6 research outputs found
Colombian consensus on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of candida Spp. disease in children and adults
La Candidiasis Invasora (CI) y la candidemia, como su manifestación más frecuente, se ha convertido en la principal causa de micosis oportunista a nivel hospitalario. Este manuscrito realizado por miembros de la Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN), tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un conjunto de recomendaciones para manejo, seguimiento y prevención de la CI/candidemia y de la infección candidiásica de mucosas, en población adulta, pediátrica y neonatal, en un
entorno hospitalario, incluyendo las unidades hemato-oncológicas y unidades de cuidado crítico. Todos los datos obtenidos mediante una búsqueda exhaustiva,
fueron revisados y analizados de manera amplia por todos los miembros del grupo, y las recomendaciones emitidas se elaboraron luego de la evaluación de la literatura científica disponible, y el consenso de todos los especialistas involucrados, reconociendo el problema de la emergencia de las infecciones por Candida Spp.
y brindando una correcta orientación a los profesionales de la salud sobre el manejo de pacientes con enfermedad candidiásica, de una forma racional y práctica,
enfatizando en la evaluación del paciente, estrategias de diagnóstico, profilaxis, tratamiento empírico, tratamiento dirigido y terapia preventiva.Invasive Candidiasis (IC) and candidemia (as its most frequent manifestation) have become the main cause of opportunistic mycosis at hospital settings. This
study, made by members of the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN), was aimed at providing a set of recommendations for the management,
follow-up and prevention of IC / candidemia and mucous membrane candida infection in adult, pediatric and neonatal patients in a hospital setting, including the
hemato-oncological and critical care units. All the data obtained through an exhaustive search were reviewed and analyzed in a comprehensive manner by all the
members of the group, and the recommendations issued are being made after a careful review of the scientific literature available and the consensus of all specialists involved; the emergence of Candida Spp. problem is highlighted and a correct orientation to health professionals regarding the management of patients with
candidiasis is provided in a rational and practical way, emphasizing patient evaluation, diagnostic strategies, prophylaxis, empirical treatment, directed treatment
and preventative therap
Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIVE Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments
[EN] This paper presents the extension of a meta-model (MAM5) and a framework based on the model (JaCalIVE) for developing intelligent virtual environments. The goal of this extension is to develop augmented mirror worlds that represent a real and virtual world coupled, so that the virtual world not only reflects the real one, but also complements it. A new component called a smart resource artifact, that enables modelling and developing devices to access the real physical world, and a human in the loop agent to place a human in the system have been included in the meta-model and framework. The proposed extension of MAM5 has been tested by simulating a light control system where agents can access both virtual and real sensor/actuators through the smart resources developed. The results show that the use of real environment interactive elements (smart resource artifacts) in agent-based simulations allows to minimize the error between simulated and real system.This work is partially supported by the TIN2009-13839-C03-01, TIN2011-27652-C03-01, 547CSD2007-00022, COST Action IC0801, FP7-294931 and the FPI grant AP2013-01276 548 awarded to Jaime-Andres Rincon.Rincón Arango, JA.; Poza Luján, JL.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Posadas Yagüe, JL.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C. (2016). Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIVE Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments. PLoS ONE. 11(2):1-27. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0149665S127112Luck, M., & Aylett, R. (2000). Applying artificial intelligence to virtual reality: Intelligent virtual environments. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 14(1), 3-32. doi:10.1080/088395100117142Barella A, Ricci A, Boissier O, Carrascosa C. MAM5: Multi-Agent Model For Intelligent Virtual Environments. In: 10th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2012); 2012. p. 16–30.Omicini, A., Ricci, A., & Viroli, M. (2008). Artifacts in the A&A meta-model for multi-agent systems. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 17(3), 432-456. doi:10.1007/s10458-008-9053-xYu Ch, Nagpal R. Distributed Consensus and Self-Adapting Modular Robots. In: IROS-2008 workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Robots and Applications; 2008. Available from: http://www.isi.edu/robots/iros08wksp/Papers/iros08-wksp-paper.pdfLidoris G, Buss M. A Multi-Agent System Architecture for Modular Robotic Mobility Aids. In: European Robotics Symposium 2006; 2006. p. 15–26. Available from: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11681120_2Yu, C.