224 research outputs found

    Erratum to: Worldwide Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Literature Review Including Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Although fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) affect communities worldwide, little is known about its prevalence. The objective of this study was to provide an overview of the global FASD prevalence. METHODS: We performed a search in multiple electronic bibliographic databases up to August 2015, supplemented with the ascendancy and descendancy approach. Studies were considered when published in English, included human participants, and reported empirical data on prevalence or incidence estimates of FASD. Raw prevalence estimates were transformed using the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation so that the data followed an approximately normal distribution. Once the pooled prevalence estimates, 95% confidence intervals and prediction intervals were calculated based on multiple meta-analyses with transformed proportions using random effects models, these estimates were transformed back to regular prevalence rates. Heterogeneity was tested using Cochran's Q and described using the I(2) statistic. RESULTS: Among studies that estimated prevalence in general population samples, considerable differences in prevalence rates between countries were found and therefore separate meta-analyses for country were conducted. Particularly high-prevalence rates were observed in South Africa for fetal alcohol syndrome (55.42 per 1,000), for alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (20.25 per 1,000), and FASD (113.22 per 1,000), For partial fetal alcohol syndrome high rates were found in Croatia (43.01 per 1,000), Italy (36.89 per 1,000), and South Africa (28.29 per 1,000). In the case of alcohol-related birth defects, a prevalence of 10.82 per 1,000 was found in Australia. However, studies into FASD exhibited substantial heterogeneity, which could only partly be explained by moderators, most notably geography and descent, in meta-regressions. In addition, the moderators were confounded, making conclusions as to each moderator's relevance tentative at best. CONCLUSIONS: The worldwide pooled prevalence estimates are higher than assumed so far, but this was largely explained by geography and descent. Furthermore, prevalence studies varied considerably in terms of used methodology and methodological quality. The pooled estimates must therefore be interpreted with caution and for future research it is highly recommended to report methodology in a more comprehensive way. Finally, clear guidelines on assessing FASD prevalence are urgently needed, and a first step toward these guidelines is presented

    Criminogene factoren van seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden

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    _ACHTERGROND_ In Nederland is tot op heden niet gepubliceerd over criminogene factoren bij subgroepen seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. _DOEL_ Onderzoeken van criminogene factoren bij kindmisbruikers en verkrachters en die vergelijken met nietseksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. _METHODE_ In een exploratieve studie onderzochten wij 16 kindmisbruikers, 22 verkrachters en 59 niet-seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden. We maakten daarbij gebruik van een risicotaxatie-instrument, een checklist voor psychopathie, Implicit Association Tests en zelfrapportagevragenlijsten. _RESULTATEN_ De kindmisbruikers en verkrachters verschilden niet van elkaar in recidiverisico. De kindmisbruikers scoorden lager op psychopathie en associeerden onderdanigheid minder met seksuele aantrekkelijkheid dan de verkrachters. Bij een vergelijking van de drie groepen onderling bleek dat de kindmisbruikers en verkrachters niet significant verschilden van de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten wat betreft psychopathie. Tussen de drie groepen werden ook geen verschillen gevonden in seksuele voorkeur, neuroticisme, altruïsme, woede als trek, vijandigheid en sociale vaardigheden. Wat betreft agressie scoorden de kindmisbruikers lager dan de verkrachters en de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten. Daarnaast rapporteerden de kindmisbruikers meer angst bij het geven van kritiek dan de niet-seksueel gewelddadige patiënten. _CONCLUSIE_ Gezien de gevonden effectgroottes van de verschillen tussen de drie groepen raden wij een vervolgonderzoek met grotere groepen aan. Daarnaast adviseren wij de svr-20 nader op een valide factorstructuur te onderzoeken. Verkrachters dienen behandeld te worden voor zowel seksueel als algemeen geweld

    Effects on Smoking Cessation: Naltrexone Combined with a Cognitive Behavioral

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    A promising option in substance abuse treatment is the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA). The opioid antagonist naltrexone (NTX) may work in combination with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to block the effects of smoking stimuli in abstinent smokers. Effects of lower doses than 50 mg/dd. have not been reported. A study was conducted in Amsterdam in 2000/2001 with the objective to explore the effects of the combination NTX (25/50-mg dd.), NRT, and CRA in terms of craving and abstinence. In a randomized open label, 2 × 2 between subjects design, 25 recovered spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) participants received 8 weeks of treatment. Due to side effects, only 3 participants were compliant in the 50-mg NTX condition. Craving significantly declined between each measurement and there was a significant interaction between decline in craving and craving measured at baseline. The abstinence rate in the CRA group was nearly double that in the non-psychosocial therapy group (46% vs. 25%; NS) at 3 months follow-up after treatment

    The Role of Individual Variables, Organizational Variables and Moral Intensity Dimensions in Libyan Management Accountants’ Ethical Decision Making

