2,945 research outputs found

    eCulture: Cultural Content in the Digital Age

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    Do virtual museums really provide added value to end-users, or do they just contribute to the abundance of images? Does the World Wide Web save endangered cultural heritage, or does it foster a society with less variety? How can information technology help to preserve the diversity of cultures in our fast-changing world? These are the questions that are raised and answered in this book, the result of a long path across the digital heritage landscape. This book gives a broad overview of eCulture and digital heritage. It is divided into three main sections: main issues and general guidelines; technological fundamentals and the main solutions; and applications and services, including a wide range of case studies. Starting from the basics the reader will be introduced to virtual museums issues and achievements, cataloguing, digitizing, publishing, and sustainable exploitation of cultural content, all exemplified by real-world case studies and applications. Taking into account more than 15 years of experience and results in digital cultural content research, the author provides a comprehensive view on issues and achievements in digital collections and cultural content. Written for: Researchers and professionals in "memory instituions", digital libraries, digital preservation, e-content management; librarians Negli ultimi decenni numerosi “attori” di rilievo appartenenti sia al mondo dei beni culturali sia della ICT hanno investito tempo e risorse al fine di creare applicazioni e progetti pilota quali ad esempio: musei virtuali, gallerie d’arte on-line, ricostruzione tridimensionale di monumenti e siti archeologici nonché applicazioni didattiche, servizi per il turismo culturale ed i parchi scientifici. Queste sono solamente alcune delle promesse che le tecnologie dell’informazione hanno stipulato con il settore culturale. Quali sono le opportunità ed i rischi connessi all’uso di questi strumenti? Oggi siamo probabilmente in grado di valutare se questi investimenti sono stati realmente utili ed hanno realmente incrementato e promosso la conoscenza delle arti, delle scienze e della storia e se hanno realmente soddisfatto le aspettative degli utenti. Gli strumenti della ICT aiutano veramente (sono veramente di supporto) per le istituzioni culturali e per i loro utenti?Le informazioni ed i contenuti disponibili in rete si rivolgono al medesimo pubblico che visita i musei, intercettano altri potenziali utenti, sono in concorrenza con la fruizione diretta delle opere? Il mondo dei beni culturali, i musei ed i loro utenti vogliono veramente utilizzare gli strumenti e le applicazioni tipiche delle nuove tecnologie? Scopo del volume è fornire una visione d’insieme di un settore di rilievo nel panorama del digitale. Partendo dalle nozioni di base, il lettore sarà introdotto alle tematiche relative ai musei virtuali e a conseguimenti, catalogazioni, digitalizzazioni, pubblicazioni e sfruttamento sostenibile di contenuti culturali, il tutto esemplificato attraverso casi pratici e applicazioni. Partendo da oltre 15 anni di esperienza e di risultati nella ricerca di contenuti digitale culturali, l’autore offre una visione globale sulle questioni e le realizzazioni delle collezioni digitali e dei contenuti culturali

    Mitos y contra-mitos de la mujer libertaria en La Indomable de Federica Montseny

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    Sin resumenWhile presupposing a revision of the literary canon, this work studies how Federica Montseny's La Indomable libertarian novel sets free from the Semitie and Indo-European myths about women, without nevertheless being able to detach itself from a trend that, within anarchism, sees maternity as a panacea for women

    On Graph Refutation for Relational Inclusions

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    We introduce a graphical refutation calculus for relational inclusions: it reduces establishing a relational inclusion to establishing that a graph constructed from it has empty extension. This sound and complete calculus is conceptually simpler and easier to use than the usual ones.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2011, arXiv:1203.542

    Remarks on the Permian-Triassic transition in Central and Eastern Lombardy (Southern Alps, Italy)

