13 research outputs found

    The Influence of Pedagogic Competency, Leadership of Schools, and Work Motivation Towards Teacher Performance in State Elementary Schools in Medan City

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    Teacher performance is the result of work achieved when planning, implementing, and assessing learning in schools. The results showed: (1) the effect of pedagogic competence on the work motivation of public elementary school teachers in the Medan City is 0.242; (2) the influence of the principal's leadership on the work motivation of State elementary school teachers in the Medan City is 0.238; (3) the influence of pedagogical competence on the performance of public elementary school teachers in the Medan City is 0.259; (4) the influence of principal leadership on the performance of public elementary school teachers in the Medan City is 0.207; and (5) the effect of work motivation on the performance of public elementary school teachers in the Medan City is 0.200. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the pedagogic competence, principal leadership, and work motivation on teacher performance was 28.7% and the rest was determined by other circumstances

    The Influence of Advertising Effectiveness on Consumer Purchase Decisions in Wardah Medan Instagram social media Cosmetic Advertising

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    This study aims to identify the effectiveness of wardah advertisements through Instagram social media on active @wardahbeauty followers on Instagram. Consumers who use social media Instagram @wardah beauty are active with a total of 92 followers. The data analysis technique used in this study is a validity test, reliability using SPP version 20.0 Based on the results of the study, the validity and reliability test of the questionnaire for each statement item was declared valid and the results obtained were that the independent variable, namely advertising effectiveness (X) had a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable, namely purchase decision (Y), this is indicated by the tcount value = 5.603 and ttable = 2.01537 then tcount > ttable, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on simple linear regression calculations, the regression equation Y = 25.982 + 0.531X + e means that every time there is an increase in the purchasing decision variable by 0.531, it will affect the effectiveness of advertising. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.416 (41.6%). So it can be said that 41.6% of the dependent variable, namely advertising effectiveness in this study, can explain purchasing decisions while the remaining 58.4% is influenced by other variables outside the variables studied

    The Involvement Locus of Control, Servant Leadership, and Innovative Work Behavior to Improve Teacher Performance

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    Abstract: The Involvement Locus of Control, Servant Leadership, and Innovative Work Behavior to Improve Teacher Performance. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the variables locus of control, servant leadership, and innovative work behavior on the performance of private high school teachers in Pematangsiantar City. Methods: This research uses a research design with a quantitative approach and online questionnaires distribute the research data. The sample used in the study were 110 respondents. The basis for determining the sample is oriented to the non-probability sampling approach by using the purposive sampling formula. Findings: The results of this research explain that locus of control, servant leadership, and innovative work behavior have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Conclusion: The findings of this study confirm that the better the role of locus of control will have implications for the resulting better performance. In addition, innovative work behavior when carrying out duties as a teacher reflects the teacher’s ability to manage optimal performance.Keywords: teacher performance, locus of control, servant leadership, innovative work behavior.Abstrak: Keterkaitan Locus of Control, Kepemimpinan Melayani, dan Perilaku Kerja Inovatif untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru. Tujuan: Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari variabel locus of control, servant leadership, dan innovative work behavior terhadap kinerja guru SMA Swasta di Kota Pematangsiantar. Metode: Riset ini menggunakan rancang penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan data penelitian didistribusikan kuesioner secara online. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 110 responden. Dasar penentuan sampel berorientasi pada pendekatan non-probability sampling dengan memakai rumus purposive sampling. Temuan: Hasil dari riset ini menjelaskan bahwa locus of control, servant leadership, dan innovative work behavior berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru. Kesimpulan: Temuan penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa peranan locus of control yang semakin baik akan berimplikasi terhadap kinerja yang dihasilkan juga semakin baik. Selain itu, perilaku kerja yang inovatif saat melaksanakan tugas sebagai guru, maka hal ini mencerminkan guru mampu mengelola unjuk kerja yang optimal.Kata kunci: kinerja Guru, locus of control, kepemimpinan yang melayani, perilaku kerja inovatif.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i2.20222

