning process in the classroom. Apart from that, interest in learning is also an aspect that needs to be improved for students to achieve good learning outcomes. This research is quantitative research with a correlational type. The population of this study was the fifth-grade students at Posilangon State Elementary School, totaling 32 students. The research sample consisted of 32 students who were determined using techniques non probability sampling. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. Test the validity of the instrument items using product moment, test the reliability of the instrument using alpha cronbach. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive statistical analysis, research prerequisite tests, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite tests include normality tests, linearity tests, homogeneity and multicollinearity tests. Hypothesis testing uses simple linear regression tests and multiple linear regression tests. research results show that: 1) creativity Teacher teaching has a positive and significant influence on science learning outcomes with a variable contribution of 24.2%. 2) students' interest in learning has a positive and significant influence on science learning outcomes with a variable contribution of 99.5%. 3) creativity Teacher teaching and student interest in learning simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on science learning outcomes with a variable contribution of 44.5%.  

    Instagram User Experience in Learning Graphic Design

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    Mobile phone technology offers new opportunities to integrate face-to-face learning also other models of learning. Instagram is mostly only used for business and public figure exposure. But we see a tendency to use Instagram that students use in learning graphic design as a way to access content, publish work and learning outcomes using mobile phone. The purpose of this study is to find out the comparison of the average value of In-diagram assisted creative learning and measure the user experience (UX) of Instagram in learning graphic design. This study uses a quantitative approach with a pseudo experiment of non equivalent control group de-sign to find a comparison of the average value of student learning outcomes in the Statistical Test with MANOVA and to find out the average value of UX with UEQ Instagram benchmarks for learning graphic design. The results of the study there are significant differences (real) the average value between the experimental class group and the control class group. UX test results are on four scales that are categorized as ex-excellent, namely the scale of Attractiveness, efficiency, dependability, stimulation. One perspicuity scale is above average and the novelty scale is good, the mean range is 1.33-2.00 according to the UEQ benchmark interval. The implication of this research is that Instagram through mobile phone technology is effectively used for the creative learning of graphic design lessons and needs to be developed as a medium for the development of teaching materials on all subject matter.</span