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    The main lithological and petrographical characteristics of the Permian-Lower Triassic Orobic and Brescian successions in central and eastern Lombardy are briefl y recorded, especially with regard to the units cropping out below and above the P-T boundary. The lower formation is represented by the Verrucano Lombardo, which consists of continental, fluvial red clastics, barren of fossils, generally Late Permian (Lopingian) in age, whereas the overlying Servino Formation, which is represented by well-bedded clastic and carbonate polychrome sediments, generally rich in fossils, pertains to the Early Triassic (Induan-Olenekian). The sequences of the two above-mentioned areas differ at least in part, as proof of their regional division, probably because of an inherited paleotopography and syntectonic activity. Taking into account the units bracketing the P-T boundary, which represents the real topic of this work, the Verrucano Lombardo of the Orobic Alps is paraconformably covered by the conglomerates and sandstones of the Prato Solaro Member in the lower part of the Servino Formation, cropping out extensively, although discontinuously, from the eastern side of Lake Como to the upper Scalve Valley in the Camonica region. The shape of some quartz rock fragments, derived from the Variscan crystalline basement and its Upper Carboniferous siliciclastic cover, has been interpreted as due to relatively coeval aeolian activity, and testifi es to an arid climatic “event” probably late Dienerian-early Smithian in age. In contrast, in the Brescia province, the onset of the Servino is made up of wave and current rippled, fi ne clastics, 1-2 m thick, and a typical horizon of oolitic dolostones (“Praso Limestone” Auct.), continuous from the lower Camonica Valley to the western Trentino. This unit could laterally correlate towards east, in the eastern South-Alpine segment, with the famous oolitic Tesero Member at the base of the Werfen Formation of the Dolomitic and Carnic Alps. In the Brescian Prealps, the above oolitic deposits crop out below some Claraia beds yielding forms common to those present in the Siusi Member of the Dolomites, generally attributed to late Griesbachian-early Dienerian times. Their age could be ascribed to a slightly older Griesbachian, i.e. to early Induan. Therefore, the P-T boundary in central and eastern Lombardy seems substantially located between the fi nal part of the Permian and the very base of the respective Triassic successions, temporally and spatially ranging in different ways and generally affected by non-depositional and perhaps tectonic processes. In our opinion, however, the duration of the gap, based on correlations with the well-documented stratigraphical studies recently carried out in the nearby Dolomitic area and other European regions, should be considered as slightly longer than previously recognized: the maximum gap could be estimated at about 3-4 Ma. As a consequence, we thus point out that the Servino Formation of the Brescian Alps rests, itself, paraconformably on the Verrucano Lombardo red beds, even if the P-T gap was probably less for correlation with the well-known Dolomites sections. At the end of the paper, for a more comprehensible understanding of the late- to post-Variscan geological scenario, is a tentative synthesis of the regional evolution.Se resumen las principales características litológicas y petrológicas de las sucesiones Oróbica y Bresciana del Pérmico y Triásico