137 research outputs found

    Scalable and autonomic management to computer networks

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    This work aims at designing a solution for network autonomic management that provides, among other things, a feature of scalability in the verification of new network solutions with a case study on the flow allocation. To do so, we developed a self-managed framework to be used in several scalable scenarios, which were generated through the conception of a strategy of network partitioning (Network Partitioning Computing Engine or NPCE). NPCE simultaneously considers a set of specified requirements as quality of service parameters and execution time in the search for new configurations. Results demonstrate autonomic solution feasibility through tests in scenarios with different topologies, traffic profiles and with applying random failures.Facultad de Informátic

    Scalable and autonomic management to computer networks

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    This work aims at designing a solution for network autonomic management that provides, among other things, a feature of scalability in the verification of new network solutions with a case study on the flow allocation. To do so, we developed a self-managed framework to be used in several scalable scenarios, which were generated through the conception of a strategy of network partitioning (Network Partitioning Computing Engine or NPCE). NPCE simultaneously considers a set of specified requirements as quality of service parameters and execution time in the search for new configurations. Results demonstrate autonomic solution feasibility through tests in scenarios with different topologies, traffic profiles and with applying random failures.Facultad de Informátic

    Substituição do farelo de soja por ureia em dietas a base de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica Mill) para cabras em lactação

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    The aim of this study was made to evaluate the influence of the substitution of soybean by urea in diets based on cactus pear cladodes. The variables studied were food intake, digestibility, milk production and parameters about rumen and blood. The experiment was carried out at the experimental station of small ruminant of the UFPB, located at São João do Cariri municipality, Paraiba state. Twelve crossbreed goats with 30 days of lactation and average body weight of 50 ± 2 kg were used. Animals were distributed in a Latin square with 4 periods, 4 diets and 3 animals per diet (4x4x3). Diets were composed by Tifton grass, cactus pear cladodes and concentrate. Treatments were considered as levels of urea substitution (0.0, 0.65, 1.3 and 1.95%). Nutrient intake, digestibility, ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids concentration, milk yield and composition were not influenced by the use of urea. The total water intake was reduced as the levels of urea were creased. The microbial protein production, measured 4 hours after feeding, was reduced linearly with the replacement of soybean in its meal. The blood metabolites were evaluated, but only phosphorous, albumin and glucose were influenced by the substitution. It could be used up to 1.95% of urea replacing soybean meal in the diet of lactating goats without altering milk yield and composition.Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da substituição do farelo de soja por ureia em dietas a base de palma forrageira na alimentação de cabras mestiças sobre o consumo, digestibilidade, parâmetros ruminais e sanguíneos, produção e composição do leite. O experimento foi desenvolvido na estação experimental de pequenos ruminantes da UFPB, localizada no município de São João do Cariri - PB. Foram utilizadas 12 cabras com 30 dias de lactação e com peso corporal médio de 50 ± 2 kg, distribuídas em quadrado latino (4 x 4 x 3), constituídos de quatro períodos, quatro dietas e três animais por tratamento. As dietas foram compostas por feno de capim tifton, palma forrageira e concentrado e os tratamentos consistiram da substituição do farelo de soja por níveis de ureia (0,0; 0,65; 1,3 e 1,95%). O consumo de nutrientes, a digestibilidade, o pH do líquido ruminal, a concentração de ácidos graxos voláteis, a produção e composição do leite de cabras não foram influenciados pelos níveis de ureia em substituição a soja na dieta. Já o consumo de água total reduziu à medida que aumentou os níveis de ureia. Porém, a produção de proteína microbiana, mensurada 4 horas após a alimentação, reduziu linearmente com a substituição da soja pelos níveis de ureia. Dos metabolitos sanguíneos avaliados apenas o fosforo, a albumina e a glicose foram influenciadas com a substituição do farelo de soja por ureia. Pode-se utilizar até 1,95% de ureia na dieta de cabras mestiças, em substituição ao farelo de soja, sem alterar o desempenho e a composição do leite

    O papel do enfermeiro na educação continuada de bombeiros militares que atuam no atendimento pré-hospitalar

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Linhas de Cuidado em Urgência e Emergênciaurgido da necessidade de uma resposta ao aumento de óbitos e sequelas decorrente principalmente de causas externas, o APH no Brasil, segue o modelo Americano e o Francês. Sendo assim, este estudo busca contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do serviço através do desenvolvimento de uma proposta para uma educação efetiva e permanente dos militares que estão inseridos no APH.O modelo Americano geralmente é composto por pessoas não oriundas da área de saúde, como é o caso do serviço prestado pelos corpos de Bombeiros Militar, os quais seus integrantes são capacitados a prestar suporte básico de vida. Contudo, devido a gravidade e o aumento das ocorrências, o serviço por eles prestado carece de aperfeiçoamento técnico e científico para se chegar ao nível que a sociedade precisa. Dessa forma evidencia-se a importância e necessária implementação de Enfermeiros em seus quadros de pessoal, para que assim, possam somar esforços no tocante a assistência direta ao paciente grave sob risco de morte, bem como na elaboração de programas de educação continuada que proporcione a formação, capacitação e habilitação adequada de Bombeiros Militares inseridos no serviço de APH, e por vez, desenvolver projetos de insumos tecnológicos para a área de APH


