1,327 research outputs found

    Multiplex SSR-PCR Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Redundancy in the Philippine Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Germplasm Collection

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    Rice germplasm conservation is vital to ensuring the availability of a rich gene pool for future varietal improvement programs. However, with limited resources for gene banking, there is a need to identify and prioritize unique accessions in the PhilRice gene bank for maximum resource utilization. A robust and unequivocal way to identify duplicates is through multiplex SSR-PCR DNA fingerprinting. The present study established the optimal concentrations and reaction conditions for the successful amplification of PCR products using a multiplex panel composed of rice simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, namely RM312, RM316, RM514 and RM171. The panel was then used to analyze the genetic diversity and identify duplicates among the 427 rice germplasm accessions with similar or identical variety names from the PhilRice genebank. A total of 15 alleles were detected at the 4 SSR loci. The polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the SSR markers were moderately high ranging from 0.459 to 0.643. A dendrogram was constructed using the Dice similarity coefficient and the UPGMA algorithm. The multiplex SSR-PCR panel produced unique profiles of 31 accessions that, being genetically distinct, should be maintained as part of the main collection of the genebank. There were 17 accessions identified as possible redundants having a bootstrap value greater than 95%. Additional SSR and morphological markers will be required to further strengthen the evidence for redundancy, and hence justify removal of unnecessary duplicates from the collection

    On the evolutionary status and pulsations of the recently discovered blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators (BLAPs)

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    The blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) constitute a new class of pulsating stars. They are hot stars with effective temperatures of ∼30 000 K and surface gravities of log g ∼ 4.9, that pulsate with periods in the range 20−40 min. Until now, their origin and evolutionary state, as well as the nature of their pulsations, were not been unveiled. In this paper, we propose that the BLAPs are the hot counterpart of the already known pulsating pre-extremely low mass (pre-ELM) white dwarf (WD) stars, that are He-core low-mass stars resulting from interacting binary evolution. Using fully evolutionary sequences, we show that the BLAPs are well represented by pre-ELM WD models with high effective temperature and stellar masses ∼0.34 M⊙. From the analysis of their pulsational properties, we find that the observed variabilities can be explained by high-order non-radial g-mode pulsations or, in the case of the shortest periods, also by low-order radial modes, including the fundamental radial mode. The theoretical modes with periods in the observed range are unstable due to the κ mechanism associated with the Z-bump in the opacity at log T ∼ 5.25.Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    On the evolutionary status and pulsations of the recently discovered blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs)

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    The blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) constitute a new class of pulsating stars. They are hot stars with effective temperatures of ∼30 000 K and surface gravities of log g ∼ 4.9, that pulsate with periods in the range 20−40 min. Until now, their origin and evolutionary state, as well as the nature of their pulsations, were not been unveiled. In this paper, we propose that the BLAPs are the hot counterpart of the already known pulsating pre-extremely low mass (pre-ELM) white dwarf (WD) stars, that are He-core low-mass stars resulting from interacting binary evolution. Using fully evolutionary sequences, we show that the BLAPs are well represented by pre-ELM WD models with high effective temperature and stellar masses ∼0.34 M⊙. From the analysis of their pulsational properties, we find that the observed variabilities can be explained by high-order non-radial g-mode pulsations or, in the case of the shortest periods, also by low-order radial modes, including the fundamental radial mode. The theoretical modes with periods in the observed range are unstable due to the κ mechanism associated with the Z-bump in the opacity at log T ∼ 5.25.Fil: Romero, Alejandra Daniela. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Corsico, Alejandro Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Althaus, Leandro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Pelisoli, I.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Kepler, S. O.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasi

    On the evolutionary status and pulsations of the recently discovered blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators (BLAPs)