Inferior del este de Lombardía, especialmente las referidas a aquellas unidades que afl oran por encima y por debajo del límite P-T. La formación inferior está representada por el “Verrucano Lombardo”, que está constituido de sedimentos continentales clásticos de color rojo, de origen fluvial y sin fósiles y que muestran generalmente una edad Pérmico Superior (Lopingiense), mientras que la unidad inmediatamente superior, Formación Servino, representada por sedimentos bien estratifi cados, clásticos y carbonáticos, con abundantes fósiles y diferentes colores, es de edad Triásico Inferior (Induense-Olenekian). Las sucesiones de las dos áreas arriba mencionadas difieren entre sí, debido, entre otros motivos, a aquellos ligados a las características paleogeográfi cas y tectónicas propias de las zonas en las que afloran. El Verrucano Lombardo, en los afloramientos de los Alpes Oróbicos, que aflora extensivamente aunque de forma discontinua desde la parte este del lago Como hasta la parte alta del valle Scalve, en la región Carmónica, se sitúa, mediante una paraconformidad, bajo los conglomerados y areniscas del Miembro Prato Solaro, pertenecientes a la parte inferior de la Formación Servino. La forma de algunos fragmentos de roca, derivados del basamento cristalino varisco, así como los sedimentos siliciclásticos del Carbonífero Superior que los cubren, han sido relacionadas con una actividad de tipo eólica, testificando un evento climático de tipo árido, probablemente de edad Dieneriense superior-Smithiense inferior. En contraste, en la provincia de Brescia, la Formación Servino está constituida por sedimentos clásticos con ripples de oscilación y corriente, de tamaño de grano fino, constituyendo un espesor de 1-2 m y un nivel típico de dolomías oolíticas (“Praso Limestone” Auct.), que aparece desde la parte inferior del valle de Camonica hasta el oeste Trentino. Hacia el oeste, en el segmento este de los Alpes Meridionales, esta unidad podría correlacionarse lateralmente con el Miembro Tesero, de carácter oolítico, de la base de la Formación Werfen de los Alpes Dolomíticos y Cárnicos. En los Prealpes Brescianos, los depósitos oolíticos anteriormente mencionados afloran por debajo de algunas capas con Claraia, mostrando formas parecidas a las existentes del actual Miembro Siusi de los Dolomitas, generalmente atribuidos a una edad Griesbachiense-Dineriense inferior. Su edad podría ser ligeramente anterior a Griesbachiense, i.e. Induense inferior. Así, el límite P-T en el centro y este de Lombardía, estaría básicamente estar localizado entre la parte final de los sedimentos considerados pérmicos y aquellos de la parte más baja de los considerados Triásico Inferior, aunque con ciertas variaciones temporales y espaciales, variando en función de los procesos no deposicionales y, posiblemente, tectónicos. En nuestra opinión y, basándonos en correlaciones bien documentadas estudios estratigráficos llevados a cabo en los Dolomitas y en otras regiones europeas, prolongación en el tiempo de esta etapa en la que falta registro sedimentario podría ser considerada como ligeramente más larga de lo inicialmente reconocido: esta etapa podría ser considerada en torno a 3-4 Ma. Como consecuencia, consideramos que la Formación Servino de los Alpes Brescianos, como tal, paraconformable sobre las capas rojas del Verrucano Lombardo incluso aunque el vacío sedimentario de la transición P-T en esta zona fuese menor que el de la zona correlacionable y bien conocida de las secciones de los Dolomitas

