36 research outputs found

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    Optimización del Proceso de Ensamble de Rieles y Chasis de Vehículos en la Empresa METALTRONIC S.A. de la Ciudad de Quito.

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    En el presente estudio se realizó la Optimización del Proceso de Ensamble de Rieles y Chasis en Vehículos de la Empresa Metaltronic S.A. de la ciudad de Quito, este tiene como finalidad reducir los tiempos y generar la optimización de los recursos utilizados. Se analizó, mediante el estudio de métodos y tiempos como se desarrolla el proceso de ensamble y la identificación de los cuellos de botella; llegando a obtener los tiempos de ensamble de rieles y chasis. Además, del estudio, se han obtenido datos reales del proceso mismo, buscando como fin la optimización de la producción. Se desarrolla una propuesta con los diagramas de proceso, con los que se alcanzan mejoras mediante la utilización de tablas de doble entrada, triangulares y el diagrama de proximidad, para así alcanzar una nueva distribución de los puestos de trabajo en los laterales derecho e izquierdo en la producción de chasis. Además; la estandarización de los procesos, la reorganización de sus recursos e implementación de balanceo de líneas de producción, fueron otros de los objetivos, consiguiendo que los procesos de fabricación se lleven de una forma óptima y productiva. La distribución se acomoda a la mejor circulación de los componentes en los diferentes procesos, reduciendo al mínimo el número de transportes y demoras. Complementario a este estudio, se determinó índices de productividad basados en la comparación de producción actual versus la propuesta. Se recomienda aplicar el presente estudio, con el que se conseguirá, tiempos similares en los ciclos de operación, un buen ambiente de trabajo, mayor productividad, generando mayor rentabilidad para la empresa Metaltronic S.A.In the present study The Optimization of the Assembly Process of Rails and Chassis was carried out in the Vehicles of the Enterprise Metaltronic S.A. of Quito city to reduce the times and generate the optimization of the used resources. The analysis was carried out through the methods and times of the assembly process development and the identification of the bottle necks, obtaining the rail and chassis assembly. Besides the study real process data have been obtained looking for the production optimization. A proposal with the process diagrams is developed to reach improvements through the use of double entry and triangular tables and the proximity diagram to reach a new distribution of the work places in the right and left sides in the chassis production. Moreover, the process standarization, the organization of resources and the implementation of production lines balancing were other objectives attaining an optimum and productive way of the manufacturing processes. The distribution is set according to the best circulation of the components in the different processes, reducing to a minimum the number of transports and delays. Complementary to this study productivity indexes based in the comparison of the actual production versus the proposal were determined. It is recommended to apply the present study with which it will be possible to attain similar times in the operation cycles, a good work environment and higher productivity generating a higher profitability for the enterprise Metaltronic S.A

    Development of a Prototype Solution for Hearing Problems in Noise in People with Disabilities, Using an Acoustic Beamforming System with a FPGA Card

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    The study of voice signals is an important issue, since a part of society has hearing impairments. This implementation aims to help people with hearing problems, through enhanced voice; using a microphone array with hemispherical methodology broadband beamforming, which can distinguish signals arriving from different directions. A semi-spherical microphone array adapts better to human anatomy because it captures finer sound field.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Caracterización de las fuentes de varianza en los contenidos elementales de la llanura de inundación del Río Manzanares

