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    Tesis de licenciatura de Ia carrea de Ingeniero Agrónomo Fitotecnista en donde se estudió el efecto de la etapa de corte y la dosis de nitrógeno sobre el rendimiento y calidad nutricional de forraje en avena, cebada, triticale y trigoEn el valle de Toluca la producción de forraje se deriva principalmente de cultivos de cereales como son la avena y el maíz, establecidos bajo condiciones de temporal. Si bien la producción de forraje obtenida por estos cultivos cumple con la demanda para alimentación del ganado, no siempre está relacionado con la calidad nutricional requerida para optimizar dicho proceso. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron dos variedades de avena (Avemex y Karma), dos de cebada (Capuchona y Esmeralda), una variedad y una línea avanzada de triticale (Bicentenario y L3) y dos variedades de trigo (Baguette y Tollocan). El experimento se llevó a cabo en el ciclo primavera-verano 2015 en el valle de Toluca, México. La siembra se realizó el 26 de junio de 2015, con una densidad de siembra de 300 semillas por m2, bajo un diseño experimental de parcelas divididas en tiempo bajo un arreglo de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones, donde la parcela experimental constó de 4 surcos a doble hilera de 6 m de longitud con una separación de 80 cm entre surcos y 20 cm entre hileras. Se estudió el efecto de dos dosis de nitrógeno (60 y 120 kgN ha) y tres etapas fenológicas al corte (embuche, antesis y grano lechoso-masoso), sobre el rendimiento del forraje y algunos componentes de calidad nutricional en las tres etapas de corte mencionadas. La producción de materia seca y el contenido nutricional del forraje mejoró al aumentar la dosis de fertilización nitrogenada. El rendimiento de forraje se incrementó a medida que se retrasó la etapa de corte pero la calidad nutricional se vio disminuida conforme avanzó la madures de la planta. La L3 de triticale presentó mayor acumulación de biomasa en la etapa de grano lechoso-masoso (16.5 t ha-1), mientras que la variedad de trigo Baguette destacó en la etapa de embuche, ya que mostró el mejor comportamiento en los componentes de calidad nutricional de forraje, además de sobresalir por su alto contenido de proteína cruda incluso en la etapa de grano lechoso-masoso (103 g kg-1). Los resultados obtenidos indican que algunas de las variedades evaluadas pueden ser una opción viable para cumplir con la demanda de forraje con buena calidad para la alimentación de ganado lechero y de engorda en el valle de Toluca, México.UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO, FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS AGRÍCOLAS PROYECTO: Cambios en los Caracteres Ecofisiológicos del Rendimiento y Composición del Grano de Triticale en Función de la Disponibilidad de Nitrógeno Clave: 3793/2014/CI


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    Objetivo: Valorar la utilidad predictiva de la TC simple en pacientes con diagnóstico de hipoacusia para determinar el pronóstico del uso de auxiliares auditivos. Sede: Centro Médico “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos”, ISEM. Diseño: Observacional y Transversal tipo Prueba Diagnóstica. Material y Metódo: Se evaluaron 58 pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de hipoacusia tratados con auxiliares auditivos externos, referidos por el servicio de audiología del H. Dr. Nicolás San Juan en un período de cinco meses, a los cuales se les realiza Tomografía Simple de oídos. Los principales hallazgos de la tomografía se correlacionaron con la respuesta obtenida a los auxiliares auditivos a los tres y seis meses de su adaptación, reportándose estos como útil o no útil por el servicio de audiología. Resultados: De los 58 pacientes aceptados en el estudio, al 100% se les realizó Tomografía Computada (TC) simple de oídos, 62.1% fueron del sexo masculino y el mayor grupo de pacientes se localizó entre los 2 a 4 años, se encontró que el 15.5% tenían antecedentes familiares para desarrollar algún tipo de malformación de oídos. Además 46 (93.9%) pacientes que presentaron malformación en el estudio de imagen (TC) tuvieron una respuesta no útil tras la adaptación de auxiliares auditivos a los tres y seis meses de iniciado el tratamiento. Discusión: la tomografía simple de oídos es el método de imagen de elección para el estudio de pacientes con diagnóstico de hipoacusia o sordera tratados con auxiliares auditivos ya que nos permite evaluar el pronóstico de dicho tratamiento. En el presente estudio los hallazgos mostraron una correlación significativa entre la presencia de malformaciones de oído y la respuesta a la adaptación de auxiliares auditivos como tratamiento inicial de la hipoacusia o sordera en pacientes pediátricos. La tomografía tiene una alta sensibilidad para clasificar a los pacientes con malformación en quienes el auxiliar auditivo no será útil

