15 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of Risk Factors for Social Rejection towards inmigrants in a Municipality of West of Almería according to a Logit Model

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    The Almeria municipality of El Ejido in the western part of Almeria faces an unprecedented migratory reality as in the whole of Spain. For this study, we assessed the socio-demographic variables and the perceived realistic threat as risk factors that could influence the level of anxiety over perceived symbolic threat in the Municipality of El Ejido (Almeria). Ordinal logit models were adjusted for the identification of risk factors according to the type of variables considered, as well as for the classification of individuals at a specific level of response. The predicted causes of classification were interpreted at one level, in the variables that proved to be significant and could be considered as risk factors.El municipio almeriense de El Ejido situado en la parte occidental de Almería se enfrenta a una realidad migratoria sin precedentes en el conjunto de España. Para este estudio se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas y sobre la amenaza realista percibida que podían influir como factores de riesgo en el cambio de nivel de la ansiedad sobre la amenaza de tipo simbólico percibida, en el municipio de El Ejido (Almería). Se ajustaron modelos logit ordinales para la identificación de los factores de riesgo según el tipo de variables considerado, así como para la clasificación de los individuos en un nivel concreto de respuesta. Se interpretaron las razones de pronóstico de clasificación en un nivel, en las variables que resultaron ser significativas y podían ser consideradas factores de riesgo

    Diagnóstico de factores de riesgo del rechazo social a inmigrantes en un municipio del Poniente Almeriense según un modelo Logit

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    The Almeria municipality of El Ejido in the western part of Almeria faces an unprecedented migratory reality as in the whole of Spain. For this study, we assessed the socio-demographic variables and the perceived realistic threat as risk factors that could influence the level of anxiety over perceived symbolic threat in the Municipality of El Ejido (Almeria). Ordinal logit models were adjusted for the identification of risk factors according to the type of variables considered, as well as for the classification of individuals at a specific level of response. The predicted causes of classification were interpreted at one level, in the variables that proved to be significant and could be considered as risk factors.El municipio almeriense de El Ejido situado en la parte occidental de Almería se enfrenta a una realidad migratoria sin precedentes en el conjunto de España. Para este estudio se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas y sobre la amenaza realista percibida que podían influir como facto- res de riesgo en el cambio de nivel de la ansiedad sobre la amenaza de tipo simbólico percibida, en el municipio de El Ejido (Almería). Se ajustaron modelos logit ordinales para la identificación de los factores de riesgo según el tipo de variables considerado, así como para la clasificación de los individuos en un nivel concreto de respuesta. Se interpretaron las razones de pronóstico de clasificación en un nivel, en las variables que resultaron ser significativas y podían ser consideradas factores de riesgo

    Anxiety, Distress and Stress among Patients with Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The prevalence of mental health disorders has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are a particularly vulnerable risk group. This study aims to assess the levels and prevalence of anxiety, distress, and stress in patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was conducted in CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Medline, SciELO, and Scopus in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Thirty-seven articles with a total of 13,932 diabetic patients were included. Five meta-analyses were performed. The prevalence of anxiety was 23% (95% CI = 19–28) in T1DM and 20% (95% CI = 6–40) in T2DM patients. For diabetes distress it was 41% (95% CI = 24–60) for T1DM and 36% in T2DM patients (95% CI = 2–84). For stress, the prevalence was 79% (95% CI = 49–98) in T1DM patients. People with diabetes have significant psychiatric comorbidity as well as psychological factors that negatively affect disease management, increasing their vulnerability in an emergency situation. To establish comprehensive care in diabetic patients addressing mental health is essential, as well as including specific policy interventions to reduce the potential psychological harm of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Prevalence, Risk Factors and Burnout Levels in Intensive Care Unit Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Nursing is considered to be an at-risk profession of burnout due to daily exposure to difficult situations such as death and pain care. In addition, some units such as the intensive care unit (ICU), can be stressful due to high levels of morbidity and mortality and ethical dilemmas. Burnout causes a deterioration in quality of care, increasing the risk of mortality in patients due to poor performance and errors in the healthcare environment. The aim of this study was to analyse the levels, prevalence and related factors of burnout in ICU nurses. A systematic review and metaanalysis were carried out in the Medline, Scopus and CINAHL databases. Fifteen articles were found for the systematic review and four for the meta-analysis. With a sample of n = 1986 nurses, the meta-analytic estimate prevalence for high emotional exhaustion was 31% (95% CI, 8–59%), for high depersonalization was 18% (95% CI, 8–30%), and for low personal accomplishment was 46% (95% CI, 20–74%). Within the dimensions of burnout, emotional exhaustion had a significant relationship with depression and personality factors. Both sociodemographic factors (being younger, single marital status, and having less professional experience in ICU) and working conditions (workload and working longer hours) influence the risk of burnout syndrome