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    En este trabajo, el objetivo principal es detectar, calcular y caracterizar las posibles fuentes de varianza que afectan a los contenidos elementales de los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación. Como perfil piloto se ha estudiado la llanura de inundación del río Manzanares (Madrid), cerca de su desembocadura en el río Jarama, por estar bien desarrollado y conservado. Además de las muestras originales, tomadas en tres profundidades, se han cogido los correspondientes duplicados. Todas las muestras se han tamizado a seis tamaños de grano. Se han analizado los contenidos totales de 48 elementos mediante ICP-AES, ICP-MS y Activación Neutrónica. Con los resultados se ha llevado a cabo un análisis ANOVA considerando las posibles fuentes de varianza (granulometría, profundidad y duplicados). Se han discriminado cuatro clusters de elementos dependiendo de su porcentaje de aporte a la varianza en cada una de las fuentes. La variabilidad en los contenidos depende fundamentalmente de las fuentes: granulometría y profundidad. Estos dos parámetros son por tanto, los que tienen una mayor influencia en la composición y en los que se debe prestar especial atención durante el muestreo de los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación. RESUMEN The main objective of this work is to detect, calculate and characterize the possible sources of variance affecting the element contents in the overbank sediments. As a pilot profile it has been studied the floodplain of the Manzanares River (Madrid), in a location near its mouth in the Jarama River. It was good developed and preserved. In addition to the original samples, which were taken at three depths, the corresponding duplicates were taken. All the samples were sieved at six granulometric fractions. The total contents of 48 elements were analyzed by ICP-OES, ICP-MS and INAA. An ANOVA analysis has been carried out with the results, taking into account the possible sources of variance (granulometric fractions, depth and duplicates). Four clusters of elements were differentiated depending on the percentage of contribution to variance in each source. The variability of the contents depended mostly on the sources granulometric fraction and depth. These two parameters are thus, the ones which have the greatest influence in the composition and where a special attention must be paid during the sampling of the overbank sediments

    Caracterización de las fuentes de varianza en los contenidos elementales de la llanura de inundación del Río Manzanares

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    En este trabajo, el objetivo principal es detectar, calcular y caracterizar las posibles fuentes de varianza que afectan a los contenidos elementales de los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación. Como perfil piloto se ha estudiado la llanura de inundación del río Manzanares (Madrid), cerca de su desembocadura en el río Jarama, por estar bien desarrollado y conservado. Además de las muestras originales, tomadas en tres profundidades, se han cogido los correspondientes duplicados. Todas las muestras se han tamizado a seis tamaños de grano. Se han analizado los contenidos totales de 48 elementos mediante ICP-AES, ICP-MS y Activación Neutrónica. Con los resultados se ha llevado a cabo un análisis ANOVA considerando las posibles fuentes de varianza (granulometría, profundidad y duplicados). Se han discriminado cuatro clusters de elementos dependiendo de su porcentaje de aporte a la varianza en cada una de las fuentes. La variabilidad en los contenidos depende fundamentalmente de las fuentes: granulometría y profundidad. Estos dos parámetros son por tanto, los que tienen una mayor influencia en la composición y en los que se debe prestar especial atención durante el muestreo de los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación. RESUMEN The main objective of this work is to detect, calculate and characterize the possible sources of variance affecting the element contents in the overbank sediments. As a pilot profile it has been studied the floodplain of the Manzanares River (Madrid), in a location near its mouth in the Jarama River. It was good developed and preserved. In addition to the original samples, which were taken at three depths, the corresponding duplicates were taken. All the samples were sieved at six granulometric fractions. The total contents of 48 elements were analyzed by ICP-OES, ICP-MS and INAA. An ANOVA analysis has been carried out with the results, taking into account the possible sources of variance (granulometric fractions, depth and duplicates). Four clusters of elements were differentiated depending on the percentage of contribution to variance in each source. The variability of the contents depended mostly on the sources granulometric fraction and depth. These two parameters are thus, the ones which have the greatest influence in the composition and where a special attention must be paid during the sampling of the overbank sediments

    Learner generated content: quality criteria in online collaborative learning

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    This study focuses on quality in a Learner Generated Content (LGC). The main objective is to identify and describe the criteria supporting the quality of the creation of content by those learners working together in an online environment. Contrasting a literature review and learners' perception, we propose a quality criteria framework for LGC organized in three clusters: content, format and process. Emphasis on both process and end product highlights the LGC's twofold intention of being useful as a creative new pedagogical strategy and as a way to share educational resources imbued with the learner's voice and perception