    Multimodal Crowdsourcing for Transcribing Handwritten Documents

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Transcription of handwritten documents is an important research topic for multiple applications, such as document classification or information extraction. In the case of historical documents, their transcription allows to preserve cultural heritage because of the amount of historical data contained in those documents. The transcription process can employ state-of-the-art handwritten text recognition systems in order to obtain an initial transcription. This transcription is usually not good enough for the quality standards, but that may speed up the final transcription of the expert. In this framework, the use of collaborative transcription applications (crowdsourcing) has risen in the recent years, but these platforms are mainly limited by the use of non-mobile devices. Thus, the recruiting initiatives get reduced to a smaller set of potential volunteers. In this paper, an alternative that allows the use of mobile devices is presented. The proposal consists of using speech dictation of handwritten text lines. Then, by using multimodal combination of speech and handwritten text images, a draft transcription can be obtained, presenting more quality than that obtained by only using handwritten text recognition. The speech dictation platform is implemented as a mobile device application, which allows for a wider range of population for recruiting volunteers. A real acquisition on the contents of a Spanish historical handwritten book was obtained with the platform. This data was used to perform experiments on the behaviour of the proposed framework. Some experiments were performed to study how to optimise the collaborators effort in terms of number of collaborations, including how many lines and which lines should be selected for the speech dictation.This work was supported in part by projects READ-674943 (European Union's H2020), SmartWays-RTC-2014-1466-4 (MINECO), CoMUN-HaT-TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), and ALMAMATER-PROMETEOII/2014/030 (Generalitat Valenciana).Granell Romero, E.; Martínez Hinarejos, CD. (2017). Multimodal Crowdsourcing for Transcribing Handwritten Documents. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 25(2):409-419. https://doi.org/10.1109/TASLP.2016.2634123S40941925

    Energy balance data from lactating dairy goats offered total mixed diets

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    [EN] The objective of the study was to develop a univariate model for analyzing energy balance data from lactating goats at mid lactation and determine maintenance requirements and partial efficiencies of energy utilization. Energy balance data from eight studies involving lactating Murciano-Granadina goats fed total mixed diets, which accounted for a variation in metabolizable energy (MEI) intake, milk energy output (EI), and tissue energy balance, were used. The database included records obtained by indirect calorimetry. Data were adjusted with a mixed model that included the study as a random effect. Then, two multivariate linear models were obtained: metabolizable and net energy models. The metabolizable model was MEI=ß0+ß2E1+ß3Tg+ß4T1+¿ and the net energy model was E1=ß0+ß1MEI+ß2Tg+ß3T1+¿; where ß0, ß1, ß2 and ß3 were the parameters, Tg was tissue energy retention and Tl the milk energy derived from body stores. For a better fitted proposed model, net energy for maintenance (NEm) was 283 kJ/kg of Body Weight 0.75 (BW) per day, and the efficiency of utilization of ME for lactation (k1), body weight gain (kg) and body tissue mobilization for milk production (kt) were 62%, 83% and 78%, respectively. Maintenance requirements and partial efficiencies for milk production and tissue energy mobilization were similar to the values proposed by INRA (2018). The increase in the efficiency of utilizing dietary energy for gain, compared with other feeding systems, was partially attributed to the stage of lactation, due to that goats were feeding at mid lactationFernández Martínez, CJ.; Romero Rueda, T. (2019). Energy balance data from lactating dairy goats offered total mixed diets. Open Journal of Animal Sciences (Online). 9(4):385-400. https://doi.org/10.4236/ojas.2019.94031S3854009

