17 research outputs found

    «Tout ça ne nous rendra pas le Congo»: 50 years of decolonization and Belgium

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    Émile Verhaeren et les Russes: que reste-t-il de nos amours?

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    status: publishe

    Trois églises grecques en Afrique centrale: lieux de mémoire russes

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    Entre 1870 et 1970, plus de 700 hommes et femmes originaires de l’empire russe se sont rendus dans les possessions belges d’Afrique centrale. Au Congo belge et au Ruanda-Urundi de l’époque, surtout dans les villes, les ingénieurs, médecins, agronomes, marins hydrographes, géologues, mécaniciens, entrepreneurs russes et leurs familles, de la religion orthodoxe chrétienne, étaient fortement attachés aux églises grecques, car des paroisses russes il n’y en avait pas. Comme lieux de mémoire qui nous rappellent aujourd’hui encore certains épisodes de la vie des Russes dans l’ancienne Afrique belge, on peut donc citer et, à l’occasion, visiter quelques belles églises grecques dans la République Démocratique du Congo et au Burundi actuel.status: publishe

    Les filles égarées de Staline au Congo belge

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    Les Flamands et les Wallons aux yeux des Russes (1815-1914)

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    Ronin Vladimir. Les Flamands et les Wallons aux yeux des Russes (1815-1914). In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 70, fasc. 4, 1992. Histoire médiévale, moderne et contemporaine — Middeleeuwse, moderne en hedendaagse geschiedenis. pp. 942-959

    Energetically Modified Cement (EMC) : Performance Mechanism

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    Energetically Modified Cements, EMC, made of intensively milled cement (50%) and fillers (50%) of quartz or fly ash have been compared to blends of Ordinary Portland Cement, OPC, and fillers. The EMCs have better properties than other blends and are comparable to unblended OPC.Godkänd; 2002; Bibliografisk uppgift: Published by Center for High Performance Cement (CHPC) at Lulea University of Technology; 20150411 (elfgren)</p

    Self-Healing Performance and Microstructure Aspects of Concrete Using Energetically Modified Cement with a High Volume of Pozzolans

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    Self-healing can increase the lifetime and durability of concrete structures. The self-healing properties of concrete made with Energetically Modified Cement (EMC), which has a pozzolan content of up to 70%, have been investigated. In such concretes, pozzolanic reactions within the cement cause the gradual formation of fresh C-S-H gel, which seals cracks as they form. The self-healing of small EMC concrete samples was tested in a laboratory, and field observations of an EMC concrete highway pavement were made. The EMC concrete exhibited fewer cracks than conventional concrete, and was observed to self-heal cracks with widths of up to 0.2 mm.Validerad; 2014; 20141210 (mem)</p

    "Greener" concrete with new technology

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    Today a lot of attempts are made by technologists to make lower environmental impact of cement and concrete. By modifying our existing cement types with differnt types of fillers and additives, carbon dioxide emissions and energy use can be further reduced and "greener" cement and concrete can be produced.The Journal is based on the Swedish journal "Miljöforskning", also published by Formas. The present paper is based on the paper "Grönare" betong med ny teknik, published in "Miljöforskning : Formas tidning : För ett uthålligt samhälle", ISSN 1650-4925, nr 3, 16-17 s.Centre for High Performance Cement, CHP

    High volume Pozzolan concrete : three years of industrial experience in Texas with CemPozz

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    High Volume Pozzolan Concrete (HVPC) can be manufactured with low carbon dioxide footprint and energy consumption with the help of a new technology based on Energetically Modified Cement (EMC). The technology consists of mechanical processing a blend of ordinary portland cement (PC) and a pozzolan (Class F fly ash) through multiple high intensity grinding mills. The process imparts an increased surface activation of the PC and the pozzolan particles. Fly ash may be processed with all cements forming ready-to-use cement. Alternatively, fly ash can be processed with a small amount of cement (circa 5% by weight) and used as a pozzolan added to the concrete mixer. The latter product is called CemPozz and has been produced from 2004 by Texas EMC Products, Ltd, at the Limestone plant in Jewett, Texas. It can replace up to 60% of the PC in concrete. The performance of CemPozz (mechanically processed pozzolan) in concrete is equivalent to Grade 100 blast furnace slag in accordance with ASTM C 989 "Standard Specification for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars."Th e strength of HVPC with 50% CemPozz is comparable to concrete made of ordinary portland cement, the setting time is similar, with improvements to alkali-silica reactivity mitigation and drying shrinkage. Concretes produced with CemPozz also have much higher sulfate resistance, very low permeability to chloride ions and are characterized by a signifi cantly reduced cracking.Th ere are three environmental benefi ts with the EMC-based HVPC: (i) You can activate a fl y ash that otherwise would not be suitable for high replacement of PC in concrete, (ii) You can reduce the CO 2 footprint by using a much less amount of clinker as concrete binder, and (iii) You can reduce the energy consumption associated with the binder. Calculations show that as much as 45% can be saved in energy with 45% less CO2 emissions when 50% fl y ash of cement mass is used with the EMC technology. During the period 2004-2007, over two million cubic yards (1.5 million cubic meters) of High Volume Pozzolan Concrete (HVPC) made with CemPozz have been manufactured in Texas and eff ectively used for different applications in Texas (highway paving, housing concrete, shotcrete and blocks). TX DOT and PENNDOT have included CemPozz in their specifications, which allow 50% replacement of portland cement by weight. Udgivelsesdato: March/AprilGodkänd; 2009; Bibliografisk uppgift: NRC-S0109/8215; 20090214 (elfgren