34,214 research outputs found

    The Effect of Uncertainty in Regulatory Delay on the Rate of Innovation

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    When a regulated firm considers the undertaking of an effort to innovate, it often faces incentives quite different from those confronting an unregulated firm. At least three types of uncertainty arise. First, will an innovative effort result in an implementable technology, and if so, when? Second, will the implementation of the technology be delayed by a regulatory authority, and if so, for how long? And finally, when the regulator permits the use of an innovation, what level of benefits will the firm ultimately receive

    Policy and Practice Brief: Funding of Assistive Technology to Make Work a Reality

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    This brief provides a definition of assistive technology and a discussion of funding sources for assistive technology including: public schools; state vocational rehabilitation agencies; Medicaid; Medicare; and, SSA’s Plan for Achieving Self Support. Eligibility is reviewed for each along with other protections and rights

    Impact of trade openness, remittances, capital inflows & financial development on income in Vanuatu

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    In this study, using bounds approach and annual data for the period 1981-2008, the short and long-run effects of remittances and trade openness on income in Vanuatu are estimated. The results show trade openness and remittances having positive and significant effects, with no significant effects from financial development (FIN), foreign direct investment (FDI), and official development aid (ODA). FDI and ODA in this sense behave somewhat differently than remittances. Therefore a greater liberalization of goods and services market in general and short-term temporary movements of people in particular to boost remittances inflows and improving the overall institutional infrastructure is put forward as priority policy measures.Remittances; trade; economic growth; FDI; financial sector development; ODA; bounds test; Vanuatu

    A simple node and conductor data generator for SINDA

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    This paper presents a simple, automated method to generate NODE and CONDUCTOR DATA for thermal match modes. The method uses personal computer spreadsheets to create SINDA inputs. It was developed in order to make SINDA modeling less time consuming and serves as an alternative to graphical methods. Anyone having some experience using a personal computer can easily implement this process. The user develops spreadsheets to automatically calculate capacitances and conductances based on material properties and dimensional data. The necessary node and conductor information is then taken from the spreadsheets and automatically arranged into the proper format, ready for insertion directly into the SINDA model. This technique provides a number of benefits to the SINDA user such as a reduction in the number of hand calculations, and an ability to very quickly generate a parametric set of NODE and CONDUCTOR DATA blocks. It also provides advantages over graphical thermal modeling systems by retaining the analyst's complete visibility into the thermal network, and by permitting user comments anywhere within the DATA blocks

    A hierarchical structure for representing and learning fuzzy rules

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    Yager provides an example in which the flat representation of fuzzy if-then rules leads to unsatisfactory results. Consider a rule base consisting to two rules: if U is 12 the V is 29; if U is (10-15) the V is (25-30). If U = 12 we would get V is G where G = (25-30). The application of the defuzzification process leads to a selection of V = 27.5. Thus we see that the very specific instruction was not followed. The problem with the technique used is that the most specific information was swamped by the less specific information. In this paper we shall provide for a new structure for the representation of fuzzy if-then rules. The representational form introduced here is called a Hierarchical Prioritized Structure (HPS) representation. Most importantly in addition to overcoming the problem illustrated in the previous example this HPS representation has an inherent capability to emulate the learning of general rules and provides a reasonable accurate cognitive mapping of how human beings store information

    Remote from what? Perspectives of distance learning students in remote rural areas of Scotland

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    Distance learning is seen as the obvious answer for remote learners, and the use of online media is expected to overcome any access difficulties imposed by geographical distance. However, this belief may be obscuring our understanding of the role that location and individual circumstances have in shaping student experience. This paper explores the variation in experiences of remote rural students who study with the Open University (UK). The researchers found that perceptions of remoteness depended on geography, but were also relative to individual circumstances. With respect to students’ sense of connection with university staff and peers, most mentioned their contact with their personal tutor. Networks with peers were less common, a matter of concern if peer networks are integral to fostering improved retention and progression. In this particular context, distance education may be playing an important and distinctive role for remote students by providing opportunities for connections with like-minded people

    Estimations of expectedness and potential surprise in possibility theory

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    This note investigates how various ideas of 'expectedness' can be captured in the framework of possibility theory. Particularly, we are interested in trying to introduce estimates of the kind of lack of surprise expressed by people when saying 'I would not be surprised that...' before an event takes place, or by saying 'I knew it' after its realization. In possibility theory, a possibility distribution is supposed to model the relative levels of mutually exclusive alternatives in a set, or equivalently, the alternatives are assumed to be rank-ordered according to their level of possibility to take place. Four basic set-functions associated with a possibility distribution, including standard possibility and necessity measures, are discussed from the point of view of what they estimate when applied to potential events. Extensions of these estimates based on the notions of Q-projection or OWA operators are proposed when only significant parts of the possibility distribution are retained in the evaluation. The case of partially-known possibility distributions is also considered. Some potential applications are outlined