855 research outputs found

    Non-Abelian Statistics in one dimension: topological momentum spacings and SU(2) level kk fusion rules

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    We use a family of critical spin chain models discovered recently by one of us [M. Greiter, Mapping of Parent Hamiltonians, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg 2011] to propose and elaborate that non-Abelian, SU(2) level k=2Sk=2S anyon statistics manifests itself in one dimension through topological selection rules for fractional shifts in the spacings of linear momenta, which yield an internal Hilbert space of, in the thermodynamic limit degenerate states. These shifts constitute the equivalent to the fractional shifts in the relative angular momenta of anyons in two dimensions. We derive the rules first for Ising anyons, and then generalize them to SU(2) level kk anyons. We establish a one-to-one correspondence between the topological choices for the momentum spacings and the fusion rules of spin \half spinons in the SU(2) level kk Wess--Zumino--Witten model, where the internal Hilbert space is spanned by the manifold of allowed fusion trees in the Bratelli diagrams. Finally, we show that the choices in the fusion trees may be interpreted as the choices between different domain walls between the 2S+12S+1 possible, degenerate dimer configurations of the spin SS chains at the multicritical point.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Spin Hamiltonian for which the Chiral Spin Liquid is the Exact Ground State

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    We construct a Hamiltonian that singles out the chiral spin liquid on a square lattice with periodic boundary conditions as the exact and, apart from the two-fold topological degeneracy, unique ground state.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Yunque, arco y camino: metáforas del narrar en leyendas y poemas históricos del siglo XII en alto alemán medio

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    Der folgende Aufsatz behandelt Erzählmetaphern in der deutschsprachigen hagiographischen und historiographischen Literatur des 12. Jahrhunderts. Folgende Texte werden unter diesem Aspekt untersucht: der Alexanderroman des Pfaffen Lambrecht, der Oberdeutsche Servatius, die Pilatus-Legende und die Veronica des Wilden Mannes. In den Prologen finden sich nicht nur Bezüge zur antiken Gewebemetapher für das Erzählen, sondern auch Metaphern aus den Bereichen des Schmiedens und Bogenschießens und es werden sogar Vergleiche zwischen dem Erzählen und dem Gehen eines Weges gezogen. In einer Zeit, die noch über keine eigenständigen, volkssprachlichen literaturtheoretischen Termini verfügt, dienen die Metaphern der Legitimation des Erzählens, weshalb es das Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist, die Kombination mehrerer Metaphernfelder, so wie sie sich in den ausgewählten Textzeugen darstellt, auf ihre Funktion hin zu befragen.This essay focuses on metaphors of storytelling in German hagiographic and historical poems, mainly in Pfaffe Lambrecht’s Alexanderroman, Oberdeutscher Servatius, Pilatus, and in Der Wilde Mann’s Veronica. These vernacular narrating texts use metaphors in the field of forging, archery, and movement besides the classical antique metaphor of weaving (lat. “texere”). Metaphors therefore serve as an alternate to terms of literary theory, which does not exist for the vernacular language in the 12th century. The aim of this study is to show how metaphors are combined in the prologues and texts, and how they legitimate storytelling in the vernacular on the eve of courtly literature.Este artículo se centra en las metáforas relativas a narrar y narración en la literatura hagiográfica e historiográfica del siglo XII en lengua alemana. Desde este punto de vista se analizan los siguientes textos: Alexanderroman, Oberdeutscher Servatius y Pilatus del Pfaffe Lambrecht y Veronica de Der Wilde Mann. En los prólogos no sólo se encuentran referencias a la antigua metáfora del tejido para la narración (lat. “texere”), sino también a metáforas en el ámbito de la fragua y del tiro al arco y se compara el acto de narrar con el hecho de andar un camino. En una época, donde todavía no existían términos de teoría literaria propios de la lengua vernácula, las metáforas se utilizan para legitimar el narrar, por lo que el objetivo de este análisis es investigar la combinación de varios campos de metáforas en relación a su función, tal como están representadas en los textos seleccionados

    Eulenspiegel: técnica de enlace y crítica del conocimiento como medio del éxito literario