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    The blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) constitute a new class of pulsating stars. They are hot stars with effective temperatures of ∼30 000 K and surface gravities of log g ∼ 4.9, that pulsate with periods in the range 20−40 min. Until now, their origin and evolutionary state, as well as the nature of their pulsations, were not been unveiled. In this paper, we propose that the BLAPs are the hot counterpart of the already known pulsating pre-extremely low mass (pre-ELM) white dwarf (WD) stars, that are He-core low-mass stars resulting from interacting binary evolution. Using fully evolutionary sequences, we show that the BLAPs are well represented by pre-ELM WD models with high effective temperature and stellar masses ∼0.34 M⊙. From the analysis of their pulsational properties, we find that the observed variabilities can be explained by high-order non-radial g-mode pulsations or, in the case of the shortest periods, also by low-order radial modes, including the fundamental radial mode. The theoretical modes with periods in the observed range are unstable due to the κ mechanism associated with the Z-bump in the opacity at log T ∼ 5.25.Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Dissolved organic matter signatures in urban surface waters: spatio-temporal patterns and drivers

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    Advances in analytical chemistry have facilitated the characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which has improved understanding of DOM sources and transformations in surface waters. For urban waters, however, where DOM diversity is likely to be high, the interpretation of DOM signatures is hampered by a lack of information on the influence of land cover and anthropogenic factors such as nutrient enrichment and release of organic contaminants. Here we explored the spatio-temporal variation in DOM composition in contrasting urban water bodies, based on spectrophotometry and fluorometry, size-exclusion chromatography, and ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry, to identify linkages between DOM signatures and potential drivers. The highly diverse DOM we observed distinguished lakes and ponds, which are characterized by a high proportion of autochthonous DOM, from rivers and streams where allochthonous DOM is more prevalent. Seasonal variation in DOM composition was apparent in all types of water bodies, apparently due to interactions between phenology and urban influences, such as nutrient supply, the percentage of green space surrounding the water bodies and point source pollution. Optical DOM properties also revealed the influence of effluents from wastewater treatment plants, suggesting that simple optical measurements can be useful in water quality assessment and monitoring, providing information about processes both within water bodies and in their catchments.</p

    Asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti stars with fully evolutionary white dwarf models : I. The impact of the uncertainties from prior evolution on the period spectrum

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    Context. ZZ Ceti stars are pulsating white dwarfs with a carbon-oxygen core build up during the core helium burning and thermally pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch phases. Through the interpretation of their pulsation periods by means of asteroseismology, details about their origin and evolution can be inferred. The whole pulsation spectrum exhibited by ZZ Ceti stars strongly depends on the inner chemical structure. At present, there are several processes affecting the chemical profiles that are still not accurately determined. Aims. We present a study of the impact of the current uncertainties of the white dwarf formation and evolution on the expected pulsation properties of ZZ Ceti stars. Methods. Our analysis is based on a set of carbon-oxygen core white dwarf models with masses 0.548 and 0.837 M⊙ that are derived from full evolutionary computations from the ZAMS to the ZZ Ceti domain. We considered models in which we varied the number of thermal pulses, the amount of overshooting, and the 12C(α,γ)16O reaction rate within their uncertainties. Results. We explore the impact of these major uncertainties in prior evolution on the chemical structure and expected pulsation spectrum. We find that these uncertainties yield significant changes in the g-mode pulsation periods. Conclusions. We conclude that the uncertainties in the white dwarf progenitor evolution should be taken into account in detailed asteroseismological analyses of these pulsating stars.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Toward ensemble asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti stars with fully evolutionary models

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    ZZ Ceti stars form the most numerous group of degenerate variable stars. They are otherwise normal DA (H-rich atmospheres) white dwarfs that exhibit pulsations. Here, we present an asteroseismological analysis for 44 bright ZZ Ceti stars based on a new set of fully evolutionary DA white dwarf models characterized by detailed chemical profiles from the centre to the surface. One of our targets is the archetypal ZZ Ceti star G117-B15A, for which we obtain an asteroseismological model with an effective temperature and a surface gravity in excellent agreement with the spectroscopy. The asteroseismological analysis of a set of 44 ZZ Ceti stars has the potential to characterize the global properties of the class, in particular the thicknesses of the hydrogen envelope and the stellar masses. Our results support the belief that white dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood harbour a broad range of hydrogen-layer thickness.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    New evolutionary sequences for the hot H-deficient white dwarfs on the basis of a full account of progenitor evolution

