280 research outputs found

    Analogical Predictions

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    This paper deals with exchangeable analogical predictions,\ud and proposes a Bayesian model for such predictions.\ud The paper first discerns two kinds of analogical\ud predictions, based on similarity of individuals and of types\ud respectively. It then introduces a Bayesian framework that\ud employs hypotheses for making predictions. This framework\ud is used to describe predictions based on the similarity\ud of individuals, and further relates exchangeable predictions\ud with a specific partition of hypotheses on types. Exchangeable\ud predictions based on type similarity are determined by\ud prior probabilities over the partition, but the partition obstructs\ud the control over the similarity relations. Finally the\ud paper develops a model for exchangeable predictions\ud based on type similarity, which employs hypotheses on\ud similarity between individuals, thereby offering a better\ud control over the similarity relations

    Performing High, Performing Low: Enrico Caruso and Eduardo Migliaccio

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    A Descriptive-Comparative Study of Professional Development and Observed Quality in Early Care and Education Programs

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    With over 12 million children enrolled in early care and education programming across the U.S., families with children under the age of 5 years old are dependent on these programs. Although highly important, little regulation exists regarding qualifications necessary for individuals to work in these programs. Consequently, individuals in the field bring a plethora of professional development experiences, skills, and competencies. This variance is partly a result of the uncertainty surrounding what should be required. Major information about the impact training and education have on these programs is missing from quantitative research, including capturing content and quantity, accurate measurement of professional development, and clear and consistent definition and categorization of training and education across studies. To contribute to the advancement of accurately describing and understanding effective teachers\u27 professional development experiences in terms of content, quantity, intensity, and duration, a descriptive-comparative design was used to explore how the professional development experiences of teachers in 10 good quality early care and education classrooms (as measured by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised [ECERS-R]) differed from the professional development experiences of teachers in 10 poor quality classrooms serving children ages 2½ to 5 years old. Well-defined and recommended categorizations of training, education, and documentation of staff qualifications were used. Other factors that might influence instructional quality, such as program, classroom, and support staff characteristics, were examined as well. Between-group differences of 30% or more were interpreted as interesting. Numerous between-group differences emerged regarding teacher education, training, and credentials. Among these findings, teachers in the good quality cohort were more likely to have completed course content specific to early care and education, including specific combinations of coursework in conjunction with supervised practical experience. The intensity and duration of teachers\u27 exposure to course content was also greater in this cohort. Furthermore, in describing differences, new categories and definitions emerged, including piecemeal and comprehensive education, piecemeal and comprehensive training, content clustering, solo teaching, and hierarchical structuring of staff. These findings can be used as emerging foundations for larger scale research

    Space Plant Biology Research at KSC

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    Long duration space exploration will require the capability for crews to grow their own food. Growing food is desirable from a mass-efficiency standpoint, as it is currently not feasible to carry enough prepackaged food on spacecraft to sustain crews for long duration missions. Nutritionally, fresh produce provides key nutrients that are not preserved well in pre-packaged meals (e.g. vitamins C and K) and those that are able to counteract detrimental effects of space flight, such as antioxidants to combat radiation exposure and lutein for decreasing macular degeneration. Additionally, there are significant psychological benefits of maintaining gardens, one being an indicator for the passage of time

    Letter from Theodore Romeyn to A. C. Van Raalte

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    A letter of Theodore Romeyn, Detroit, Michigan, to A. C. Van Raalte Romeyn informs A.C.V.R. that The residue of our Holland friends from St. Clair are in the city and will leave to morrow for Kalamazoo.... .https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1840s/1258/thumbnail.jp

    New Crop Testing Nutritional and Organoleptic Analysis

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    Final Poster for New Crop Testing Nutritional and Organoleptic Analysi