14 research outputs found

    GIS integration of DInSAR measurements, geological investigation and historical surveys for the structural monitoring of buildings and infrastructures. An application to the Valco San Paolo urban area of Rome

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    Structural health monitoring is a crucial issue in areas with different hazard sources, such as Italy. Among non-invasive monitoring techniques, remote sensing provides useful information in supporting the management process and safety evaluations, reducing the impact of disturbances on the functionality of construction systems. The ground displacement time-series based on the analysis of Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) measurements, as well as the information about the geology of the area and the geometry of the construction under monitoring, provides useful data for the built environment's structural assessment. This paper focuses on the structural monitoring and damage assessment of constructions based on the GIS integration of DInSAR measurements, geological investigation, historical surveys and 3D modeling. The methodology is applied to the residential area of Valco San Paolo in the city of Rome (Italy). Once the geological interpretation has confirmed the results of the DInSAR measurements, a quick damage assessment that considers all the possible conditions of the pre-existing damage at the time zero of the monitoring is shown for a damaged manufact in the area. The presented results highlight how the strategy to correlate the DInSAR-monitored ground settlements with the damage scales allows potentially to monitor continuous construction systems

    Hearing the Unheard: An Interdisciplinary, Mixed Methodology Study of Women’s Experiences of Hearing Voices (Auditory Verbal Hallucinations)

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    This paper explores the experiences of women who “hear voices” (auditory verbal hallucinations). We begin by examining historical understandings of women hearing voices, showing these have been driven by androcentric theories of how women’s bodies functioned leading to women being viewed as requiring their voices be interpreted by men. We show the twentieth century was associated with recognition that the mental violation of women’s minds (represented by some voice-hearing) was often a consequence of the physical violation of women’s bodies. We next report the results of a qualitative study into voice-hearing women’s experiences (n = 8). This found similarities between women’s relationships with their voices and their relationships with others and the wider social context. Finally, we present results from a quantitative study comparing voice-hearing in women (n = 65) and men (n = 132) in a psychiatric setting. Women were more likely than men to have certain forms of voice-hearing (voices conversing) and to have antecedent events of trauma, physical illness, and relationship problems. Voices identified as female may have more positive affect than male voices. We conclude that women voice-hearers have and continue to face specific challenges necessitating research and activism, and hope this paper will act as a stimulus to such work

    Queer Touch Between Holy Women: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Birgitta of Sweden, and the Visitation

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    Under embargo until: 2021-12-17This essay takes a new approach to the well-known meeting between two late-medieval English visionary women, Margery Kempe and the anchoress Julian of Norwich, as described in The Book of Margery Kempe. In this analysis their conversation subtly evokes a long history of women concentrating their subversive power through intimate, spiritual exchange, a history reaching back to the Biblical Visitation scene and expressed in its medieval artistic and literary instantiations. A queer reading illuminates the way that such female same-sex relationships challenge patriarchal systems by offering a privileged access to God outside clerical supervision. By examining Margery and Julian’s encounter, Luke’s Visitation passage, its depiction in a late-medieval Book of Hours, and comparing two different Middle English translations of a Visitation vision in Birgitta of Sweden’s Revelations, the full transgressive effect of queer touch between women—or even its unspoken possibility—emerges.acceptedVersio

    La formazione di striature sui profili estrusi

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    Nella produzione di profili estrusi per applicazioni architettoniche la comparsa di difetti superficiali è una delle principali problematiche che un estrusore deve affrontare, tra queste le striature sono uno dei difetti di più difficile risoluzione, cui spesso è associata l'aggravante di comparire solo alla fine del ciclo di fabbricazione ossia dopo l'anodizzazione. Nel presente articolo è riportata inizialmente una panoramica su definizione, origine fisica e classificazione di cause e effetti di tale difetto, mentre successivamente viene descritta l'analisi effettuata su un profilo che presenta una striatura sottile ma ben marcata comparsa solo successivamente al trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Il profilo in esame è prodotto per estrusione diretta di una lega di alluminio AA6060 mediante una matrice di tipo 'porthole' a 6 razze. Nello specifico tre zone del profilo (due sezioni ed una porzione superficiale) sono state analizzate con i seguenti metodi di indagine: microscopio ottico, microscopio ottico in luce polarizzata, microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM), SEM con sonda EDS. Le indagini svolte hanno permesso di correlare la presenza del difetto con la distribuzione delle dimensioni dei grani e la distribuzione di precipitati e intermetallici a base ferrosa localizzati in prossimità delle zone di saldatura del profilo