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    We present full evolutionary calculations appropriate for the study of hot hydrogen-deficient DO white dwarfs, PG 1159 stars, and DB white dwarfs. White dwarf sequences are computed for a wide range of stellar masses and helium envelopes on the basis of a complete treatment of the evolutionary history of progenitors stars, including the core hydrogen and helium burning phases, the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch phase, and the born-again episode that is responsible for the hydrogen deficiency. We also provide colors and magnitudes for the new sequences for Teff < 40,000 K, where the NLTE effects are not dominant. These new calculations provide a homogeneous set of evolutionary tracks appropriate for mass and age determinations for both PG 1159 stars and DO white dwarfs. The calculations are extended down to an effective temperature of 7000 K. We applied these new tracks to redetermine stellar masses and ages of all known DO white dwarfs with spectroscopically determined effective temperatures and gravities, and compare them with previous results. We also compare for the first time consistent mass determinations for both DO and PG 1159 stars, and find a considerably higher mean mass for the DO white dwarfs. We discuss as well the chemical profile expected in the envelope of variable DB white dwarfs from the consideration of the evolutionary history of progenitor stars. Finally, we present tentative evidence for a different evolutionary channel, other than that involving the PG 1159 stars, for the formation of hot, hydrogen-deficient white dwarfsFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    An asteroseismic constraint on the mass of the axion from the period drift of the pulsating DA white dwarf star L19-2

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    We employ an asteroseismic model of L19-2, a relatively massive M? ∼ 0.75M and hot (Teff ∼ 12 100 K) pulsating DA (H-rich atmosphere) white dwarf star (DAV or ZZ Ceti variable), and use the observed values of the temporal rates of period change of its dominant pulsation modes (Π ∼ 113 s and Π ∼ 192 s), to derive a new constraint on the mass of the axion, the hypothetical non-barionic particle considered as a possible component of the dark matter of the Universe. If the asteroseismic model employed is an accurate representation of L19-2, then our results indicate hints of extra cooling in this star, compatible with emission of axions of mass ma cos2 β . 25 meV or an axion-electron coupling constant of gae . 7×10−13Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Methane emissions from contrasting urban freshwaters: Rates, drivers, and a whole‐city footprint

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    Global urbanization trends impose major alterations on surface waters. This includes impacts on ecosystem functioning that can involve feedbacks on climate through changes in rates of greenhouse gas emissions. The combination of high nutrient supply and shallow depth typical of urban freshwaters is particularly conducive to high rates of methane (CH4) production and emission, suggesting a potentially important role in the global CH4 cycle. However, there is a lack of comprehensive flux data from diverse urban water bodies, of information on the underlying drivers, and of estimates for whole cities. Based on measurements over four seasons in a total of 32 water bodies in the city of Berlin, Germany, we calculate the total CH4 emission from various types of surface waters of a large city in temperate climate at 2.6 ± 1.7 Gg CH4/year. The average total emission was 219 ± 490 mg CH4 m−2 day−1. Water chemical variables were surprisingly poor predictors of total CH4 emissions, and proxies of productivity and oxygen conditions had low explanatory power as well, suggesting a complex combination of factors governing CH4 fluxes from urban surface waters. However, small water bodies (area <1 ha) typically located in urban green spaces were identified as emission hotspots. These results help constrain assessments of CH4 emissions from freshwaters in the world's growing cities, facilitating extrapolation of urban emissions to large areas, including at the global scale.DFG, 248198858, GRK 2032: Grenzzonen in urbanen Wassersysteme