1,309 research outputs found

    Ventilatory function in young adults and dietary antioxidant intake

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    Artículo de publicación ISIDietary antioxidants may protect against poor ventilatory function. We assessed the relation between ventilatory function and antioxidant components of diet in young Chileans. Forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), and the ratio FEV1/FVC were measured in 1232 adults aged 22-28 years, using a Vitalograph device. Dietary intake was ascertained with a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) designed for this study, from which nutrient and flavonoid intakes were estimated. Dietary patterns were derived with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). After controlling for potential confounders, dietary intake of total catechins was positively associated with FVC (Regression coefficient (RC) of highest vs. lowest quintile of intake 0.07; 95% CI 0.01 to 0.15; p per trend 0.006). Total fruit intake was related to FVC (RC of highest vs. lowest quintile 0.08; 95% CI 0.003 to 0.15; p per trend 0.02). Intake of omega 3 fatty acids was associated with a higher FEV1 (RC for highest vs. lowest quintile 0.08; 95% CI 0.01 to 0.15 L; p per trend 0.02) and with FVC 0.08 (RC in highest vs. lowest quintile of intake 0.08, 95% CI 0.001 to 0.16; p per trend 0.04). Our results show that fresh fruits, flavonoids, and omega 3 fatty acids may contribute to maintain ventilatory function.Wellcome Trust 059448Z


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    The Karangsari area of Blitar City has many natural resources, especially sweet star fruit, almost all surrounding communities make a living star fruit farmers and also have businesses that diversify sweet star fruit into various preparations such as sweets, syrups, meatballs, and many more. This Averrhoa Tea product is a new product which is one of the results of the diversification of sweet star fruit. The problem faced by the new product is that there is no product development so that people are still hesitant to try Averrhoa Tea products. This study aims to identify the right strategy in product development at Averrhoa Tea business in Blitar City. The location of this research was conducted in Blitar City. This study was conducted for 1 month, from May to June 2023. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the research location through ..

    Illuminati Symbol Representation in Design Shirt Aye! Denim

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    The development of the fashion world are growing rapidly and creatively to make the fashion business activists have to create something different from the others. Designs on fashion products to convey a hidden message for the user as well as the look of the design. Aye! One fashion denim brand in Indonesia to bring the design of its products with the theme Secret Society, the Illuminati, and Freemasonry. This study aims to look at how the meaning and ideology of Illuminati on t-shirt design that was released by Aye! Denim.This study uses qualitative descriptive study, with the selection of informants using purposive sampling theory, the author chose some informants who have a relationship with Aye! Denim, the Owner of Aye! Denim, and users of the product from Aye! Denim. Data collection techniques in this research with in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. For data analysis techniques, using three stages of Roland Barthes significance. The first phase, peeling connotations, the second phase of search for meaning denotation, and the third phase concluded myths and ideologies contained in t-shirt design Aye! Denim.The results of this study indicate that the meaning and ideology embodied in the design Aye! Denim contains about the existence of a huge plan designed by the Secret Society, the Illuminati, and Freemasonry. The agenda is driven by the people behind the scenes who infiltrated through the administration of a country. The purpose of the agenda is to create a new world government or commonly called the "New World Order". Aye! Denim trying to convey the purpose of the agents in different ways namely through the designs of its products. In order to become a knowledge and a warning for those who use or viewing of the design

    Methane anomalies over TAG hydrothermal field on Mid Atlantic Ridge

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    Black smoker type hydrothermal venting was discovered in July 1985 at the TAG hydrothermal field in the rift valley of the Mid Atlantic Ridge near 26N. We present here, the first methane profiles in the seawater column over this black smoker along with methane profiles away from the black smokers for comparison. The CH4 plume, spreading over 400 m above the seafloor, shows a maximum concentration of 105 nl/l at 3450 m (238 m above the bottom), correlated with a positive temperature anomaly (0.02°C). CH4 concentrations up to 2422 nl/l, correlated with a huge positive increase of in situ temperature (0.349°C), have been measured in samples taken 5 m above the sea floor, showing an important CH4 input in this slow spreading site which is similar to inputs from fast spreading sites like the East Pacific Rise

    Hubungan Kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana dengan Keberagaman Activity Support di Sekitarnya (Lokasi Activity Support : Ruas Jalan Ganceng)

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    Kawasan kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana terletak di jalan raya Kranggan yang sedang berkembang permukimannya. Dan pada Kenyataannya activity support terus berkembang di sekitar kampus ini. Apakah pertumbuhan activity support ada karena keberadaan kampus ataukah karena Perumahan-Perumahan baru di sekitarnya? Ini merupakan permasalahan yang diangkat pada penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengupasnya adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Dan hasil survey yang didapat ternyata memang menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar konsumen yang dituju oleh activity support- activity support ini adalah para mahasiswa kampus D1 Universitas Mercubuana. Penelitian ini mengambil responden yang berada di jalan Ganceng yang terletak di samping kampus, dan disarankan bagi peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian serupa yang mengambil responden dari lokasi lain

    Preferensi Masyarakat Terhadap Kondisi Fisik Taman Honda Tebet

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    Taman kota ibarat oase di padang pasir beton di perkotaan, sehingga keberadaannya membuat warga kota hidup lebih manusiawi. Namun begitu kondisi fisik taman yang seperti apakah yang membuat warga memilih suatu taman kota untuk dikunjungi? untuk menjawabnya maka dilakukan penelitian ini, maka diambillah teori preferensi untuk mengupasnya. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti kecenderungan masyarakat memilih Taman Honda Tebet jika dilihat dari preferensinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Post Positivistik Rasionalistik, karena kesimpulan yang dihasilkan oleh penelitian di Honda Tebet ini, diharapkan dapat melengkapi teori sebelumnya. Dan dari penelitian ini dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kondisi fisik taman Tebet sebagai RTH public, Playground maupun Tempat Rekreasi terbukti secara signifikan berkaitan atau berpengaruh terhadap masing-masing aspek preferensi yaitu koherensi, kompleksitas, misteri dan keterbacaan

    Studi Perbandingan Kenyamanan Pengguna RPTRA (Studi Kasus: RPTRA Akasia dan RPTRA Pandawa)

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    Salah satu kebutuhan manusia dalam menjalani hidup ini adalah melakukan kegiatan pada ruang terbuka. Ruang terbuka saat ini, sudah cukup mulau bermunculan, dan banyak yang dinamakan Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA). RPTRA mulai ada pada tahun 2015, sebagai salah satu USAha untuk mewujudkan program Kota Layak Anak (KLA). RPTRA yang berada di tengah area Perumahan ini, ada yang dibangun atas dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) serta ada yang dibangun atas dana Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan ada atau tidaknya perbedaan pada kedua RPTRA yang dibangun dengan sumber dana yang berbeda tersebut. Dengan metode penelitian yang dilakukan, yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian ditujukan untuk melihat perbedaannya
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