    Factors Affecting Generation-Y Employee Engagement During a Pandemic: A Study from the Private Sector in Indonesia

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    It is important to assess the relationship between employees and the company they work for in order to build trust between both parties. This can lead to an increase in employee productivity. This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational trust, personal resources and work-life balance on employee engagement. The sample used in this study were workers belonging to Generation-Y with 190 respondents using a purposive sampling. Data collection was done through an online questionnaire. The SPSS application was used to analyze the data through research instrument testing with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. It is concluded that organizational trust, personal resources, and work-life balance have a significant effect on employee engagement. Keywords: organizational trust, personal resource, work-life balance, employee engagement

    Employee Performance: The Impact of Reward and Incentive : Study at Manufacturing Company

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    This study sought to ascertain the impact of rewards and incentives for top-performing employees on employee morale at Manufacturing Company. The study population consisted of 180 employees at Manufacturing Company. The sample was selected using the random sampling approach. The sample size in this study consisted of 45 employees. This research falls under the category of quantitative research. Quantitative research focuses on measurable research objects and uses numerical or ratio-based variables to address specific problem formulations or test stated hypotheses. The multiple regression analysis yielded the equation Y = 5,263 + 0,422X1 + 0,447X2 + e, indicating that rewards and incentives had a statistically significant positive impact on staff morale. Concurrently, the outcomes of the test (t) or partial test indicate that awards favorably and favorably impact staff morale. Where is the value of t count 3.286 visible? The t-table value of 2.01808 and the significance value of 0.002 indicate that the influence of the incentive variable on employee morale is positive and substantial. The t-count value of 3.693 further supports this finding. Similarly, the t-table value of 2.01808 and the significance value of 0.001 indicate a significant effect of the incentive variable on employee morale, with ? set at 0.05. The coefficient of determination was determined to be 0.681. The independent variables, reward, and incentives, account for 68.1% of the variation in the employee morale variable. The remaining 31.9% is attributed to other variables not included in the model

    Teori dan Perilaku Organisasi

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    Analysis Of The Influence Of Compensation, Leadership Style And Professional Competency On Employee Turnover Intention Level With Organizational Commitment As A Moderation Variable In Rsu.Royal Prima Medan

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    This study aims to partially analyze the effect of compensation, leadership style and professional competence on the level of turnover intention of employees of RSU Royal Prima Medan, knowing the effect of compensation, leadership style and professional competence on the level of turnover intention of employees of RSU Royal Prima Medan. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a questionnaire instrument conducted with a population of 87 permanent employees, the determination of the sample using a saturated sample so that the research sample is as much as. 87 people. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis and is supported by Sobel Test calculations. The results of the research analysis show that based on the regression equation model 1 compensation, leadership style, professional competence have a positive and significant influence on employee turnover intention at Royal Prima Hospital Medan. Based on the regression equation model 2, compensation, leadership style, professional competence have a significant effect on turnover intention. Based on the regression equation model 1 and 2 that organizational commitment is able to intervene in the influence of compensation, leadership style and professional competence on the level of employee turnover intention of the Royal Prima General Hospital Medan

    The Effect Of Job Pressure, Organizational Commitment And Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance With Motivation As A Moderating Variable In Rsu Royal Prima Medan

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    This study aims to partially analyze the effect of job pressure, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on the performance of medical employees and non-medical employees at RSU Royal Prima Medan, analyze the moderating motivation to strengthen the effect of job pressure on the performance of medical and non-medical employees, analyze the moderating motivation to strengthen the influence organizational commitment to the performance of medical employees and non-medical employees, analyzing the moderating motivation to strengthen the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of medical employees and non-medical employees of RSU Royal Prima Medan. This study uses a quantitative description of the instrument questionnaire, the population is 692 medical and non-medical people, the sampling technique of probability sampling is calculated using the Slovin formula so that the number of samples is 87 people. The data analysis technique used the instrument quality test, the use of classical assumptions, moderated linear regression, t test (partial) and F test (simultaneous), the coefficient of determination test