    Continuity of Nursing Care in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and patient continuity of care is essential. Health professionals can help in the transition stage by providing resources to achieve pharmacological treatment adherence, as well as social and emotional support. The objective was to analyse the effects of nursing interventions based on continuity of care in patients with coronary artery disease after hospital discharge. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies was carried out. Cochrane, CINAHL, Health & medical collection, Medline, and Scopus databases were consulted in January 2022. PRISMA guidelines were followed with no time limits. In total, 16 articles were included with a total of 2950 patients. Nurse-led continuity of care programs improved the monitoring and control of the disease. Positive effects were found in the quality of life of patients, and in mental health, self-efficacy, and self-care capacity dimensions. Clinical parameters such as blood pressure and lipid levels decreased. The continuity of care provided by nurses had a positive influence on the quality of life of patients with coronary artery disease. Nurse-led care focused on the needs and resources, including continuity of care, plays a key role

    Explanatory Models of Burnout Diagnosis Based on Personality Factors and Depression in Managing Nurses

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    This study forms part of the Doctoral Thesis of the first-named author (Maria Jose Membrive-Jimenez). Funding for this study was provided by the Andalusian Government Excellence Project (P11-HUM-7771).Nurse managers are affected by burnout due to the high degree of interaction between managers with their registered nurses. Explanatory models based on psychological, and personality related variables purvey an estimation to level changes in the three dimensions of the burnout syndrome. A categorical-response logistic ordinal regression model, supported on a quantitative, crosscutting, multicentre, descriptive study with 86 nursing managers in the Andalusian Health Service in Granada, Spain is performed for each dimension. The three models included different variables related to personality, as well as depression as the only explanatory variable included in all the models. The risk factor neuroticism was significant at population level and related to emotional exhaustion, whilst responsibility was significant in the model estimated to personal accomplishment dimension. Finally, depression was significant for the three dimensions of Burnout. This analysis provides useful information to help the diagnosis and evolution of this syndrome in this collective.Andalusian Government Excellence Project P11-HUM-777

    Personality Factors as Predictors in Burnout Level Changes for Surgical Area Nurses

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    Surgical area nurses provide comprehensive care to patients throughout the surgical process. Increases in life expectancy lead to the appearance and development of diseases, translating into an increase in the number of necessary interventions. Increases in the workload can be another risk factor for the development of burnout in professionals in this area. Knowledge of psychological and personality-related variables provides relevant information of level changes in the dimensions of burnout syndrome. Three logistic regression models, based on a cross-sectional study with 214 nurses working in the surgical area in the Andalusian Health Service, Spain, were built for each dimension. These models included different variables related to depression and personality, with some being significant at the population level and consequently true risk or protection factors. Friendliness, responsibility and extraversion are protection factors for the personal accomplishment dimension, whilst neuroticism is a risk factor for this dimension. Friendliness is also a protection factor for depersonalization, whilst depression is a risk factor. Finally, neuroticism, responsibility and depression are risk factors for the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout. These findings provide relevant information that makes anticipation of this syndrome in this group easier

    Diagnóstico de factores de riesgo del rechazo social a inmigrantes en un municipio del Poniente Almeriense según un modelo Logit

