71 research outputs found

    Abundance, condition, and diet of juvenile Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in the Aleutian Islands

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    T he relative value of pelagic habitat for three size classes of juvenile Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) was investigated by comparing their abundance and condition in two areas of the Aleutian Islands. Diet, zooplankton biomass, and water column temperatures were examined as potential factors affecting observed differences. Juvenile Pacific ocean perch abundance and condition, and zooplankton biomass varied significantly between areas, whereas juvenile Pacific ocean perch diet varied only by size class. Observed differences in fish condition may have been due to the quantity or quality of pelagic prey items consumed. For the delineation of essential demersal fish habitat, important ecological features of the pelagic habitat must therefore be considered

    Essential Fish Habitat project status report

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    : Groundfish that associate with rugged seafloor types are difficult to assess with bottom-trawl sampling gear. Simrad ME70 multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and video imagery were collected to characterize trawlable and untrawlable areas, and to ultimately improve efforts to determine habitat-specific groundfish biomass. The data were collected during two acoustic-trawl surveys of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) during 2011 and 2012 by NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) researchers. MBES data were collected continuously along the trackline, which included parallel transects (1-20 nmi spacing) and fine-scale survey locations in 2011. Video data were collected at camera stations using a drop camera system. Multibeamderived seafloor metrics were overlaid with the locations of previously conducted AFSC bottomtrawl (BT) survey hauls and 2011 camera stations. Generalized linear models were used to identify the best combination of multibeam metrics to discriminate between trawlable and untrawlable seafloor for the region of overlap between the camera stations or haul paths and the MBES data. The most discriminatory models were chosen based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The two best models were developed using data collected at camera stations with either oblique incidence backscatter strength (Sb) or mosaic Sb in combination with bathymetric position index and seafloor ruggedness and described over 54% of the variation between trawlable and untrawlable seafloor types. A map of predicted seafloor trawlability produced from the model using mosaic Sb and benthic-terrain metrics demonstrated that 58% of the area mapped (5,987 km2 ) had \u3e 50% probability of being trawlable and 42% of being untrawlable. The model predicted 69% of trawlable and untrawlable haul locations correctly. Successful hauls occurred in areas with 62% probability of being trawlable and haul locations with gear damage occurred in areas with a 38% probability of being trawlable. This model and map produced from multibeamderived seafloor metrics may be used to refine seafloor interpretation for the AFSC BT surveys and to advance efforts to develop habitat-specific biomass estimates for GOA groundfish populations

    Factors influencing cannibalism and abundance of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, 1982–20

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    Cannibalism is thought to be an inf luential top-down process affecting walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS). In summer, many age-1 pollock occupy the same depths as those of adult walleye pollock, making them vulnerable to cannibalism. We examine factors that inf luence the occurrence and amount of cannibalism, as well as the abundance and co-occurrence of predator and prey walleye pollock. Large walleye pollock were generally found in deeper waters and avoided cold temperatures; whereas, age-1 walleye pollock were found in broader bottom depth and temperature ranges. The occurrence of cannibalism was highest in the area where predator and prey walleye pollock co-occurred and the amount of cannibalism was highest on the middle and outer EBS shelf. Both the occurrence and amount of cannibalism were influenced by location, bottom temperature and bottom depth, and the abundance of prey walleye pollock. The abundance of both large and small walleye pollock decreased during the 1982–2006 survey period in the EBS and, hence, the occurrence and amount of cannibalism also decreased. The occurrence and amount of cannibalism observed in the diet samples from the summer survey were good indicators of year class strength, as estimated by the stock assessment model. There was more cannibalism of age-1 walleye pollock when predicted recruit abundance was highest, indicating that summer cannibalism on age-1 walleye pollock, a top-down process, does not control walleye pollock recruitment in the EBS

    Evaluation of rockfish abundance in untrawlable habitat: combining acoustic and complementary sampling tools

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    Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) are an important component of North Pacific marine ecosystems and commercial fisheries. Because the rocky, high-relief substrate that rockfishes often inhabit is inaccessible to standard survey trawls, population abundance assessments for many rockfish species are difficult. As part of a large study to classify substrate and compare complementary sampling tools, we investigated the feasibility of using an acoustic survey in conjunction with a lowered stereo-video camera, a remotely operated vehicle, and a modified bottom trawl to estimate rockfish biomass in untrawlable habitat. The Snakehead Bank south of Kodiak Island, Alaska, was surveyed repeatedly over 4 days and nights. Dusky rockfish (S. variabilis), northern rockfish (S. polyspinis), and harlequin rockfish (S. variegatus) were the most abundant species observed on the bank. Backscatter attributed to rockfish were collected primarily near the seafloor at a mean height off the bottom of 1.5 m. Total rockfish backscatter and the height of backscatter off the bottom did not differ among survey passes or between night and day. Biomass estimates for the 41 square nautical-mile area surveyed on this small, predominantly untrawlable bank were 2350 metric tons (t) of dusky rockfish, 331 t of northern rockfish, and 137 t of harlequin rockfish. These biomass estimates are 5–60 times the density estimated for these rockfish species by a regularly conducted bottom trawl survey covering the bank and the surrounding shelf. This finding shows that bottom trawl surveys can underestimate the abundance of rockfishes in untrawlable areas and, therefore, may underestimate overall population abundance for these species