    Oleaginous crops waste derived bio-jet fuel production: techno-economic analysis

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    The increasing demand for jet fuel and the concern about climate change make necessary to reduce the dependence of petroleum products and search for sustainable alter-natives like the use of bio-jet fuel. This research studies, through a techno-economic analysis, three processes to produce bio-jet fuel, using oleaginous crops waste as a feedstock including palm kernel oil, palm fatty acid distil-lates (PFAD) and lignocellulose from palm biomass trunks and empty fruit bunches (EFB). Physico-chemical properties were estimated using different methods to determine if the final product of each process met with the technical requirements established in the ASTM standards. Mass and energy balances considered the energetic self-sufficiency of the processes simulations in ASPEN Plus®, preventing the use of fossil energy sources. An exergy thermo-eco-nomic analysis was performed to identify and quantify the thermodynamic efficiency of each process. Palm kernel oil and PFAD were converted to hydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) by esterification followed by upgrading to bio-jet fuel while the lignocellulose was converted into bio-jet fuel using a thermochemical conversion process composed by fermentation, dehydration, oligomerization and hydroprocessing (L-ETH-J)

    Oleaginous crops waste derived bio-jet fuel production: techno-economic analysis

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    The increasing demand for jet fuel and the concern about climate change make necessary to reduce the dependence of petroleum products and search for sustainable alter-natives like the use of bio-jet fuel. This research studies, through a techno-economic analysis, three processes to produce bio-jet fuel, using oleaginous crops waste as a feedstock including palm kernel oil, palm fatty acid distil-lates (PFAD) and lignocellulose from palm biomass trunks and empty fruit bunches (EFB). Physico-chemical properties were estimated using different methods to determine if the final product of each process met with the technical requirements established in the ASTM standards. Mass and energy balances considered the energetic self-sufficiency of the processes simulations in ASPEN Plus®, preventing the use of fossil energy sources. An exergy thermo-eco-nomic analysis was performed to identify and quantify the thermodynamic efficiency of each process. Palm kernel oil and PFAD were converted to hydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) by esterification followed by upgrading to bio-jet fuel while the lignocellulose was converted into bio-jet fuel using a thermochemical conversion process composed by fermentation, dehydration, oligomerization and hydroprocessing (L-ETH-J)

    Statistical evaluation of the geochemical variability in overbank sediments in Spain

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    The overall objective of this study is to estimate, detect and specify the main sources of variance which affect the contents of the different elements in overbank sediments across Spain. These sources of variance were assessed and compared by means of a series of analyses of variance (ANOVAs), by regarding two parameters: their significance and their contribution to the total variance. Overbank sediments, sampled in erosion banks, were studied in several locations, in basins which drain different types of geological backgrounds and land uses (urban, mining, agricultural or pristine) across the Iberian Peninsula. Forty-eight elements (mostly in the < 63 μm fraction) were analysed by ICP-OES, ICP-MS and INAA. After an isometric log ratio (ilr) transformation of the data, three ANOVA analyses were performed considering three perspectives: (1) local scale, (2) regional scale: within-profile perspective and (3) regional scale: inter-profile perspective. On a local scale, it was observed that the variability of rare earth elements (REE) depends mostly on the grain size and that heavy metals are also influenced by depth. In the analysis carried out on a regional scale, from a within-profile perspective, depth and duplicates do not influence significantly the variability of the element contents. Finally, from an inter-profile perspective, the selected sources of variance were land use and provenance, whose significance is the highest. While grain size and the selection of depth are of crucial importance in the final results, on local studies, land use and provenance are the ones that influence the most the composition of sediments in regional studies

    Techno-economic analysis of bio jet fuel production from wastes of the palm industry

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    The increasing demand forjet fuel and the concern about climate change make necessary to reduce the dependence of petroleum products and search for alternatives like the use of biojet fuel. This work studies, through a techno-economic analysis,three processes to producebiojet fuel, using the waste from the palm industry as a feedstock including palm kernel oil, palm fatty acid distillates (PFAD)and lignocellulose from palm biomass. Physico-chemical properties were estimated to determine if the final product of each process met with the technical requirements established in the ASTM standards. Mass and energy balances considered the energetic self-sufficiency ofthe processes simulations in ASPEN Plus®, preventing the use of fossil energy sources. Palm kernel oil and PFAD were converted tohydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA)by esterification followed by upgrading to biojet fuel while the lignocellulose was convertedinto biojetfuel using a thermochemical conversion process composed by fermentation,dehydration, oligomerization and hydroprocessing(L-ETH-J)