18 research outputs found

    Analisis Struktur dan Perilaku Ekonomi untuk Menentukan Sektor Perekonomian Unggulan di Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    The aim of the research were to study the economic structure and performance in East Java, and to find the main sector to be improved in East Java. The data was collected from BPS especially input-output data. So the analysis tools that used in this research are backward and forward linkage analysis, output and income multiplier effect.From the structure aspect shows that the high backward linkage sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sector, oil mills industry sector, resort and hotel industry sector, food industry sector, cigarette and beverage sector, construction sectors. Furthermore, that high forward linkage sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sector, cigarette, food and beverage sector, resort and hotel sector, trading, transportation and communication sector. Furthermore, based on the performance aspect, the high output multiplier sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sectors, oil mills industry, resort and hotel industry sector, food industry sector, cigarette and beverage sector, construction sectors. In other side the high income multiplier sectors are public government and security, paper, textile, clothes sector, forestry sector, paddy sector and other foods sector. Finally, the main sectors to be improved in East Java are paper, textile, clothes sector, resort and hotel, cigarette, food and beverage sector and construction sector.Keywords: Structure and conduct of economic sectors, Multiplier effect, Backward and Forward linkag

    Perubahan Struktur Perekonomian Sektor Perkebunan Indonesia1995-2000 : Pendekatan Analisis Dekomposisi Struktur (Structural Decomposition Analysis)

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    Indonesia has experienced steady economic growth in 1980s-1990s, then faced devastating during 2000s. The cricis affected to economic structure. However explanation of the effect especially to estate crops has not clear. This reserach is directed to respon these questions (1) how has the estate sector changed?, and (2) what are source of economic growth of the sectors?. We use Input-output table 1995 and 2000 form Statictic Indonesia to response these questions.Based on tha analysis we find that the economic cricis affect to lower ranking in backward linkage but has higher ranking in forward linkage for estate crops. In another side, the manufactur of estate sector has higher ranking for backward linkage but lower ranking for forward linkage. Then, there is increasing of output during economic cricis for estate sector (includes estate crops and its manufacture). The source of the increasing are final domestic demand and export rather than technological change. This research suggest that to improve the estate crops buy improving the technology

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Petani Padi dalam Mengikuti Kemitraan di Indonesia

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    Indonesia's rice crop production growth will possibly always increase every year. However, the direction of growth in production and the area of harvest which increases is inversely proportional to the condition of decreasing productivity growth, which is known as productivity inequality. Efforts to solve these problems are through partnerships with the government and the private sector. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian farmers following the partnership, (2) to analyze the factors that influenced Indonesian rice farmers to join contract farming, and (3) to measure the impact of the participation of Indonesian rice farmers in contract farming on farmer household income. This study used secondary data from the Rice Plant Business Household Survey 2014 (SPD 2014) conducted by the Central Statistics Agency with a total sample of 87,330 samples. Data were analyzed using logistic regression and propensity score matching, which resulted in (1) There are differences in characteristics of partner farmers in Indonesia including age, education, gender, participation in SLPTT, income, and a land area used; (2) There are four variables that significantly influence farmers in participating are age, education level, production costs, and the participation of institutional farmers; (3) The participation of farmers in partnerships has a positive impact on the income of rice farmers in Indonesia. &nbsp


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    The aim of the research were to study the economic structure and performance in East Java, and to find the main sector to be improved in East Java. The data was collected from BPS especially input-output data. So the analysis tools that used in this research are backward and forward linkage analysis, output and income multiplier effect.From the structure aspect shows that the high backward linkage sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sector, oil mills industry sector, resort and hotel industry sector, food industry sector, cigarette and beverage sector, construction sectors. Furthermore, that high forward linkage sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sector, cigarette, food and beverage sector, resort and hotel sector, trading, transportation and communication sector. Furthermore, based on the performance aspect, the high output multiplier sectors are paper industry textile, clothes sectors, oil mills industry, resort and hotel industry sector, food industry sector, cigarette and beverage sector, construction sectors. In other side the high income multiplier sectors are public government and security, paper, textile, clothes sector, forestry sector, paddy sector and other foods sector. Finally, the main sectors to be improved in East Java are paper, textile, clothes sector, resort and hotel, cigarette, food and beverage sector and construction sector.Keywords: Structure and conduct of economic sectors, Multiplier effect, Backward and Forward linkag

    The Effects of Land Ownership on Production, Labor Allocation, and Rice Farming Efficiency

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    Land is the main input in agricultural production and also a wealth-generating asset for farmers. There are three common forms of agricultural land ownership:owned land, rented land, and sharecropped (kedokan) land, where each of them are directly affects the farming performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of land ownerships on farm production, labor use, and farm economic efficiency. The sample used in this study were 150 farmers equally distributed in each ownership group from a population of 1039 farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function, F-test, and RC ratio were used to estimate production function, the difference in labor use, and farm economic efficiency. The results showed that rented land has the highest productivity followed by owned and sharecropped(kedokan) land. Meanwhile, the sharecroppedkedokan)land has the lowest labor use, followed by rented and owned land. However, in term of profitability, owned land is the highest followed by rented and sharecropped land. The results also showed that sharecropping(ngedok) as an informal contract farming between farmer and landlord was the best economic choice for the landlord. Furthermore, to improve farmers welfare, the landless farmers should be facilitated to own their own land

    Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari Jember

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    PTPN X Kebun Kertosari adalah Perusahaan agribisnis komoditas tembakau. Pada tahun 2010-2014 mutu tembakau semakin menurun setiap tahunnya dan tidak mampu mencapai target mutu. Penelitian bertujuan (1) mengetahui penyebab mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari tidak mampu mencapai target dan (2) mengetahui strategi peningkatan kinerja mutu PTPN X Kebun Kertosari. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik dengan metode analisis data diagram tulang ikan, diagram pareto dan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang memengaruhi mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari mengalami penurunan sehingga tidak mampu mencapai target disebabkan oleh SDM, metode, bahan baku, mesin dan lingkungan. Hasil analisis Pareto menunjukkan penyebab utama 80% penurunan mutu, yaitu kelalaian dan kurangnya keterampilan tenaga kerja (SDM) yang menyumbang 26,7%. Strategi alternatif yang diprioritaskan untuk peningkatan kinerja mutu, yaitu peningkatan kualitas SDM. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan Perusahaan agar melakukan pendampingan dan monitoring terhadap tenaga kerja agar dapat mengurangi kelalaian dan kesalahan proses produksi serta lebih fokus dan memperhatikan kualitas SDM untuk meningkatkan kinerja mutu tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst di PTPN X Kebun Kertosari


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    The increasing need for food along with increasing population is one of the problems that must be resolved by Indonesia nation. The government is trying to increase rice production and productivity by using certified seeds. Certified seeds is expected to affect technical efficiency of rice farming. The objectives of this studies are to analyze the level of technical efficiency and to identify the factors that influence the technical efficiency of rice farming in various types of main sources of rice seeds in Indonesia. The study uses secondary data that obtained from Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) as a results from the 2014 Rice Plant Business Household Survey (SPD 2014). Data were analyzed using stochastic frontier. The results showed that the average technical efficiency level achieved by farmers in rice farming is 0,656 or less than 0,70 (<0,70) so it can be said that rice farming in Indonesia is still technically inefficient. Factors that affecting the technical efficiency of rice farming in various types of main sources of rice seeds in Indonesia were age, formal education, dummy participation of agricultural extension, and dummy certified seeds.  Keywords: certified seeds, rice farming, stochastic frontier analysis, technical efficiency, non-certified seed


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    ABSTRACT Increased demand of milk is higher along with the increasing number of population, but increased demand of milk is less offset by increased production of local dairy cow milk so that in fulfilling local milk need is still doing a lot of milk import. With the existing of milk demand, livestock farming development of dairy cows can be done in Jember Regency. One of dairy cow farming in Jember Regency is located in Kemuning Lor Village Arjasa District Jember Regency which is the independent farm. Partnership farm in Jember Regency is in Ajung Village Ajung District, Balung Lor Village Balung District and Rowotengah Village Sumberbaru District which are partnership farm with Galur Murni Cooperative. Both livestock businesses experience the same problem which is the lows of milk production so that causes the lows of income received by the farmer. Milk production can increase if the farmer can apply GDFP (Good Dairy Farming Practice) of good dairy cows. This research aimed to (1) find out GDFP implementation, (2) find out the income, and (3) find out cost use efficiency. This research showed that: (1) The level of GDFP implementation of partnership farm was higher than the level of GDFP implementation of the independent farm. (2) Both livestock businesses of partnership and independent farm in Jember Regency is mutual. The amount of income per tail of partnership dairy cows was IDR 8,895,762/year and the net income per tail of independent dairy cows was IDR 11,635,231/year, (3) The cost use efficiency on partnership and independent dairy farm businesses was all efficient. The efficiency value of the R/C ratio of partnership dairy farm business was 1.25 while the efficiency value of the R/C ratio of the independent dairy farm was 1.18.   Keywords: Dairy Cows, GDFP Implementation, Income, Efficiency of R/C Ratio &nbsp


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    The purpose of this study was to find out: the perception of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Products and preferences of risk consuming GMO as well as the factors that influence decisions of the scientific community in consuming GMO. This research used descriptive and analytic method. Determination of the area by purposive method at the University of Jember. Method of determining the sample uses purposive sampling, namely students and lecturers from the Public Health Faculty and Agriculture Faculty. Furthermore, determining the number of samples using quota sampling, 150 students and 90 lecturers. The method of collecting survey data using questionnaires and data were analyzed based on questionnaires that returned and were responded to as many as 120 for students and 30 for lecturers. The results of the study show that (1) public perceptions regarding GMO based on health and agriculture are agreed, while the economy is hesitant. (2) risk of preference majority of the scientific community is a risk lover, which is as many as 80 people. (3) Factors that influence the scientific community's decision to consume GMO products significantly, type of work, age, amount of allowance or income per month, daily food expenditure, knowledge level and risk aversion level


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    This study was aimed to determine the farmer’s behaviour in face of risk as result of pepper’s price fluctuation in Gumukmas District, Jember Regency. There are three criterias in farmer’s behaviour : risk lover, risk neutral, and risk averter. Thirty-nine farmers was selected by using simple random sampling. The utility function was employed to determine farmer’s behaviour. In this research, utility function with Bernoulli and Neuman -Morgerstern technique was used. This specification was modified with neutral probability (50:50). Estimation on this function was done by using uncertainty equivalent (CE) through quadratic estimation. The result showed that arround 33 farmers (84.62%) are risk neutral. The risk averter are 5 farmers (11.52%) and one farmer (2.56%) is risk lover. This result also showed that farmers with own land ownership status were more daring than farmers who own land tenure status, profit sharing, or farmers who have two land ownership status. Other results indicated that the farmers who pursued local pepperwere more daring than the farmers who pursued hybrid pepper or farmers who persuedlocal and hybrid at once