-H., & Nagpal, R. (2010). A Self-adaptive Framework for Modular Robots in a Dynamic Environment: Theory and Applications. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 30(8), 1015-1036. doi:10.1177/0278364910384753Barbero A, González-Rodríguez MS, de Lara J, Alfonseca M. Multi-Agent Simulation of an Educational Collaborative Web System. In: European Simulation and Modelling Conference; 2007. Available from: http://sistemas-humano-computacionais.wikidot.com/local--files/capitulo:colaboracao-auxiliada-por-computador/%5BBarbero%202007%5D%20Multi-Agent%20Simulation%20of%20an%20Educational%20Collaborative%20Web%20System.pdfRanathunga S, Cranefield S, Purvis MK. Interfacing a cognitive agent platform with a virtual world: a case study using Second Life. In: AAMAS; 2011. p. 1181–1182. Available from: http://www.aamas-conference.org/Proceedings/aamas2011/papers/B20.pdfAndreoli R, De Chiara R, Erra U, Scarano V. Interactive 3d environments by using videogame engines. In: Information Visualisation, 2005. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on. IEEE; 2005. p. 515–520. Available from: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1509124Dignum, F. (2011). Agents for games and simulations. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 24(2), 217-220. doi:10.1007/s10458-011-9169-2dos Santos C, Osorio F. AdapTIVE: an intelligent virtual environment and its application in e-commerce. In: Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2004. COMPSAC 2004. Proceedings of the 28th Annual International; 2004. p. 468–473 vol.1.Kazemi, A., Fazel Zarandi, M. H., & Moattar Husseini, S. M. (2008). A multi-agent system to solve the production–distribution planning problem for a supply chain: a genetic algorithm approach. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 44(1-2), 180-193. doi:10.1007/s00170-008-1826-5Dimuro GP, Costa ACdR, Gonçalves LV, Hubner A. Interval-valued Hidden Markov Models for recognizing personality traits in social exchanges in open multiagent systems. Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. 2008;.Woźniak, M., Graña, M., & Corchado, E. (2014). A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybrid systems. Information Fusion, 16, 3-17. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2013.04.006Jia L, Zhenjiang M. Entertainment Oriented Intelligent Virtual Environment with Agent and Neural Networks. In: IEEE International Workshop on Haptic, Audio and Visual Environments and Games, 2007. HAVE 2007; 2007. p. 90–95.Corchado, E., Woźniak, M., Abraham, A., de Carvalho, A. C. P. L. F., & Snášel, V. (2014). Recent trends in intelligent data analysis. Neurocomputing, 126, 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.001Ricci A, Viroli M, Omicini A. Give agents their artifacts: the A&A approach for engineering working environments in MAS. In: Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems; 2007. p. 150. Available from: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1329308Barella, A., Valero, S., & Carrascosa, C. (2009). JGOMAS: New Approach to AI Teaching. IEEE Transactions on Education, 52(2), 228-235. doi:10.1109/te.2008.925764Behrens, T. M., Hindriks, K. V., & Dix, J. (2010). Towards an environment interface standard for agent platforms. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 61(4), 261-295. doi:10.1007/s10472-010-9215-9Ricci A, Viroli M, Omicini A. A general purpose programming model & technology for developing working environments in MAS. In: 5th International Workshop Programming Multi-Agent Systems(PROMAS 2007); 2007. p. 54–69. Available from: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/~ao/pubs/pdf/2007/promas.pdfChee-Yee Chong, & Kumar, S. P. (2003). Sensor networks: Evolution, opportunities, and challenges. Proceedings of the IEEE, 91(8), 1247-1256. doi:10.1109/jproc.2003.814918Kushner D. The making of arduino. IEEE Spectrum. 2011;26.Schmidt, A., & van Laerhoven, K. (2001). How to build smart appliances? IEEE Personal Communications, 8(4), 66-71. doi:10.1109/98.944006Salzmann C, Gillet D. Smart device paradigm standardization for online labs. In: 4th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON); 2013.Gonzalez-Jorge, H., Riveiro, B., Vazquez-Fernandez, E., Martínez-Sánchez, J., & Arias, P. (2013). Metrological evaluation of Microsoft Kinect and Asus Xtion sensors. Measurement, 46(6), 1800-1806. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2013.01.011Cook, D. J., & Das, S. K. (2007). How smart are our environments? An updated look at the state of the art. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 3(2), 53-73. doi:10.1016/j.pmcj.2006.12.001Compton, M., Barnaghi, P., Bermudez, L., García-Castro, R., Corcho, O., Cox, S., … Taylor, K. (2012). The SSN ontology of the W3C semantic sensor network incubator group. Journal of Web Semantics, 17, 25-32. doi:10.1016/j.websem.2012.05.003Munera, E., Poza-Lujan, J.-L., Posadas-Yagüe, J.-L., Simó-Ten, J.-E., & Noguera, J. (2015). Dynamic Reconfiguration of a RGBD Sensor Based on QoS and QoC Requirements in Distributed Systems. Sensors, 15(8), 18080-18101. doi:10.3390/s150818080Castrillón-Santan, M., Lorenzo-Navarro, J., & Hernández-Sosa, D. (2014). Conteo de personas con un sensor RGBD comercial. