254 research outputs found

    Carlsberg Ridge and Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Comparison of slow spreading centre analogues

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    Eighty per cent of all mid-ocean spreading centres are slow. Using a mixture of global bathymetry data and ship-board multibeam echosounder data, we explore the morphology of global mid-ocean ridges and compare two slow spreading analogues: the Carlsberg Ridge in the north-west Indian Ocean between 57°E and 60°E, and the Kane to Atlantis super-segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 21°N and 31°N. At a global scale, mid-ocean spreading centres show an inverse correlation between segment length and spreading rate with segmentation frequency. Within this context, both the Mid-Atlantic Ridge super-segment and Carlsberg Ridge are similar: spreading at 22 and 26 mm/yr full rates respectively, being devoid of major transform faults, and being segmented by dextral, non-transform, second-order discontinuities. For these and other slow spreading ridges, we show that segmentation frequency varies inversely with flank height and ridge axis depth. Segments on both the Mid-Atlantic Ridge super-segment and Carlsberg Ridge range in aspect ratio (ridge flank height/axis width), depth and symmetry. Segments with high aspect ratios and deeper axial floors often have asymmetric rift flanks and are associated with indicators of lower degrees of melt flux. Segments with low aspect ratios have shallower axial floors, symmetric rift flanks, and evidence of robust melt supply. The relationship between segmentation, spreading rate, ridge depth and morphology, at both a global and local scale, is evidence that rates of melting of the underlying mantle and melt delivery to the crust play a significant role in determining the structure and morphology of slow spreading mid-ocean ridges

    Quantifying variation in δ13C and δ15N isotopes within and between feathers and individuals : is one sample enough?

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    This study represents a contribution to the ecosystems component of the British Antarctic Survey Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme, funded by The Natural Environment Research Council and through a NERC standard grant NE/I02237X/1.Studies of avian migration increasingly use stable isotope analysis to provide vital trophic and spatial markers. However, when interpreting differences in stable isotope values of feathers, many studies are forced to make assumptions about the timing of moult. A fundamental question remains about the consistency of these values within and between feathers from the same individual. In this study, we examine variation in carbon and nitrogen isotopes by sub-sampling feathers collected from the wings of adults of two small congeneric petrel species, the broad-billed Pachyptila vittata and Antarctic prion P. desolata. Broad-billed prion feather vane material was enriched in 15N compared to feather rachis material, but there was no detectable difference in δ13C. Comparison of multiple samples taken from Antarctic prion feathers indicated subtle difference in isotopes; rachis material was enriched in 13C compared to vane material, and there were differences along the length of the feather, with samples from the middle and tip of the feather depleted in 15N compared to those from the base. While the greatest proportion of model variance was explained by differences between feathers and individuals, the magnitude of these within-feather differences was up to 0.5 ‰ in δ15N and 0.8 ‰ in δ13C. We discuss the potential drivers of these differences, linking isotopic variation to individual-level dietary differences, movement patterns and temporal dietary shifts. A novel result is that within-feather differences in δ13C may be attributed to differences in keratin structure within feathers, suggesting further work is required to understand the role of different amino acids. Our results highlight the importance of multiple sampling regimes that consider both within- and between-feather variation in studies using stable isotopes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Genome-wide association study of adipocyte lipolysis in the GENetics of Adipocyte Lipolysis (GENiAL) cohort

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    Objectives: Lipolysis, hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids in adipocytes, is tightly regulated, poorly understood, and, if perturbed, can lead to metabolic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes. The goal of this study was to identify the genetic regulators of lipolysis and elucidate their molecular mechanisms. Methods: Adipocytes from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were isolated and were incubated without (spontaneous lipolysis) or with a catecholamine (stimulated lipolysis) to analyze lipolysis. DNA was extracted and genome-wide genotyping and imputation conducted. After quality control, 939 samples with genetic and lipolysis data were available. Genome-wide association studies of spontaneous and stimulated lipolysis were conducted. Subsequent in vitro gene expression analyses were used to identify candidate genes and explore their regulation of adipose tissue biology. Results: One locus on chromosome 19 demonstrated genome-wide significance with spontaneous lipolysis. 60 loci showed suggestive associations with spontaneous or stimulated lipolysis, of which many influenced both traits. In the chromosome 19 locus, only HIF3A was expressed in the adipocytes and displayed genotype-dependent gene expression. HIF3A knockdown in vitro increased lipolysis and the expression of key lipolysis-regulating genes. Conclusions: In conclusion, we identified a genetic regulator of spontaneous lipolysis and provided evidence of HIF3A as a novel key regulator of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipocytes as the mechanism through which the locus influences adipose tissue biology

    Genome-wide association study of adipocyte lipolysis in the GENetics of adipocyte lipolysis (GENiAL) cohort.