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    This study investigates the association of a broad set of variables with the ethical decision making of management accountants in Libya. Adopting a cross-sectional methodology, a questionnaire including four different ethical scenarios was used to gather data from 229 participants. For each scenario, ethical decision making was examined in terms of the recognition, judgment and intention stages of Rest’s model. A significant relationship was found between ethical recognition and ethical judgment and also between ethical judgment and ethical intention, but ethical recognition did not significantly predict ethical intention—thus providing support for Rest’s model. Organizational variables, age and educational level yielded few significant results. The lack of significance for codes of ethics might reflect their relative lack of development in Libya, in which case Libyan companies should pay attention to their content and how they are supported, especially in the light of the under-development of the accounting profession in Libya. Few significant results were also found for gender, but where they were found, males showed more ethical characteristics than females. This unusual result reinforces the dangers of gender stereotyping in business. Personal moral philosophy and moral intensity dimensions were generally found to be significant predictors of the three stages of ethical decision making studied. One implication of this is to give more attention to ethics in accounting education, making the connections between accounting practice and (in Libya) Islam. Overall, this study not only adds to the available empirical evidence on factors affecting ethical decision making, notably examining three stages of Rest’s model, but also offers rare insights into the ethical views of practising management accountants and provides a benchmark for future studies of ethical decision making in Muslim majority countries and other parts of the developing world

    Stress and its influence on reproduction in pigs: a review

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    The manifestations of stress, defined as a biological response to an event that the individual perceives as a threat to its homeostasis, are commonly linked to enhanced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activation of the sympathetic adreno-medullary (SA) system. Activation of the HPA system results in the secretion of peptides from the hypothalamus, principally corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and beta-endorphin. ACTH induces the secretion of corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex, which can be seen in pigs exposed to acute physical and/or psychological stressors. The present paper is a review of studies on the influence of stressors on reproduction in pigs. The effects of stress on reproduction depend on the critical timing of stress, the genetic predisposition to stress, and the type of stress. The effect of stress on reproduction is also influenced by the duration of the responses induced by various stressors. Prolonged or chronic stress usually results in inhibition of reproduction, while the effects of transient or acute stress in certain cases is stimulatory (e.g. anoestrus), but in most cases is of impairment for reproduction. Most sensitive of the reproductive process are ovulation, expression of sexual behaviour and implantation of the embryo, since they are directly controlled by the neuroendocrine system

    Who decides what is fair in fair trade? The agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price

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    The agri-environmental governance of value chains can favour a Polanyian double movement seeking social protection and control over price setting markets or it can advance a neoliberal logic that strives to overcome the few remaining civic and ecologic obstacles to full market dominance. Coupled with a typology that contrasts corporate social responsibility and social economy Fair Trade models, this theoretical framework elucidates positions in the current policy debates about the minimum coffee price standard. Many Southern smallholders consider Fair Trade's standards, which for coffee include direct market accesses for smallholder cooperatives, minimum prices, and environmental criteria, among the best deals available. The smallholder empowerment benefits are often better than competing eco-labels. However, this study finds that Fair Trade minimum prices lost 41 percent of their real value from 1988 to 2008. Despite objections from several 'market driven' firms and national labelling initiatives, smallholders' collective advocacy and this research contributed to the Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International's (FLO) decision to mandate a 7-11 percent minimum price increase. The price debates demonstrate that Fair Trade governance is neither purely neoliberal nor social movement led - it is a highly contested socially embedded practice. Voices without votes, North-South inequalities, and dwindling prices paid to its stated protagonists indicate the need for governance reform, cost of living price adjustments, and additional investment in the innovative alternative trade and hybrid models

    Being lonely or using substances with friends? A cross-sectional study of Hungarian adolescents’ health risk behaviours

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    BACKGROUND: Studying adolescents' health risk behaviours is oddly significant in Central and Eastern European countries, where the prevalence of smoking and drinking among 14-18 year old students is significantly high. The goal of our study is to examine the role of social psychological and social behavioural variables in health risk behaviours among Hungarian adolescents. METHODS: Our sample was comprised of three high schools of Debrecen (the second largest city of Hungary). In all, 501 students filled in the questionnaire from 22 classes (14-22 years old). Students aged above 18 years were excluded for the purpose of the study, giving a total sample size of 471 high school students. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: According to our results (1) social behavioural factors (namely, smoking and alcohol use of the best friend and peer group) proved to be better predictors of adolescents' health risk behaviours as compared to the included social psychological attributes (2); among the latter ones, loneliness and shyness were negatively related with both smoking and drinking, while competitiveness was a predictor of drinking prevalence among boys. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that social behavioural factors, including smoking and drinking of friends, are oddly important predictors of Hungarian adolescents' health risk behaviours. According to our results, health policy should pay more attention to peer norms related to smoking and drinking during school health promotion. Developing health protective social norms may be an indispensable component of effective health promotion in high schools