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 11(3), 348-357. doi:10.1016/j.riai.2014.05.006Rincon JA, Julian V, Carrascosa C. An Emotional-based Hybrid Application for Human-Agent Societies. In: 10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications. vol. 368; 2015. p. 203–214.Rincon JA, Julian V, Carrascosa C. Applying a Social Emotional Model in Human-Agent Societies. In: Workshop WIHAS’15. Intelligent Human-Agent Societies‥ vol. 524 of CCIS; 2015. p. 377–388.Leccese, F., Cagnetti, M., & Trinca, D. (2014). A Smart City Application: A Fully Controlled Street Lighting Isle Based on Raspberry-Pi Card, a ZigBee Sensor Network and WiMAX. Sensors, 14(12), 24408-24424. doi:10.3390/s141224408Mateevitsi V, Haggadone B, Leigh J, Kunzer B, Kenyon RV. Sensing the environment through SpiderSense. In: Proceedings of the 4th Augmented Human International Conference. ACM; 2013. p. 51–57.Kavitha R, Thiyagarajan N. Distributed Intelligent Street Lamp Monitoring and Control System Based on Zigbee. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) PP; p. 2319–7064.Pan, M.-S., Yeh, L.-W., Chen, Y.-A., Lin, Y.-H., & Tseng, Y.-C. (2008). A WSN-Based Intelligent Light Control System Considering User Activities and Profiles. IEEE Sensors Journal, 8(10), 1710-1721. doi:10.1109/jsen.2008.2004294Villarrubia, G., De Paz, J., Bajo, J., & Corchado, J. (2014). Ambient Agents: Embedded Agents for Remote Control and Monitoring Using the PANGEA Platform. Sensors, 14(8), 13955-13979. doi:10.3390/s14081395
Análisis comparativo del desempeño y emisiones de un motor diesel de gran capacidad operando bajo dos escenarios: trabajo en ruta activa y trabajo en banco
Several tests were carried out on a 1,640 kW (2,200 hp) diesel engine operating in two different sets of conditions: a bench test
and route test (when the engine was located on a mining truck). The engine was mounted on a dynamometer for the first set of
conditions. The parameters measured were break torque, cylinder and air inlet temperatures, exhaust gas temperature and both
fuel consumption and airflow. Gas emissions were also recorded. The engine operated during the first phase of the study according
to a test protocol allowing real work conditions to be simulated during a typical cycle present on the operation route. Afterwards,
the mining truck was instrumented for the second set of working conditions and the corresponding monitoring work was
done while the truck was working on the route assigned by the truck's operator. A comparative analysis was then made of the results
obtained in the two sets of working conditions. This analysis led to observing that the results obtained in the two tests had a
very similar pattern and thus led to validating the results obtained in the bench test.La primera revolución académica, llevada a cabo desde finales del siglo XIX en países desarrollados, hace de la investigación una
función universitaria adicional a la tradicional tarea de enseñanza. Una segunda revolución académica intenta transformar la
universidad en una empresa de enseñanza, investigación y desarrollo socioeconómico. El artículo científico llega a ser un excelente
medio práctico para el "movimiento" de nuevo conocimiento entre la universidad y el entorno socioeconómico. Este trabajo
tiene dos propósitos. Primero, presentar algunas consideraciones generales sobre la investigación y el artículo científico. El
segundo, el de dar a conocer una herramienta computacional que sirve para apoyar el proceso de revisión de citaciones bibliográficas
en un artículo científico. Este paso es usualmente realizado a mano y requiere experiencia. El software facilita leer dos
archivos de texto, uno con el contenido del artículo y otro con las referencias bibliográficas, y luego generar un reporte que permite
identificar los autores citados en el texto pero que no están referenciados en la bibliografía, y determinar los autores citados
en la bibliografía mas no citados en el texto del artículo. El software también permite a los investigadores y a los coordinadores
de revistas detectar errores de referenciamiento entre citaciones en el texto y referencias bibliográficas. Los pasos para desarrollar
el software fueron: análisis, diseño, implementación y uso. Para el análisis fue importante la revisión de la literatura sobre elaboración
de citaciones en documentos científicos
Desempeño y emisiones de un motor de combustión interna concombustible dual Diesel-Gas natural
