6 research outputs found

    Investigaci贸n en el pregrado de Medicina: una experiencia universitaria formativa

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    Introduction: In our country there is a figure called hotbed of research as a tool to encourage the comprehensive training of students, which aims to promote new talent in investigative areas that allow the generation of new knowledge. Additionally, the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias) and Colombian universities have created multiple strategies to enhance research skills in their students. Objective: To reflect on the importance of research in undergraduate programs by using the hotbed of research teaching strategy in health areas. Reflection: This strategy allows improving students' training and making it more competitive at national and international level. However, these efforts are not enough because it lacks sufficient financial resources, flexible curricula and teachers trained in research; all these factors, along with deficient student interest, transform the task into a difficult goal to achieve. Conclusion: Hotbeds of research educate people in collaborative work, and also develop skills that allow the comprehensive training of students. [Romero CR, Quintero JF, Arroyave CD, García AM. Research for Medical undergraduate students: a university training experience. MedUNAB 2016; 19 (1): 40-45]Introducción: En nuestro país existe una figura denominada semillero de investigación como una herramienta de promoción de la formación integral de los estudiantes, que tiene el objetivo de promover nuevo talento en áreas investigativas que permita la generación de nuevo conocimiento. En consecuencia, el Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Colciencias) y las universidades del país han creado múltiples estrategias para potenciar habilidades investigativas en sus estudiantes. Objetivo: Reflexionar acerca de la importancia de la investigación en el pregrado mediante la estrategia pedagógica de los semilleros de investigación en áreas de la salud. Reflexión: Esta estrategia permite mejorar la formación del estudiante y hacerlo competitivo en el contexto nacional e internacional. Sin embargo, estos esfuerzos no son suficientes pues se carece de recursos económicos, planes curriculares flexibles y docentes capacitados en investigación; todos estos factores, sumados al insuficiente interés de los estudiantes, convierten la tarea en un objetivo difícil de lograr. Conclusión: Los semilleros de investigación forman personas en trabajo colaborativo y desarrollan destrezas que permiten la formación integral de los estudiantes. [Romero CR, Quintero JF, Arroyave CD, García AM. Investigación en el pregrado de Medicina: una experiencia universitaria formativa. MedUNAB 2016; 19 (1): 40-45

    Research in the medicine undergraduate program: an educational university experience

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    Introducci贸n: En nuestro pa脥s existe una figura denominada semillero de investigaci贸n como una herramienta de promoci贸n de la formaci贸n integral de los estudiantes, que tiene el objetivo de promover nuevo talento en 谩reas investigativas que permita la generaci贸n de nuevo conocimiento. En consecuencia, el Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnolog脥a e Innovaci贸n (Colciencias) y las universidades del pa脥s han creado m煤ltiples estrategias para potenciar habilidades investigativas en sus estudiantes. Objetivo: Reflexionar acerca de la importancia de la investigaci贸n en el pregrado mediante la estrategia pedag贸gica de los semilleros de investigaci贸n en 谩reas de la salud. Reflexi贸n: Esta estrategia permite mejorar la formaci贸n del estudiante y hacerlo competitivo en el contexto nacional e internacional. Sin embargo, estos esfuerzos no son suficientes pues se carece de recursos econ贸micos, planes curriculares flexibles y docentes capacitados en investigaci贸n; todos estos factores, sumados al insuficiente inter茅s de los estudiantes, convierten la tarea en un objetivo dif脥cil de lograr. Conclusi贸n: Los semilleros de investigaci贸n forman personas en trabajo colaborativo y desarrollan destrezas que permiten la formaci贸n integral de los estudiantes. [Romero CR, Quintero JF, Arroyave CD, Garc脥a AM. Investigaci贸n en el pregrado de Medicina: una experiencia universitaria formativa. MedUNAB 2016; 19 (1): 40-45]Introduction: In our country there is a figure called hotbed of research as a tool to encourage the comprehensive training of students, which aims to promote new talent in investigative areas that allow the generation of new knowledge. Additionally, the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias) and Colombian universities have created multiple strategies to enhance research skills in their students. Objective: To reflect on the importance of research in undergraduate programs by using the hotbed of research teaching strategy in health areas. Reflection: This strategy allows improving students' training and making it more competitive at national and international level. However, these efforts are not enough because it lacks sufficient financial resources, flexible curricula and teachers trained in research; all these factors, along with deficient student interest, transform the task into a difficult goal to achieve. Conclusion: Hotbeds of research educate people in collaborative work, and also develop skills that allow the comprehensive training of students. [Romero CR, Quintero JF, Arroyave CD, Garc脥a AM. Research for Medical undergraduate students: a university training experience. MedUNAB 2016; 19 (1): 40-45

