1,146 research outputs found

    Ekspektasi Penumpang Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan perbedaan harapan penumpang berdasarkan kewarganegaraan, destinasi, tujuan perjalanan, dan terminal keberangkatan/kedatangan. Dimensi kualitas layanan yang dikembangkan oleh Parasuraman (1985) digunakan untuk menilai harapan penumpang. Data primer diperoleh dari 409 penumpang di bandara internasional Soekarno-Hatta dan melalui survei online. Terkait dengan ekspektasi penumpang, hasil menunjukkan bahwa tak ada perbedaan ekspektasi yang signifikan antara penumpang yang berbeda kewarganegaraan dan berbeda tujuan perjalanan, seperti untuk kepentingan bisnis, liburan, dan mengunjungi keluarga. Namun, terdapat perbedaan ekspektasi yang signifikan di antara penumpang yang bepergian domestik maupun internasional, dan juga diantara penumpang yang berangkat dari/datang ke terminal bandara yang berbeda. Kata kunci: kualitas layanan, ekspektasi penumpang, bandara  Abstract This study aims at comparing the passengers' expectations of airport service quality in terms of the passengers’ nationality, destination, travel purposes, departure/arrival terminals. The five service quality dimensions instrument developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985) is applied to assess the passengers’ expectations. The primary data were collected from 409 passengers at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport and through online surveys. Regarding the service quality expectations, the analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the passengers of different nationalities and those who travelled for different purposes, such as business, holiday, and family visit. However, there were significant differences among domestic flight passengers and international ones who departed from or arrived at different airport terminals. Keywords: service quality, passengers’ expectations, airportÂ

    Multi-Task Meta Learning: learn how to adapt to unseen tasks

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    This work proposes Multi-task Meta Learning (MTML), integrating two learning paradigms Multi-Task Learning (MTL) and meta learning, to bring together the best of both worlds. In particular, it focuses simultaneous learning of multiple tasks, an element of MTL and promptly adapting to new tasks, a quality of meta learning. It is important to highlight that we focus on heterogeneous tasks, which are of distinct kind, in contrast to typically considered homogeneous tasks (e.g., if all tasks are classification or if all tasks are regression tasks). The fundamental idea is to train a multi-task model, such that when an unseen task is introduced, it can learn in fewer steps whilst offering a performance at least as good as conventional single task learning on the new task or inclusion within the MTL. By conducting various experiments, we demonstrate this paradigm on two datasets and four tasks: NYU-v2 and the taskonomy dataset for which we perform semantic segmentation, depth estimation, surface normal estimation, and edge detection. MTML achieves state-of-the-art results for three out of four tasks for the NYU-v2 dataset and two out of four for the taskonomy dataset. In the taskonomy dataset, it was discovered that many pseudo-labeled segmentation masks lacked classes that were expected to be present in the ground truth; however, our MTML approach was found to be effective in detecting these missing classes, delivering good qualitative results. While, quantitatively its performance was affected due to the presence of incorrect ground truth labels. The the source code for reproducibility can be found at https://github.com/ricupa/MTML-learn-how-to-adapt-to-unseen-tasks

    Serum nitric oxide and pediatric sepsis outcomes

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    Background Sepsis is the complex pathophysiologic responses of the host against systemic infection. Sepsis can cause severe conditions such as septic shock and multiple organ failure. Although we have a better understanding of the molecular basis of sepsis as well as aggressive therapy, the mortality rate remains high, between 20-80%. Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the mediators associated with cardiovascular failure, apoptosis and organ dysfunction in sepsis. Objective To evaluate for a possible correlation between NO levels and outcomes in pediatric sepsis. Methods A prospective cohort study was conducted at the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou General Hospital in Manado, from June to November 2012. Forty children aged one month to five year old, fulfilled the International Pediatrics Sepsis Consensus Conference 2 005 criteria were recruited. Nitrite oxide metabolites (nitrite and nitrate) levels were measured using a calorimetric assay kit (Cayman®, Catalog No.780001) from venous blood specimens collected at admission. All patients received antibiotics empirically within an hour of the diagnosis. Outcomes of patients recorded were survivor or died, and length of stay in PICU. Results Mann-Whitney U test revealed a significant difference between median serum NO levels ins urvivors and those who died (18.60 vs. 36.50 fLM/L, respectively; P= 0.016). Conclusion Serum NO concentration is higher in those who died than in survivors of pediatric sepsis. Specific NO inhibition may be beneficial in decreasing morbidity and mortality in this condition

    Sex Differences in The effects of Maternal Vitamin Supplements on Mortality and Morbidity among Children Born to HIV-Infected women in Tanzania.