    Plataforma web para aprendizaje de idiomas

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    El proyecto trata sobre la creación de una plataforma web que pondrá en contacto a personas interesadas en el aprendizaje de diferentes idiomas. En este documento se detallan las tecnologías utilizadas para la realización de la web, la estructura de los documentos que se han escrito para el correcto funcionamiento de la misma y un manual de usuario acompañado de capturas que hacen de guía. Además de esto, se hablará de posibles mejoras que se podrán introducir en futuras actualizaciones.The project deals with the development of a website that will connect people interested in learning different languages. This document describes the technologies used for the development of the web, the structure of the documents that have been written for the proper operation and a user manual with pictures. Following this, we will talk about possible updates that could be included in the future.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Multimodality, interactivity, and crowdsourcing for document transcription

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Granell, Emilio, Romero, Verónica, Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos-D.. (2018). Multimodality, interactivity, and crowdsourcing for document transcription.Computational Intelligence, 34, 2, 398-419. DOI: 10.1111/coin.12169, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/coin.12169.. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Knowledge mining from documents usually use document engineering techniques that allow the user to access the information contained in documents of interest. In this framework, transcription may provide efficient access to the contents of handwritten documents. Manual transcription is a time-consuming task that can be sped up by using different mechanisms. A first possibility is employing state-of-the-art handwritten text recognition systems to obtain an initial draft transcription that can be manually amended. A second option is employing crowdsourcing to obtain a massive but not error-free draft transcription. In this case, when collaborators employ mobile devices, speech dictation can be used as a transcription source, and speech and handwritten text recognition can be fused to provide a better draft transcription, which can be amended with even less effort. A final option is using interactive assistive frameworks, where the automatic system that provides the draft transcription and the transcriber cooperate to generate the final transcription. The novel contributions presented in this work include the study of the data fusion on a multimodal crowdsourcing framework and its integration with an interactive system. The use of the proposed solutions reduces the required transcription effort and optimizes the overall performance and usability, allowing for a better transcription process.projects READ, Grant/Award Number: 674943; (European Union's H2020); Smart Ways, Grant/Award Number: RTC-2014-1466-4; (MINECO); CoMUN-HaT, Grant/Award Number: TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R; (MINECO / FEDER)Granell, E.; Romero, V.; Martínez-Hinarejos, C. (2018). Multimodality, interactivity, and crowdsourcing for document transcription. Computational Intelligence. 34(2):398-419. https://doi.org/10.1111/coin.12169S39841934

    Image speech combination for interactive computer assisted transcription of handwritten documents

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    [EN] Handwritten document transcription aims to obtain the contents of a document to provide efficient information access to, among other, digitised historical documents. The increasing number of historical documents published by libraries and archives makes this an important task. In this context, the use of image processing and understanding techniques in conjunction with assistive technologies reduces the time and human effort required for obtaining the final perfect transcription. The assistive transcription system proposes a hypothesis, usually derived from a recognition process of the handwritten text image. Then, the professional transcriber feedback can be used to obtain an improved hypothesis and speed-up the final transcription. In this framework, a speech signal corresponding to the dictation of the handwritten text can be used as an additional source of information. This multimodal approach, that combines the image of the handwritten text with the speech of the dictation of its contents, could make better the hypotheses (initial and improved) offered to the transcriber. In this paper we study the feasibility of a multimodal interactive transcription system for an assistive paradigm known as Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images. Different techniques are tested for obtaining the multimodal combination in this framework. The use of the proposed multimodal approach reveals a significant reduction of transcription effort with some multimodal combination techniques, allowing for a faster transcription process.Work partially supported by projects READ-674943 (European Union's H2020), SmartWays-RTC-2014-1466-4 (MINECO, Spain), and CoMUN-HaT-TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), and by Generalitat Valenciana (GVA), Spain under reference PROMETEOII/2014/030.Granell, E.; Romero, V.; Martínez-Hinarejos, C. (2019). Image speech combination for interactive computer assisted transcription of handwritten documents. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 180:74-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2019.01.009S748318