    驴Medicina: arte o ciencia? Una reflexi贸n sobre las artes en la educaci贸n m茅dica

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    Resumen: La situaci贸n de los sistemas de salud en el mundo es cr铆tica, sin embargo, dentro de este panorama la educaci贸n m茅dica aporta estrategias que permiten generar cambios. Se plantea una reflexi贸n en torno a la importancia de complementar la formaci贸n del estudiante de medicina con el desarrollo de habilidades de tipo human铆stico. 驴Permitir铆a lo anterior ejecutar un ejercicio cl铆nico con juicio y raciocinio, sin dejar de lado el componente de servicio, amabilidad, cordialidad, escucha y fraternidad? Este art铆culo intenta responder esta inquietud, reflexionando sobre algunas situaciones que condicionan la formaci贸n m茅dica, y expone numerosos ejemplos de m茅dicos de diferentes periodos de la historia y latitudes (Europa, Asia y Am茅rica) que han complementado de forma exitosa el ejercicio de su profesi贸n y la ejecuci贸n de artes como literatura, pintura y teatro, entre otras. Entre ellos se destacan Albert Schweitzer, de nacionalidad alemana, ganador del Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1952 y Jorge Drexler, uruguayo, Premio Oscar de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematogr谩ficas de los Estados Unidos, a la Mejor Banda Sonora en 2005. Finalmente se plantea la consideraci贸n de contar con espacios acad茅micos y extracad茅micos que beneficien la formaci贸n m茅dica complementada con habilidades art铆sticas y human铆sticas. Abstract: The situation of health systems in the world is critical. However, in this scenario it is important that education can provide strategies to generate a change.Reflection regarding the training of the medical student must be complemented by the development of people skills, such as communication, the ability to understand others, etc. This could help in the development of clinical judgment and reasoning exercises, without neglecting the human components of kindness, warmth, listening, and fraternity. This article attempts to answer these concerns, reflecting on some situations that affect medical training, and sets out numerous examples of doctors from different periods of history and countries (Europe, Asia and America) who have successfully exercised their profession, as well as in the performing arts, including literature, painting and theatre. Among them can be included, Albert Schweitzer, German national, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952, and Jorge Drexler, aN Uruguayan who won an Oscar of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States for best soundtrack in 2005. Finally, it should be considered having academic and extra-academic spaces that benefit medical training, complemented by artistic and humanistic skills. Palabras clave: Medicina, Arte, Educaci贸n, Literatura, Vocaci贸n, Keywords: Medicine, Art, Education, Literature, Vocatio

    Investigaci贸n en el pregrado de Medicina: una experiencia universitaria formativa

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    Introducci贸n: En nuestro pa铆s existe una figura denominada semillero de investigaci贸n como una herramienta de promoci贸n de la formaci贸n integral de los estudiantes, que tiene el objetivo de promover nuevo talento en 谩reas investigativas que permita la generaci贸n de nuevo conocimiento. En consecuencia, el Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnolog铆a e Innovaci贸n (Colciencias) y las universidades del pa铆s han creado m煤ltiples estrategias para potenciar habilidades investigativas en sus estudiantes. Objetivo: Reflexionar acerca de la importancia de la investigaci贸n en el pregrado mediante la estrategia pedag贸gica de los semilleros de investigaci贸n en 谩reas de la salud. Reflexi贸n: Esta estrategia permite mejorar la formaci贸n del estudiante y hacerlo competitivo en el contexto nacional e internacional. Sin embargo, estos esfuerzos no son suficientes pues se carece de recursos econ贸micos, planes curriculares flexibles y docentes capacitados en investigaci贸n; todos estos factores, sumados al insuficiente inter茅s de los estudiantes, convierten la tarea en un objetivo dif铆cil de lograr. Conclusi贸n: Los semilleros de investigaci贸n forman personas en trabajo colaborativo y desarrollan destrezas que permiten la formaci贸n integral de los estudiantes