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    Der anonym veröffentlichte Eulenspiegel wird in der vorliegenden Untersuchung unter dem Aspekt der Kritik an Wissen und dem zeitgenössischen Universitätswesen, die als verknüpfende Elemente der Handlung dienen, betrachtet. Durch diese dekonstruierende Lektüre ergibt sich ein neuer Interpretationsansatz, der den literarischen Erfolg des Stoffes im 16. Jahrhundert erklären könnte. Um diese heuristische These zu belegen, werden zwei Sonderfälle der Rezeption der Historien 28 und 29 untersucht. Es handelt sich dabei um die spanischen Werke Francisco Delicados Lozana Andaluza (mamotreto 65) und um die Segunda parte del Lazarillo de Tormes (capitulo 18), welche die beiden Eulenspieglmotive variieren.In this research, the German Eulenspiegel will be read as a criticism of (academic) knowledge as a connecting topic of the Eulenspiegel-Histories. This kind of deconstructive interpretation aims at the question of the work’s literary success. To confirm this heuristic thesis, two special cases of reception ought to be analyzed, Francisco Delicado’s Lozana Andaluza (mamotreto 65) and Segunda parte del Lazarillo de Tormes (capitulo 18) which both show the influence of the Histories 28 and 29.En este artículo se considera la obra anónima Eulenspiegel como una crítica del conocimiento académico, la cual sirve como elemento de enlace con las historias de Eulenspiegel. A través de esta lectura destructiva, resulta una interpretación que podría explicar el éxito literario de la obra del siglo XVI. Para analizar esta tesis heurística se analizarán dos casos especiales de recepción: La Lozana andaluza de Francisco Delicado (mamotreto 65) y Segunda parte del Lazarillo de Tormes (capítulo 18), las cuales muestran la influencia de las Historias 28 y 29

    Sexual and Erotic Transgression Through Aesthetic History: A Study of Algernon Charles Swinburne

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    This article examines the relationship between Algernon Charles Swinburne’s poetic writing and history, especially in regards to how he explores sexual transgressions. The article begins with how aestheticism works in tangent with history to further these transgressions within a historical context and especially within the realm of Victorian Christianity. Next, Swinburne’s medieval aesthetics in “The Leper” will be analyzed in regards specifically necrophilia and the taking care of a leper, and how the writing of this poem was both a condemnation of Christianity and an accidental upholding of it. The violent homoeroticism and monstrous femininity of “Anactoria” are also looked at in reference to a classical history and how he tried and failed to use homoeroticism to his advantage in attempting to transgress against Victorian ideals. Finally, an examination of the relationship between Swinburne’s writing and history will conclude that Swinburne damned his own pre-Raphaelite/aesthetic movement as well as the Decadence movement that came after by accidentally associating these sexual and gender oriented transgressions with aestheticism

    Non-Abelian Statistics in a Quantum Antiferromagnet

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    We propose a novel spin liquid state for a spin S=1 antiferromagnet in two dimensions. The ground state violates P and T, is a spin-singlet, and is fully invariant under the lattice symmetries. The spinon and holon excitations are deconfined and obey non-abelian statistics. We present preliminary numerical evidence that the universality class of this topological liquid can be stabilized by a local Hamiltonian involving three-spin interactions. We conjecture that spinons in spin liquids with spin larger than 1/2 obey non-abelian statistics in general.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure


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    Konflik adalah pertentangan dua atau lebih posisi yang berbeda yang di alami seseorang (pertentangan internal berkenaan dengan motif, keinginan, usaha dan nilai etis) atau yang terjadi antara beberapa pihak atau antar kelompok, Negara dan masyarakat lainnya.Persoalan konflik yang menyangkut kepentingan publik di mana memahami peranan pemerintah di dalamnya Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik merespon persoalan publik adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting. Kemampuan pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan publik menjadi titik tekan kredibilitas pemerintah dalam pengelolaan konflik yang setiap waktu terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan Peranan Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Dalam Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Konflik Di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Jenis Penelitian pada skripsi ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Fokus penelitian ini menggunakan teori Wirawan tentang manajemen konflik. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Peranan Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik merupakan mata dan telinga dari Pemerintah (Bupati) dalam upaya penanganan dan pencegahan konflik dan juga bertindak memfasilitasi hubungan antar lembaga khusus untuk mencapai ketahanan internal dalam masyarakat.Kata Kunci : Peranan, Badan Kestuan Bangsa Dan Politik, Manajemen Konflik

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional dengan Komitmen Organisasi (Studi pada Karyawan Industri Jasa Konstruksi PT. Multi Structure Duri)

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    The problem of this research is declining employee morale PT. Multi Structure Duri. This indicates began to decrease employees' organizational commitment to the company so that employees of PT Multi Structure Duri many who were absent without any reason (alpha).This study aims to determine the application of transformational leadership style, knowing how organizational commitment, and to see the relationship of transformational leadership style and organizational commitment using correlation spreaman. The results showed that there was a very strong relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment at PT. Multi Structure Duri, where the results of calculation of correlation coefficient of 0.828.Thus it can be seen that the transformational leadership style has a very strong relationship with the organization's commitment to the employees of PT. Multi Structure Duri

    Bound states in two-dimensional spin systems near the Ising limit: A quantum finite-lattice study

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    We analyze the properties of low-energy bound states in the transverse-field Ising model and in the XXZ model on the square lattice. To this end, we develop an optimized implementation of perturbative continuous unitary transformations. The Ising model is studied in the small-field limit which is found to be a special case of the toric code model in a magnetic field. To analyze the XXZ model, we perform a perturbative expansion about the Ising limit in order to discuss the fate of the elementary magnon excitations when approaching the Heisenberg point.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, published versio