495 research outputs found

    Does the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) work for hunter-gatherer sites? A test using data from the Tanana Valley, Alaska

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    We report an assessment of the ability of the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) to estimate archaeological potential in relation to hunter-gatherer sites. The sample comprised 182 known sites in the Tanana Valley, Alaska, which was occupied solely by hunter-gatherers for about 14,500 years. To estimate archaeological potential, we employed physiographic variables such as elevation and slope, rather than variables that are known to vary on short time scales, like vegetation cover. Two tests of LAMAP were carried out. In the first, we used the location of a random selection of 90 sites from all time periods to create a LAMAP model. We then evaluated the model with the remaining 92 sites. In the second test, we built a LAMAP model from 12 sites that pre-date 10,000 cal BP. This model was then tested with sites that post-date 10,000 cal BP. In both analyses, areas predicted to have higher archaeological potential contained higher frequencies of validation sites. The performance of LAMAP in the two tests was comparable to its performance in previous tests using archaeological sites occupied by agricultural societies. Thus, the study extends the use of LAMAP to the task of estimating archaeological potential of landscapes in relation to hunter-gatherer sites

    Seeps, springs and wetlands: San Juan Basin, Colorado. Social-ecological climate resilience project

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    Prepared for: North Centeral Climate Adaptation Science Center.Social-Ecological Climate Resilience Project, 2016.Includes bibliographical references

    Social Ecological Climate Resilience Project - 2016

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    Prepared for: North Central Climate Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.February 2017.Includes bibliographical references.Climate change is already having impacts on nature, ecosystem services and people in southwestern Colorado and is likely to further alter our natural landscapes in the coming decades. Understanding the potential changes and developing adaptation strategies can help ensure that natural landscapes and human communities remain healthy in the face of a changing climate. An interdisciplinary team consisting of social, ecological and climate scientists developed an innovative climate planning framework and worked with the Social‐Ecological Climate Resilience Project (SECR) and other stakeholders in Colorado’s San Juan River watershed to develop adaptation strategies for two significant landscapes, pinyon juniper woodlands and seeps, springs, and wetland resources under three climate scenarios between 2035 and 2050. This report summarizes the planning framework and results for the pinyon‐juniper landscape (the seeps, springs and wetlands results will be provided separately). This framework can be utilized to develop strategies for other landscapes at local, state, and national scales. Diagrams, narrative scenarios, and maps that depict climate scenarios and the social‐ecological responses help us portray the climate impact in the face of an uncertain future. Interviews and focus group workshops with agency staff and stakeholders who are users of public lands identified several important opportunities to improve the adaptation planning process for developing strategies that meet both social and ecological needs. Planning techniques that include or directly relate to specific resources, such as water and forage, or to activities, such as recreation or grazing, provide avenues for engaging diverse stakeholders into the process. Utilizing the scenarios to understand the impacts to our social and ecological landscapes, three overarching landscape‐scale adaptation strategies were developed. Each of these strategies has a suite of potential actions required to reach a desired future condition. The three key strategies are: 1) identify and protect persistent ecosystems as refugia, 2) proactively manage for resilience, and 3) accept, assist, and allow for transformation in non‐climate refugia sites. If the framework and strategies from this project are adopted by the local community, including land managers, owners, and users, the climate change impacts can be reduced, allowing for a more sustainable human and natural landscape

    New proaporphines from the bark of Phoebe scortechinii

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    The phytochemical study of the bark of Malaysian Phoebe scortechinii (Lauraceae) has resulted in the isolation and identification of two new proaporphine alkaloids; (+)-scortechiniine A (1) and (+)-scortechiniine B (2) together with two known proaporphines; (−)-hexahydromecambrine A (3), (−)-norhexahydromecambrine A (4), and one aporphine; norboldine (5). Structural elucidations of these alkaloids were performed using spectroscopic methods especially 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR

    Sagebrush landscape: Upper Gunnison River Basin, Colorado Social-Ecological Climate Resilience Project

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    Prepared with: The Gunnison Climate Working Group and Stakeholders in Gunnison, Colorado for: the North Central Climate Science Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado.April 30, 2017.Includes bibliographical references.Utilizing climate stories to understand the social and ecological impacts to the sagebrush landscape, the team worked with stakeholders to develop three overarching landscape‐scale adaptation strategies. Each of the strategies has a suite of potential actions required to reach a desired future condition. The three key strategies are: 1) identify and protect climate refugia sites (persistent areas), 2) maintain or enhance the resilience of the climate refugia sites, and 3) accept, assist and allow for transformation in non‐climate refugia sites. If adopted by the local community, including land managers and landowners, the framework and strategies resulting from this project can help to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change, allowing for a more sustainable human and natural landscape

    Quantum Hall to charge-density-wave phase transitions in ABC-trilayer graphene

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    ABC-stacked trilayer graphene's chiral band structure results in three (n=0,1,2n=0,1,2) Landau level orbitals with zero kinetic energy. This unique feature has important consequences on the interaction driven states of the 12-fold degenerate (including spin and valley) N=0 Landau level. In particular, at many filling factors νT=±5,±4,±2,±1\nu_{T} =\pm5,\pm4,\pm2,\pm1 a quantum phase transition from a quantum Hall liquid state to a triangular charge density wave occurs as a function of the single-particle induced LL orbital splitting ΔLL\Delta_{LL}. This phase transition should be characterized by a re-entrant integer quantum Hall effect with the Hall conductivity corresponding to the {\it adjacent} interaction driven integer quantum Hall plateau.Comment: 4+ page

