54 research outputs found

    Suplementación probiótica con Lactobacillus casei en cerdas y su efecto sobre los parámetros zootécnicos de los lechones

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the supplementation of Lactobacillus casei in sows and its effect on the zootechnical parameters of piglets. A total of 18 F1 Landrace x Large White sows were distributed in three completely randomized groups: control and two groups supplemented with L. casei (T1: 10 x 106 CFU [colony forming units]; T2: 10 x108 CFU). The doses were administered weekly orally 2 h after the first feeding of the day (09:00) for 180 days, covering a productive cycle. Results of zootechnical variables of each female and her piglets at the peripartum, at weaning and at the new service of the female were evauated. In the peripartum, a greater mean body weight of total births (PPNT) and average birth body weight were found (PPNV) in the supplemented animals compared to the control group (p<0.05). In the lactation phase there was a greater total weight per litter at weaning (PTCD), mean body weight per piglet at weaning (PPLD), total body weight gain per litter per sow (GTCDH), mean total body weight per piglet (GTPL) and mean body weight per day pero piglet (GPLD) in the animals supplemented with the probiotic compared to the control group (p<0.01). None of the variables showed differences between the supplemented groups. It is concluded that oral supplementation with the probiotic Lactobacillus casei in the sows during the gestation and lactation phase improves the productive indexes in the peripartum period and in the lactation phase of the piglets.El objetivo del estufio fue evaluar la suplementacion de Lactobacillus casei en cerdas y su efecto sobre los parámetros zootécnicos de los lechones. Se trabajo con 18 cerdas F1 Landrace x Large White distribuidas en tres grupos completamente al azar: control y dos grupos suplementados con L. casei (T1: 10 x 106 UFC [unidades formadoras de colonias]; T2: 10 x108 UFC). Las dosis fueron administradas semanalmente por vía oral 2 h después de la primera alimentación del día (09:00) durante 180 días, cubriendo un ciclo productivo. Se analizaron los resultados de las variables zootécnicas de cada hembra y sus lechones al periparto, al destete y al nuevo servicio de cubrición de la hembra. En el periparto se encontró un mayor peso promedio de nacidos totales (PPNT) y peso promedio de nacidos vivos (PPNV) en los animales suplementados en comparación con el grupo control (p<0.05). En la fase de lactancia se evidenció mayor peso total por camada al destete (PTCD), peso promedio lechón desteto (PPLD), ganancia total por camada desteta por hembra (GTCDH), ganancia total promedio por lechón, (GTPL) y ganancia promedio por lechón día (GPLD) en los animales suplementados con el probiótico comparado con el grupo control (p<0.01). En ninguna de las variables se evidenció diferencias entre los grupos suplementados. Se concluye que la suplementación oral con el probiótico Lactobacillus casei en las cerdas en fase de gestación y lactancia mejora los índices productivos en el periodo periparto y en la fase de lactancia de los lechones

    Mycoplasma haemominutum en la ciudad de Ibagué (Colombia): reporte de cinco casos

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    The aim of this study was to describe a series of cases of hemoplasmosis in domestic cats in the city of Ibagué (Colombia), and the first report of Mycoplasma haemominutum in the country. Blood samples from patients admitted to the outpatient service of the Small Animal Clinic of the University of Tolima were analyzed by conventional PCR for the amplification of the 16s ribosomal gene to obtain a final product of 194 bb. In addition, hematic biometrics and serology were performed for viral diseases (Anigen FIV Ab/FeLV Ag Test kit). The amplicons obtained were subjected to sequencing and bioinformatic analysis (Geneious® 8.1.9). It was found hypochromic normocytic anemia in two cats, leukocytosis in a cat and thrombocytopenia in four of them. Two were seropositive for feline immunodeficiency virus antibodies and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigens and one was seropositive for FeLV. Samples showed positive amplification by PCR and revealed 98.7% of identity of 16S ribosomal gene compared with different isolates of M. haemominutum reported in the database. From the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of hemoplasmas in the city of Ibagué and the first report of M. haemominutum in Colombia.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir una serie de casos de hemoplasmosis en gatos domésticos en la ciudad de Ibagué (Colombia), y el primer reporte de Mycoplasma haemominutum en el país. Muestras de sangre de pacientes ingresados al servicio de consulta externa de la Clínica de Pequeños Animales de la Universidad del Tolima fueron analizadas por PCR punto final para la amplificación del gen 16s ribosomal a fin de obtener un producto final de 194 pb. Además, se hizo biometría hemática y serología para enfermedades virales (Anigen FIV Ab/FeLV Ag Test Kit). Los amplicones obtenidos fueron sometidos a secuenciamiento y análisis bioinformático (Geneious® 8.1.9). Se encontró anemia normocítica hipocrómica en dos gatos, leucocitosis en un gato y trombocitopenia en cuatro de ellos. Dos gatos resultaron serorreactivos para anticuerpos de virus de inmunodeficienca felina y antígenos de virus de la leucemia felina (VLFe) y uno solo fue seropositivo a VLFe. Las muestras registraron amplificación positiva en PCR y se evidenció un 98.7% de identidad al análisis de las secuencias del 16S ribosomal con diferentes aislados de M. haemominutum reportado en la base de datos. Del conocimiento de los autores, este es el primer reporte de hemoplasmas en la ciudad de Ibagué y el primer reporte de M. haemominutum en Colombia