    El adipocito en el laboratorio: historia, perspectivas y reporte de experiencia

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    Introduction: The human adipose tissue is composed of different cell types. It has been subject of several studies in the past years due to its role on diverse functions.Methods: A search in the PubMed, Scielo, Science direct and Google Scholars databases was performed and the authors experience was reported.Results: The first model used was rodent fat, which allowed a better comprehension on carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism and enhanced research in adipocyte cell biology in addition with histological studies and mature adipocyte isolation. Afterwards, learning about precursor cell (pre-adipocytes) promoted theisolation of murine 3T3-L1 cell line. In Latin America research has been conducted using cell lines and adipocyte precursor mesenchymal stem cells to describe effects of hormonesand perform DNA sequencing. In Colombia, studies in 3T3-L1 cell line aimed to stablish the effects of different compounds on these cells. In the Cell Physiology Laboratory of the Universidad Tecnol贸gica de Pereira, sample collection process has shown difficulties because the source was human tissue; nevertheless isolation and cell culture protocols were standardized throughout the last six years of experimentation. Pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes were isolated to study the effects of hormones,perform electrophysiological characterization and study calcium physiology.Conclusions: This is a relevant research field since these cells have important systemic metabolic functions and they have a clear relationship聽 with high-prevalence pathologies such asobesity and the metabolic syndrome.Introducci贸n: el tejido adiposo humano est谩 compuesto por diferentes tipos celulares, y ha sido objeto de m煤ltiples estudios en los 煤ltimos a帽os debido a su acci贸n en diversas funciones.M茅todos: se realiz贸 una b煤squeda bilbiogr谩fica en PubMed, Scielo, Science Direct and Google Scholars y se reporta la experiencia de los autores.Resultados: los primeros modelos de estudio fueron con tejido de roedores, y permitieron la comprensi贸n del metabolismo de carbohidratos y 谩cidos grasos y facilitaron el estudio de labiolog铆a del adipocito, junto a estudios histol贸gicos y el aislamiento de adipocitos maduros. Posteriormente se realizaron estudios con c茅lulas precursoras (preadipocitos) que propiciaron el aislamiento de la l铆nea celular 3T3-1L murina. En聽 latinoam茅rica, se han realizado diversos estudios con l铆neas celulares y con c茅lulas madre mesenquimales precursoras de adipocitos para estudiar el efecto de hormonas y otras sustancias y para genotipificaci贸n. En Colombia se han realizado estudios con adipocitos 3T3-L1 para determinar los efectos de medicamentos y sustancias en estas c茅lulas. En el laboratorio de Fisiolog铆a Celular de la Universidad tecnol贸gica de Pereira el proceso de obtenci贸n de muestrasha evidenciado dificultades por tratarse de tejido humano, pero el protocolo de aislamiento y cultivo pudo ser estandarizado a lo largo de seis a帽os de experimentaci贸n; se aislaron preadipocitos y adipocitos maduros que permitieron estudiar los efectos de hormonas, realizar caracterizaci贸n electrofisiol贸gica y estudiar la fisiolog铆a del calcio.Conclusiones: este es un campo de investigaci贸n muy relevante debido a la implicaci贸n de este tipo celular en funciones metab贸licas sist茅micas y su relaci贸n con patolog铆as de alta prevalencia como la obesidad y el s铆ndrome metab贸lico.聽

    Sex-dependent neuronal effects of 伪-synuclein reveal that GABAergic transmission is neuroprotective of sleep-controlling neurons

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    Abstract Background Sleep disorders (SDs) are a symptom of the prodromal phase of neurodegenerative disorders that are mechanistically linked to the protein 伪-synuclein (伪-syn) including Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD). SDs during the prodromal phase could result from neurodegeneration induced in state-controlling neurons by accumulation of 伪-syn predominant early in the disease, and consistent with this, we reported the monomeric form of 伪-syn (monomeric 伪-syn; 伪-synM) caused cell death in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT), which controls arousal as well as the sleep and wakefulness state. However, we only examined the male LDT, and since sex is considered a risk factor for the development of 伪-syn-related diseases including prodromal SDs, the possibility exists of sex-based differences in 伪-synM effects. Accordingly, we examined the hypothesis that 伪-synM exerts differential effects on membrane excitability, intracellular calcium, and cell viability in the LDT of females compared to males. Methods Patch clamp electrophysiology, bulk load calcium imaging, and cell death histochemistry were used in LDT brain slices to monitor responses to 伪-synM and effects of GABA receptor acting agents. Results Consistent with our hypothesis, we found differing effects of 伪-synM on female LDT neurons when compared to male. In females, 伪-synM induced a decrease in membrane excitability and heightened reductions in intracellular calcium, which were reliant on functional inhibitory acid transmission, as well as decreased the amplitude and frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) with a concurrent reduction in action potential firing rate. Cell viability studies showed higher 伪-synM-mediated neurodegeneration in males compared to females that depended on inhibitory amino acid transmission. Further, presence of GABA receptor agonists was associated with reduced cell death in males. Conclusions When taken together, we conclude that 伪-synM induces a sex-dependent effect on LDT neurons involving a GABA receptor-mediated mechanism that is neuroprotective. Understanding the potential sex differences in neurodegenerative processes, especially those occurring early in the disease, could enable implementation of sex-based strategies to identify prodromal PD cases, and promote efforts to illuminate new directions for tailored treatment and management of PD