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    Dismenorea merupakan keadaan dimana timbul rasa nyeri yang hebat pada saat mentruasi (Kusmiran, 2013). Wanita usia reproduktif akan sering mengeluhkan dismenorea yang mengakibatkan penderita untuk istirahat dan meninggalkan pekerjaan atau kegiatan sehari-hari dalam beberapa jam atau beberapa hari. Penelitian ini untuk Mengidentifikasi Hubungan Hubungan Menarche, Riwayat Keluarga, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Status Gizi dengan Kejadian Dismenorea pada Siswa Kelas IX Jurusan Keperawatan di SMK Sasmita Jaya 1 Pamulang Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan Cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan teknik total sampling. Dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara menarche dengan kejadian dismenorea yang artinya (p-value > signifikan), hasil uji satistik fishe Fisher's Exact Test p- menunjukkan bahwa nilai value 0.025 terdapat hubungan menarche dengan kejadian dismenorea, p-value =0.002 yang artinya ada hubungan riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian dismenorea. P-value =0.001 Adanya hubungan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian dismenorea, p=0.290 tidak ada hubungan status gizi dengan kejadian dismenorea terdapat hubungan menarche dengan kejadian dismenorea ada hubungan riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian dismenorea, Adanya hubungan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian dismenorea, tidak ada hubungan status gizi dengan kejadian dismenorea. Diharapkan siswa dapat mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat meningkatkan kejadian dismenorea dan dapat peangan yang tepat guna meringankan dan mengobati dismenorea

    Kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi (KIPI) vaksin Covid-19

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    Background: At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by the emergence of a new respiratory disease outbreak that was first reported from Wuhan, China, and spread to countries around the world. The World Health Organization, the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease was given the name Covid 19 and was designated as a Pandemic. Given this situation, one of the most likely ways to prevent the disease from spreading further is by vaccination.Purpose:To find out the factors that cause Post Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI) for the Covid-19 vaccine in the Tapos and Pamulang Health Centers.Method:  The research design used is an analytical research type with a prospective cohort design. The study was conducted by monitoring respondents who were given the CoronaVac type of Covid-19 vaccine followed by Adverse Events after Immunization on the first day after the vaccine and the sixth day after the vaccine. The research was conducted in two places, namely Puskesmas Tapos Depok with a total of 329 respondents and Puskesmas Pamulang with a total of 491 respondents. The variables in this study were age, gender, history of infection with Covid-19, vaccine status, level of anxiety, and Post-Immunization Adverse Events (AEFI) the first day after the vaccine and the sixth day after the vaccine. The level of confidence in this is 95%.Results: This shows that by age, the majority are adults, namely 26-45 years. Most of them are female, have no history of being infected with Covid-19. Types of AEFIs such as swelling at the injection site, itching, and diarrhea. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was no relationship between gender, history of Covid-19, vaccination status got, and anxiety with AEFI on the first day after the vaccine and AEFI on the sixth day after the vaccine. Monitoring of AEFIs on the sixth day after vaccination showed that a small proportion of respondents, namely 26 people, had mild AEFIs with most respondents, namely 464 people without AEFIs. However, on the 6th day of monitoring of AEFI, there was still 1 respondent who had a severe AEFI.Conclusion: There is no relationship between gender, history of Covid-19 infection, vaccination status obtained with AEFI both the first day and the sixth day after the vaccine at the Tapos Health Center, Depok, West Java. However, there is a relationship between age and anxiety variables with AEFI on the sixth day after taking of the vaccine.Keywords: Age; Gender; History of being infected with Covid-19; Vaccine Status; Anxiety Level, AEFIPendahuluan: Di penghujung tahun 2019, dunia dihebohkan dengan munculnya wabah penyakit pernapasan baru yang pertama kali dilaporkan dari Wuhan, China, dan menyebar ke negara-negara di seluruh dunia. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), penyakit ini diberi nama Covid 19 dan ditetapkan sebagai Pandemi. Melihat situasi ini, salah satu cara yang paling mungkin untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit semakin luas adalah dengan vaksinasi.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) vaksin Covid-19 di Metode : Jenis penelitian analitik dengan rancangan kohort prospektif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pemantauan terhadap responden yang diberikan suntik vaksin Covid-19 jenis CoronaVac diikuti Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi pada hari pertama pasca vaksin dan hari ke enam pasca vaksin. Penelitian dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu Puskesmas Tapos Depok sejumlah 329 responden dan Puskesmas Pamulang sejumlah 491 responden. Variable dalam penelitian ini yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat terinfeksi Covid-19, status vaksin, tingkat kecemasan, dan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) hari pertama pasca vaksin dan hari ke-enam pasca vaksin. Tingkat kepercayaan dalam ini yaitu 95%.Hasil: Didapatkan berdasarkan usia, mayoritas adalah orang dewasa yaitu 26-45 tahun. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah perempuan, tidak memiliki riwayat terinfeksi Covid-19. Jenis KIPI seperti pembengkakan di tempat suntikan, gatal-gatal, dan diare. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin, riwayat Covid-19, status vaksinasi yang didapat, dan kecemasan dengan KIPI hari pertama setelah vaksin dan KIPI hari keenam setelah vaksin.Pemantauan KIPI pada hari keenam setelah vaksinasi menunjukkan sebagian kecil responden yaitu 26 orang mengalami KIPI ringan dengan sebagian besar responden yaitu 464 orang tanpa KIPI. Namun pada pemantauan hari ke-6 KIPI masih terdapat 1 responden yang mengalami KIPI berat.Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin, riwayat infeksi covid-19, status vaksinasi yang didapat dengan KIPI baik hari pertama dan hari keenam setelah vaksin di Puskesmas Tapos Depok Jawa Barat. Namun yang ada hubungan pada variabel usia dan kecemasan dengan KIPI pada hari keenam setelah pemberian vaksin