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    OBJECTIVES:Lipolysis, hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids in adipocytes, is tightly regulated, poorly understood, and, if perturbed, can lead to metabolic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes. The goal of this study was to identify the genetic regulators of lipolysis and elucidate their molecular mechanisms. METHODS:Adipocytes from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were isolated and were incubated without (spontaneous lipolysis) or with a catecholamine (stimulated lipolysis) to analyze lipolysis. DNA was extracted and genome-wide genotyping and imputation conducted. After quality control, 939 samples with genetic and lipolysis data were available. Genome-wide association studies of spontaneous and stimulated lipolysis were conducted. Subsequent in vitro gene expression analyses were used to identify candidate genes and explore their regulation of adipose tissue biology. RESULTS:One locus on chromosome 19 demonstrated genome-wide significance with spontaneous lipolysis. 60 loci showed suggestive associations with spontaneous or stimulated lipolysis, of which many influenced both traits. In the chromosome 19 locus, only HIF3A was expressed in the adipocytes and displayed genotype-dependent gene expression. HIF3A knockdown in vitro increased lipolysis and the expression of key lipolysis-regulating genes. CONCLUSIONS:In conclusion, we identified a genetic regulator of spontaneous lipolysis and provided evidence of HIF3A as a novel key regulator of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipocytes as the mechanism through which the locus influences adipose tissue biology

    Procedural confidence in hospital based practitioners: implications for the training and practice of doctors at all grades

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical doctors routinely undertake a number of practical procedures and these should be performed competently. The UK Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) curriculum lists the procedures trainees should be competent in. We aimed to describe medical practitioner's confidence in their procedural skills, and to define which practical procedures are important in current medical practice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional observational study was performed measuring procedural confidence in 181 hospital practitioners at all grades from 2 centres in East Anglia, England.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both trainees and consultants provide significant service provision. SpR level doctors perform the widest range and the highest median number of procedures per year. Most consultants perform few if any procedures, however some perform a narrow range at high volume. Cumulative confidence for the procedures tested peaks in the SpR grade. Five key procedures (central line insertion, lumbar puncture, pleural aspiration, ascitic aspiration, and intercostal drain insertion) are the most commonly performed, are seen as important generic skills, and correspond to the total number of procedures for which confidence can be maintained. Key determinants of confidence are gender, number of procedures performed in the previous year and total number of procedures performed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The highest volume of service requirement is for six procedures. The procedural confidence is dependent upon gender, number of procedures performed in the previous year and total number of procedures performed. This has implications for those designing the training curriculum and with regards the move to shorten the duration of training.</p

    Paroxetine in human milk

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    Aims The primary aims of the study were to estimate the exposure of infants to paroxetine via breast milk and to determine the maternal milk:plasma ratio (M/P) of paroxetine. Secondary aims were to compare single point and area under the curve (AUC) estimates of M/P, to assess variability of M/P in fore and hind milk, and to compare the observed M/P with that predicted by a model. Methods Two studies were performed. In one study, six nursing mothers who were being treated with paroxetine were studied over a 24 h dose interval at steady-state. The total amount of paroxetine in the milk was measured, which represented the &apos;dose&apos; to the infant. The M/P AUC was calculated and compared with a predicted value. In the second study, four nursing mothers who were being treated with paroxetine, were studied at steady-state, around a normal infant feeding time. A single plasma sample and a prefeed milk sample were taken approximately 3 h after the morning dose of paroxetine, and a postfeed milk sample taken around 1 h later. The dose received by the infant was estimated from the average milk concentrations of the pre and postfeed samples using standard assumptions, and M/P calculated directly. Plasma concentrations of paroxetine were measured in 8 of the 10 infants in the two studies. Results The mean dose of paroxetine received by the infants in the first study was 1.13% (range 0.5-1.7) of the weight adjusted maternal dose. The mean M/P AUC was 0.39 (range 0.32-0.51). The predicted M/P was 0.22. The mean dose of paroxetine received by the infants in the second study was 1.25% (range 0.38-2.24) of the weight adjusted maternal dose. The mean M/P was 0.96 (range 0.31-3.33) and did not differ between fore and hind milk. The drug was not detected in the plasma of seven of the infants studied and was detected but not quantifiable (&lt;4 mg l −1 ) in one infant. No adverse effects were observed in any of the infants. Conclusions Measured M/P and estimated infant dose were similar in the two studies, although the range was wider for the single point study. Paroxetine can be considered &apos;safe&apos; during breast feeding because the dose transferred to the infant is well below the recommended safety limit of 10% of the weight adjusted maternal dose, concentrations in the infants were generally undetectable, and no adverse effects were reported