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    We examined whether there are sex differences in the effect of vitamin supplements on birth outcomes, mortality and morbidity by 2 years of age among children born to HIV-infected women in Tanzania. A randomised placebo-controlled trial was conducted among 959 mother-infant pairs. HIV-infected pregnant women were randomly assigned to receive a daily oral dose of one of four regimens: multivitamins (vitamins B-complex, C and E), vitamin A plus beta-carotene, multivitamins including vitamin A plus beta-carotene or placebo. Supplements were administered during pregnancy and continued after delivery. The beneficial effect of multivitamins on decreasing the risk of low birth weight was stronger among girls (relative risks (RR) = 0.39, 95 % CI 0.22, 0.67) than among boys (RR = 0.81, 95 % CI 0.44, 1.49; P for interaction = 0.08). Maternal multivitamin supplements resulted in 32 % reduction in mortality among girls (RR = 0.68, 95 % CI 0.47, 0.97), whereas no effect was found among boys (RR = 1.20, 95 % CI 0.80, 1.78; P for interaction = 0.04). Multivitamins had beneficial effects on the overall risks of diarrhoea that did not differ by sex. Vitamin A plus beta-carotene alone increased the risk of HIV transmission, but had no effects on mortality, and we found no sex differences in these effects. Sex differential effects of multivitamins on mortality may be due to sex-related differences in the immunological or genetic factors. More research is warranted to examine the effect of vitamins by sex and better understand biological mechanisms mediating such effects

    The Effects of Return on Equity Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio to Earning Per Share in Manufacturing Industries Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange During the Period of 2015-2017

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    The objective of this research is to observe the effects of Return on Equity Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio to Earning Per Share in manufacturing industries listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2015-2017. The method used in this research is quantitative research approach, while inferential statistical research is used for the type of research. The object of this research is the manufacturing industry listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2015-2017. By using purposive sampling technique, 82 manufacture industries from Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2015-2017 are obtained. The results show that partially Return on Equity Ratio has a positive and significant effect on Earning Per Share while partially Debt to Equity Ratio and Current Ratio have a negative and significant effect on the Earning Per Share. Simultaneously Return on Equity Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Current Ratio affect the Earning Per Share in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2015-2017

    Application of disease-associated differentially expressed genes – Mining for functional candidate genes for mastitis resistance in cattle

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    In this study the mRNA differential display method was applied to identify mastitis-associated expressed DNA sequences based on different expression patterns in mammary gland samples of non-infected and infected udder quarters of a cow. In total, 704 different cDNA bands were displayed in both udder samples. Five hundred-and-thirty two bands, (75.6%) were differentially displayed. Ninety prominent cDNA bands were isolated, re-amplified, cloned and sequenced resulting in 87 different sequences. Amongst the 19 expressed sequence tags showing a similarity with previously described genes, the majority of these sequences exhibited homology to protein kinase encoding genes (26.3%), to genes involved in the regulation of gene expression (26.3%), to growth and differentiation factor encoding genes (21.0%) and to immune response or inflammation marker encoding genes (21.0%). These sequences were shown to have mastitis-associated expression in the udder samples of animals with and without clinical mastitis by quantitative RT-PCR. They were mapped physically using a bovine-hamster somatic cell hybrid panel and a 5000 rad bovine whole genome radiation hybrid panel. According to their localization in QTL regions based on an established integrated marker/gene-map and their disease-associated expression, four genes (AHCY, PRKDC, HNRPU, OSTF1) were suggested as potentially involved in mastitis defense

    Comparing oncologic outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for oncocytic neoplasms, conventional oncocytoma, and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma

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    Introduction Oncocytic neoplasms are renal tumors similar to oncocytoma, but their morphologic variations preclude definitive diagnosis. This somewhat confusing diagnosis can create treatment and surveillance challenges for the treating urologist. We hypothesize that these subtle morphologic variations do not drastically affect the malignant potential of these tumors, and we sought to demonstrate this by comparing clinical outcomes of oncocytic neoplasms to those of classic oncocytoma and chromophobe. Methods We gathered demographic and outcomes data for patients with variant oncocytic tumors. Oncologic surveillance was conducted per institutional protocol in accordance with NCCN guidelines. Descriptive statistics were used to compare incidence of metastasis and death against those for patients with oncocytoma and chromophobe. Three hundred and fifty-one patients were analyzed: 164 patients with oncocytoma, 28 with oncocytic neoplasms, and 159 with chromophobe tumors. Results Median follow-up time for the entire cohort was 32.4 months, (interquartile range 9.2–70.0). Seventeen total patients (17/351, 4.9%) died during the course of the study. In patients with oncocytoma or oncocytic neoplasm, none were known to metastasize or die of their disease. Only chromophobe tumors >6 cm in size in our series demonstrated metastatic progression and approximately half of these metastasized tumors demonstrated sarcomatoid changes. Conclusion Variant oncocytic neoplasms appear to have a natural course similar to classic oncocytoma. These tumors appear to have no metastatic potential, and oncologic surveillance may not be indicated after surgery