1,548 research outputs found

    Perceptions of professional competences in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)

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    Students' skills acquisition is one of the main aims of higher education institutions. On the one hand, the development of professional competences is important, but on the other hand, it is known that professionals who feel competent have a more intrinsic motivation in their jobs. The goal of this study was to describe and detail the perceptions of students, graduates, and their university tutors about the level of acquisition by students of professional competences. The methodology was based on a descriptive and comparative study that included a total sample of 2075 participants of the Degree in Primary Teaching and the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science. All of them came from 21 different universities of Spain: 345 university tutors, 1243 students, and 487 graduates. The instrument used was a competences perception questionnaire. The statistical analysis included means, standard deviations, and an ANOVA analysis. The results show discrepancies in the perceptions of proficiency levels between students and graduates, on one hand, and university tutors, on the other. Likewise, there was general agreement that competences related to critic capacity and motor games were the most acquired and programs for individuals with special needs were the least acquired

    Investing in the land: agricultural transition towards sustainable land use in the Philippines forest fringe

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    BOEREN BIJ HET REGENWOUD IN DE FILIPPIJNEN OP WEG NAAR DUURZAAM LANDGEBRUIK. De Filippijnen zijn in de vorige eeuw bijna al het regenwoud kwijtgeraakt door grootschalige houtkap en het afbranden van bos voor het ontginnen van nieuwe akkers door arme boeren. De houtkap is de laatste jaren enigszins onder controle, maar hoe zal het gaan met de boeren? Zal de Filippijnen het laatste regenwoud verliezen doordat boeren steeds maar doorgaan met afbranden van bos? In het proefschrift van Marino Romero blijkt dat boeren bij het tropisch regenwoud graag willen blijven waar ze zijn en niet steeds opnieuw een stuk bos willen afbranden. Daarom investeren zij vaak, ondanks hun armoede, in de duurzaamheid van hun land, bijvoorbeeld door het aanleggen van terrassen of het planten van bomen. Romero heeft met name onderzocht welke factoren de mate van duurzame investeringen bepalen. Het blijkt dan bijvoorbeeld dat boeren met meer bronnen van inkomsten dan de boerderij alleen meer in het land investeren. Ook blijkt dat zekerheid van landrechten, tegen de verwachting in, geen rol speelt. Dat komt waarschijnlijk omdat boeren die geen eigenaar zijn van het land door de investeringen kunnen laten zien dat ze het land goed beheren, en dus niet door de overheid hoeven te worden weggestuurd. Ook blijkt dat boeren vaak hetzelfde doen als de buren in hun dorp. Dorpen lijken als het ware als een geheel te reageren op kansen en problemen. Ten slotte heeft ook de overheid invloed door middel van projecten en regelgeving. Maar ook zonder de overheid weten vele boeren hun weg goed te vinden in duurzaamheidsland.Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen LeidenEnvironment and Developmen

    Reacción de hipersensibilidad a enoxoparina

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    Surface and capillary transitions in an associating binary mixture model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a two-component associating fluid mixture in the presence of selectively adsorbing substrates. The mixture is characterized by a bulk phase diagram which displays peculiar features such as closed loops of immiscibility. The presence of the substrates may interfere the physical mechanism involved in the appearance of these phase diagrams, leading to an enhanced tendency to phase separate below the lower critical solution point. Three different cases are considered: a planar solid surface in contact with a bulk fluid, while the other two represent two models of porous systems, namely a slit and an array on infinitely long parallel cylinders. We confirm that surface transitions, as well as capillary transitions for a large area/volume ratio, are stabilized in the one-phase region. Applicability of our results to experiments reported in the literature is discussed.Comment: 12 two-column pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E; corrected versio

    AXA: a computer program for the management of the Canary Goat Group milking control programs

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    A computer program, developed in Clipper, for the management of the genealogical and productive information from the Canary Goat Group, is described. The two first sections of this program are planned for the males and females genealogical data arrangement. Third section is devised for the productive data storage. Fourth section is constructed for the emission of reports and finally, fifth section is a miscellaneous of utilities, where the connection with other programs must be highlighted. Also an exit control is enclosed. The basic purposes of this program aim the emission of official production reports for the Administration and farmers, and the information processing for its analysis in programs of genetic selection.Se describe un programa de ordenador, desarrollado en Clipper, para la gestión de la información genealógica y productiva de la Agrupación Caprina Canaria. Sus dos primeras secciones se ocupan de la organización de la información genealógica de machos y de hembras; la tercera de la información productiva; la cuarta de la elaboración de informes y la quinta es una miscelánea de utilidades y un control de salida, con conexión con otros programas. Las misiones básicas del programa se centran en la emisión de informes productivos oficiales, destinados a la administración y a los ganaderos, y la preparación de la información para su análisis en programas de selección genética

    Dificultades en el uso del feedback en la formación del profesorado de Educación Física