    Polymorphous adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands : reappraisal and update

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    Although relatively rare, polymorphous adenocarcinoma (PAC) is likely the second most common malignancy of the minor salivary glands (MiSG). The diagnosis is mainly based on an incisional biopsy. The optimal treatment comprises wide surgical excision, often with adjuvant radiotherapy. In general, PAC has a good prognosis. Previously, PAC was referred to as polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA), but the new WHO classification of salivary gland tumours has also included under the PAC subheading, the so-called cribriform adenocarcinoma of minor salivary glands (CAMSG). This approach raised controversy, predominantly because of possible differences in clinical behaviour. For example, PLGA (PAC, classical variant) only rarely metastasizes, whereas CAMSG often shows metastases to the neck lymph nodes. Given the controversy, this review reappraises the definition, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, genetics, treatment modalities, and prognosis of PAC of the salivary glands with a particular focus on contrasting differences with CAMSG.Peer reviewe

    Use of Species Distribution Modeling in the Deep Sea

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    In the last two decades the use of species distribution modeling (SDM) for the study and management of marine species has increased dramatically. The availability of predictor variables on a global scale and the ease of use of SDM techniques have resulted in a proliferation of research on the topic of species distribution in the deep sea. Translation of research projects into management tools that can be used to make decisions in the face of changing climate and increasing exploitation of deep-sea resources has been less rapid but necessary. The goal of this workshop was to discuss methods and variables for modeling species distributions in deep-sea habitats and produce standards that can be used to judge SDMs that may be useful to meet management and conservation goals. During the workshop, approaches to modeling and environmental data were discussed and guidelines developed including the desire that 1) environmental variables should be chosen for ecological significance a priori; 2) the scale and accuracy of environmental data should be considered in choosing a modeling method; 3) when possible proxy variables such as depth should be avoided if causal variables are available; 4) models with statistically robust and rigorous outputs are preferred, but not always possible; and 5) model validation is important. Although general guidelines for SDMs were developed, in most cases management issues and objectives should be considered when designing a modeling project. In particular, the trade-off between model complexity and researcher’s ability to communicate input data, modeling method, results and uncertainty is an important consideration for the target audience

    Characterisation of DOG-1 expression in salivary gland tumours and comparison with myoepithelial markers

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    DOG1 is an established diagnostic marker for gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST), but has been reported in salivary gland tumours (SGT) as an acinar and intercalated duct marker. However, its specificity and distribution is not well established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of DOG-1 expression in SGT in addition to comparing it with myoepithelial markers. Normal salivary tissue and SGT (n = 184) were examined for expression of DOG1 and a range of myoepithelial markers. SGT included: acinic cell carcinoma (ACC, n = 15), secretory carcinoma (SC, n = 9), pleomorphic adenoma (PA, n = 49), carcinoma ex-PA (Ca ex-PA, n = 11), adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC, n = 20), polymorphous adenocarcinoma (PAC, n = 6), myoepithelioma (n = 6), myoepithelial carcinoma (MC, n = 2), basal cell adenoma (BCA, n = 14), canalicular adenoma (CA, n = 19), mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC, n = 11), oncocytoma (n = 2), adenocarcinoma NOS (AdNOS, n = 4), basal cell adenocarcinoma (BCAC, n = 2), salivary duct carcinoma (SDC, n = 3) and papillary cystadenocarcinoma (PCAC, n = 1). Normal acini and ACC (14/15) showed strong luminal DOG1 staining; SC were largely negative with only focal expression in 3/9 cases. Luminal staining was seen in PA (14/49), PAC (4/6), Ca ex-PA (4/11) and AdCC (6/20). 8/11 MEC showed luminal and/or mucous cell staining. No staining was seen in myoepithelioma, MC, CA, adNOS and BCAC. BCA showed strong staining of myoepithelial cells in some cases (5/14). Variable myoepithelial DOG1 staining was seen in PA, Ca ex PA, BCA, SDC and PCAC which was not as consistent as myoepithelial markers such as calponin, p63 and αSMA. Absence of DOG1 can differentiate ACC from SC, but staining is variable in PA, PLGA and Ca ex-PA. Myoepithelial staining in some tumours but not in normal gland suggests a wider distribution in SGT than originally envisaged

    Seafloor Characterization for Trawlability and Fish Habitat Using the Simrad ME70 Multibeam Echosounder in the Gulf of Alaska

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    Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) stocks that associate with rugged seafloor types are difficult to assess due to limitations of traditional bottom-trawl sampling gear. Alternative methods that include acoustic remote sensing and video imagery may improve stock assessment in untrawlable locations. Acoustics can also be applied to identify locations where alternative assessment methods are required. We use the Simrad ME70 multibeam echosounder (ME70) and trawl survey performance data to develop a seafloor trawlability classification scheme for locations in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). We surveyed areas of the GOA (20-500 m depth) using the ME70 aboard the NOAA ship Oscar Dyson during summer 2011. Seafloor parameters derived from the ME70 data were used to classify seafloor trawlability including, the average backscatter measured as a function of incidence angle, scintillation index from the backscatter, and seafloor rugosity from the depth soundings. We present a preliminary seafloor trawlability classification for areas of the GOA. The next phase of this work will characterize seafloor habitats for harvested species in our survey area using ME70 data, video imagery, and species occurrence data from the trawl survey