    Detección y caracterización del circovirus porcino tipo 2 (PCV2) circulante en cerdos de los departamentos de Tolima y Huila, Colombia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of the porcine circovirus 2 (PVC2) and the seroreactivity in pig farms in the regions of Tolima and Huila, Colombia, through a cross-sectional study. Blood and tissue samples (lymph nodes, lung and kidney) were taken from animals of all productive stages, including healthy animals and those with signs of the disease. The ELISA test detected seropositive animals in all productive stages. To identify the presence of the virus, the complete ORV2 of PCV2 was amplified by endpoint PCR using DNA extracted from blood, lymph nodes, lung and kidney. The samples were genotyped and finding positive animals for PCV2, both healthy and diseased, at all stages of production. Sequence analysis demonstrated a percentage of identity between 93 and 99% with the PCV2d genotype. Animals without positive clinical signs were positive for the ELISA test and for the PCR, which suggests the presence of subclinical infections or variations in the virulence of the infecting strains. In addition to these tests, an epidemiological survey was conducted, where no significant associations were detected between the presence of the virus and production management.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evidenciar la presencia del circovirus porcino 2 (PVC2) y la serorreactividad en granjas porcícolas en las regiones de Tolima y Huila, Colombia, mediante un estudio transversal. Se tomaron muestras de sangre y tejidos (linfonodos, pulmón y riñón) de animales de todas las etapas productivas, incluyendo animales sanos y con signos de la enfermedad. Mediante la prueba de ELISA se detectaron animales seropositivos en todas las etapas productivas. Para identificar la presencia del virus se amplificó el ORF2 completo del PCV2 mediante PCR punto final utilizando ADN extraído de sangre, linfonodos, pulmón y riñón. Las muestras fueron genotipificadas, encontrándose animales positivos a PCV2, tanto sanos como enfermos, en todas las etapas de producción. El análisis de las secuencias demostró un porcentaje de identidad entre 93 y 99% con el genotipo PCV2d. Se encontraron animales sin signos clínicos positivos a la prueba de ELISA y al PCR, lo cual sugiere la presencia de infecciones subclínicas o variaciones en la virulencia de las cepas infectantes. Adicional a estas pruebas, se realizó una encuesta epidemiológica, donde no se detectaron asociaciones significativas entre la presencia del virus y el manejo de la producción

    Diversity and distribution of macrofungi (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) in Tolima, a Department of the Colombian Andes: an annotated checklist

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    Macrofungi are classified in the phylum Ascomycota and Basidiomycota and they are very important from an ecological and economic point of view. Most studies of fungi in Colombia have been carried out mainly in the Andean Region, especially in the Departments of Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Cundinamarca. However, other Departments in the Andean Region, like Tolima, located in the Cordillera Central, are well documented for plants (4,797 species) and animals (2,983 species), but very poorly documented in terms of knowledge of fungal diversity.This study provides a compiled and annotated checklist of all known macrofungi in the Department of Tolima, based on published literature and on the identification of new specimens collected from five localities of the Department. All records were updated taxonomically and we include detailed information on the localities in which they are distributed in the Department. The list includes 164 taxa distributed in 15 orders (Agaricales, Polyporales, Russulales, Boletales, Hymenochaetales, Xylariales, Auriculariales, Thelephorales, Cantharellales, Hypocreales, Pezizales, Gloeophyllales, Phallales, Tremellales, Dacrymycetales) and eighteen records in a doubtful taxa section. We present 26 new reports, 19 for Tolima and nine for Colombia. We also provide genetic and phylogenetic evidence of the occurrence of Gloeoporus telephoroides and Podoscypha venustula in Colombia. This checklist provides the basis for future studies on species diversity and taxonomy in Tolima, by identifying the least studied taxa and ecosystems and conservation priorities