Many of the problems reported for dual diesel-natural gas systems occur due to poor gas dosage. For this reason a natural gas electronic injection feeding system was adapted to a compression ignitios internal combustion engine. An experimental design controlling the natural gas dosage is considered. As a result a comparative analysis between performance and emissions from the Diesel-and diesel-Natural Gas operation is obtained. From this analysis it is possible to see that engine performance is not affected by operation of the engine under the dual mode, i.e. the motor running under dual mode can support the loads applied to the engine. It is also observed that the volumetric efficiency improves under all conditions of operation and emissions from the dual mode of operation are better only when working at high engine loads.Muchos de los problemas reportados para los sistemas duales diesel- gas natural ocurren por mala dosificación del gas. Por esta razón se adaptó un sistema de alimentación dual con inyección electrónica de gas natural a un motor de combustión interna encendido por compresión. Se plantea un diseño experimental controlando el dosado de gas natural. Como resultado se obtiene un análisis comparativo entre los valores de desempeño y emisiones desde la operación Diesel y Diesel-Gas natural. A partir de este análisis es posible observar que el desempeño del motor no se ve afectado por la operación del motor bajo el esquema Dual Diesel-GN, es decir que el motor funcionando bajo modo dual puede sostener las cargas solicitadas al motor. También se observa que la eficiencia volumétrica mejora bajo todas las condiciones de operación dual y las emisiones son mejores sólo cuando el motor trabaja a altas cargas
Comparative performance and emission tests of a heavy duty off-highway diesel engine working in two different conditions: route test and bench test
Several tests were carried out on a 1,640 kW (2,200 hp) diesel engine operating in two different sets of conditions: a bench test and route test (when the engine was located on a mining truck). The engine was mounted on a dynamometer for the first set of conditions. The parameters measured were break torque, cylinder and air inlet temperatures, exhaust gas temperature and both fuel consumption and airflow. Gas emissions were also recorded. The engine operated during the first phase of the study according to a test protocol allowing real work conditions to be simulated during a typical cycle present on the operation route. Afterwards, the mining truck was instrumented for the second set of working conditions and the corresponding monitoring work was done while the truck was working on the route assigned by the truck’s operator. A comparative analysis was then made of the re- sults obtained in the two sets of working conditions. This analysis led to observing that the results obtained in the two tests had a very similar pattern and thus led to validating the results obtained in the bench test
Análisis comparativo del desempeño y emisiones de un motor diesel de gran capacidad operando bajo dos escenarios: trabajo en ruta activa y trabajo en banco
La primera revolución académica, llevada a cabo desde finales del siglo XIX en países desarrollados, hace de la investigación una función universitaria adicional a la tradicional tarea de enseñanza. Una segunda revolución académica intenta transformar la universidad en una empresa de enseñanza, investigación y desarrollo socioeconómico. El artículo científico llega a ser un excelente medio práctico para el “movimiento” de nuevo conocimiento entre la universidad y el entorno socioeconómico. Este trabajo tiene dos propósitos. Primero, presentar algunas consideraciones generales sobre la investigación y el artículo científico. El segundo, el de dar a conocer una herramienta computacional que sirve para apoyar el proceso de revisión de citaciones bibliográficas en un artículo científico. Este paso es usualmente realizado a mano y requiere experiencia. El software facilita leer dos archivos de texto, uno con el contenido del artículo y otro con las referencias bibliográficas, y luego generar un reporte que per- mite identificar los autores citados en el texto pero que no están referenciados en la bibliografía, y determinar los autores citados en la bibliografía mas no citados en el texto del artículo. El software también permite a los investigadores y a los coordinadores de revistas detectar errores de referenciamiento entre citaciones en el texto y referencias bibliográficas. Los pasos para desarrollar el software fueron: análisis, diseño, implementación y uso. Para el análisis fue importante la revisión de la literatura sobre elaboración de citaciones en documentos científicos.Several tests were carried out on a 1,640 kW (2,200 hp) diesel engine operating in two different sets of conditions: a bench test and route test (when the engine was located on a mining truck). The engine was mounted on a dynamometer for the first set of conditions. The parameters measured were break torque, cylinder and air inlet temperatures, exhaust gas temperature and both fuel consumption and airflow. Gas emissions were also recorded. The engine operated during the first phase of the study according to a test protocol allowing real work conditions to be simulated during a typical cycle present on the operation route. Afterwards, the mining truck was instrumented for the second set of working conditions and the corresponding monitoring work was done while the truck was working on the route assigned by the truck’s operator. A comparative analysis was then made of the re- sults obtained in the two sets of working conditions. This analysis led to observing that the results obtained in the two tests had a very similar pattern and thus led to validating the results obtained in the bench test