    The Streaks Formation in Hollow Profile Extrusion

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    In the last years the application of aluminum extruded profiles for the architectural market and for products with aesthetic requirements widely increased. A common concern related to the production of this type of profiles is the appearance of surface defects and in particular any difference in term of color homogeneity on the surface. Among the others, extruded profiles streaks represent one of the most difficult imperfections to deal with especially due to the lack of knowledge on the formation and evolution of this defect. Finally, an important industrial issue is related to the appearance of this kind of defects: immediately after extrusion it is often impossible to determine whether the profile surface is correct or faulty because the streaks usually appear only after profile anodizing thus generating the rejection of the whole batch at a late stage of the production chain with an obvious economical consequences

    La formazione di striature sui profili estrusi

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    Nella produzione di profili estrusi per applicazioni architettoniche e di design, ovvero dove i requisiti estetici sono tra i fattori guida, la comparsa di difetti superficiali è una delle principali problematiche che un estrusore deve affrontare, tra queste le striature sono uno dei difetti di più difficile risoluzione, cui spesso è associata l'aggravante di comparire solo alla fine del ciclo di fabbricazione ossia dopo l'anodizzazione. Nel presente articolo è riportata inizialmente una panoramica su definizione, origine fisica e classificazione di cause e effetti di tale difetto, successivamente viene descritta l'analisi effettuata su un profilo che presenta una striatura sottile ma ben marcata comparsa solo successivamente al trattamento di anodizzazione superficiale. Il profilo in esame è prodotto per estrusione diretta di una lega di alluminio AA6060 mediante una matrice di tipo 'porthole' a 6 razze. Nello specifico sono state analizzate tre zone del profilo (due sezioni ed una porzione superficiale) con i seguenti metodi di indagine: microscopio ottico, microscopio ottico in luce polarizzata, microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM), SEM con sonda EDS. Le indagini svolte hanno permesso di correlare la presenza del difetto con la distribuzione delle dimensioni dei grani e la distribuzione di precipitati e intermetallici a base ferrosa localizzati in prossimità delle zone di saldatura del profilo

    Transport infrastructure SHM using integrated SAR data and on-site vibrational acquisitions: “Ponte della Musica–Armando Trovajoli” case study

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    This work presents the first results obtained by applying in situ and remote-sensing methodologies to monitor the Ponte della Musica-Armando Trovajoli located in Rome, within the activities of the WP6 “Structural Health Monitoring and Satellite Data” 2019-21 Reluis Project. In particular, the use of remote-sensing Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (DInSAR) measurements provided a spatial map of the displacement of the investigated infrastructure and the corresponding time-series, with the aim of monitoring deformation phenomena, focusing on the local scale analysis, which produces suitable results for urban monitoring and damage assessment. The DInSAR results have been integrated with the identification of the dynamic characteristics of the bridge, performed through an experimental campaign of ambient vibration measurements carried out in October 2020 and with the local-scale definition of the engineering geological setting of the foundation soil. The subsoil of the bridge is constituted by more than 50 m of recent alluvial deposits resting on Pliocene stiff clay acting as a geological bedrock. A substantially stable behavior of the bridge structural elements has been observed based on the analysis of both satellite and velocimetric data. This case represents a good example about how the integration of in situ sensors with remotely sensed data and the exploitation of a detailed knowledge regarding the on-site conditions represent a key factor for a sustainable structural and infrastructural monitoring and can support the planning both of maintenance and safety management