    Rituximab versus azathioprine as therapy for maintenance of remission for anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis (RITAZAREM): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Rituximab is effective as therapy for induction of remission in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). However, the effect of rituximab is not sustained, and subsequent relapse rates are high, especially in patients with a history of relapse. There is a need to identify whether maintenance therapy with rituximab is superior to the current standard of azathioprine or methotrexate for prevention of relapse following induction with rituximab. METHODS/DESIGN: RITAZAREM is an international, multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial designed to demonstrate the superiority of repeated doses of intravenous rituximab compared to daily orally administered azathioprine as a relapse prevention strategy in patients with AAV with relapsing disease who undergo induction of remission with rituximab. Patients with AAV will be recruited at the time of relapse and will receive rituximab and glucocorticoid induction therapy. If the disease is controlled by 4 months, patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive rituximab (1000 mg every 4 months for five doses) or azathioprine (2 mg/kg/day) as maintenance therapy. Patients will be followed for a minimum of 36 months. The primary outcome is the time to disease relapse. It is estimated that 190 patients will need to be recruited to ensure that at least 160 are randomized. DISCUSSION: The RITAZAREM trial will provide the largest trial dataset for the use of rituximab as remission-induction therapy for patients with AAV comparing two remission-maintenance strategies following induction with rituximab, and explore whether prolonged B-cell depletion leads to sustained treatment-free remissions after discontinuation of immunosuppressive therapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01697267 . Registered on 31 August 2012

    Social Inequalities in Height: Persisting Differences Today Depend upon Height of the Parents

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    BACKGROUND: Substantial increases in height have occurred concurrently with economic development in most populations during the last century. In high-income countries, environmental exposures that can limit genetic growth potential appear to have lessened, and variation in height by socioeconomic position may have diminished. The objective of this study is to investigate inequalities in height in a cohort of children born in the early 1990s in England, and to evaluate which factors might explain any identified inequalities. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 12,830 children from The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a population based cohort from birth to about 11.5 years of age, were used in this analysis. Gender- and age-specific z-scores of height at different ages were used as outcome variables. Multilevel models were used to take into account the repeated measures of height and to analyze gender- and age-specific relative changes in height from birth to 11.5 years. Maternal education was the main exposure variable used to examine socioeconomic inequalities. The roles of parental and family characteristics in explaining any observed differences between maternal education and child height were investigated. Children whose mothers had the highest education compared to those with none or a basic level of education, were 0.39 cm longer at birth (95% CI: 0.30 to 0.48). These differences persisted and at 11.5 years the height difference was 1.4 cm (95% CI: 1.07 to 1.74). Several other factors were related to offspring height, but few changed the relationship with maternal education. The one exception was mid-parental height, which fully accounted for the maternal educational differences in offspring height. CONCLUSIONS: In a cohort of children born in the 1990s, mothers with higher education gave birth to taller boys and girls. Although height differences were small they persisted throughout childhood. Maternal and paternal height fully explained these differences.Bruna Galobardes, Valerie A. McCormack, Peter McCarron, Laura D. Howe, John Lynch, Debbie A. Lawlor and George Davey Smit

    Best practices for the diagnosis and evaluation of infants with robin sequence:a clinical consensus report

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    Importance: Robin sequence (RS) is a congenital condition characterized by micrognathia, glossoptosis, and upper airway obstruction. Currently, no consensus exists regarding the diagnosis and evaluation of children with RS. An international, multidisciplinary consensus group was formed to begin to overcome this limitation. Objective: To report a consensus-derived set of best practices for the diagnosis and evaluation of infants with RS as a starting point for defining standards and management. Evidence Review: Based on a literature review and expert opinion, a clinical consensus report was generated. Findings: Because RS can occur as an isolated condition or as part of a syndrome or multiple-anomaly disorder, the diagnostic process for each newborn may differ. Micrognathia is hypothesized as the initiating event, but the diagnosis of micrognathia is subjective. Glossoptosis and upper airway compromise complete the primary characteristics of RS. It can be difficult to judge the severity of tongue base airway obstruction, and the possibility of multilevel obstruction exists. The initial assessment of the clinical features and severity of respiratory distress is important and has practical implications. Signs of upper airway obstruction can be intermittent and are more likely to be present when the infant is asleep. Therefore, sleep studies are recommended. Feeding problems are common and may be exacerbated by the presence of a cleft palate. The clinical features and their severity can vary widely and ultimately dictate the required investigations and treatments. Conclusions and Relevance: Agreed-on recommendations for the initial evaluation of RS and clinical descriptors are provided in this consensus report. Researchers and clinicians will ideally use uniform definitions and comparable assessments. Prospective studies and the standard application of validated assessments are needed to build an evidence base guiding standards of care for infants and children with RS
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