    Assessment of the lipid metabolic profile in sows supplemented with Lactobacillus casei during a reproductive cycle

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    Una microbiota intestinal equilibrada constituye una barrera eficaz contra la colonización de patógenos, además de producir sustratos metabólicos (e.g. vitaminas, enzimas) y estimular el sistema inmunológico de mucosas. La suplementación con probióticos ha demostrado mejorar la digestibilidad en cerdos y servir como inmunoestimulante. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el perfil metabólico lipídico en cerdas suplementadas con Lactobacillus casei a través de un ciclo reproductivo. Se emplearon 18 cerdas F1 Landrace x Large White distribuidas completamente al azar en tres grupos: control, T1 suplementado con 10 x 106 UFC (unidades formadoras de colonias/g) de L. casei y T2 suplementado con 10 x 108 UFC/g de L. casei, con frecuencia de administración semanal por vía oral, durante 180 días, cubriendo un ciclo reproductivo. Se analizaron los metabolitos del perfil lipídico, hemático y proteico de cada hembra en el día del servicio, a los 80 y 113 días de gestación, al primer y décimo día posparto y a los 21 días de la lactancia (destete). En el periparto se encontraron diferencias en triglicéridos y nitrógeno ureico en sangre (BUN), donde T1 y T2 presentaron mayores concentraciones de triglicéridos (pA stable microbiota can act as an effective barrier against pathogen colonization besides to the production of metabolic substrates (e.g. vitamins, enzymes) and stimulate the mucosal immunity. Supplementation with probiotics have shown to improve the digestibility in pigs and work as an immunostimulant. The aim of this study was to assess the lipid metabolic profile in sows supplemented with Lactobacillus casei throughout a complete reproductive cycle. Eighteen F1 Landrace x Large White sows were randomly distributed in three experimental groups: control, T1 supplemented with 10 x 106 CFU (colony forming units)/g of L. casei and T2 supplemented with 10 x108 CFU/g of L. casei, administered weekly by oral route for 180 days, covering a reproductive cycle. Metabolites from lipid metabolic, hematic and protein profiles were analyzed in each sow at the day of service, 80-day and 113-day of pregnancy, 1st and 10th day postpartum and at 21 days of lactation (weaning age). At the peripartum period, differences were found in the levels of triglycerides and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), T1 and T2 showed higher values of triglycerides (p<0.05) and lower concentration of BUN (p<0.01) than the control group. At weaning time, T1 and T2 showed lower values of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (p<0.05) than control group. Sows in pregnancy and lactation period supplemented with L. casei showed higher levels of triglycerides and cholesterol than those without supplementation. In addition, probiotic supplementation did not induce changes in high-density lipoprotein, total protein, and albumin levels. All these changes may have positive metabolic effects for the sows, nevertheless, further studies are required to elucidate the role of the supplementation with probiotics on the metabolic profile

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma in surgical epidermal wounds in rabbits

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the portion of the blood plasma which contains a platelet concentration above basal levels that stimulate tissue repair by means to growth factors. The aimed of this research was to evaluate the impact of PRP on skin repair upon epidermal surgical lesions. Using a scalpel, a clean epidermal incision of 5cm length was made in the interscapular region of New Zealand rabbits (n=8), and then divided in two groups . Rabbits from the group 1 (n=4) were untreated (control group), while group 2 received PRP on the surgical wound . Autologous PRP was obtained from whole blood drawn by jugular vein puncture, collected with sodium citrate anticoagulant solution, and centrifuged at 120g x 5min. One milliliter was obtained of the phase superior to the buffy coat. Biopsies from the injured tissue were collected on days 3, 7, 14 and 21 post-surgeries, and submitted to Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson’s Trichrome staining. In conclusion, the platelets separation method allows to obtaining plasma with higher platelets concentration and reduced number of leukocytes. Additionally, the results show that therapeutic PRP administration on surgically-induced skin injury has effect on the histological features of tissue healing compared with the control group