    A reliability study of the new back strain monitor based on clinical trials

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    A new Back Strain Monitor (BSM) device has been developed in order to measure, record and analyze movements of the lower back. The purpose of this study was to examine the inter-tester and the intra-tester reliability of the movement measurements given by the BSM accelerometers, and compare it with the reliability of two other conventional measurement methods: the Double Inclinometer method (DI) and the Modified-Modified Schober (MMS) method. The clinical studies included 23 participants (16 males, 7 females) with no recent history of lower back pain, who wore the device during a combination of different anatomical movements (flexion, extension, left lateral flexion and right lateral flexion of the lumber spine). The tests were conducted by three therapists (testers). The reliability results for the BSM accelerometers clearly outperform the results obtained for the DI and the MMS methods. The inter-tester reliability gives the Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) value of 0.95 for the BSM flexion, 0.89 for the DI flexion and 0.74 for the MMS. The intra-tester reliability gives the ICC value of 0.99 for BSM flexion, 0.94 for DI flexion and 0.77 for the MMS. The BSM accelerometers were highly reliable in assessing back movements, measuring these movements with less error than the DI and MMS methods

    Inhabitation for non-idempotent intersection types

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    A reliability study of a new back strain monitor based on clinical trials

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    Movements of the lower back are a contributing factor for developing low back pain. Various techniques have been developed and tested for the measurement of lower back movement but most have been too expensive, too cumbersome and have been unable to measure movements over a prolonged period. The thesis investigates the development, the reliability and the validity of a new device (the Back Strain Monitor) to be used to measure lower back movement during a day’s activity. After a review of potential devices, three transducers to measure back movement were selected for laboratory testing. The first transducer, the conductive silicone polymer, performed poorly displaying an electrical drift as the polymer underwent repeated stretching. The second, the inductive coil technique, performed well in the laboratory trials with a CV of 0.54% for maximum linear stretch measurements. However, issues relating to electrical drift and electrical lag led to large variation of the baseline readings (CV = 82%). The third transducer, the accelerometer method, performed very well during the laboratory trials displaying a CV of 0.12% for the range of movement. Two of the three sensors (the inductive coil and the accelerometer method) were developed to the level of stand-alone prototypes, capable of being tested within a clinical trial setting. The first clinical trial involved three testers applying the inductive coil prototype to 15 subjects to assess its measurement properties. The inductive coil performed with moderate inter tester reliability (ICC (2,1) = 0.65). There was limited evidence of validity for the inductive coil technique as it showed poor to average correlation with the three comparator techniques (ICC (2,1) values from 0.47 to 0.75). The second clinical trial applied the accelerometer method to 23 subjects with three testers. There was very good inter tester reliability (ICC (2,1) ≥ 0.86) and test re-test reliability (ICC (2,1) ≥ 0.89). The accelerometer method also displayed a high level of agreement (ICC (2,1) ≥ 0.88) with the main recognized comparator technique (the double inclinometer) providing evidence of criterion validity. The accelerometer method provided a reliable option for measuring movements of the lower back. There was evidence of criterion validity and a preliminary case study demonstrated that the movement data collected over 8 hours was able to alter back postures via biofeedback. The accelerometer method displays advantages over other methods in that there is the potential to measure three dimensional movement at a high sampling rate and for extended periods of time. The device may provide a new management tool to assist health practitioners in the treatment of low back pain


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    Wheelchair design is extremely important in order to improve efficiency of locomotion and reduce physical stress in subjects whose muscular and cardiopulmonary fitness are impaired. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different wheelchair design on the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during locomotion at different speeds in paraplegic subjects. The experiments were carried out on a group of 5 male paraplegic subjects (25 ±3 years; body weight 65±7kg) during locomotion on a roller ergometer (Sopur, Ergotronic mod.) at 3-4 different speeds from 2 to 9 km/h. At each speed oxygen consumption and heart rate were determined after at least 6 min of exercise. Lactic acid (LA) venous blood concentration was evaluated before and at the 5th min of recovery and lactate production was calculated. The oxygen equivalent of LA was assumed to be 3.15ml O2 per kg body weight for an increase of blood LA of 1 mmol/L. For each subject the test was repeated using two different types of daily use active wheelchairs: type A., foldable, 13.95kg; type B, demountable, 13.35kg. The main difference in size was in the horizontal location of the wheel axle, in seat height and in handrim diameter. Results indicate that: a) oxygen consumption increased linearly with speed being 2050±350ml/min and 1780±270ml/min at 9km/h for wheelchair type A and B, respectively; b)lactic acid concentrations were significantly higher, at a given speed, while using wheelchair type A than B (at 9km/h; 7.4±1.5 mmol/l and 6.0±1.6 mmol/l, respectively),c) the total energy required , aerobic and anaerobic, increased linearly with speed and was 15-20% higher with wheelchair type A than B at all speeds; d) the energy cost of locomotion at a given speed was in the 15-25% range higher for wheelchair A than B; e) at corresponding oxygen uptake, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation were not different with the two wheelchair types. The main results of this study concern the large difference existing in the energy cost of locomotion and in the lactate production in the same subject when two different wheelchairs, even if apparently similar are used. In particular the much higher lactate production suggests that wheelchair design affects the limb and trunk movements in such a way that the metabolism of some muscle group requires a greater participation of anaerobic mechanism of energy supply, this leading to early onset of muscular fatigue. Further studies, in particular the combined biomechanical analysis of user and wheelchair during locomotion are required to increase the optimum fitting of wheelchair –user interface