13 research outputs found

    Colorectal Cancer-Associated Genes Are Associated with Tooth Agenesis and May Have a Role in Tooth Development

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    Previously reported co-occurrence of colorectal cancer (CRC) and tooth agenesis (TA) and the overlap in disease-associated gene variants suggest involvement of similar molecular pathways. Here, we took an unbiased approach and tested genome-wide significant CRC-associated variants for association with isolated TA. Thirty single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in CRC-predisposing genes/loci were genotyped in a discovery dataset composed of 440 individuals with and without isolated TA. Genome-wide significant associations were found between TA and ATF1 rs11169552 (P = 4.36 × 10−10) and DUSP10 rs6687758 (P = 1.25 × 10−9), and positive association found with CASC8 rs10505477 (P = 8.2 × 10−5). Additional CRC marker haplotypes were also significantly associated with TA. Genotyping an independent dataset consisting of 52 cases with TA and 427 controls confirmed the association with CASC8. Atf1 and Dusp10 expression was detected in the mouse developing teeth from early bud stages to the formation of the complete tooth, suggesting a potential role for these genes and their encoded proteins in tooth development. While their individual contributions in tooth development remain to be elucidated, these genes may be considered candidates to be tested in additional populations

    5to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    El V Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2019, realizado del 6 al 8 de febrero de 2019 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, ofreció a la comunidad académica nacional e internacional una plataforma de comunicación unificada, dirigida a cubrir los problemas teóricos y prácticos de mayor impacto en la sociedad moderna desde la ingeniería. En esta edición, dedicada a los 25 años de vida de la UPS, los ejes temáticos estuvieron relacionados con la aplicación de la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación en cinco pilares fundamentales de nuestra sociedad: la industria, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental, la información y las telecomunicaciones. El comité científico estuvo conformado formado por 48 investigadores procedentes de diez países: España, Reino Unido, Italia, Bélgica, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Estados Unidos y Ecuador. Fueron recibidas un centenar de contribuciones, de las cuales 39 fueron aprobadas en forma de ponencias y 15 en formato poster. Estas contribuciones fueron presentadas de forma oral ante toda la comunidad académica que se dio cita en el Congreso, quienes desde el aula magna, el auditorio y la sala de usos múltiples de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, cumplieron respetuosamente la responsabilidad de representar a toda la sociedad en la revisión, aceptación y validación del conocimiento nuevo que fue presentado en cada exposición por los investigadores. Paralelo a las sesiones técnicas, el Congreso contó con espacios de presentación de posters científicos y cinco workshops en temáticas de vanguardia que cautivaron la atención de nuestros docentes y estudiantes. También en el marco del evento se impartieron un total de ocho conferencias magistrales en temas tan actuales como la gestión del conocimiento en la universidad-ecosistema, los retos y oportunidades de la industria 4.0, los avances de la investigación básica y aplicada en mecatrónica para el estudio de robots de nueva generación, la optimización en ingeniería con técnicas multi-objetivo, el desarrollo de las redes avanzadas en Latinoamérica y los mundos, la contaminación del aire debido al tránsito vehicular, el radón y los riesgos que representa este gas radiactivo para la salud humana, entre otros

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Colorectal Cancer-Associated Genes Are Associated with Tooth Agenesis and May Have a Role in Tooth Development

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    Previously reported co-occurrence of colorectal cancer (CRC) and tooth agenesis (TA) and the overlap in disease-associated gene variants suggest involvement of similar molecular pathways. Here, we took an unbiased approach and tested genome-wide significant CRC-associated variants for association with isolated TA. Thirty single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in CRC-predisposing genes/loci were genotyped in a discovery dataset composed of 440 individuals with and without isolated TA. Genome-wide significant associations were found between TA and ATF1 rs11169552 (P = 4.36 x 10(-10)) and DUSP10 rs6687758 (P = 1.25 x 10(-9)), and positive association found with CASC8 rs10505477 (P = 8.2 x 10(-5)). Additional CRC marker haplotypes were also significantly associated with TA. Genotyping an independent dataset consisting of 52 cases with TA and 427 controls confirmed the association with CASC8. Atf1 and Dusp10 expression was detected in the mouse developing teeth from early bud stages to the formation of the complete tooth, suggesting a potential role for these genes and their encoded proteins in tooth development. While their individual contributions in tooth development remain to be elucidated, these genes may be considered candidates to be tested in additional populations

    Compatible bacterial mixture, tolerant to desiccation, improves maize plant growth

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    <div><p>Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) increase plant growth and crop productivity. The inoculation of plants with a bacterial mixture (consortium) apparently provides greater benefits to plant growth than inoculation with a single bacterial strain. In the present work, a bacterial consortium was formulated containing four compatible and desiccation-tolerant strains with potential as PGPR. The formulation had one moderately (<i>Pseudomonas putida</i> KT2440) and three highly desiccation-tolerant (<i>Sphingomonas</i> sp. OF178, <i>Azospirillum brasilense</i> Sp7 and <i>Acinetobacter</i> sp. EMM02) strains. The four bacterial strains were able to adhere to seeds and colonize the rhizosphere of plants when applied in both mono-inoculation and multi-inoculation treatments, showing that they can also coexist without antagonistic effects in association with plants. The effects of the bacterial consortium on the growth of blue maize were evaluated. Seeds inoculated with either individual bacterial strains or the bacterial consortium were subjected to two experimental conditions before sowing: normal hydration or desiccation. In general, inoculation with the bacterial consortium increased the shoot and root dry weight, plant height and plant diameter compared to the non-inoculated control or mono-inoculation treatments. The bacterial consortium formulated in this work had greater benefits for blue maize plants even when the inoculated seeds underwent desiccation stress before germination, making this formulation attractive for future field applications.</p></div

    Bacterial survival ratio (BSR) of bacteria associated with blue maize seeds subjected to 18 days of desiccation.

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    <p>Fig 3A, BSR determination for seeds inoculated with single bacterial strains. Fig 3B, BSR determination for seeds inoculated with the bacterial consortium. Purple squares represent <i>Sphingomonas</i> sp. OF178, green triangles represent <i>Acinetobacter</i> sp. EMM02, red rectangles represent <i>A</i>. <i>brasilense</i> Sp7, and blue diamonds represent <i>P</i>. <i>putida</i> KT2440.</p