    Psychosocial Development of Children Addicted Versus Not Addicted to Smartphones

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    Psychosocial development of preschool children is the process of children’s abilities developing and children starting to take the initiative to solve their own problems according to their knowledge. However, many preschool children are currently addicted to gadgets such as smartphones, which can interfere with their taking initiative and paying attention to the social environment. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in psychosocial development between children who are addicted vs. those who are not addicted to smartphones in preschool age children. This study was a descriptive comparative study and it used a simple random sampling technique to select the respondents. The Mann-Whitney test was employed to analyze the data with a significance degree of 0.05 (5%). The results showed that there was a significant difference between addicted and non-addicted children. In the non-addicted group of children, the median value was 2.00 (1.61-1.78) and in the addicted group of children the median value obtained was 1.00 (1.03-1.11). The average ranking for the non-addicted group was 52.50 and was 28.50 for the addicted group. It is recommended that parents understand the impact of using gadgets such as smartphones on children’s psychosocial development, and that parents pay more attention to each phase of children’s development, especially psychosocial development at preschool age. Keywords: gadget addiction, preschool children, psychosocial developmen

    Analisa kelengkapan resep narkotika dan psikotropika di rumah sakit x kota Depok

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    The practice in prescribing and managing medicines: Narcotic and psychotropic drugsBackground: Using narcotic and psychotropic drugs in some hospitals now that have not implemented digital prescription. Nursing staff must be able to ensure that the prescription is legal and find some prescriptions written incomplete such as doctor name, date delivery without following the administrative standards and pharmaceutical requirements.Purpose: Analyze the feasibility of prescribing narcotics and psychotropics based on the completeness of administrative and pharmaceutical prescription requirements.Method: A Quantitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The recipes were analyzed based on; Administrative Completeness, Patient Administration, Pharmaceutical Completeness. A total of 750 narcotic prescriptions and 1378 psychotropic prescriptions were available at Puri Cinere Hospital from February to May 2020Results: Finding, 89.16% of narcotics prescriptions appropriate with the administrative requirements of the physician and 78.64% was appropriate with the administrative requirements of the patient and 99.76% was appropriate with the pharmaceutical requirements, while 89.18% of narcotics prescriptions were appropriate with the administrative and pharmaceutical requirements. As for psychotropic prescriptions, 90.70% of them were appropriate with the administrative requirements of the physician and 78.48% appropriate with the administrative requirements of the patient, 99.97% appropriate with the pharmaceutical requirements, while 89.78% of psychotropic prescriptions were appropriate with the administrative and pharmaceutical requirements.Conclusion: Approximately 100% of the prescriptions are in place where administrative requirements are appropriate. However, as far as pharmaceutical requirements are concerned, so many prescriptions still had no written a dosage in medicine.Keywords: The practice; Prescribing; Managing medicines;  Narcotic; Psychotropic drugsPendahuluan: Penggunaan obat narkotik dan psikotropika di beberapa rumah sakit saat ini belum menerapkan resep digital. Staf perawat harus dapat memastikan bahwa resep tersebut legal dan menemukan beberapa resep yang tertulis tidak lengkap seperti nama dokter, tanggal pengiriman tanpa mengikuti standar administrasi dan persyaratan kefarmasian.Tujuan: Menganalisis kelayakan peresepan narkotika dan psikotropika berdasarkan kelengkapan persyaratan administrasi dan resep farmasi.Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Resep-resep tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan; kelengkapan administrasi, administrasi pasien, kelengkapan kefarmasian. Sebanyak 750 resep narkotika dan 1378 resep psikotropika tersedia di RS Puri Cinere mulai Februari hingga Mei 2020.Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat resep narkotika memenuhi 89,16 % persyaratan adminstratif dokter, 78,64% persyaratan administratif pasien dan 99,76% persyaratan farmasetik, secara keseluruhan memenuhi 89,16% memenuhi persyaratan administratif dan faramasetik dan untuk resep psikotropik memenuhi 90,70 % persyaratan adminstratif dokter, 78,48% persyaratan administratif pasien dan 99,97% persyaratan farmasetik, secara keseluruhan memenuhi 89,78% memenuhi persyaratan administratif dan farmasetik.Simpulan: berdasarkan kelengkapan administratif baik dari segi dokter maupun pasien baik untuk resep narkotik maupun psikotropik belum 100% lengkap. Berdasarkan kelengkapan farmasetik baik untuk resep narkotik dan psikotropik masih ada yang tidak menuliskan kekuatan obat / dosis obat