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    En este estudio se exploran las dificultades que tienen los futuros docentes de educación física con el uso del feedback en situaciones simuladas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de expresión corporal. Durante dos años se realiza una investigación-acción desarrollada en la Universidad de Valladolid y la Universidad de Zaragoza. Los estudiantes, durante el proceso de retroalimentación integrado en un sistema de evaluación formativa, toman conciencia de su uso y progresan en la tarea de enseñar y evaluar como parte del propio proceso de aprendizaje. Se acomete una investigación-acción durante dos cursos académicos y se realiza un análisis de contenido, con un proceso de codificación de la información, para descubrir las dificultades comunicativas experimentadas. Las principales observadas se relacionan con la escasa presencia de feedback afectivo o motivador. Consideran importante la retroalimentación afectiva; sin embargo, los datos muestran que encuentran dificultades en su utilización aunque resulte fundamental para la mejora de la comunicación y el proceso docente. This study explores the difficulties that future physical education teachers have when using feedback in simulated teaching situations on body expression. For two years, action research was carried out at the University of Valladolid and the University of Zaragoza in which students, during the feedback process integrated into a formative assessment system, become aware of their use of feedback and progress in teaching and assessing tasks as a part of the learning process itself. Action research is carried out during two academic years and an analysis of content with a coding information process is performed to discover communicative difficulties experienced. The main issues observed are related to the scarce presence of affective or motivating feedback. Regarding affective feedback, they consider it important, although data shows that they find it difficult to use it; being a fundamental part of the improvement of communication and the teaching process

    As lideranças e a diferenciação curricular inclusiva: que caminhos para a escola do século XXI?

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    Com este artigo pretende-se analisar num primeiro momento, o conceito de diferenciação curricular no plano conceptual e dentro de um quadro de análise que permita aprofundar e clarificar o seu sentido no contexto da escola para todos e no enquadramento da massificação da escolarização, fazendo referência à globalização a qual traz novos aspectos para o debate em torno da finalidade da escola. Analisa-se num segundo momento, o papel da liderança democrática e participativa no desempenho do binómio curricular (currículo nacional e projectos curriculares) na medida em que a articulação entre níveis centrais e de escola para o desenvolvimento da diferenciação curricular inclusiva se constitui como meta indispensável para algo assim. Considera-se nesta perspectiva a liderança propulsora da diferenciação curricular inclusiva na dimensão da praxis curricular das escolas e dos professores. Por último relaciona-se esta problemática com a perspectiva da teoria crítica no quadro de escolas entendidas como boas escolas

    The nature of transition circumstellar disks. I. The ophiuchus molecular cloud

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    We have obtained millimeter-wavelength photometry, high-resolution optical spectroscopy, and adaptive optics near-infrared imaging for a sample of 26 Spitzer-selected transition circumstellar disks. All of our targets are located in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud (d ∼ 125pc) and have spectral energy distributions (SEDs) suggesting the presence of inner opacity holes. We use these ground-based data to estimate the disk mass, multiplicity, and accretion rate for each object in our sample in order to investigate the mechanisms potentially responsible for their inner holes. We find that transition disks are a heterogeneous group of objects, with disk masses ranging from JUP and accretion rates ranging from JUP) and negligible accretion (<10-11 M ⊙yr-1), and are thus consistent with photoevaporating (or photoevaporated) disks. Four of these nine non-accreting objects have fractional disk luminosities <10-3 and could already be in a debris disk stage. Seventeen of our transition disks are accreting. Thirteen of these accreting objects are consistent with grain growth. The remaining four accreting objects have SEDs suggesting the presence of sharp inner holes, and thus are excellent candidates for harboring giant planets.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Axon reflex-mediated vasodilation is reduced in proportion to disease severity in TTR-FAP.

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    To evaluate the area of the vascular flare in familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). Healthy controls and patients with genetically confirmed FAP were prospectively examined, on the upper and lower limbs, for thermal sensitivity (Medoc TSA-II thermal analyzer) and for axon reflex-mediated flare. The latter was induced by iontophoresis of histamine on the forearm and leg on 2 different visits. We used laser Doppler imaging (LDI) to measure the flare area (LDIflare). Six patients had FAP of variable severity; 1 had generalized analgesia secondary to leprosy (used as a positive control). The median Neurological Impairment Score-Lower Limbs (NIS-LLs) was 6 (0-27). The warmth detection thresholds in the feet were higher in patients (median 43°, interquartile range 39.0°-47.6°) compared with controls (37.4°, 35.3°-39.2°), indicating small fiber impairment. On the leg, LDIflare was smaller in the patients on 2 consecutive visits (controls: median 13.0 and 13.3 cm &lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; , IQR 9.7-22.8 and 8.3-16.9; patients 6.9 and 8.0 cm &lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; , 2.6-10.8 and 6.4-12.1; &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt; = 0.011). LDIflare on the leg was correlated with NIS-LL (Spearman rank correlation 0.73, &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt; = 0.09 on the first visit; Spearman rank correlation 0.85, &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt; = 0.03 on the second visit). Our study underscores that histamine-induced axon reflex-mediated vascular flare on the leg is reduced in proportion to disease severity in patients with FAP