    Quantum Hall Effects in Graphene-Based Two-Dimensional Electron Systems

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    In this article we review the quantum Hall physics of graphene based two-dimensional electron systems, with a special focus on recent experimental and theoretical developments. We explain why graphene and bilayer graphene can be viewed respectively as J=1 and J=2 chiral two-dimensional electron gases (C2DEGs), and why this property frames their quantum Hall physics. The current status of experimental and theoretical work on the role of electron-electron interactions is reviewed at length with an emphasis on unresolved issues in the field, including assessing the role of disorder in current experimental results. Special attention is given to the interesting low magnetic field limit and to the relationship between quantum Hall effects and the spontaneous anomalous Hall effects that might occur in bilayer graphene systems in the absence of a magnetic field

    What difference does ("good") HRM make?

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    The importance of human resources management (HRM) to the success or failure of health system performance has, until recently, been generally overlooked. In recent years it has been increasingly recognised that getting HR policy and management "right" has to be at the core of any sustainable solution to health system performance. In comparison to the evidence base on health care reform-related issues of health system finance and appropriate purchaser/provider incentive structures, there is very limited information on the HRM dimension or its impact. Despite the limited, but growing, evidence base on the impact of HRM on organisational performance in other sectors, there have been relatively few attempts to assess the implications of this evidence for the health sector. This paper examines this broader evidence base on HRM in other sectors and examines some of the underlying issues related to "good" HRM in the health sector. The paper considers how human resource management (HRM) has been defined and evaluated in other sectors. Essentially there are two sub-themes: how have HRM interventions been defined? and how have the effects of these interventions been measured in order to identify which interventions are most effective? In other words, what is "good" HRM? The paper argues that it is not only the organisational context that differentiates the health sector from many other sectors, in terms of HRM. Many of the measures of organisational performance are also unique. "Performance" in the health sector can be fully assessed only by means of indicators that are sector-specific. These can focus on measures of clinical activity or workload (e.g. staff per occupied bed, or patient acuity measures), on measures of output (e.g. number of patients treated) or, less frequently, on measures of outcome (e.g. mortality rates or rate of post-surgery complications). The paper also stresses the need for a "fit" between the HRM approach and the organisational characteristics, context and priorities, and for recognition that so-called "bundles" of linked and coordinated HRM interventions will be more likely to achieve sustained improvements in organisational performance than single or uncoordinated interventions

    Use of patient flow analysis to improve patient visit efficiency by decreasing wait time in a primary care-based disease management programs for anticoagulation and chronic pain: a quality improvement study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic conditions require frequent care visits. Problems can arise during several parts of the patient visit that decrease efficiency, making it difficult to effectively care for high volumes of patients. The purpose of the study is to test a method to improve patient visit efficiency. METHODS: We used Patient Flow Analysis to identify inefficiencies in the patient visit, suggest areas for improvement, and test the effectiveness of clinic interventions. RESULTS: At baseline, the mean visit time for 93 anticoagulation clinic patient visits was 84 minutes (+/- 50 minutes) and the mean visit time for 25 chronic pain clinic patient visits was 65 minutes (+/- 21 minutes). Based on these data, we identified specific areas of inefficiency and developed interventions to decrease the mean time of the patient visit. After interventions, follow-up data found the mean visit time was reduced to 59 minutes (+/-25 minutes) for the anticoagulation clinic, a time decrease of 25 minutes (t-test 39%; p < 0.001). Mean visit time for the chronic pain clinic was reduced to 43 minutes (+/- 14 minutes) a time decrease of 22 minutes (t-test 34 %; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Patient Flow Analysis is an effective technique to identify inefficiencies in the patient visit and efficiently collect patient flow data. Once inefficiencies are identified they can be improved through brief interventions

    The short-term effect of swimming training load on shoulder rotational range of motion, shoulder joint position sense and pectoralis minor length

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    Background: Shoulder pain or injury is the most common issue facing elite competitive swimmers and the most frequent reason for missed or modified training. Literature suggests that highly repetitive upper limb loading leads to inappropriate adaptations within the shoulder complex. The most likely maladaptations to occur are variations in shoulder rotational range of motion, reduction in joint position sense and shortened pectoralis minor length. This has yet to have been confirmed in experimental studies. The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term effects of swimming training load upon internal and external rotation range of motion, joint position sense and pectoralis minor length. Method: Sixteen elite swimmers training in the British Swimming World Class programme participated. Measures of internal and external range of motion, joint position sense error score and pectoralis minor length were taken before and after a typical 2h swimming session. Results: Following swimming training shoulder external rotation range of motion and pectoralis minor length reduced significantly (-3.4°,p=&lt;0.001 and -0.7cm, p=&lt;0.001, respectively), joint position sense error increased significantly (+2.0° error angle, p=&lt;0.001). Internal rotation range of motion demonstrated no significant change (-0.6, p=0.53). Discussion: This study determined that elite level swimming training results in short-term maladaptive changes in shoulder performance that could potentially predispose them to injury