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    Eugenol (clove oil) has been widely used as an anaesthetic in fishes due to low induction and recovery times. The aim of this study was to assess the anaesthetic concentration of eugenol in 40 angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) under laboratory conditions. The animals were exposed to four concentrations of eugenol (20, 30, 40 and 50 mg/L). Observations of the anaesthetics induction (phase I, II, and III) and recovery (phase I, II, III, and IV) were registered. The animals exposed to the higher concentrations of eugenol (40 and 50 mg/L) reached in a short time the first induction anaesthetic stage but had the longer recovery time (p<0.05). The 20 mg/L concentration of eugenol induce light anaesthetic stage in angel fish (phase I) while the 50 mg/L concentration induce an advanced stage of anaesthetic (III). The most effective concentration was 40 mg/L of eugenol for angel fish.El eugenol (aceite de clavo) es un compuesto que ha sido ampliamente utilizado como anestésico en peces debido a sus cortos tiempos de inducción y recuperación. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la concentración anestésica efectiva del eugenol en 40 peces escalares (Pterophyllum scalare) bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Los animales fueron expuestos a cuatro concentraciones de la solución anestésica (20, 30, 40 y 50 mg/L de eugenol) y las observaciones se hicieron en los estadios de inducción a la anestesia (I, II, III) y recuperación (I, II, III, IV). Los animales expuestos a las mayores concentraciones de eugenol (40 y 50 mg/L) entraron rápidamente en inducción; sin embargo, fueron los que más tardaron en recuperarse (p<0.05). En una concentración de 20 mg/L se induce anestesia ligera en peces escalares (estadio I de anestesia), en tanto que una concentración de 50 mg/L se induce un estadio de anestesia avanzado (III). La concentración anestésica más efectiva fue de 40 mg/L de eugenol para alevinos de peces escalares

    Diarrea viral bovina: patogénesis e inmunopatología

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    Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) represents a problem of worldwide causing considerable losses so much in meat livestock as in dairy herds, affecting it in diverse ways, which are subordinated to the age of the animal, immunologic state and moment of gestation, in which the infection takes place. BVD is caused by RNA virus, gender Pestivirus, family Flaviviridae, which has been classified in 2 biotypes (cytopathic and non cytopathic) according to its behavior in cultivation cells and in 2 genotypes (I and II) based on its genetic sequence. Depending on the infectious strains a square clinical matter is presented, varying in severity from a subclinic form, going by the clinical form and even producing the fatal disease of the mucous ones (MD) or causing deleterious effects on the fetus. Although studies already exist in our environment on this entity, the implementation of diagnostic methodologies constitutes an obstacle for the handling of the same one. This revision is focused on pathogenyty and inmunopathology of the BVD.La diarrea viral bovina (DVB) representa un problema de ámbito mundial que causa considerables pérdidas tanto en ganado de carne como lechero, afectándolo de diversas formas las cuales están supeditadas a la edad del animal, estado inmunológico y momento de la gestación en el que se produce la infección. La DVB es causada por un virus ARN, género Pestivirus, familia Flaviviridae, el cual ha sido clasificado en 2 biotipos (citopático y no citopático) según su comportamiento en células de cultivo y en 2 genotipos (I y II) basados en su secuencia genética. Dependiendo de las cepas infectantes se presenta un cuadro clínico particular variando en severidad desde una forma subclínica, pasando por la forma clínica e incluso produciendo la fatal enfermedad de las mucosas o causando efectos deletéreos sobre el feto. A pesar de que en nuestro medio ya existen estudios sobre esta entidad, la implementación de metodologías diagnósticas constituye una limitante para el manejo de la misma. La presente revisión se enfoca en la patogenia e inmunopatología de la DVB

    Molecular Characterization of High Mobility Group Box 1a (HMGB1a) Gene in Red-Bellied Pacu, Piaractus brachypomus

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    High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a chromosomal protein in the nucleus and a potent extracellular proinflammatory cytokine, widely described in mammals, nevertheless, with scarce reports in fish. In this study, full open reading frame of HMGB1a gene from Piaractus brachypomus is reported as well as its molecular characterization, including tissue gene expression. At predicted protein level, HMGB1a showed similarities with its orthologs in teleosts and higher vertebrates. The relative gene expression of HMGB1a mRNA was measured in several tissues including the brain, where a differential expression appeared in brain regions, i.e., higher expression in the cerebellum and telencephalon. In addition, in an assay of sublethal exposure to chlorpyrifos, upregulation of HMGB1a was detected in optic chiasm. Furthermore, in a traumatic brain injury model, upregulation of HMGB1a expression was evident 24 hours after lesion and remained higher up to 14 days. These findings suggest a role for HMGB1a in brain damage and its candidature as biomarker of brain injury; however, more studies are required to elucidate the functions of HMGB1a and its regulation in P. brachypomus