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    Aimed to evaluate the influence of gestational age, number of fetuses and levels of food restriction on the composition of minerals Ca and P in maternal body, gravid uterus, fetus and mammary gland of goats Mocotó. 80 multiparous lactating goats of which 8 were nonpregnant animals slaughtered and used as reference, the other 72 induction and synchronization of estrus were submitted through the use of hormones, then were covered, thirty days of coverage were used was diagnosed gestation by the use of ultrasound and the time the count was taken of the fetuses were then grouped according to their gestational age (50, 100, and 140 days) of gestation (single or twin) and the level of food restriction (0%, 20% and 40%). Feeding the 7DA morning and 15 o'clock comprises Tifton 85 hay, corn bran, soybean meal, limestone and mineral supplement was performed. The design was completely randomized with factorial 3 x 2 x 3 (Three gestational age, number of fetuses Two and Three levels of restriction). For the determination of nutrients retained in the components of pregnancy comparative slaughter technique was used. Slaughter was carried out according to the gestational stages by concussion then bleeding. Blood was collected and weighed as well as the gastrointestinal tract, and all individual organs. The udder and gravid uterus (womb, fetuses, fetal structures and liquid) were removed, weighed and frozen. The samples were ground, homogenized, lyophilized and crushed later laboratory analyzes were performed. Separate the body from the goats, uterus, fetus and mammary gland samples were collected, as well as leftovers and feces for performing laboratory analyzes and quantification of the macrominerals retained in these tissues.Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da idade gestacional, número de fetos e níveis de restrição alimentar, sobre a composição em minerais Ca e P no corpo materno, útero gravídico, fetos e a glândula mamária de cabras da raça Moxotó. Foram utilizadas 80 cabras pluríparas das quais 8 não gestantes foram abatidas e utilizadas como animais de referência, as outras 72 foram submetidas a sincronização e indução do cio através do uso de hormônios , em seguida foram cobertas, trinta dias após a cobertura foi feito o diagnóstico gestacional pelo uso da ultrassonografia, na ocasião foi feita a contagem dos fetos, em seguida foram agrupadas conforme a idade gestacional (50, 100 e 140 dias), tipo de gestação (simples ou gemelar), e o nível de restrição alimentar (0 %, 20 % e 40 %). A alimentação foi realizada as 7da manhã e 15 horas da tarde composta por feno de tifton 85, farelo de milho, farelo de soja, calcário calcitico, e suplemento mineral. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial 3 x 2 x 3, ( Três idades gestacionais, Dois número de fetos e Três níveis de restrição). Para a determinação dos nutrientes retidos nos componentes da gestação foi utilizada a técnica do abate comparativo. Os abates foram realizados de acordo com as fases gestacionais, através da concussão cerebral em seguida a sangria. O sangue foi colhido e pesado, bem como o trato gastrintestinal, e todos os órgãos individuais. O úbere e o útero gravídico (útero, fetos, estruturas e líquido fetais) foram removidos, pesados e congelados. As amostras foram moídas, homogeneizadas, liofilizadas e trituradas, posteriormente foram realizadas analises laboratoriais. Foram colhidas amostras separadas do corpo das cabras, útero, feto e glândula mamária, bem como sobras e fezes para realização das análises laboratoriais e quantificação dos macrominerais retidos nesses tecidos

    Scalable and autonomic management to computer networks

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    This work aims at designing a solution for network autonomic management that provides, among other things, a feature of scalability in the verification of new network solutions with a case study on the flow allocation. To do so, we developed a self-managed framework to be used in several scalable scenarios, which were generated through the conception of a strategy of network partitioning (Network Partitioning Computing Engine or NPCE). NPCE simultaneously considers a set of specified requirements as quality of service parameters and execution time in the search for new configurations. Results demonstrate autonomic solution feasibility through tests in scenarios with different topologies, traffic profiles and with applying random failures.Facultad de Informátic

    Análise topológica sensível ao contexto visando a manutenibilidade da QoS

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    The issue addressed by the project is to offer a network infrastructure that is adapted to the current traffic profile for the service to be used with the expected quality. In particular, the cases will be considered in which the traffic profile is not supported by the infrastructure, or that it is overloaded. In this case, the choice of new links is very important to adapt the network to the traffic profile. However where the links will be inserted is the challenge addressed in this paper. The bandwidth and the paths average length were analyzed.IX Workshop en Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI


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    Análise topológica sensível ao contexto visando a manutenibilidade da QoS

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    The issue addressed by the project is to offer a network infrastructure that is adapted to the current traffic profile for the service to be used with the expected quality. In particular, the cases will be considered in which the traffic profile is not supported by the infrastructure, or that it is overloaded. In this case, the choice of new links is very important to adapt the network to the traffic profile. However where the links will be inserted is the challenge addressed in this paper. The bandwidth and the paths average length were analyzed.IX Workshop en Arquitectura, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

    The "R" Approach for Modeling a Reconfiguration Problem in Smart Grid Networks

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    Ensure higher levels of continuity and reliability for the electricity supply service are some of the requirements of consumers and electric power providers in the Smart Grid (SG) context. Reconfiguration of distribution networks aims to support the decision support, planning and/or real-time control of the operation of the electricity network. The goal of this paper is to propose a modelling approach for the reconfiguration problem based on R in order to better support the decision making process. Beyond that, R modelling of electricity networks may additionally support scalability evaluation, allows flexible reconfiguration analysis and potentially improves the response time when handling issues of network reconfiguration using graph theory