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    The Almeria municipality of El Ejido in the western part of Almeria faces an unprecedented migratory reality as in the whole of Spain. For this study, we assessed the socio-demographic variables and the perceived realistic threat as risk factors that could influence the level of anxiety over perceived symbolic threat in the Municipality of El Ejido (Almeria). Ordinal logit models were adjusted for the identification of risk factors according to the type of variables considered, as well as for the classification of individuals at a specific level of response. The predicted causes of classification were interpreted at one level, in the variables that proved to be significant and could be considered as risk factors.El municipio almeriense de El Ejido situado en la parte occidental de Almería se enfrenta a una realidad migratoria sin precedentes en el conjunto de España. Para este estudio se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas y sobre la amenaza realista percibida que podían influir como facto- res de riesgo en el cambio de nivel de la ansiedad sobre la amenaza de tipo simbólico percibida, en el municipio de El Ejido (Almería). Se ajustaron modelos logit ordinales para la identificación de los factores de riesgo según el tipo de variables considerado, así como para la clasificación de los individuos en un nivel concreto de respuesta. Se interpretaron las razones de pronóstico de clasificación en un nivel, en las variables que resultaron ser significativas y podían ser consideradas factores de riesgo

    Diagnosis of Risk Factors for Social Rejection towards inmigrants in a Municipality of West of Almería according to a Logit Model

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    The Almeria municipality of El Ejido in the western part of Almeria faces an unprecedented migratory reality as in the whole of Spain. For this study, we assessed the socio-demographic variables and the perceived realistic threat as risk factors that could influence the level of anxiety over perceived symbolic threat in the Municipality of El Ejido (Almeria). Ordinal logit models were adjusted for the identification of risk factors according to the type of variables considered, as well as for the classification of individuals at a specific level of response. The predicted causes of classification were interpreted at one level, in the variables that proved to be significant and could be considered as risk factors.El municipio almeriense de El Ejido situado en la parte occidental de Almería se enfrenta a una realidad migratoria sin precedentes en el conjunto de España. Para este estudio se evaluaron las variables sociodemográficas y sobre la amenaza realista percibida que podían influir como factores de riesgo en el cambio de nivel de la ansiedad sobre la amenaza de tipo simbólico percibida, en el municipio de El Ejido (Almería). Se ajustaron modelos logit ordinales para la identificación de los factores de riesgo según el tipo de variables considerado, así como para la clasificación de los individuos en un nivel concreto de respuesta. Se interpretaron las razones de pronóstico de clasificación en un nivel, en las variables que resultaron ser significativas y podían ser consideradas factores de riesgo

    Preprocessing of Spectroscopic Data Using Affine Transformations to Improve Pattern-Recognition Analysis: An Application to Prehistoric Lithic Tools

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    The analysis of spectral reflectance data is an important tool for obtaining relevant information about the mineral composition of objects and has been used for research in chemistry, geology, biology, archaeology, pharmacy, medicine, anthropology, and other disciplines. In archaeology, the use of spectroscopic data allows us to characterize and classify artifacts and ecofacts, to analyze patterns, and to study the exchange of materials, etc., as well as to explain some properties, such as color or post-depositional processes. The spectroscopic data are of the so-called “big data” type and must be analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques, usually principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Although there are different transformations of the raw data, in this paper, we propose preprocessing by means of an affine transformation. From a mathematical point of view, this process modifies the values of reflectance for each spectral signature scaling them into a [0, 1] interval using minimum and maximum values of reflectance, thus highlighting the features of spectral curves. This method optimizes the characteristics of amplitude and shape, reduces the influence of noise, and improves results by highlighting relevant features as peaks and valleys that may remain hidden using the raw data. This methodology has been applied to a case study of prehistoric chert (flint) artifacts retrieved in archaeological excavations in the Andévalo area located in the Archaeological Museum of Huelva (Huelva, Andalusia). The use of transformed data considerably improves the results obtained with raw data, highlighting the peaks, valleys, and the shape of spectral signatures