174 research outputs found

    Stress on the surface of Venus: Analysis of data provided by Venera-15 and Venera-16

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    There are no large-scale sedimentation and erosion processes on Venus, therefore the observed deformation must be formed on the surface or close to it, and in the ellipsoids of stresses one of the main axes must be perpendicular to the surface. According to the deformation visible on photography from Venera-15, 16, the orientations of the ellipsoids of stresses are established in the different sections of the Montes Maxwell and the northern parquet. A geological model is established, according to which the Montes Maxwell is an arched vault and the region to the south a conjugate bend, separated by a shift zone

    Reed Warbler Hosts Do Not Fine-Tune Mobbing Defenses During the Breeding Season, Even When Cuckoos Are Rare

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    Hosts of brood parasitic cuckoos often employ mobbing attacks to defend their nests and, when mobbing is costly, hosts are predicted to adjust their mobbing to match parasitism risk. While evidence exists for fine-tuned plasticity, it remains unclear why mobbing does not track larger seasonal changes in parasitism risk. Here we test a possible explanation from parental investment theory: parents should defend their current brood more intensively as the opportunity to replace it declines (re-nesting potential), and therefore “counteract” any apparent seasonal decline to match parasitism risk. We take advantage of mobbing experiments conducted at two sites where reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) experience (in Italy), or do not experience (in Finland), brood parasitism. We predicted that mobbing of cuckoos should be higher overall in Italy, but remain constant over the season as in other parasitised sites, whereas in Finland where cuckoos do not pose a local threat, we predicted that mobbing should be low at the beginning of the season but increase as re-nesting potential declined. However, while cuckoos were more likely to be mobbed in Italy, we found little evidence that mobbing changed over the season at either the parasitized or non-parasitized sites. This suggests that re-nesting potential has either little influence on mobbing behavior, or that its effects are obscured by other seasonal differences in ecology or experience of hosts

    El informe jurídico legal de crímenes sobre lesa humanidad: análisis terminológico y traductológico de Concentrations of Inhumanity

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    Las características singulares de los lenguajes de especialidad son uno de los principales problemas a los que deben enfrentarse a diario los traductores e intérpretes profesionales, así como los estudiantes de Traducción e Interpretación. Entre las lenguas de especialidad que mayores dificultades plantean a los traductores destaca, sin duda, el lenguaje jurídico, que cuenta con una significativa presencia a nivel internacional. En la presente tesis se pretende realizar un estudio detallado de las características de la terminología jurídica en un corpus concreto, así como las repercusiones de dichas características en el proceso traductológico. Este proyecto se centra, en concreto, en en un informe jurídico que investiga en profundidad los crímenes de lesa humanidad llevados a cabo en Corea del Norte. El informe, encargado por la ONU, se denomina Concentrations of Inhumanity y está realizado por David Hawk, antiguo alto comisario para los Derechos Humanos en las Naciones Unidas y ex director ejecutivo de Amnistía Internacional, en colaboración con Freedom House, organización no gubernamental independiente, cuyo objetivo es apoyar la expansión de la libertad a lo largo del mundo, defendiendo las iniciativas no violentas en las sociedades en las que la libertad es denegada a los hombres y mujeres bajo amenaza. El informe denuncia y pone de manifiesto la represión política que se lleva a cabo en Corea del Norte; explica de forma minuciosa en qué consisten los campos de trabajo norcoreanos, así como las distintas torturas que en ellos se llevan a cabo, según los testimonios de antiguos prisioneros y guardias que han conseguido huir de ellos y han desertado del país. El motivo por el que hemos elegido el mencionado informe jurídico como objeto de estudio y traducción ha sido principalmente la urgente necesidad de denuncia social de la violación de los Derechos Humanos que tiene lugar en diferentes partes del globo, en este caso, en Corea del Norte. Consideramos primordial que los seres humanos comencemos a percibir la terrible realidad que nos rodea, a reflexionar acerca de ella, y sobre todo, a actuar en la medida de lo posible con el fin de facilitar su transformación y mejora

    Children's Fruit and Vegetable Preferences Are Associated with Their Mothers' and Fathers' Preferences

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    Children's preference for fruit and vegetables must emerge during childhood. At children's homes, mothers and fathers influence children's developing food preferences with their own preferences and actions. The purpose of the study was to reveal the association parents have with their children's fruit and vegetable preferences. The study was conducted in a sample of Finnish mothers and fathers of 3-5-year-old children. The participants were recruited, and questionnaires distributed through early childhood education and care centers in 2014 and 2015. The results showed considerable variance in the children's preferences, and were more similar with their father's, than their mother's preference. There was an association between mother's and children's preference for "strong-tasting vegetables and berries" (p = 0.005), "sweet-tasting fruit" (p < 0.001) and "common vegetables" (p = 0.037). Fathers preferences associated with children's preferences for "strong-tasting vegetables and berries" (p = 0.003). Food neophobia decreased children's "strong-tasting vegetables and berries" (p < 0.001) and "sweet-tasting fruit" (p < 0.001) preferences. The father's more relaxed attitude towards eating decreased children's preferences for "strong-tasting vegetables and berries" (p = 0.031) and "sweet-tasting fruit" (p = 0.003). These findings indicate a need for more targeted strategies for increasing children's preferences for fruit and vegetables and highlight the importance of taking both parents equally into account

    The efficacy of 'Radio guided Occult Lesion Localization' (ROLL) versus 'Wire-guided Localization' (WGL) in breast conserving surgery for non-palpable breast cancer: A randomized clinical trial – ROLL study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the increasing number of non palpable breast carcinomas, the need of a good and reliable localization method increases. Currently the wire guided localization (WGL) is the standard of care in most countries. Radio guided occult lesion localization (ROLL) is a new technique that may improve the oncological outcome, cost effectiveness, patient comfort and cosmetic outcome. However, the studies published hitherto are of poor quality providing less than convincing evidence to change the current standard of care.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to compare the ROLL technique with the standard of care (WGL) regarding the percentage of tumour free margins, cost effectiveness, patient comfort and cosmetic outcome.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>The ROLL trial is a multi center randomized clinical trial. Over a period of 2–3 years 316 patients will be randomized between the ROLL and the WGL technique. With this number, the expected 15% difference in tumour free margins can be detected with a power of 80%. Other endpoints include cosmetic outcome, cost effectiveness, patient (dis)comfort, degree of difficulty of the procedures and the success rate of the sentinel node procedure.</p> <p>The rationale, study design and planned analyses are described.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>(<url>http://www.clinicaltrials.gov</url>, study protocol number NCT00539474)</p